

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > b8240933842cee58f4e7ce03017867c5 > files > 110


/* this program draw 2-d fractal mountains.  It generates them using
 * a random midpoint displacement algorithim. 
 * it generates several screenfulls of mountains and scrolls them to try
 * and be interesting.
 * This code is pretty mungy, but works
 * d.b.g. late summer 1990
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "libsx.h"

 * Unfortunately some machines like Sun's don't have RAND_MAX defined
 * where it should be (can you say "Please be ANSI compliant?"), so
 * we will #define it if it isn't.
#ifndef RAND_MAX
#define RAND_MAX  0x7fff

/* forward declaration */
int   fracline(int a, int b);
void  quit(Widget w, void *junk);
void  anim(Widget w, void *data);
void  draw_stuff(Widget w, int width, int height, void *junk);
void  set_scroll_val(Widget w, float val, void *junk);
void  set_timeout_val(Widget w, float val, void *junk);

int max_random = RAND_MAX;

#define MAX 2048

int line[MAX];              /* this is our global fractal "line" */
double rug = 0.6;           /* ruggedness factor of the "terrain" */

int width,height,where;
int scroll_amount=8;
int timeout=250;
int remove_timeout=FALSE;

main(int argc, char **argv)
  int a, b;
  Widget w[10];

  if (OpenDisplay(argc, argv) == 0)
  w[0] = MakeButton("Quit", quit, NULL);
  w[1] = MakeDrawArea(500, 500, draw_stuff, NULL);
  w[2] = MakeButton("  Animate  ", anim, NULL);
  w[3] = MakeHorizScrollbar(100, set_scroll_val, NULL);
  w[4] = MakeHorizScrollbar(150,set_timeout_val,NULL); 
  w[5] = MakeLabel("Scroll Amount:");
  w[6] = MakeLabel("Timeout Val:");

  SetWidgetPos(w[1], PLACE_UNDER, w[0], NO_CARE, NULL);
  SetWidgetPos(w[2], PLACE_RIGHT, w[0], NO_CARE, NULL);
  SetWidgetPos(w[5], PLACE_RIGHT, w[2], NO_CARE, NULL);
  SetWidgetPos(w[3], PLACE_RIGHT, w[5], NO_CARE, NULL);
  SetWidgetPos(w[6], PLACE_RIGHT, w[3], NO_CARE, NULL);
  SetWidgetPos(w[4], PLACE_RIGHT, w[6], NO_CARE, NULL);

  SetScrollbar(w[3], (float)scroll_amount, 32.0, 1.0);
  SetScrollbar(w[4], (float)timeout, 500.0, 10.0);


  /* initialize */
  srand((getpid()*time(NULL)) | 0x01); 

  a = 0; b = MAX - 1;
  line[a] = line[b] = (rand() % 200) + 100;
  fracline(a, b);    /* actually generate the fractal line. */
} /* end of main */

void  quit(Widget w, void *junk)

void  set_scroll_val(Widget w, float val, void *junk)
  scroll_amount = (int)val + 1;

void  set_timeout_val(Widget w, float val, void *junk)
  timeout = (int)val;

void  draw_stuff(Widget w, int nwidth, int nheight, void *junk)
  int i,x;

  width  = nwidth;
  height = nheight;


  for(i=1; i < width; i++)
    DrawLine(i-1, line[i-1], i, line[i]);

  where = i;

/* void do_anim(void *data, XtIntervalId *foo)  */
void do_anim(void *data) 
  int i;
  ScrollDrawArea(scroll_amount, 0, 0,0, width, height);
  for(i=0; i < scroll_amount; i++)
     DrawLine(width-scroll_amount+i-1, line[(where+i-1)%MAX],
	      width-scroll_amount+i,   line[(where+i)  %MAX]);
  where += i;
  if (remove_timeout == FALSE)
    AddTimeOut(timeout, do_anim, NULL);
    remove_timeout = FALSE;

void anim(Widget w, void *data)
  static int toggle=0;

  toggle ^= 1;
  if (toggle)
     SetLabel(w, "Stop Anim");
     AddTimeOut(timeout, do_anim, NULL); 
     remove_timeout = TRUE;
     SetLabel(w, "  Animate  ");

/* This is the "random midpoint displacement algorithim"  It hasn't been
 * optimized, and I don't know why I used all the temporary variables....

fracline(int a, int b)
  int mid;
  double temp, temp1, temp2;
  if ( (b - a) > 1){
    mid = (a + b) / 2;
    temp1 = (line[a] + line[b])/2;
    temp = (double)(b - a);
    temp2 = (double)rand() / (double)max_random;
    temp2 = (temp2 * 2.0) - 1.0;
    line[mid] = (int)(temp1 + (temp2 * temp * rug));
    if (line[mid] < 0)
      line[mid] = 0;
    else if (line[mid] > 500)
      line[mid] = 500;
    fracline(a, mid);
    fracline(mid, b);