

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 3008d40c783db9e98150d065424fb4dc > files > 8


*** Quarry 0.2.0 *****************************************************
*                                                                    *
*  Quarry 0.2.0 features:                                            *
*                                                                    *
*  * Support for Go, Amazons and Reversi games.                      *
*                                                                    *
*  * Nice resizable board (see screen shots.)                        *
*                                                                    *
*  * Playing games:                                                  *
*    - GNU Go, GRhino or any other GTP engine can be your opponent.  *
*    - Computer vs. computer and human vs. human games are an        *
*      option too.                                                   *
*    - Good support for time control.                                *
*    - Games can be adjourned and later resumed.                     *
*                                                                    *
*  * Game records:                                                   *
*    - Game record editor is simple, but supports all standard       *
*      editing commands and has an undo history.                     *
*    - All games can be stored in widely supported SGF FF[4] file    *
*      format.                                                       *
*    - Fast and robust parser can read SGF files of any version.     *
*    - In particular, Kogo's Joseki Dictionary can be browsed with   *
*      Quarry.                                                       *
*    - Game tree view allows for easy navigation of game records.    *
*    - Text search in comments is a powerful tool if you know what   *
*      to search for.                                                *
*    - Go board position can be exported in a format suitable for    *
*      inserting into Sensei's Library.                              *
*    - Support for various SGF labels and markup.                    *
*                                                                    *

* Some bug-fixes.

* Fixed and somewhat expanded manual.

* Updated translations: en_GB, fr, pl, ru.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.20 ---------------------------------------------

* Many bug-fixes, including two crashing bugs on 64-bit platforms.

* Significantly expanded manual.

* Updated translations: en_GB, ru.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.19 ---------------------------------------------

* A severe bug fixed in the Polish translation, see bug #6367.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.18 ---------------------------------------------

* Undo/redo history has been completed and now includes comment and
  node name changes.

* Standard clipboard operations (cut, copy and paste) are supported
  for game subtrees.

* Board diagrams in ASCII and Sensei's format can be copied to

* Somewhat expanded manual.

* Updated translations: en_GB, fr, pl, ru.

* Build process improvements, other improvements and bug-fixes.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.17 ---------------------------------------------

* More features for editing SGF game records: it is now possible to
  rearrange game tree branches, explicitly set the move number and
  change the player to move (useful e.g. in problems.)

* Game tree view now shows tooltips over nodes.  Tooltips display
  node's move, name and comment text.

* Quarry now registers `application/x-go-sgf' MIME type (for SGF game
  records) during installation.  GNOME 2.8+ desktop will pick the type
  up automatically.  However, Quarry cannot associate itself with the
  type yet...

* New translation: Polish (pl), by Robert Stefaniuk.  Updated
  translations: en_GB, ru.

* Many bug-fixes and small improvements.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.16 ---------------------------------------------

* Quarry is now an SGF editor!  In addition to features added in
  0.1.15 and earlier, it is now possible to create game records
  without playing a game; undo/redo history has been drastically
  improved and is now really useful; there is an editing toolbar.
  However, undo/redo of comments and node names still needs an

* Command to jump straight to a named node.  Advantage over text
  search here is name completion.  (Only for GTK+ 2.4 and up.)

* Somewhat updated and expanded manual.

* New translations: British English (en_GB), Russian (ru.)

* Bug-fixes and small improvements.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.15 ---------------------------------------------

* First stab at making Quarry an SGF editor.  New editing commands:
  deletion of nodes, position setup (arbitrary addition/removal of
  pieces), SGF markup editing and scoring of Go positions.

* As a special editing feature, undo/redo history is supported.
  However, it is quite crude in this version and will often work not
  the way you expect.  In particular, it completely ignores all
  properties and concentrates on node addition/removal only.

* Support for node names.  They are now shown above comments (much
  like text headers), can be edited and searched the same way comments
  can be searched.

* Added support for GTK+ 2.4 file chooser dialog.  You can still opt
  to use old-style file selection dialog in Preferences.

* First translation: French (fr), by Jérémie Knuesel.

* Bug-fixes and small improvements.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.14 ---------------------------------------------

* Two bug-fixes, including fix for #2089, which caused segfaults when
  adding new GTP engines.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.13 ---------------------------------------------

* Warning about potential loss of information is no longer shown on
  file overwriting: there must be no possibility for it anymore.

* It is now possible to adjourn and later resume a game.  Actually,
  you can resume any unfinished game, even one stored from another

* Improved time control handling.  In particular, player who runs out
  of time now actually loses the game.

* Improvements in game tree view, including better tracking of current
  node, clear indication of current tree branch and less flickering.

* New, alternative, woodgrain background by Brenn Hill.  It is not the
  default, but you can select it in the Preferences dialog.

