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  <TITLE>CUnit - Running Tests</TITLE>
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<H2>5. Running Tests</H2>

<H3 ID="synopsis">5.1. Synopsis</H3>
#include &lt;<A HREF="headers/Automated.h">CUnit/Automated.h</A>&gt;
  void         <A HREF="#automated">CU_automated_run_tests</A>(void)
  CU_ErrorCode <A HREF="#automated">CU_list_tests_to_file</A>(void)
  void         <A HREF="#automated">CU_set_output_filename</A>(const char* szFilenameRoot)
<P />

#include &lt;<A HREF="headers/basic.h">CUnit/Basic.h</A>&gt;
  typedef enum    <A HREF="#basic">CU_BasicRunMode</A>
  CU_ErrorCode    <A HREF="#basic">CU_basic_run_tests</A>(void)
  CU_ErrorCode    <A HREF="#basic">CU_basic_run_suite</A>(CU_pSuite pSuite)
  CU_ErrorCode    <A HREF="#basic">CU_basic_run_test</A>(CU_pSuite pSuite, CU_pTest pTest)
  void            <A HREF="#basic">CU_basic_set_mode</A>(CU_BasicRunMode mode)
  CU_BasicRunMode <A HREF="#basic">CU_basic_get_mode</A>(void)
  void            <A HREF="#basic">CU_basic_show_failures</A>(CU_pFailureRecord pFailure)
<P />

#include &lt;<A HREF="headers/Console.h">CUnit/Console.h</A>&gt;
  void <A HREF="#console">CU_console_run_tests</A>(void)
<P />

#include &lt;<A HREF="headers/CUCurses.h">CUnit/CUCurses.h</A>&gt;
  void <A HREF="#curses">CU_curses_run_tests</A>(void)

<P />
#include &lt;<A HREF="headers/TestRun.h">CUnit/TestRun.h</A>&gt;
(included automatically by &lt;<A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_suites_run</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_suites_failed</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_tests_run</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_tests_failed</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_asserts</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_successes</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_failures</A>(void)

  typedef struct <A HREF="#results">CU_RunSummary</A>
  typedef CU_Runsummary* <A HREF="#results">CU_pRunSummary</A>
  const CU_pRunSummary <A HREF="#results">CU_get_run_summary</A>(void)

  typedef struct <A HREF="#results">CU_FailureRecord</A>
  typedef CU_FailureRecord*  <A HREF="#results">CU_pFailureRecord</A>
  const CU_pFailureRecord <A HREF="#results">CU_get_failure_list</A>(void)
  unsigned int <A HREF="#results">CU_get_number_of_failure_records</A>(void)

  void <A HREF="#modifying-inactive">CU_set_fail_on_inactive</A>(CU_BOOL new_inactive)
  CU_BOOL <A HREF="#modifying-inactive">CU_get_fail_on_inactive</A>(void)
<P />

<H3 ID="overview">5.2. Running Tests in CUnit</H3>
CUnit supports running all tests in all registered suites, but individual tests
or suites can also be run.  During each run, the framework keeps track of the 
number of suites, tests, and assertions run, passed, and failed.  Note that the
previous results are cleared each time a test run is initiated (even if it fails).
Individual suites or tests can be <A HREF="managing_tests.html#activation">deactivated</A> 
if the client wishes to exclude them from a particular test run.  However, it is
a <A HREF="error_handling.html#errorhandling">framework error</A> to deactivate a 
suite or test and then explicitly request that it be run.
<P />
While CUnit provides primitive functions for running suites and tests, most
users will want to use one of the simplified user interfaces.  These
interfaces handle the details of interaction with the framework and provide
output of test details and results for the user.
<P />
The following interfaces are included in the CUnit library:
<P CLASS="indent5">
    <TD ALIGN="center"><B>Platform</B></TD>
    <TD><A HREF="#automated">Automated</A></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="center">all</TD>
    <TD>non-interactive with output to xml files</TD>
    <TD><A HREF="#basic">Basic</A></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="center">all</TD>
    <TD>non-interactive with optional output to stdout</TD>
    <TD><A HREF="#console">Console</A></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="center">all</TD>
    <TD>interactive console mode under user control</TD>
    <TD><A HREF="#curses">Curses</A></TD>
    <TD ALIGN="center">Linux/Unix</TD>
    <TD>interactive curses mode under user control</TD>
If these interfaces are not sufficient, clients can also use
the primitive framework API defined in
&lt;<A HREF="headers/TestRun.h">CUnit/TestRun.h</A>&gt;.  See the source
code for the various interfaces for examples of how to interact with
the primitive API directly.

