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@page start Quick start

The most common way to use Player is to run the @ref util_player on your
robot, then access your robot's devices with a <i>client</i> program.
Here we give two example configurations: one for a physical robot and
one for a simulated robot.
- @ref realrobot
- @ref simulatedrobot
- @ref clientexamples
- @ref writingclient

@section realrobot Physical robot

You need to write a Player configuration file, usually with the extension
<b>.cfg</b>, that instantiates the driver(s) needed to control your robot
and tell the driver(s) how to access relevant hardware.  The job of the
configuration file is to map your physical devices to Player devices.

Several example configuration files are installed (by default) in
/usr/local/share/player/config.  It's best to start with one of these as a

For example, if you have a Pioneer mobile robot with a SICK LMS200 laser
range-finder attached, your .cfg file might look like this (if you have
different hardware, check the @ref supported_hardware page to see what
driver(s) you should use instead):
  name "p2os"
  provides ["odometry:::position2d:0"]
  port "/dev/ttyS0"
  name "sicklms200"
  provides ["laser:0"]
  port "/dev/ttyS1"

This file instantiates the @ref driver_p2os driver to access the
robot's motors.  This driver will talk to the robot over the serial
port "/dev/ttyS0" and map its motors and encoders to the Player device
"position2d:0".  This file also instantiates the @ref driver_sicklms200
driver to access the SICK laser over the serial port "/dev/ttyS1" and
present it as the Player device "laser:0".

Assuming you named this file @b pioneer.cfg, you would run player like so
(do this on the computer that is connected to the robot and laser; for the
Pioneer this is probably the computer that is installed inside the robot):
$ player pioneer.cfg

* Part of the Player/Stage/Gazebo Project
* [].
* Copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Brian Gerkey, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard,
* Nate Koenig, and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public
* License.
* Player comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
* are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see COPYING
* for details.

Listening on ports: 6665
Now player is waiting to service client connections on port 6665.  Jump
down to @ref clientexamples.

@section simulatedrobot Simulated robot (in Stage)

Using Player with Stage requires two configuration files: a Stage .world
file and a Player .cfg file.  The .world file defines the simulated world,
telling Stage what kind of sensors and actuators are to be simulated, which
background image to load, etc.  The .cfg file then maps these simulated
devices onto Player devices.

Stage comes with a number of example .world and .cfg files.  They are
installed (by default) in /usr/local/share/stage/worlds.  Try a simple one
$ player /usr/local/share/stage/worlds/simple.cfg

* Part of the Player/Stage/Gazebo Project
* [].
* Copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Brian Gerkey, Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard,
* Nate Koenig, and contributors. Released under the GNU General Public
* License.
* Player comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you
* are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; see COPYING
* for details.

trying to load /usr/local/lib/libstageplugin...
invoking player_driver_init()...
 Stage driver plugin init

 ** Stage plugin v2.0.0 **
 * Part of the Player/Stage Project []
 * Copyright 2000-2005 Richard Vaughan, Andrew Howard, Brian Gerkey
 * and contributors.
 * Released under the GNU GPL.
  Stage driver creating 1 device
    mapping 6665.31.0 => Simulated world [./][Include][Include][Include]name velocityvector state 0
default 0
name positionlines state 0 default 0
name positiontext state 0 default 0
name ranger_data state 1 default 1
name ranger_cfg state 0 default 0
name laserdata state 1 default 1
name lasercfg state 0 default 0

  Stage driver creating 2 devices
    mapping 6665.4.0 => "robot1"
    mapping 6665.6.0 => "robot1.laser:0"
Listening on ports: 6665

You should get the Stage window, with a single red robot.  Now player is
awaiting a client connection.  Go on to @ref clientexamples.

@section clientexamples Controlling your robot

To visualize the robot's sensor data, try the graphical tool @ref
util_playerv.  Just like any client program, you can run it either on
the same machine where you're running the player server, or on any other
machine that has network connectivity to it.

Let's assume that the hostname of the computer running player (for
the physical robot, it's the computer attached to the robot; for the
simulated robot, it's the computer where you're running the simulation)
is @b marvin, and that you want to run @ref util_playerv on your desktop
machine.  Then you would do something like this:
$ playerv -h marvin --position2d --laser
You should get a window that shows you the robot (it's the box in the
middle) with laser data (blue polyline).  The robot's front end points
to the right in this window.

To drive the robot around, choose the menu option
Devices->position2d:0->Command.  A little crosshair will appear on the
robot; click and drag it right and left to move the robot forward and
backward (drag it up and down to turn left and right).

Ok, so you can teleoperate the robot; how about autonomous control?
De-select the Devices->position2d:0->Command option in the menu, so that
@ref util_playerv will stop sending commands to the robot.  Then try
the @b laserobstacleavoid program (it doesn't get installed; you can
find it compiled where you built player, in examples/libplayerc++):
$ laserobstacleavoid
The robot should start wandering around, using the laser to avoid
obstacles.  You should see the laser data changing in @ref
util_playerv.  Ctrl-C to exit randomwalk, which will stop the robot.  
Ctrl-C to exit player.

@section writingclient Writing your own control program

To do anything interesting with your robot, you need to write your
client program.  Doing so is pretty straightforward, especially if you
use of the existing @ref clientlibs.  These libraries handle all the socket
and data-packing details and present you with an API that lets you easily
get at the sensor data and send actuator commands.  Read through the
documentation for the library that you choose, and start with example
program as a template.
