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  <TITLE>CUnit - The Test Registry</TITLE>
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<H2>3. The Test Registry</H2>

<H3 ID="synopsis">3.1. Synopsis</H3>
#include &lt;<A HREF="headers/TestDB.h">CUnit/TestDB.h</A>&gt;
(included automatically by &lt;<A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;)
<P />
  typedef struct <A HREF="#CU_TestRegistry">CU_TestRegistry</A>
  typedef CU_TestRegistry*  <A HREF="#CU_TestRegistry">CU_pTestRegistry</A>

  CU_ErrorCode     <A HREF="#init">CU_initialize_registry</A>(void)

  void             <A HREF="#cleanup">CU_cleanup_registry</A>(void)

  CU_BOOL          <A HREF="#init">CU_registry_initialized</A>(void)

  CU_pTestRegistry <A HREF="#otherfuncs">CU_get_registry</A>(void)

  CU_pTestRegistry <A HREF="#otherfuncs">CU_set_registry</A>(CU_pTestRegistry pTestRegistry)

  CU_pTestRegistry <A HREF="#otherfuncs">CU_create_new_registry</A>(void)

  void             <A HREF="#otherfuncs">CU_destroy_existing_registry</A>(CU_pTestRegistry* ppRegistry)

<H3 ID="struct">3.2. Internal Structure</H3>
The test registry is the repository for suites and associated tests.
CUnit maintains an active test registry which is updated when the user
adds a suite or test.  The suites in this active registry are the ones
run when the user chooses to run all tests.
<P />
The CUnit test registry is a data structure <CITE>CU_TestRegistry</CITE>
declared in <A HREF="headers/TestDB.h">&lt;CUnit/TestDB.h&gt;</A>.  It
includes fields for the total numbers of suites and tests stored in the
registry, as well as a pointer to the head of the linked list of
registered suites.
<PRE ID="CU_TestRegistry">
  typedef struct CU_TestRegistry
    unsigned int uiNumberOfSuites;
    unsigned int uiNumberOfTests;
    CU_pSuite    pSuite;
  } <CITE><B>CU_TestRegistry</B></CITE>;

  typedef CU_TestRegistry* <CITE><B>CU_pTestRegistry</B></CITE>;
<P />
The user normally only needs to initialize the registry before use and
clean up afterwards.  However, other functions are provided to
manipulate the registry when necessary.

<H3 ID="init">3.3. Initialization</H3>
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_ErrorCode <B>CU_initialize_registry</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">The active CUnit test registry must be initialized
before use.  The user should call <CITE>CU_initialize_registry()</CITE>
before calling any other CUnit functions.  Failure to do so will
likely result in a crash.  If this function is called more than once,
any existing registry will be cleaned up (i.e. destroyed!) before 
creating the new registry.  This function may not be called during a
test run (i.e. from a test function or suite initialization/cleanup 
<BR /><BR />
An error status code is returned:
<P CLASS="indent10">
    <TD>initialization was successful.</TD>
    <TD>memory allocation failed.</TD>
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE>CU_BOOL <B>CU_registry_initialized</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">This function can be used to check whether the registry has 
been initialized.  This may be useful if the registry setup is distributed over 
multiple files that need to make sure the registry is ready for test registration.

<H3 ID="cleanup">3.4. Cleanup</H3>
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE>void <B>CU_cleanup_registry</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">When testing is complete, the user should call this
function to clean up and release memory used by the framework.  This
should be the last CUnit function called (except for restoring the
test registry using <A HREF="#init">CU_initialize_registry()</A> or
<A HREF="#setreg">CU_set_registry()</A>).
<BR /><BR />
Failure to call <CITE>CU_cleanup_registry()</CITE> will result in
memory leaks.  It may be called more than once without creating an
error condition.  <I>Note that this function will destroy all
suites (and associated tests) in the registry.</I> Pointers to
registered suites and tests should not be dereferenced after
cleaning up the registry.  This function may not be called during a
test run (i.e. from a test function or suite initialization/cleanup 
<BR /><BR />
Calling <CITE>CU_cleanup_registry()</CITE> will only affect the internal
<A HREF="#CU_TestRegistry">CU_TestRegistry</A> maintained by the CUnit
framework.  Destruction of any other test registries owned by the user
are the responsibility of the user.  This can be done explictly by
calling <A HREF="#destroy">CU_destroy_existing_registry()</A>, or
implicitly by making the registry active using
<A HREF="#setreg">CU_set_registry()</A> and calling
<CITE>CU_cleanup_registry()</CITE> again.