<H3 ID="automated">5.3. Automated Mode</H3>
The automated interface is non-interactive.  Clients initiate a test run,
and the results are output to an XML file.  A listing of the registered tests
and suites can also be reported to an XML file.
<P />
The following functions comprise the automated interface API:

<P ID="auto-run" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_automated_run_tests</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Runs all tests in all registered (and active) suites.  Test results 
are output to a file named <I>ROOT-Results.xml</I>.  The filename <I>ROOT</I> can
be set using <A HREF="#auto-setroot">CU_set_output_filename()</A>, or else the default
<I>CUnitAutomated-Results.xml</I> is used.  Note that if a distict filename <I>ROOT</I>
is not set before each run, the results file will be overwritten.
<BR /><BR />
The results file is supported by both a document type definition
file (<I>CUnit-Run.dtd</I>) and XSL stylesheet (<I>CUnit-Run.xsl</I>).
These are provided in the <I>Share</I> subdirectory of the source and installation

<P ID="auto-list" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_ErrorCode <B>CU_list_tests_to_file</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Lists the registered suites and associated tests to file.
The listing file is named <I>ROOT-Listing.xml</I>. The filename <I>ROOT</I>
can be set using <A HREF="#auto-setroot">CU_set_output_filename()</A>, or else the default
<I>CUnitAutomated</I> is used.  Note that if a distict filename <I>ROOT</I>
is not set before each run, the listing file will be overwritten.
<BR /><BR />
The listing file is supported by both a document type definition
file (<I>CUnit-List.dtd</I>) and XSL stylesheet (<I>CUnit-List.xsl</I>).
These are provided in the <I>Share</I> subdirectory of the source and installation
<BR /><BR />
Note also that a listing file is not generated automatically by
<A HREF="#auto-run">CU_automated_run_tests()</A>.  Client code must explicitly request a
listing when one is desired.</P>

<P ID="auto-setroot" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_set_output_filename</B>(const char* szFilenameRoot)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Sets the output filenames for the results and listing files.
<I>szFilenameRoot</I> is used to construct the filenames by appending
<I>-Results.xml</I> and <I>-Listing.xml</I>, respectively.

<H3 ID="basic">5.4. Basic Mode</H3>
The basic interface is also non-interactive, with results output to stdout. This
interface supports running individual suites or tests, and allows client code to
control the type of output displayed during each run.  This interface provides the
most flexibility to clients desiring simplified access to the CUnit API.
<P />
The following public functions are provided:

<P ID="basic-runall" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_ErrorCode <B>CU_basic_run_tests</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Runs all tests in all registered suites.  Only active 
suites are executed, and it is not considered an error if inactive suites
are encountered and skipped.  Returns the 1st error code occurring during 
the test run.  The type of output is controlled by the current run mode, 
which can be set using <A HREF="#basic-setmode">CU_basic_set_mode()</A>.

<P ID="basic-runsuite" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_ErrorCode <B>CU_basic_run_suite</B>(CU_pSuite pSuite)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Runs all tests in single specified suite.  Returns the 1st
error code occurring during the test run.  <CITE>CU_basic_run_suite</CITE> itself
sets <CITE>CUE_NOSUITE</CITE> if pSuite is <CODE>NULL</CODE> and 
<CITE>CUE_SUITE_INACTIVE</CITE> if pSuite is not active for execution.
The type of output is controlled by the current run mode, which can be set using 
<A HREF="#basic-setmode">CU_basic_set_mode()</A>.

