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    <title>Boost.Python - &lt;boost/python/operators.hpp&gt;</title>

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          <h1 align="center"><a href="../index.html">Boost.Python</a></h1>

          <h2 align="center">Header &lt;boost/python/operators.hpp&gt;</h2>


    <dl class="page-index">
      <dt><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></dt>

      <dt><a href="#classes">Classes</a></dt>

        <dl class="page-index">
          <dt><a href="#self_t-spec">Class

            <dl class="page-index">
              <dt><a href="#self_t-spec-synopsis">Class <code>self_t</code>

              <dt><a href="#self_t-spec-inplace">Class <code>self_t</code>
              inplace operators</a></dt>

              <dt><a href="#self_t-spec-comparisons">Class
              <code>self_t</code> comparison functions</a></dt>

              <dt><a href="#self_t-spec-ops">Class <code>self_t</code>
              non-member operations</a></dt>

              <dt><a href="#self_t-spec-value-unary-ops">Class
              <code>self_t</code> unary operations</a></dt>

              <dt><a href="#self_t-spec-value-ops">Class
              <code>self_t</code> value operations</a></dt>

          <dt><a href="#other-spec">Class template

            <dl class="page-index">
              <dt><a href="#other-spec-synopsis">Class <code>other</code>

          <dt><a href="#operator_-spec">Class template

            <dl class="page-index">
              <dt><a href="#operator_-spec-synopsis">Class
              <code>operator_</code> synopsis</a></dt>

      <dt><a href="#objects">Objects</a></dt>

        <dl class="page-index">
          <dt><a href="#self-spec">self</a></dt>

      <dt><a href="#examples">Examples</a></dt>

    <h2><a name="introduction"></a>Introduction</h2>

    <p><code>&lt;boost/python/operators.hpp&gt;</code> provides types and
    functions for automatically generating Python <a href=
    "">special methods</a>
    from the corresponding C++ constructs. Most of these constructs are
    operator expressions, hence the name. To use the facility, substitute the
    <code><a href="#self-spec">self</a></code> object for an object of the
    class type being wrapped in the expression to be exposed, and pass the
    result to <a href=
    "class.html#class_-spec-modifiers">class_&lt;&gt;::def()</a>. Much of
    what is exposed in this header should be considered part of the
    implementation, so is not documented in detail here.</p>

    <h2><a name="classes"></a>Classes</h2>

    <h3><a name="self_t-spec"></a>Class <code>self_ns::self_t</code></h3>

    <p><code>self_ns::self_t</code> is the actual type of the <a href=
    "#self-spec"><code>self</code></a> object. The library isolates
    <code>self_t</code> in its own namespace, <code>self_ns</code>, in order
    to prevent the generalized operator templates which operate on it from
    being found by argument-dependent lookup in other contexts. This should
    be considered an implementation detail, since users should never have to
    mention <code>self_t</code> directly.</p>

    <h4><a name="self_t-spec-synopsis"></a>Class <code>self_ns::self_t</code>
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace self_ns {
   <i>unspecified-type-declaration</i> self_t;

   // inplace operators
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator+=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator-=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator*=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator/=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator%=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&gt;&gt;=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&lt;&lt;=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&amp;=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator^=(self_t, T);
   template &lt;class T&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator|=(self_t, T);

   // comparisons
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator==(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator!=(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&lt;(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&gt;(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&lt;=(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&gt;=(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);

   // non-member operations
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator+(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator-(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator*(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator/(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator%(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&gt;&gt;(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&lt;&lt;(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator&amp;(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator^(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator|(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);
   template &lt;class L, class R&gt; <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; pow(L const&amp;, R const&amp;);

   // unary operations
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator-(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator+(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator~(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; operator!(self_t);

   // value operations
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; int_(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; long_(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; float_(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; complex_(self_t);
   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; str(self_t);

   <a href=
"#operator_-spec">operator_</a>&lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt; repr(self_t);

    The tables below describe the methods generated when the results of the
    expressions described are passed as arguments to <a href=
    <code><b>x</b></code> is an object of the class type being wrapped. 

    <h4><a name="self_t-spec-inplace"></a>Class <code>self_t</code> inplace
    In the table below, If <code><b>r</b></code> is an object of type
    <code><a href="#other-spec">other</a>&lt;T&gt;</code>,
    <code><b>y</b></code> is an object of type <code>T</code>; otherwise,
    <code><b>y</b></code> is an object of the same type as

    <table border="1" summary="self_t inplace operators">
        <th>C++ Expression</th>

        <th>Python Method Name</th>

        <th>C++ Implementation</th>































    <h4><a name="self_t-spec-comparisons"></a>Class <code>self_t</code>
    comparison functions</h4>
    In the tables below, if <code><b>r</b></code> is of type <code><a href=
    "#self_t-spec">self_t</a></code>, <code><b>y</b></code> is an object of
    the same type as <code>x</code>; <br>
     if <code><b>l</b></code> or <code><b>r</b></code> is an object of type
    <code><a href="#other-spec">other</a>&lt;T&gt;</code>,
    <code><b>y</b></code> is an object of type <code>T</code>; <br>
     otherwise, <code><b>y</b></code> is an object of the same type as
    <code><b>l</b></code> or <code><b>r</b></code>.<br>
     <code><b>l</b></code> is never of type <code><a href=

    <p>The column of <b>Python Expressions</b> illustrates the expressions
    that will be supported in Python for objects convertible to the types of
    <code>x</code> and <code>y</code>. The secondary operation arises due to
    Python's <a href=
    rules</a> for rich comparison operators, and are only used when the
    corresponding operation is not defined as a method of the <code>y</code>