<H3 ID="otherfuncs">3.5. Other Registry Functions</H3>
Other registry functions are provided primarily for internal and
testing purposes. However, general users may find use for them and
should be aware of them.
<P />
These include:
<P />
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE ID="getreg">CU_pTestRegistry <B>CU_get_registry</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Returns a pointer to the active test registry.  The registry is a
variable of data type <A HREF="#CU_TestRegistry">CU_TestRegistry</A>.
Direct manipulation of the internal test registry is not
recommended - API functions should be used instead.  The framework
maintains ownership of the registry, so the returned pointer will be
invalidated by a call to <A HREF="#cleanup">CU_cleanup_registry()</A>
or <A HREF="#init">CU_initialize_registry()</A>.
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE ID="setreg">CU_pTestRegistry <B>CU_set_registry</B>(CU_pTestRegistry pTestRegistry)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Replaces the active registry with the specified one.  A pointer to the
previous registry is returned.  <B><I>It is the caller's responsibility
to destroy the old registry</I></B>.  This can be done explictly by
calling <A HREF="#destroy">CU_destroy_existing_registry()</A> for the
returned pointer.  Alternatively, the registry can be made active using
<A HREF="#setreg">CU_set_registry()</A> and destroyed implicitly when
<A HREF="#cleanup">CU_cleanup_registry()</A> is called. Care should be 
taken not to explicitly destroy a registry that is set as the active one.  
This can result in multiple frees of the same memory and a likely crash.
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE ID="create">CU_pTestRegistry <B>CU_create_new_registry</B>(void)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Creates a new registry and returns a pointer to it.
The new registry will not contain any suites or tests.  It is the
caller's responsibility to destroy the new registry by one of the
mechanisms described previously.
<P CLASS="indent2"><CITE ID="destroy">void <B>CU_destroy_existing_registry</B>(CU_pTestRegistry* ppRegistry)</CITE></P>
<P CLASS="indent5">Destroys and frees all memory for the specified test
registry, including any registered suites and tests.  This function 
should not be called for a registry which is set as the active test 
registry (e.g. a  <CITE>CU_pTestRegistry</CITE> pointer retrieved using
<A HREF="#getreg">CU_get_registry()</A>).  This will result in a
multiple free of the same memory when
<A HREF="#cleanup">CU_cleanup_registry()</A> is called.  ppRegistry
may not be <code>NULL</code>, but the pointer it points to may be.  In
that case, the function has no effect.  Note that *ppRegistry will be
set to <code>NULL</code> upon return.

<H3 ID="deprecated">3.6. Deprecated v1 Data Types & Functions</H3>
The following data types and functions are deprecated as of version 2.
To use these deprecated names, user code must be compiled with
<P />
<B>#include&nbsp;&lt;<A HREF="headers/TestDB.h">CUnit/TestDB.h</A>&gt;</B>
(included automatically by <A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;).
<P />
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><B>Deprecated Name</B></TD>
    <TD><B>Equivalent New Name</B></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#CU_TestRegistry">CU_TestRegistry</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        _TestRegistry.uiNumberOfGroups<BR />
        CU_TestRegistry.uiNumberOfSuites<BR />
        CU_pTestRegistry->uiNumberOfSuites<BR />
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        _TestRegistry.pGroup<BR />
        CU_TestRegistry.pSuite<BR />
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#CU_TestRegistry">CU_pTestRegistry</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#init">CU_initialize_registry()</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#cleanup">CU_cleanup_registry()</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#getreg">CU_get_registry()</A></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><A HREF="#setreg">CU_set_registry()</A></TD>

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