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    <title>Db4o Position</title>
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        <h1>Db4o Position</h1><div id="TOC"><div id="TOCinner"><span class="TOCtitle">Contents</span><div class="TOCcontents"><ul><li><a href ="#Open Source&nbsp;">Open Source&nbsp;</a></li><li><a href ="#Success Drivers">Success Drivers</a></li></ul></li></ul></div></div></div><p>db4o came to the market in 2004 with a goal
to become the mainstream persistence architecture for embedded applications (in
which the database is invisible to the end user) in general, and for mobile and
embedded devices running on Java or .NET, in particular. db4o vision as a
company (db4objects) is to become the affordable, dominant Persistence solution
of choice in a market now overrun with hundreds of small vertical niche vendors
offering predominantly unsuitable, proprietary pre-relational or relational
technology at exorbitant prices. </p>

<p>db4o has achieved in a very short time,
mainstream adoption in a fast growing user community currently counting over
20,000 members,&nbsp; due to its efficient
innovative technology, its Native Queries deployment in Java and .NET
environments and its open source dual licensing business model. .</p>

<p>The target environments for db4o are
persistence architectures where there is no database administrator present and
no RDBMS legacy, i.e. primarily on <a href="">equipment</a>,
<a href="">mobile</a>
and <a href="">desktop</a>
clients, and in the middleware. Typical industries of db4o customers include <a href="">transportation</a>,
communication, <a href="">automation</a>,
<a href="">medical
sciences</a>, <a href="">industrial</a>,,
<a href="">consumer</a>
and financial applications, among many others. Existing customers range from
world-class leaders like <a href="">Boeing</a>,
<a href="">Bosch</a>,
<a href="">Intel</a>,
<a href="">Ricoh</a>,
and <a href="">Seagate</a>
to a broad range of highly innovative start-up companies - in the Americas,
EMEA, and Asia-Pacific.</p>

<p>As a client-side, embeddable
database, db4o is particularly suited to be deployed in devices with embedded

<a name="Open Source&nbsp;"></a><h2>Open Source&nbsp;</h2>

<p>db4objects uses the now-established, open
source dual license business model as pioneered by MySQL, one of the world's
most popular relational databases. In this model, db4o is available as open
source under the <a href="">GPL</a>
and the <a href="">dOCL</a>,
and as a commercial product under the commercial license. Any developer wishing
to use the software in an open source product that falls under the GPL or other
open-source licenses (Apache, LGPL, BSD, EPL as specified by the <a href="">dOCL</a>) can
use the free open source version. Those developers wishing to embed db4o into a
for-profit product can choose the affordable commercial runtime license. Other
uses and licenses including those for evaluation, development, and academic
application remain free under the GPL, creating a large and lively community
around the product at a very low cost to the vendor. </p>

<a name="Success Drivers"></a><h2><a class="" title="_Toc165960106" name="_Toc165960106"></a><a class="" title="_Success_Drivers" name="_Success_Drivers"></a>Success Drivers</h2>

<p>Open Source platform usage is one of the key
factors of db4o success. db4o's openness attracted a vast (20,000 and counting)
community of users and contributors. Through the community support db4o gets
broad and immediate testing, receives constructive suggestions (from the users
actually looking into the code) and invaluable peer exchange of experiences -
positive and negative.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Another factor to db4o success is the
technology used. As a new-generation object database, native to both Java and
.NET, db4o eliminates the traditional trade-off between performance and
object-orientation. Recent PolePosition benchmark results show that db4o
outperforms object-relational mappers by orders of magnitude, up to 44x in use
cases with complex object models. </p>

<p>db4o uniquely offers object persistence with
zero-administration, cross-platform applicability to Java and .NET,
object-oriented querying, replication and browsing capabilities, and a small footprint.
Its single library (JAR/DLL) is easily deployed and runs in the same memory
process as the application, making it a fully integrated and tunable portion of
the developers application. </p>

<p>Customers, analysts, and experts agree that
the db4o object database is one of the world's best and most popular choices,
because it stores and retrieves objects natively and not only eliminates the
overhead and resource consumption of an ORM, but also greatly reduces the
product development and maintenance costs, resulting in a lean, fast and easily
integratable into an OO development environment persistence solution, far
superior in many cases to that of any RDBMS.</p>

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					This revision (4) was last Modified 2007-05-03T10:55:41 by Tetyana.