

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > ba02fe3850f2de2ce34a7aefd196fe40 > files > 13


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

use Getopt::Long;
use DBI;
use MLDBM qw(DB_File Storable);
my %Files = (
    db_hash => '/etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.db',
    db_safe => '/etc/mail/spamassassin/',

my %MySQL = (
     db   => 'FuzzyOcr'
    ,hash => 'Hash'
    ,safe => 'Safe'
    ,user => 'fuzzyocr'
    ,pass => 'fuzzyocr'
    ,host => 'localhost'
    ,port => 3306

# defaults
my $cfgfile = "/etc/mail/spamassassin/";
my %App;
my @bin_utils = qw/pamfile ppmhist jpegtopnm giftopnm pngtopnm bmptopnm/;

my $delete = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $learn_ham = 0;
my $learn_spam = 0;
my $score;
    'verbose' => \$verbose,
    'delete'  => \$delete,
    'config=s' => \$cfgfile,
    'score=f' => \$score,
    'learn-ham' => \$learn_ham,
    'learn-spam' => \$learn_spam,

unless (@ARGV) {
    print "Usage: [Options] (imagehash|imagefile) \n";
    print "\n";
    print "Available options:\n";
    print "--config=s   Specify location of\n";
    print "             Default: /etc/mail/spamassassin/\n";
    print "--delete     Removes the hash from the database\n";
    print "--learn-ham  Add the hash as ham to the database\n";
    print "--learn-spam Add the hash as spam to the database\n";
    print "--score=i    Score to use when adding ham/spam\n";
    print "--verbose    Show more informations\n";
    print "\n";
    exit 1;

# Setup default score
unless (defined $score) {
    $score = $learn_ham ? 10 : 0;

# Read custom paths from
my $app_path = q(/usr/local/netpbm/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin);
open CONFIG, "< $cfgfile" or warn "Can't read configuration file, using defaults...\n";

while (<CONFIG>) {
    if ($_ =~ m/^focr_bin_(\w+) (.+)/) {
        $App{$1} = $2;
        printf "Found custom path \"$2\" for application \"$1\"\n" if $verbose;
    if ($_ =~ m/^focr_path_bin (.+)/) {
        $app_path = $1;
        printf "Found new path: \"$1\"\n" if $verbose;
    if ($_ =~ m/^focr_enable_image_hashing (\d)/) {
        $App{hashing_type} = $1;
        printf "Found DB Hashing\n" if ($verbose and $1 == 2);
        printf "Found MySQL Hashing\n" if ($verbose and $1 == 3);
    if ($_ =~ m/^focr_mysql_(\w+) (.+)/) {
        $MySQL{$1} = $2;
        printf "Found MySQL option $1 => '$2'\n" if $verbose;
    if ($_ =~ m/^focr_threshold_max_hash (.+)/) {
        $App{max_hash} = $1;
        printf "Updated Thresold{max_hash} = $1\n" if $verbose;

close CONFIG;

# make shure we have this threshold set
$App{max_hash} = 5 unless defined $App{max_hash};

# search path for bin_util unless already specified in configuration file
foreach my $app (@bin_utils) {
    next if defined $App{$app};
    foreach my $d (split(':',$app_path)) {
        if (-x "$d/$app") {
            $App{$app} = "$d/$app";

sub get_ddb {
    my %dopts = ( AutoCommit => 1 );
    my $dsn = "dbi:mysql:database=".$MySQL{db};
    if (defined $MySQL{socket}) {
        $dsn .= ";mysql_socket=$MySQL{socket}";
    } else {
        $dsn .= ";host=$MySQL{host}";
        $dns .= ";port=$MySQL{port}" unless $MySQL{port} == 3306;
    printf "Connecting to: $dsn\n" if $verbose;
    return DBI->connect($dsn,$MySQL{user},$MySQL{pass},\%dopts);

