

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > b35dadd61f960224eaa65b707dd02839 > files > 60


  	RFE: Documentation
  	RFE: Key bindings, all functionality should reachable by the keyboard
    RFE: History improvements
    	 - possibillity to interact with packages in a history transaction
    RFE: Auto resolve deps when a package is added to queue
    	- Speed might be an issue here
    RFE: Auto download packages when added to queue
    	- need some multi threaded downloader, there can be aborted if user select 'Apply' before
    	  downloading is completted.
   	RFE: Add progress in tooltip on status icon     

   	RFE: Add option to disable the 'do you want to exit' dialog, maybe a do not show me again check mark in 

	RFE: Use Shift + Mouse button to select a group of packages (   	     
Fixed / implemented:
	* Separate the GUI and the backend doing the package stuff
	  * make an abstract backend, to make the gui interfacing to the backend more common.
	  * make a forked yum backend to increase the responsiveness of the GUI
  	* pylint checking
  	* Add a View menu, with Pages 
  	* GPG import confirmation dialog
	* Add Group/Category functionality
	* Add Repo selection and refresh functionality
	* Dynamic font sizes calculated from default system font size.
  	* yum depsolve callback to show depsolve info
  	* add time stamps to output page
  	* Cleanup Makefiles and yumex.spec to fit current yumex nextgen version
  	* Add About dialog
	* Add task based progress dialog
  	* Ask for program exit, when the transaction is completed ok.
	* BUG: Don't show number of files to download, if we are not i the download package task.
	* BUG: Fixed singular, plural labels in queue view
	* BUG: Fix exception when removing stuff while installing something else  	
  	* RFE: Display current transaction / total transaction when performing transaction 
  	* RFE: Support for showing update info. 
  	* RFE: Set default focus to search field on package page
  	* RFE: Add an option file and code to handle it
	* BUG: No repos when using --noauto
	* Added Option Menu with 'No GPG Check' option
	* Added 'Skip Broken' option to option menu
	* Make the exception handling more solid and show exception in a dialog
	* BUG: Processing an empty queue
	* RFE: Add Preferences dialog and functionality
	* BUG: Undo in group unselect packages, but don't undo group selection changes
	* Don't ask for root password more than one
	* Make load of metadata more dynamic, first load packages lists, history, groups etc. when we need it.
	* Added '--update-only' option to start yumex in update only mode 
	* Added '--search-only' option to start yumex in search only mode 
    * Updateinfo in separate view like changelog / filelist
    * Show updateinfo for all packages, not just updates
    * Show all updateinfo records, not just the last one
	* Added search options to select the fields to search in
	* Added search while typing on packages, if more 3 chars has been entered and there is only one word
	* Added typeahead search toggle button (left of search entry)
	* Added better history transaction package view.
	* Added History transaction search
	* RFE: Add Click-able Project URL on package Description view to open project homepage in a browser
	* Added Click-able Bugzilla links to open bugzilla reports in a browser
	* Better progress and more info when getting packages and populate the package view
	* Added 'install xxx' and 'remove yyy' commands on queue page. it gives the same result as
	    yum install xxx and yum remove yyy
	* Add completion entry for queue commands.
	* Fix translation issues with gtkbuilder strings.
	* Pressing Esc will clear the package search entry and undo current search
	* Added status icon in notification error.  
		- Clicking on it will hide/show window  
		- Right Click show a menu with an quit option  
		- Tooltip show current action from progress dialog
	* Added right click popup on installed packages with options to reinstall or downgrade to a selected package
	* Show both installed and update for same package in a search
	* Show old version of a installonly packages in a search
	* Added progress dialog when getting category packages (by repository)
	* Optimized frontend package caching
	* add support for command line commands.
		- 'yumex foobar' will search for 'foobar'
		- 'yumex <action> foobar' : (<action> = [install, remove, update, downgrade, reinstall]
		   it will populate the pending action queue, based on the action 
    * Added package info page with package dependency informations
    * Added -X (--execute) to automatic process actions from command line commands.
    * Added -y (--yes) to disable transaction dialog and "Do you want to exit" dialog (to be used with -X)
( * = Released, . = Upstream )