<P ID="basic-runtest" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_ErrorCode <B>CU_basic_run_test</B>(CU_pSuite pSuite, CU_pTest pTest)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Runs a single test in a specified suite.  Returns the 1st
error code occurring during the test run.  <CITE>CU_basic_run_test</CITE> itself
if pTest is <CODE>NULL</CODE>, <CITE>CUE_SUITE_INACTIVE</CITE> if pSuite is not
active, <CITE>CUE_TEST_NOT_IN_SUITE</CITE> if pTest is not a registered test in
pSuite, and <CITE>CUE_TEST_INACTIVE</CITE> if pTest is not active.  The type of 
output is controlled by the current run mode, which can be set using 
<A HREF="#basic-setmode">CU_basic_set_mode()</A>.

<P ID="basic-setmode" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_basic_set_mode</B>(CU_BasicRunMode mode)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Sets the basic run mode, which controls the output during
test runs.  Choices are:
<P CLASS="indent10">
    <TD>Failures and run summary are printed.</TD>
    <TD>No output is printed except error messages.</TD>
    <TD>Maximum output of run details.</TD>

<P ID="basic-getmode" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_BasicRunMode <B>CU_basic_get_mode</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Retrieves the current basic run mode code.

<P ID="basic-failure" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_basic_show_failures</B>(CU_pFailureRecord pFailure)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Prints a summary of all failures to stdout.
Does not depend on the run mode.

<H3 ID="console">5.5. Interactive Console Mode</H3>
The console interface is interactive.  All the client needs to do is
initiate the console session, and the user controls the test run
interactively.  This includes selection & running of registered suites
and tests, and viewing test results.  To start a console session, use
<P ID="console-run" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_console_run_tests</B>(void)</CITE></P>

<H3 ID="curses">5.6. Interactive Curses Mode</H3>
The curses interface is interactive.  All the client needs to do is
initiate the curses session, and the user controls the test run
interactively.  This include selection & running of registered suites 
and tests, and viewing test results.  Use of this interface requires 
linking the ncurses library into the application.  To start a curses 
session, use
<P ID="curses-run" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_curses_run_tests</B>(void)</CITE></P>

<H3 ID="modifying">5.7. Modifying General Runtime Behavior</H3>
The following functions allow the client to modify the behavior of the 
framework during a test run:
<P ID="modifying-inactive" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>
  void <B>CU_set_fail_on_inactive</B>(CU_BOOL new_inactive)<BR />
  CU_BOOL <B>CU_get_fail_on_inactive</B>(void)<BR />
<P CLASS="indent5">The default runtime behavior is for inactive suites and
tests to be reported as failures.  This is so the client is aware that their 
test structure has been partially deactivated.  If the client prefers to have
inactive suites and tests ignored, the behavior can be modified using these
functions.  A value of <CODE>CU_FALSE</CODE> indicates that the framework 
will ignore inactive entities; <CODE>CU_TRUE</CODE> will have them treated as

<H3 ID="results">5.8. Getting Test Results</H3>
The interfaces present results of test runs, but client code may sometimes need
to access the results directly.  These results include various run counts, as
well as a linked list of failure records holding the failure details. Note that
test results are overwritten each time a new test run is started, or when the
registry is <A HREF="test_registry.html#init">initialized</A> or
<A HREF="test_registry.html#cleanup">cleaned up</A>.
<P />
Functions for accessing the test results are:

