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        <h1>Getting Started</h1><div id="TOC"><div id="TOCinner"><span class="TOCtitle">Contents</span><div class="TOCcontents"><ul><li><a href ="#Download Contents&nbsp;">Download Contents&nbsp;</a><ul><li><a href ="#.NET Platform">.NET Platform</a></li></ul></li><li><a href ="#Requirements&nbsp;">Requirements&nbsp;</a><ul><li><a href ="#Java version">Java version</a></li><li><a href ="#.NET version&nbsp;">.NET version&nbsp;</a></li></ul></li><li><a href ="#Installation&nbsp;">Installation&nbsp;</a><ul><li><a href ="#.NET Platform Installation">.NET Platform Installation</a></li></ul></li></ul></li></ul></div></div></div><p>This topic will give you some initial information about dRS and will help to get your environment ready to work with dRS.</p><a name="Download Contents&nbsp;"></a><h2>Download Contents&nbsp;</h2><p><span name="cs_wiki_filter" csw_filters="net">&nbsp;</p><a name=".NET Platform"></a><h3>.NET Platform</h3><p>The distribution comes as a zip archive. The contents need to be extracted to any folder before you start to use the dRS.</p><p>You can find the offline version of this documentation in <b>/docs/reference</b> folder.<br></p><p>The API documentation in located in <b>/docs/api</b> folder.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>db4o and <a href="">dRS online</a> documentation resources are located in the <a href="">reference documentation</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></span></p><p></p><a name="Requirements&nbsp;"></a><h2>Requirements&nbsp;</h2><a name="Java version"></a><h3>Java version</h3><p>dRS is dependent on the JDK 5 version of db4o object database. You will also need a corresponding db4o version (compatible db4o and dRS have the same version number).<br>To use the Hibernate Replication functionality, the Hibernate core version 3.1 files are required. These files and their dependencies have been included in the /lib folder for your convenience. If you require more complicated Hibernate mapping configurations, you may wish to download the full Hibernate documentation from the <a href="">Hibernate project website</a>.<br>To run the provided build scripts dRS requires <a href="">Apache Ant</a> 1.6 or later.<br>
</p><a name=".NET version&nbsp;"></a><h3>.NET version&nbsp;</h3><p>dRS requires Microsoft .NET framework version 2.0 to work. A compatible version of db4o database should be used (compatible db4o and dRS have the same version number).</p><p>To work with the source code and examples you will need Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.<br></p><a name="Installation&nbsp;"></a><h2>Installation&nbsp;</h2><p><span name="cs_wiki_filter" csw_filters="net">&nbsp;</p><a name=".NET Platform Installation"></a><h3>.NET Platform Installation</h3><p>dRS engine comes as a dll. To use it in a development project, you only need to add the appropriate version of dRS to your project references. dRS version number corresponds to db4o version number, i.e dRS-6.0 will work with db4o-6.0.<br></p><p><span id="ctl00_ctl00_bcr_topicView___TopicBody"><span class="net">

<p>Here is an example of how to add dRS to a Visual Studio 2005 project:</p>

<ul><li>copy drs.dll to your VS.NET project folder</li><li>right-click on "References" in the Solution Explorer</li><li>choose "Add Reference"</li><li>select "Browse"</li><li>find the drs.dll in your project folder</li><li>click "Open"</li><li>click "OK"</li></ul></span></span></p><p></span>&nbsp;</p></div>
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					This revision (7) was last Modified 2007-07-10T10:00:41 by Tetyana.