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  <TITLE>CUnit - Writing CUnit Test Cases</TITLE>
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<H2>2. Writing CUnit Test Cases</H2>

<H3 ID="tests">2.1. Test Functions</H3>
A CUnit &quot;test&quot; is a C function having the signature:<BR /><BR />
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<B><I>void test_func(void)</I></B>
<P />
There are no restrictions on the content of a test function, except
that it should not modify the CUnit framework (e.g. add suites or tests,
modify the test registry, or initiate a test run).  A test function may
call other functions (which also may not modify the framework).
Registering a test will cause its function to be run when the
test is run.
<P />
An example test function for a routine that returns the maximum of 2
integers might look like:
    int maxi(int i1, int i2)
      return (i1 > i2) ? i1 : i2;

    void test_maxi(void)
      CU_ASSERT(maxi(0,2) == 2);
      CU_ASSERT(maxi(0,-2) == 0);
      CU_ASSERT(maxi(2,2) == 2);
<H3 ID="assertions">2.2. CUnit Assertions</H3>
CUnit provides a set of assertions for testing logical conditions.  The
success or failure of these assertions is tracked by the framework,
and can be viewed when a test run is complete.  
<P />
Each assertion tests a single logical condition, and fails if the
condition evaluates to <CODE>CU_FALSE</CODE>.  Upon assertion failure, 
the test function continues unless the user chooses the 'xxx_FATAL' version 
of an assertion.  In that case, the test function is aborted and returns 
immediately.  <B>FATAL versions of assertions should be used with caution!</B>  
There is no opportunity for the test function to clean up after itself once a
FATAL assertion fails.  The normal <A HREF="managing_tests.html#addsuite">suite 
cleanup function</A> is not affected, however, and will be run in either case.
<P />
There are also special "assertions" for registering a 
<A HREF="#pass">pass</A> or <A HREF="#fail">fail</A> with the framework 
without performing a logical test.  These are useful for testing flow 
of control or other conditions not requiring a logical test:
    void test_longjmp(void)
      jmp_buf buf;
      int i;

      i = setjmp(buf);
      if (i == 0) {
        CU_PASS("run_other_func() succeeded.");
        CU_FAIL("run_other_func() issued longjmp.");
<P />
Other functions called by a registered test function may use the CUnit
assertions freely.  These assertions will be counted for the calling
function.  They may also use FATAL versions of assertions - failure
will abort the original test function and its entire call chain.
<P />
The assertions defined by CUnit are:
<P />
<B>#include&nbsp;&lt;<A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;</B>
<P />
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT</B>(int expression)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_FATAL</B>(int expression)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_TEST</B>(int expression)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_TEST_FATAL</B>(int expression)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that <I>expression</I> is <CODE>CU_TRUE</CODE> (non-zero)</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_TRUE</B>(value)</CITE><BR />
    <TD>Assert that <I>value</I> is <CODE>CU_TRUE (non-zero)</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_FALSE</B>(value)</CITE><BR />
    <TD>Assert that <I>value</I> is <CODE>CU_FALSE</CODE> (zero)</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that <I>actual</I> = = <I>expected</I></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected))</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that <I>actual</I> != <I>expected</I></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_PTR_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that pointers <I>actual</I> = = <I>expected</I></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that pointers <I>actual</I> != <I>expected</I></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_PTR_NULL</B>(value)</CITE><BR />
    <TD>Assert that pointer <I>value</I> == NULL</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_PTR_NOT_NULL</B>(value)</CITE><BR />
    <TD>Assert that pointer <I>value</I> != NULL</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_STRING_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that strings <I>actual</I> and <I>expected</I> are equivalent</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_STRING_NOT_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_STRING_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that strings <I>actual</I> and <I>expected</I> differ</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_NSTRING_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected, count)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_NSTRING_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected, count)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that 1st count chars of <I>actual</I> and <I>expected</I> are the same</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_NSTRING_NOT_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected, count)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_NSTRING_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected, count)</CITE>
    <TD>Assert that 1st count chars of <I>actual</I> and <I>expected</I> differ</TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected, granularity)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected, granularity)</CITE>
      Assert that |<I>actual</I> - <I>expected</I>| &lt;= |<I>granularity</I>|<BR />
      <I>Math library must be linked in for this assertion.</I>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_NOT_EQUAL</B>(actual, expected, granularity)</CITE><BR />
        <CITE><B>CU_ASSERT_DOUBLE_NOT_EQUAL_FATAL</B>(actual, expected, granularity)</CITE>
      Assert that |<I>actual</I> - <I>expected</I>| &gt; |<I>granularity</I>|<BR />
      <I>Math library must be linked in for this assertion.</I>
  <TR VALIGN="top" ID="pass">
      Register a passing assertion with the specified message.  No logical test is performed.
  <TR VALIGN="top" ID="fail">
        <CITE><B>CU_FAIL</B>(message)</CITE><BR />
      Register a failed assertion with the specified message.  No logical test is performed.
<P />
<H3 ID="deprecated">2.3. Depecated v1 Assertions</H3>
The following assertions are deprecated as of version 2.  To use these assertions,
user code must be compiled with <CITE>USE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES</CITE> defined.
Note that they behave the same as in version 1 (issue a 'return' statement
upon failure).
<P />
<B>#include&nbsp;&lt;<A HREF="headers/CUnit.h">CUnit/CUnit.h</A>&gt;</B>
<P />
  <TR VALIGN="top">
    <TD><B>Deprecated Name</B></TD>
    <TD><B>Equivalent New Name</B></TD>
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
  <TR VALIGN="top">
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  <TR VALIGN="top">
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  <TR VALIGN="top">
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  <TR VALIGN="top">

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