<P ID="results-counts" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_suites_run</B>(void)<BR />
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_suites_failed</B>(void)<BR />
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_tests_run</B>(void)<BR />
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_tests_failed</B>(void)<BR />
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_asserts</B>(void)<BR />
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_successes</B>(void)<BR />
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_failures</B>(void)
<P CLASS="indent5">These functions report the number of suites, tests, and
assertions that ran or failed during the last run.  A suite is considered failed
if its initialization or cleanup function returned non-<CODE>NULL</CODE>, or if
it was inactive and the framework was set to <A href="#modifying-inactive">treat
inactive suites/tests as failures</A>.  A test fails if any of its assertions 
failed or if it was inactive under the same conditions.  The last 3 functions 
all refer to individual assertions.  An inactive suite (or test) is not counted
among the number of suites (tests) run.  A consequence of this is that a suite
(or test) can fail even though it is not reported as having been run.
<BR /><BR />
To retrieve the total number of registered suites and tests, use
<A HREF="test_registry.html#stuct">CU_get_registry()&minus;&gt;uiNumberOfSuites</A>
and <A HREF="test_registry.html#stuct">CU_get_registry()&minus;&gt;uiNumberOfTests</A>,

<P ID="results-getsummary" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>const CU_pRunSummary <B>CU_get_run_summary</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Retrieves all test result counts at once.  The return value is
a pointer to a saved structure containing the counts.  This data type is defined in
&lt;<A HREF="headers/TestRun.h">CUnit/TestRun.h</A>&gt; (included automatically by
&lt;<A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;):
<PRE CLASS="indent10">
typedef struct CU_RunSummary
  unsigned int nSuitesRun;
  unsigned int nSuitesFailed;
  unsigned int nTestsRun;
  unsigned int nTestsFailed;
  unsigned int nAsserts;
  unsigned int nAssertsFailed;
  unsigned int nFailureRecords;
} <CITE><B>CU_RunSummary</B></CITE>;

typedef CU_Runsummary* <CITE><B>CU_pRunSummary</B></CITE>;
<P CLASS="indent5">The structure variable associated with the returned pointer is owned
by the framework, so the user should not free or otherwise change it.  <I>Note that the
pointer may be invalidated once another test run is initiated.</I>

<P ID="results-getfailures" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>const CU_pFailureRecord <B>CU_get_failure_list</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Retrieves a linked list recording any failures occurring during the
last test run (<CODE>NULL</CODE> for no failures).  The data type of the return value
is declared in &lt;<A HREF="headers/TestRun.h">CUnit/TestRun.h</A>&gt; (included
automatically by &lt;<A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;).  Each failure
record contains information about the location and nature of the failure:
<PRE CLASS="indent10">
typedef struct CU_FailureRecord
  unsigned int  uiLineNumber;
  char*         strFileName;
  char*         strCondition;
  CU_pTest      pTest;
  CU_pSuite     pSuite;

  struct CU_FailureRecord* pNext;
  struct CU_FailureRecord* pPrev;

} <CITE><B>CU_FailureRecord</B></CITE>;

typedef CU_FailureRecord*  <CITE><B>CU_pFailureRecord</B></CITE>;
<P CLASS="indent5">The structure variable associated with the returned pointer is owned
by the framework, so the user should not free or otherwise change it.  <I>Note that the
pointer may be invalidated once another test run is initiated.</I>

<P ID="results-failurecount" CLASS="indent2"><CITE>
  unsigned int <B>CU_get_number_of_failure_records</B>(void)<BR />
<P CLASS="indent5">Retrieves the number of <CITE>CU_FailureRecords</CITE> in
the linked list of failures returned by <CITE>CU_get_failure_list()</CITE>.  Note
that this can be more than the number of failed assertions, since suite
initialization and cleanup failures are included.</P>

<H3 ID="deprecated">5.9. Deprecated v1 Data Types & Functions</H3>
The following data types and functions are deprecated as of version 2.
To use these deprecated names, user code must be compiled with
<P />
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><B>Deprecated Name</B></TD>
    <TD><B>Equivalent New Name</B></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
      <A HREF="#auto-run">CU_automated_run_tests()</A> plus<BR />
      <A HREF="#auto-list">CU_list_tests_to_file()</A>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#auto-setroot">CU_set_output_filename()</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#console-run">CU_console_run_tests()</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#curses-run">CU_curses_run_tests()</A></TD>

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