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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="unordered.rationale"></a><a class="link" href="rationale.html" title="Implementation Rationale"> Implementation Rationale</a>
      The intent of this library is to implement the unordered containers in the
      draft standard, so the interface was fixed. But there are still some implementation
      decisions to make. The priorities are conformance to the standard and portability.
      The <a href="" target="_top">wikipedia article
      on hash tables</a> has a good summary of the implementation issues for
      hash tables in general.
<a name="unordered.rationale.data_structure"></a><h3>
<a name="id3030621"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.data_structure">Data Structure</a>
      By specifying an interface for accessing the buckets of the container the standard
      pretty much requires that the hash table uses chained addressing.
      It would be conceivable to write a hash table that uses another method. For
      example, it could use open addressing, and use the lookup chain to act as a
      bucket but there are a some serious problems with this:
<div class="itemizedlist"><ul class="itemizedlist" type="disc">
<li class="listitem">
          The draft standard requires that pointers to elements aren't invalidated,
          so the elements can't be stored in one array, but will need a layer of
          indirection instead - losing the efficiency and most of the memory gain,
          the main advantages of open addressing.
<li class="listitem">
          Local iterators would be very inefficient and may not be able to meet the
          complexity requirements.
<li class="listitem">
          There are also the restrictions on when iterators can be invalidated. Since
          open addressing degrades badly when there are a high number of collisions
          the restrictions could prevent a rehash when it's really needed. The maximum
          load factor could be set to a fairly low value to work around this - but
          the standard requires that it is initially set to 1.0.
<li class="listitem">
          And since the standard is written with a eye towards chained addressing,
          users will be surprised if the performance doesn't reflect that.
      So chained addressing is used.
      For containers with unique keys I store the buckets in a single-linked list.
      There are other possible data structures (such as a double-linked list) that
      allow for some operations to be faster (such as erasing and iteration) but
      the possible gain seems small compared to the extra memory needed. The most
      commonly used operations (insertion and lookup) would not be improved at all.
      But for containers with equivalent keys a single-linked list can degrade badly
      when a large number of elements with equivalent keys are inserted. I think
      it's reasonable to assume that users who choose to use <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_multiset</span></code>
      or <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_multimap</span></code> do so
      because they are likely to insert elements with equivalent keys. So I have
      used an alternative data structure that doesn't degrade, at the expense of
      an extra pointer per node.
      This works by adding storing a circular linked list for each group of equivalent
      nodes in reverse order. This allows quick navigation to the end of a group
      (since the first element points to the last) and can be quickly updated when
      elements are inserted or erased. The main disadvantage of this approach is
      some hairy code for erasing elements.
<a name="unordered.rationale.number_of_buckets"></a><h3>
<a name="id3030754"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.number_of_buckets">Number of Buckets</a>
      There are two popular methods for choosing the number of buckets in a hash
      table. One is to have a prime number of buckets, another is to use a power
      of 2.
      Using a prime number of buckets, and choosing a bucket by using the modulus
      of the hash function's result will usually give a good result. The downside
      is that the required modulus operation is fairly expensive.
      Using a power of 2 allows for much quicker selection of the bucket to use,
      but at the expense of loosing the upper bits of the hash value. For some specially
      designed hash functions it is possible to do this and still get a good result
      but as the containers can take arbitrary hash functions this can't be relied
      To avoid this a transformation could be applied to the hash function, for an
      example see <a href="" target="_top">Thomas
      Wang's article on integer hash functions</a>. Unfortunately, a transformation
      like Wang's requires knowledge of the number of bits in the hash value, so
      it isn't portable enough. This leaves more expensive methods, such as Knuth's
      Multiplicative Method (mentioned in Wang's article). These don't tend to work
      as well as taking the modulus of a prime, and the extra computation required
      might negate efficiency advantage of power of 2 hash tables.
      So, this implementation uses a prime number for the hash table size.
<a name="unordered.rationale.equality_operators"></a><h3>
<a name="id3030821"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.equality_operators">Equality operators</a>
      <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">operator</span><span class="special">==</span></code>
      and <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">operator</span><span class="special">!=</span></code>
      are not included in the standard, but I've added them as I think they could
      be useful and can be implemented fairly efficiently. They are specified differently
      to the other standard containers, comparing keys using the equality predicate
      rather than <code class="computeroutput"><span class="keyword">operator</span><span class="special">==</span></code>.
      It's also different to the proposal <a href="" target="_top">n2944</a>.
      which uses the equality operators for the whole of <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">value_type</span></code>.
      This implementation just uses the key equality function for the key, and <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">mapped_type</span></code>'s equality operator in <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_map</span></code> and <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_multimap</span></code>
      for the mapped part of the element.
      Also, in <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_multimap</span></code>,
      the mapped values for a group of elements with equivalent keys are only considered
      equal if they are in the same order, in n2944 they just need to be a permutation
      of each other. Since the order of elements with equal keys is now defined to
      be stable, it seems to me that their order can be considered part of the container's
<a name="unordered.rationale.active_issues_and_proposals"></a><h3>
<a name="id3030958"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.active_issues_and_proposals">Active Issues
      and Proposals</a>
<a name="unordered.rationale.c__0x_allocators"></a><h4>
<a name="id3030980"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.c__0x_allocators">C++0x allocators</a>
      Recent drafts have included an overhaul of the allocators, but this was dependent
      on concepts which are no longer in the standard. <a href="" target="_top">n2946</a>
      attempts to respecify them without concepts. I'll try to implement this (or
      an appropriate later version) in a future version of boost, possibly changed
      a little to accomodate non-C++0x compilers.
<a name="unordered.rationale.swapping_containers_with_unequal_allocators"></a><h4>
<a name="id3031017"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.swapping_containers_with_unequal_allocators">Swapping
      containers with unequal allocators</a>
      It isn't clear how to swap containers when their allocators aren't equal. This
      is <a href="" target="_top">Issue
      431: Swapping containers with unequal allocators</a>. This has been resolved
      with the new allocator specification, so this should be fixed when support
      is added.
<a name="unordered.rationale.are_insert_and_erase_stable_for_unordered_multiset_and_unordered_multimap_"></a><h4>
<a name="id3031056"></a>
      <a class="link" href="rationale.html#unordered.rationale.are_insert_and_erase_stable_for_unordered_multiset_and_unordered_multimap_">Are
      insert and erase stable for unordered_multiset and unordered_multimap?</a>
      It wan't specified if <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_multiset</span></code>
      and <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">unordered_multimap</span></code> preserve
      the order of elements with equivalent keys (i.e. if they're stable under <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">insert</span></code> and <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">erase</span></code>).
      Since <a href="" target="_top">n2691</a>
      it's been specified that they do and this implementation follows that.
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