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<li id="no" title="The cosFileTransfer Application" expanded="false">The cosFileTransfer Application<ul>
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<li title="Brief description of the User's Guide"><a href="ch_contents.html#id220304">Brief description of the User's Guide</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Introduction to cosFileTransfer" expanded="false">Introduction to cosFileTransfer<ul>
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<li title="Overview"><a href="ch_introduction.html#id217292">Overview</a></li>
<li id="no" title="Installing cosFileTransfer" expanded="false">Installing cosFileTransfer<ul>
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<li title="Installation Process "><a href="ch_install.html#id217849">Installation Process </a></li>
<li id="loadscrollpos" title="Using the File Transfer Service" expanded="true">Using the File Transfer Service<ul>
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<h1>4 Using the File Transfer Service</h1>

  <h3><a name="id221850">4.1 
    <p>This chapter describes how two File Transfer Service applications interact.</p>

      <p>There are several ways the OMG File Transfer Service can be used. 
        Below one scenario is visualized: </p>
      <a name="CosFileTransfer"></a>
      <img alt="IMAGE MISSING" src="CosFileTransfer.gif"><br>
        Figure 1: The File Transfer Service Components.</em>
<strong>Source ORB:</strong> this is the ORB we want to transfer a file from/via and it holds 
         an object reference to a 
        <span class="bold_code"><a href="CosFileTransfer_VirtualFileSystem.html">Virtual File System (VFS)</a></span> which, 
         in this example, represents an FTP server.</li>
<strong>Target ORB:</strong> the goal may be, for example, to transfer a new file or append to an 
         existing file placed at the location that this ORB's <span class="code">VFS</span> represents.
         In this scenario it is the local disk or the NFS.</li>
<strong>Transport Protocol:</strong> initially the ORB's, i.e., target and source, communicate via
         normal <span class="code">CORBA</span> requests to determine whether or not they can communicate. If the 
         File Transfer Service's have one, or more, <span class="code">Transport Protocol</span> in common the data
         will be streamed using this protocol. The cosFileTransfer application currently supports 
        <span class="code">TCP/IP</span> and <span class="code">SSL</span>.</li>
      <p>Which type of file system the <span class="code">VFS</span> is supposed to represent is determined
        by the options given when creating it, which is also how one determine which 
        <span class="code">Transport Protocol</span> to use. Hence, the source and target <span class="code">VFS</span> described above
        can be started by invoking, respectively, the following operations:</p>
      <div class="example"><pre>
1&gt; SVFS = cosFileTransferApp:create_VFS('FTP', [], Host, 21, [{protocol, tcp}]),
2&gt; TVFS = cosFileTransferApp:create_VFS({'NATIVE', 'cosFileTransferNATIVE_file'}, 
                                        [], OtherHost, 0, [{protocol, tcp}]),
      <p>Naturally can any combination of <span class="code">VFS</span>-types be used and it is also possible
        to use own drivers, i.e., <span class="code">{'NATIVE', 'MyDriver'}</span>.</p>
      <p>After creating necessary <span class="code">VFS's</span> we can login in and perform operations
        on files and directories residing on each file system.</p>

    <h4>How To Use SSL</h4>
      <p>To be able to use <span class="code">SSL</span> as transport protocol a few configuration
        parameters must be set. The required parameters depend on if Orber is
        the target or/and the source ORB. However, the SSL_CERT_FILE variable
        must be defined in both cases.</p>
      <p>Setting of a CA certificate file with an option does not work due to 
        weaknesses in the SSLeay package. A work-around in the ssl application is 
        to set the OS environment variable SSL_CERT_FILE before SSL is started. 
        However, then the CA certificate file will be global for all connections 
        (both incoming and outgoing calls).</p>

      <h4>Configurations when cosFileTransfer is Used as Target</h4>
        <p>The following three configuration variables can be used to configure
          cosFileTransfer's SSL target behavior.</p>
<strong>ssl_server_certfile</strong> which is a path to a file containing a
           chain of PEM encoded certificates for cosFileTransfer as target.</li>
<strong>ssl_server_verify</strong> which specifies type of verification: 
           0 = do not verify peer; 1 = verify peer, verify client once, 2 = 
           verify peer, verify client once, fail if no peer certificate. 
           The default value is 0.</li>
<strong>ssl_server_depth</strong> which specifies verification depth, i.e.
           how far in a chain of certificates the verification process shall 
           proceed before the verification is considered successful. The
           default value is 1. </li>
        <p>There also exist a number of API functions for accessing the values of 
          these variables:</p>

      <h4>Configurations when cosFileTransfer is used as Source</h4>
        <p>Below is the list of configuration variables used when cosFileTransfer
          act as the source application.</p>
<strong>ssl_client_certfile</strong> which is a path to a file containing a
           chain of PEM encoded certificates used in outgoing calls.</li>
<strong>ssl_client_verify</strong> which specifies type of verification: 
           0 = do not verify peer; 1 = verify peer, verify client once, 2 = 
           verify peer, verify client once, fail if no peer certificate. 
           The default value is 0.</li>
<strong>ssl_client_depth</strong> which specifies verification depth, i.e. 
           how far in a chain of certificates the verification process shall
           proceed before the verification is considered successful. The
           default value is 1. </li>
        <p>There also exist a number of API functions for accessing the values of
          these variables in the client processes:</p>
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