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<a name="Display-Coprocesses"></a>
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<a name="Display-Coprocesses-1"></a>
<h1 class="chapter">4. Display Coprocesses</h1>
<a name="index-display"></a>
<a name="index-display-protocol"></a>
<a name="index-SIM_005fDISP_005fPROG"></a>
<a name="index-SIM_005fPIPE_005fFD"></a>

<p>This chapter documents the protocol that simulavr uses to pass register
and memory information to a display coprocess.
<p>A display coprocess is a separate program started by simulavr for the
sole purpose of displaying register and memory information while an AVR
program is running in the simulator. Using a separate program and a
standardized communication protocol, keeps the simulavr code simpler and
allows for a variety of display programs to be used.
<p>When the user asks simulavr to display register and memory information
during execution, simulavr will start a coprocess to perform the display
work. A pipe will be opened in simulavr into which the data will be
written using the following commands:
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>q</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Quit.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>r&lt;reg&gt;:&lt;val&gt;</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set register to val.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>p&lt;val&gt;</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set program counter to val.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>i&lt;reg&gt;:&lt;val&gt;</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set io register to val.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>I&lt;reg&gt;:&lt;name&gt;</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set io register name.</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>s&lt;addr&gt;,&lt;len&gt;:XX</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set sram addrs to values (one XX pair per addr).</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>e&lt;addr&gt;,&lt;len&gt;:XX</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set eeprom addrs to values (one XX pair per addr).</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>f&lt;addr&gt;,&lt;len&gt;:XXXX</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Set flash addrs to values (one XXXX quad per addr).</td></tr>
<tr><td width="30%">&lsquo;<samp>n&lt;clock_ticks&gt;</samp>&rsquo;</td><td width="70%">Update the number of clock ticks.</td></tr>

<p>All values are hexidecimal numbers, except for &lt;name&gt; which is a string.
<p>In order for the display process to know which pipe to read the
information, it must handle either the &lsquo;<samp>--pfd &lt;fd&gt;</samp>&rsquo; option or check
the <code>SIM_PIPE_FD</code> enviroment variable. The value passed using
either method will be the file descriptor number of the pipe from which
the display prgram will read the informtion.
<p>Simulavr will start all display programs like so (sizes are decimal
numbers of bytes and sram_start is just the decimal address of the
first byte of sram, usually 0x60 [96] or 0x100 [256]):
<p>&lsquo;<samp>&lt;prog&gt; --pfd &lt;fd&gt; &lt;flash_size&gt; &lt;sram_size&gt; &lt;sram_start&gt; &lt;eeprom_size&gt;</samp>&rsquo;
<p>The user can specify the display program to use via the
&lsquo;<samp>--disp-prog</samp>&rsquo; option to simulavr or using the <code>SIM_DISP_PROG</code>
environment variable. If both are not specified, then no display will be
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