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<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title">
<a name="boost_regex.background_information.standards"></a><a class="link" href="standards.html" title="Standards Conformance"> Standards
<a name="boost_regex.background_information.standards.c__"></a><h5>
<a name="id1178266"></a>
        <a class="link" href="standards.html#boost_regex.background_information.standards.c__">C++</a>
        Boost.Regex is intended to conform to the <a href="" target="_top">Technical
        Report on C++ Library Extensions</a>.
<a name="boost_regex.background_information.standards.ecmascript___javascript"></a><h5>
<a name="id1178288"></a>
        <a class="link" href="standards.html#boost_regex.background_information.standards.ecmascript___javascript">ECMAScript
        / JavaScript</a>
        All of the ECMAScript regular expression syntax features are supported, except
        The escape sequence \u matches any upper case character (the same as [[:upper:]])
        rather than a Unicode escape sequence; use \x{DDDD} for Unicode escape sequences.
<a name="boost_regex.background_information.standards.perl"></a><h5>
<a name="id1178308"></a>
        <a class="link" href="standards.html#boost_regex.background_information.standards.perl">Perl</a>
        Almost all Perl features are supported, except for:
        (?{code}) Not implementable in a compiled strongly typed language.
        (??{code}) Not implementable in a compiled strongly typed language.
        (*VERB) The <a href="" target="_top">backtracking
        control verbs</a> are not recognised or implemented at this time.
        In addition the following features behave slightly differently from Perl:
        ^ $ \Z These recognise any line termination sequence, and not just \n: see
        the Unicode requirements below.
<a name="boost_regex.background_information.standards.posix"></a><h5>
<a name="id1178348"></a>
        <a class="link" href="standards.html#boost_regex.background_information.standards.posix">POSIX</a>
        All the POSIX basic and extended regular expression features are supported,
        except that:
        No character collating names are recognized except those specified in the
        POSIX standard for the C locale, unless they are explicitly registered with
        the traits class.
        Character equivalence classes ( [[=a=]] etc) are probably buggy except on
        Win32. Implementing this feature requires knowledge of the format of the
        string sort keys produced by the system; if you need this, and the default
        implementation doesn't work on your platform, then you will need to supply
        a custom traits class.
<a name="boost_regex.background_information.standards.unicode"></a><h5>
<a name="id1178372"></a>
        <a class="link" href="standards.html#boost_regex.background_information.standards.unicode">Unicode</a>
        The following comments refer to <a href="" target="_top">Unicode
        Technical Standard #18: Unicode Regular Expressions version 11</a>.
<div class="informaltable"><table class="table">
                  Hex Notation
                  Yes: use \x{DDDD} to refer to code point UDDDD.
                  Character Properties
                  All the names listed under the General Category Property are supported.
                  Script names and Other Names are not currently supported.
                  Subtraction and Intersection
                  Indirectly support by forward-lookahead:
                  <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">(?=[[:</span><span class="identifier">X</span><span class="special">:]])[[:</span><span class="identifier">Y</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
                  Gives the intersection of character properties X and Y.
                  <code class="computeroutput"><span class="special">(?![[:</span><span class="identifier">X</span><span class="special">:]])[[:</span><span class="identifier">Y</span><span class="special">:]]</span></code>
                  Gives everything in Y that is not in X (subtraction).
                  Simple Word Boundaries
                  Conforming: non-spacing marks are included in the set of word characters.
                  Caseless Matching
                  Supported, note that at this level, case transformations are 1:1,
                  many to many case folding operations are not supported (for example
                  "&#223;" to "SS").
                  Line Boundaries
                  Supported, except that "." matches only one character
                  of "\r\n". Other than that word boundaries match correctly;
                  including not matching in the middle of a "\r\n" sequence.
                  Code Points
                  Supported: provided you use the u32* algorithms, then UTF-8, UTF-16
                  and UTF-32 are all treated as sequences of 32-bit code points.
                  Canonical Equivalence
                  Not supported: it is up to the user of the library to convert all
                  text into the same canonical form as the regular expression.
                  Default Grapheme Clusters
                  Not supported.
                  2.3Default Word Boundaries
                  Not supported.
<td class="auto-generated">&#160;</td>
                  Default Loose Matches
                  Not Supported.
                  Named Properties
                  Supported: the expression "[[:name:]]" or \N{name} matches
                  the named character "name".
                  Wildcard properties
                  Not Supported.
                  Tailored Punctuation.
                  Not Supported.
                  Tailored Grapheme Clusters
                  Not Supported.
                  Tailored Word Boundaries.
                  Not Supported.
                  Tailored Loose Matches
                  Partial support: [[=c=]] matches characters with the same primary
                  equivalence class as "c".
                  Tailored Ranges
                  Supported: [a-b] matches any character that collates in the range
                  a to b, when the expression is constructed with the collate flag
                  Context Matches
                  Not Supported.
                  Incremental Matches
                  Supported: pass the flag <code class="computeroutput"><span class="identifier">match_partial</span></code>
                  to the regex algorithms.
                  Unicode Set Sharing
                  Not Supported.
                  Possible Match Sets
                  Not supported, however this information is used internally to optimise
                  the matching of regular expressions, and return quickly if no match
                  is possible.
                  Folded Matching
                  Partial Support: It is possible to achieve a similar effect by
                  using a custom regular expression traits class.
                  Custom Submatch Evaluation
                  Not Supported.
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<td align="right"><div class="copyright-footer">Copyright &#169; 1998 -2007 John Maddock<p>
        Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
        file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at <a href="" target="_top"></a>)
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