* Small improvements and bug-fixes.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.12 ---------------------------------------------

* Bug-fixes in game tree view.  In particular, bug #1969 is fixed,
  which crashed Quarry on many SGF files.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.11 ---------------------------------------------

* New Game Tree View control provides means of easily navigating game
  record trees.  It looks much like that of cGoban 1 and has similar
  features.  However, it also allows collapsing/expanding individual
  nodes (by right-clicking) and is much faster.

* Basic support for debugging GTP connections from command line.  Use
  it if your engine won't work with Quarry out of the box.

* New fancy markup theme "Filled."

* Many bug-fixes (including bug #1929) and improvements here and

--- New in Quarry 0.1.10 ---------------------------------------------

* New useful feature: text search in comments.  Can be invaluable when
  browsing through a very large game tree like a joseki dictionary or
  a GNU Go debug trace.

* Much improved displaying of SGF labels.  In particular, no more
  black labels on black stones.

* Two toolbars and a pseudo-toolbar are added.  Those who prefer more
  window space can just hide the toolbars.

* New markup theme "Bold."  Just like the default theme, but with
  thicker lines.

* Many bug-fixes and small improvements.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.9 ----------------------------------------------

* Compilation-time error with GTK+ 2.4 fixed (bug #898,

* Minor bug-fixes in game information editing.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.8 ----------------------------------------------

* Full support for SGF game information, including editing.

* Support for resignation.  Most importantly, Quarry now handles
  resignations by GTP engines.

* Support for SGF labels in addition to recently added support for SGF
  markup.  Displaying code still need tweaks to make labels more
  readable in certain cases.

* Quarry is now bundled with documentation.

* You can now choose in Preferences dialog whether to save all SGF
  files in UTF-8 or preserve original encoding.  However, support for
  other encodings is at about the same level as in 0.1.7.

* Bug-fixes, better support for earlier GTK+ versions and yet further
  improved support for locales.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.7 ----------------------------------------------

* Partial support for different encodings of SGF files.  It is not yet
  complete, but at least all single-byte encodings should work.

* GTP engines now automatically score games they play.  (By Martin

* Comments can now be edited.  Just modify the text in the comment
  pane and your changes will be remembered.

* Mouse wheel can be used to go back and forth between moves
  (Suggested by David Gómez).

* Othello disks now look like disks, not like Go stones.

* Markup appearance is now configurable.

* Quarry is internationalized, though there are no translations yet.

* Other small improvements and bug-fixes.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.6 ----------------------------------------------

* False eyes are now carefully examined and don't yield territory when
  they shouldn't when scoring Go games.  However, sekis are still not

* SGF markup is finally displayed on board.  Note that if you have
  customized board background, markup can appear just barely
  noticeable to you.  Markup appearance will be customizeable in the
  next version.

* Many miscellaneous improvements in Preferences dialog.  It shouldn't
  crash anymore.

* Board (goban) now visually indicates when it has focus and so when
  arrow keys without Alt can be used for navigation.

* Bug-fixes (including bug #522) and minor improvements.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.5 ----------------------------------------------

* Time control.  This includes time limit per game, time limit per
  move and Canadian overtime (also known as Canadian byo-yomi).  Of
  course games without time limits are possible as well.  Note that at
  present if a player runs out of time, he doesn't lose automatically.

* Important game information is now displayed under player names.  For
  Go this is the number of captures and the komi.  For Othello this is
  the number of disks a player has on board.

* It is now safe to navigate game tree while a game is played.  For
  instance, when you have two GTP engines playing against each other,
  you can go back to the game beginning and study moves at whatever
  speed you like.  In earlier versions this would lead to a corrupted

* Bug-fixes, including better support for locales.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.4 ----------------------------------------------

* Severe bug in 0.1.3 fixed.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.3 ----------------------------------------------

* Support for game rules.  This includes board size for all three
  games and hadicap (both fixed and free) and komi for Go.

* Go games can now be scored by the user.  Automatic scoring by the
  playing GTP engines is not yet implemented.

* Customizable board appearance (only backround at present, not the
  pieces).  Because of the appearance of certain internal machinery,
  all three games now look differently by default: Go looks just like
  before, Amazons has checkerboard pattern and Othello has dark green
  solid background.

* Bug-fixes, including some backports to pre-2.4 GTK+.

--- New in Quarry 0.1.2 ----------------------------------------------

* Support for saving SGF files integrated into GUI.

* Finally a way to pass when playing Go.

* New feature: SGF diff.  It will allow to generate difference between
  two SGF files as a third SGF file.  This way you will be able to
  easily find what has changed between two version of an SGF file as
  easily as you can find difference between versions of a text file
  with UNIX `diff' program.

  At present the feature is far from being really useful.  It is added
  as a proof of concept.  Look for program `sgf-diff' in `src/sgf/' if
  you want to give it a try.

* Many bug-fixes.

  Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006 Paul Pogonyshev.

  Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
  are permitted provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.

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