

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 541109b1e5144b44aa85bc5f3fbb63c5 > files > 8


version 1.0.1 (Jan 19, 2010):
	* Suggestions will now be made with the localised dictionary given priority
	* WordNet library database cyclic errors now treated as warnings for Detailed 
	  mode to work on platforms with older WordNet builds like Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc.
	* Special hotkey modifiers like Super, Hyper, etc. will now work on all keyboards
	* Fixed couple of potential leaks (wni.c - incorrect termination of if stmt. and 
	  gui.c - destruction of hotkey editor obtained via gtk_builder_get_object 
	  are now corrected)
	* Altered sensitivity of GtkComboBoxEntry for desktop environments like KDE 4.3
	* Made compund words uniform throughout all text docs

version 1.0.0 (Jan 10, 2010):
	* New feature - hotkey editor - for customizing hotkeys
	* Instance Handler - Multiple instances are handled gracefully, maintaining 
	  one single unique instance always, across a session
	* Sure shot window focus to the user on hotkey summoning
	* Notifications are now a plug-in; no need for dev. headers of libnotify to build
	* Lot of code clean-ups and minor fixes

version 0.9.1 (May 17, 2009):
	* Null checks added to regex search variables/modules.
	* Crash fixed in case of a missing sense.index file; an error is now thrown.
	* Statusbar will now be updated for index load, normal lookups and regex searches.
	* Incorrect decl. of the results count variable fixed; earlier it was showing 
	  only the data type's upper limit as the maximum.
	* Redundant action button 'Detailed Lookup' in notification removed;
	  status icon can be used to bring up the application.
	* Loading message set on status bar when indexing.
	* Startup Notification to the Desktop manager fixed.
	* and modified to suit building WordNet from source.

version 0.9.0 (Apr 26, 2009):
	* Regex based search feature is now implemented. Accepted pattern will be 
	  based on Wildmat syntax I.e. * (wild card), ? (joker), [a|c-k] {2, } 
	  (ranges), + can be used primarily.
	* Double clicking on the definition textview, will now check for compound 
	  words surrounding the actual selection, and if a valid match is found, 
	  will jump to that for a look up rather than on the actual selection.

version 0.8.0 (Feb 09, 2009):
	* Artha will now give suggestions when a misspelled word is searched for. 
	  Suggestions module added, which looks for libenchant at runtime.
	* When a (list type) relative is selected, the respective senses to which it 
	  relates to are now highlighted.
	* Indirect Antonyms will now have an additional column where the Similar term 
	  through which it relates to the search term is displayed.
	* Examples will now appear in a single line delimited by a ';'.
	* Mouse wheel can now scroll through the history list.
	* When WordNet dict files couldn't be opened, the user is shown a message.
	* Relative tabs reordered based on most-used ones and complexity.
	* The current hotkey set will now be displayed in the About dialog.
	* When no hotkey could be set, Artha won't be persistent.
	* Bug in saving preferences fixed.
	* Bug in filtering invalid characters on search fixed.
	* Bug in finding relatives with more then one sense mapping fixed.
	* Few memory leakages relating GError variables are fixed.
	* Crash when a link is clicked in the About box fixed.

version 0.7.2 (Jan 31, 2009):
	* Toolbar button added for toggling Notifications.
	* If the notification-daemon is missing in a the system, the notification 
	  requests sent by Artha are received by libnotify but the user doesn't 
	  see anything. This issue is fixed, by disabling notifications if the 
	  notify_init() fails.
	* Moved to .png from .svg because it is not supported in a few distros.
	* Preferences (conf file) are now saved on load pref., if its a first run.
	* Preferences are now saved on every setting change, not on app. exit.
	* Fixed issues in configure script.
	* Changed automake script to sync with configure script.
	* Both Toolbar button and menu now reads "Notify", earlier it was Notify 
	  and Notifications.
	* All characters other than alpha numeric, -, _ and blank space are stripped
	  on either side of the selection clipboard text.
	* Removed dependency on g_strcmp0() (which is present only on GLib >= 2.16) by 
	  writing a custom wrapper over strcmp. Now all the functions of GLib used by 
	  Artha are of Glib 2.10 or below.

version 0.7.1 (Jan 29, 2009):
	* Fixed Tooltip for Meronyms in relative tabs/trees.
	* Fixed tree store unreferencing when creating tree stores for relatives.
	* Focus to the Query field is now set on pop-up.
	* 'Report a Bug' button added to About dialog box.
	* Fixed an issue regarding the welcome message, when notifications are disabled.
	* libdus threads init function called using its GLib bindings.

version 0.7.0 (Jan 23, 2009):
	* 3 more hotkey combos added (so now it is Ctrl + Alt + [W|A|T|Q]) to 
	  the list of hotkeys. Artha will try setting them in this order. If 
	  none succeeds, the Notifications feature is disabled properly.
	* On first run or when the hotkey changes w.r.t the prev. run, Artha 
	  shows a message box with details as a help to the user.

version 0.6.5:
	* Last set preferences are stored in a .conf file (persistent settings).
	* gtk_show_uri's availability now found in run-time.

version 0.6.4:
	* 'Attributes' tab gets renamed (Attributes/Attribute of) based on the 
	  POS (NOUN/ADJ) of the term's attribute item.
	* Shortcut in Applications Menu using .desktop file implemented.

version 0.6.3:
	* Man page added, with minimal briefing.
	* Link hooks for email/url in About screen created.

version 0.6.2:
	* Status Bar is now updated based on the latest search results.
	* Fixed not searching of an already searched term immediately after a failed 
	  search bug.

version 0.6.1:
	* Relatives List double-click/return handled, to jump to the corresponding term.
	* About box created, licences & credits mentioned and made part of the GUI.
	* Autoconf and automake employed.
	* ChangeLog, NEWS, TODO, README, COPYING & AUTHORS are added.

version 0.6.0:
	* Previous and Next buttons were added.
	* Bug fix to prevent searching a word twice (in case of searching a word already in 
	  history list) added.

version 0.5.0:
	* Hand written Makefile employed for the project.
	* 2 Modes of Artha designed. 'Detailed' button added. Trees are now removed in 
	  case of simple mode.

version 0.4.1:
	* Code to populate tree-based relatives added.
	* Bold face for multiple occurring, higher weightage relatives implemented in 
	  relative lists.
	* Issue in checking for duplicate terms against the current lists, in WNI, fixed.

version 0.4.0:
	* Code to populate list-based relatives added.
	* Code to display 'familiarity' (based on polysemy count) added with colour-coding 
	  based on weightage.
	* Combo box for maintaining history of searched words added.

version 0.3.0:
	* GUI designed in Glade3, with Tabs and Toolbar.
	* Code to fill-in formatted definitions with colour coding added.
	* strip_adj_marker usage minimized in WNI, to only ADJ terms.

version 0.2.0:
	* Key hooking using XGrabKey and getting primary clipboard data achieved.
	* Notification of a selected word's definition displayed, the first visible GUI version
	  of Artha born.

version 0.1.1:
	* WordNet Interface (engine) module completed. Now all possible relative list 
	  generations for a given request is serviced by WNI.
	* Memory allocation code moved from g_malloc0 to g_slice_alloc0.

version 0.1.0:
	* Initial version of WordNet Interface created, with all list based relatives populated.