    <table border="1" summary="self_t comparison functions">
        <th>C++ Expression</th>

        <th>Python Method Name</th>

        <th>C++ Implementation</th>

        <th>Python Expressions<br>
         (primary, secondary)</th>




        <td><code>x&nbsp;==&nbsp;y, y&nbsp;==&nbsp;x</code></td>




        <td><code>y&nbsp;==&nbsp;x, x&nbsp;==&nbsp;y</code></td>




        <td><code>x&nbsp;!=&nbsp;y, y&nbsp;!=&nbsp;x</code></td>




        <td><code>y&nbsp;!=&nbsp;x, x&nbsp;!=&nbsp;y</code></td>




        <td><code>x&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;y, y&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;x</code></td>




        <td><code>y&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;x, x&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;y</code></td>




        <td><code>x&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;y, y&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;x</code></td>




        <td><code>y&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;x, x&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;y</code></td>




        <td><code>x&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;y, y&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;x</code></td>




        <td><code>y&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;x, x&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;y</code></td>




        <td><code>x&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;y, y&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;x</code></td>




        <td><code>y&nbsp;&lt;=&nbsp;x, x&nbsp;&gt;=&nbsp;y</code></td>

    <h4><a name="self_t-spec-ops"></a>Class <code>self_t</code> non-member
    The operations whose names begin with "<code>__r</code>" below will only
    be called if the left-hand operand does not already support the given
    operation, as described <a href=

    <table border="1" summary="self_t non-member operations">
        <th>C++ Expression</th>

        <th>Python Method Name</th>

        <th>C++ Implementation</th>



































































    <h4><a name="self_t-spec-value-unary-ops"></a>Class <code>self_t</code> unary

    <table border="1" summary="self_t unary operations">
        <th>C++ Expression</th>

        <th>Python Method Name</th>

        <th>C++ Implementation</th>










        <td><code>not self</code><br><i>or</i><br><code>!self</code></td>



    <h4><a name="self_t-spec-value-ops"></a>Class <code>self_t</code> value

    <table border="1" summary="self_t value operations">
        <th>C++ Expression</th>

        <th>Python Method Name</th>

        <th>C++ Implementation</th>















        <td><code><a href=



        <td><code><a href=

    <h3><a name="other-spec"></a>Class Template <code>other</code></h3>

    <p>Instances of <code>other&lt;T&gt;</code> can be used in operator
    expressions with <a href="#self-spec">self</a>; the result is equivalent
    to the same expression with a <code>T</code> object in place of
    <code>other&lt;T&gt;</code>. Use <code>other&lt;T&gt;</code> to prevent
    construction of a <code>T</code> object in case it is heavyweight, when
    no constructor is available, or simply for clarity.</p>

    <h4><a name="other-spec-synopsis"></a>Class Template other synopsis</h4>
namespace boost { namespace python
  template &lt;class T&gt;
  struct other
    <!-- -->

    <h3><a name="operator_-spec"></a>Class Template

    <p>Instantiations of <code>detail::operator_&lt;&gt;</code> are used as
    the return type of operator expressions involving <code><a href=
    "#self-spec">self</a></code>. This should be considered an implementation
    detail and is only documented here as a way of showing how the result of
    <code>self</code>-expressions match calls to <a href=

    <h4><a name="operator_-spec-synopsis"></a>Class Template
    <code>detail::operator_</code> synopsis</h4>
namespace boost { namespace python { namespace detail
  template &lt;<i>unspecified</i>&gt;
  struct operator_

    <h2><a name="objects"></a>Objects</h2>

    <p><a name="self-spec"><code>self</code></a></p>
namespace boost { namespace python
  using self_ns::self;

    <h2><a name="examples"></a>Example</h2>
#include &lt;boost/python/module.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/python/class.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/python/operators.hpp&gt;
#include &lt;boost/operators.hpp&gt;

struct number
   : boost::<a href=
    explicit number(long x_) : x(x_) {}
    operator long() const { return x; }

    template &lt;class T&gt;
    number&amp; operator+=(T const&amp; rhs)
    { x += rhs; return *this; }

    template &lt;class T&gt;
    number&amp; operator-=(T const&amp; rhs)
    { x -= rhs; return *this; }
    template &lt;class T&gt;
    number&amp; operator*=(T const&amp; rhs)
    { x *= rhs; return *this; }
    template &lt;class T&gt;
    number&amp; operator/=(T const&amp; rhs)
    { x /= rhs; return *this; }
    template &lt;class T&gt;
    number&amp; operator%=(T const&amp; rhs)
    { x %= rhs; return *this; }

   long x;

using namespace boost::python;
   class_&lt;number&gt;("number", init&lt;long&gt;())
      // interoperate with self
      .def(self += self)
      .def(self + self)
      .def(self -= self)
      .def(self - self)
      .def(self *= self)
      .def(self * self)
      .def(self /= self)
      .def(self / self)
      .def(self %= self)
      .def(self % self)

      // Convert to Python int

      // interoperate with long
      .def(self += long())
      .def(self + long())
      .def(long() + self)
      .def(self -= long())
      .def(self - long())
      .def(long() - self)
      .def(self *= long())
      .def(self * long())
      .def(long() * self)
      .def(self /= long())
      .def(self / long())
      .def(long() / self)
      .def(self %= long())
      .def(self % long())
      .def(long() % self)

    <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" S-Type="EDITED" S-Format="%d %B, %Y" startspan -->
  5 October, 2004
  <!--webbot bot="Timestamp" endspan i-checksum="39359" -->

    <p><i>&copy; Copyright <a href=
    "">Dave Abrahams</a> 2002.</i></p>