while (@ARGV) {
    my $file = shift @ARGV;
    my @data = ();
    if ($file =~ m/(\d+):(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/) {
        push @data, $1,$2,$3,$4;
    } elsif ($file eq ':::0') {
        $key = $file;
        $data[3] = 0;
    } else {
        next unless -r $file;
    my $key = '';
    my $ctype = '';
    my $ftype = 0;
    unless (@data) {
        my $app;
        if (($file =~ m/\.jpg$/i) or ($file =~ m/\.jpeg$/i)) {
            $app = $App{jpegtopnm};
            $ctype = "image/jpeg";
            $ftype = 2;
        } elsif ($file =~ m/\.png$/i) {
            $app = $App{pngtopnm};
            $ctype = "image/png";
            $ftype = 3;
        } elsif ($file =~ m/\.bmp$/i) {
            $ctype = "image/bmp";
            $app = $App{bmptopnm};
            $ftype = 4;
        } elsif ($file =~ m/\.tiff?$/i) {
            $app = $App{tifftopnm};
            $ctype = "image/tiff";
            $ftype = 5;
        } elsif ($file =~ m/\.gif$/i) {
            $app = $App{giftopnm};
            $ctype = "image/gif";
            $ftype = 1;
        } elsif ($file =~ m/\.pnm$/i) {
            $app = '/bin/cat';
            $ctype = "image/pnm";
        } else {
            print "Unknown extension given in \"$file\", aborting...\n";
            exit 1;
        my @hist = `$app $file 2>/dev/null |$App{ppmhist} -noheader -`;
        my @res = `$app $file 2>/dev/null |$App{pamfile} -`;
        my ($h,$w) = (0,0);
        if ($res[0] =~ m/(\d+) by (\d+)/) {
            $w = $1; $h = $2;
            printf "Found ($h,$w)\n" if $verbose
        my $c = scalar(@hist); my $cnt = 0;
        printf "Colors: %d\n",$c if $verbose;
        push @data, (stat($file))[7],$h,$w,$c;
        foreach (@hist) {
            $_ =~ s/ +/ /g;
            my @d = split(' ',$_);
            $hash .= sprintf("::%d:%d:%d:%d:%d",@d);
            last if ($cnt++ ge $App{max_hash});
        $key = substr($hash,2);
    printf "Img = %9d %dx%dx%d\n",@data;
    printf "key = <$key>\n" if ($key);
    if ($learn_spam || $learn_ham) {
        if ($App{hashing_type} == 2) {
            my %DB;
            my $ff = $learn_spam ? 'db_hash' : 'db_safe';
            my $dfscore = $learn_spam ? 5 : -5;
            $score = $score ? $score : $dfscore;
            tie %DB, 'MLDBM', $Files{$ff} or die "Can't open $ff";
            print "Adding key to database...\n";
            if (defined $key) {
                my $dbm = $DB{$key};
                $dbm->{fname} = $file;
                $dbm->{ctype} = $ctype;
                $dbm->{dinfo} = "Manually added to the database\n";
                $dbm->{basic} = join(':', @data);
                $dbm->{score} = $score;
                $dbm->{input} =
                $dbm->{check} = time;
                $dbm->{match} = $learn_spam ? 0 : 1;
                $DB{$key} = $dbm;
            untie %DB;
            exit 0;
        } elsif ($App{hashing_type} == 3) {
            my $ddb = get_ddb();
            if ($ddb) {
                my $now = time;
                my $tab = $learn_spam ? 'hash' : 'safe';
                my $sql = "INSERT INTO $MySQL{$tab} VALUES ('" . $key
                    . "','" . join(':',@data)
                    . "','" . $file
                    . "','" . $ctype
                    . "','" . $ftype
                    . "','" . ($learn_spam ? 0 : 1)
                    . "','" . $now
                    . "','" . $now
                    . "','" . $score
                    . "','" . "Manually added to the database\n" . "')";
            } else {
                printf "Cannot connect to $dsn\n";
                exit 1;
            exit 0;
    } else {
        if ($App{hashing_type} == 2) {
            foreach my $ff (keys %Files) {
                my %DB;
                tie %DB, 'MLDBM', $Files{$ff} or next;
                printf "Searching $Files{$ff}...\n";
                foreach my $kk (keys %DB) {
                    my $db = $DB{$kk};
                    my @dd = split('::',$kk);
                    shift @dd if ($dd[0] !~ m/:/);
                    my $dd = join('::',@dd);
                    if ($key eq '') {
                        next unless ($db->{basic} eq join(':',@data));
                    } else {
                        next unless ($dd eq $key);
                    printf "%s HASH\n",($delete)?'Removing':'Found';
                    if ($delete) {
                        delete $DB{$kk};
                    } else {
                        printf "ImageInfo  : %9d:%d:%d:%d\n",split(':',$db->{basic});
                        printf "Matched    : %4d Time(s)\n",$db->{match};
                        printf "Calc.Score : %9.3f\n",$db->{score};
                        printf "in DB since: %s\n",scalar(localtime($db->{input}));
                        printf "Last Match : %s\n",scalar(localtime($db->{check}));
                untie %DB;
        } elsif ($App{hashing_type} == 3) {
            my $ddb = get_ddb();
            if ($ddb) {
                foreach my $ff (sort keys %Files) {
                    my $tab = $ff; $tab =~ s/db_//;
                    my $sql;
                    if ($delete) {
                        $sql = "DELETE FROM $MySQL{$tab} WHERE $MySQL{$tab}.key=?";
                    } else {
                        $sql = "SELECT * FROM $MySQL{$tab} WHERE $MySQL{$tab}.key=?";
                        my @data = $ddb->selectrow_array($sql,undef,$key);
                        if (scalar(@data)) {
                            printf "ImageInfo  : %9d:%d:%d:%d\n",split(':',$data[1]);
                            printf "Matched    : %4d Time(s)\n",$data[5];
                            printf "Calc.Score : %9.3f\n",$data[8];
                            printf "in DB since: %s\n",scalar(localtime($data[6]));
                            printf "Last Match : %s\n",scalar(localtime($data[7]));