

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 6349de35ead88f8d12bf11229dc7e30f > files > 68


For using LinCVS with ssh, there are several ways to go:

A: Use with an ssh agent (Unix):

   create keys on local machine:
   > ssh-keygen

   copy the .ssh/ to .ssh/authorized_keys in his/her home dir
   on the remote machine

   Set 'Config/Settings/External Programs/Ssh Agent' to,
   if no path is given, LinCVS will look for it in LinCVS/Tools

   Select from Menu:
   Directory/Properties.../Setup/Ssh client settings
   Make sure the 'use own ssh agent' checkbox is checked.

   If you want to use an already running ssh agent, you need to
   check 'use running ssh agent'. In this case LinCVS
   checks for a running agent, and if none is found, it starts its

   Thats all. almost.

   you need:
   -ssh of course
   -ssh-keygen ;-)
   -rsa authentication must be enabled in ssh_config

B: Use without ssh agent (Unix):

   Openssh uses a graphical login if not called from a tty and $DISPLAY is set.
   If you want to use a graphical login even if LinCVS was run from a console,
   for example on KDE, you must follow step 1 to 3, otherwise the ssh passwd
   request appears in the console.
   In case LinCVS is started from a menu entrie, for example via KDE, ssh will
   use the ssh-askpass tool shipped with LinCVS.
   For standard ssh usage, you only need to enter ssh in:
   Config/Settings/External Programs/Remote Shell
   and adapt the ssh settings in:
   Directory/Properties.../Setup/Ssh client settings
   with selecting the 'use ssh' entry. This requires ssh, ssh-add and ssh-askpass.

   In the LinCVS/contrib dir, there s a file readpass.c. Download openssh,
   replace readpass.c with the file from the contrib dir and compile as
   described in the INSTALL file.

   Select from Menu:
   Config/Settings/External Programs/Remote Shell, this needs to point at the newly compiled
   openssh binary.

   Select from Menu:
   Directory/Properties.../Setup/Ssh client settings
   Make sure the 'use ssh' entrie is selected.

   On use with ssh, the ssh-askpass dialog should show up, where you need to enter the
   required password/passphrase. Due to security reasons, LinCVS will not keep
   track of the password. If you want to prevent having to reenter the password/passphrase
   again and again, try using a ssh agent.

E: If you happen to work on a system without ssh-askpass (mac uses openssh without ssh-askpass),
   there is a qt-based ssh-askpass tool included with LinCVS. After the install procedure, copy
   LinCVS/tools/ssh-askpass to the standard location, ssh will look for it (probably this can
   be taken from the error-message given when the ssh-askpass is not found).
   If you want to use a different ssh and maybe a different ssh-askpass tool with LinCVS, you
   need to adapt the script in the LinCVS/Tools dir (after make install) and set
   up 'Config/Settings/External Programs/Remote Shell' to point to LinCVS/Tools/

F: Windows only: On your very first login, ssh might require some user interaction, to allow
   storing a new host-key. This request cannot be caught and moved to a graphic window. So it
   might be necessary to once login from the commandline. After this primary login, all future
   interaction will be handled by LinCVS

If you happen to run into problems using ssh, please contact the lincvs-users mailing list
and report bugs to the public. This gives us the best chance to solve problems and collect
problems for the different platforms.