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<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"><title>ConfigUI</title></head><body style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 204);" alink="#000099" link="#000099" vlink="#990099"><h1 style="text-align: center;">User Interface Configuration</h1><div style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 510px; height: 429px;" alt="" src="images/config-ui-general.png"><br><br><div style="text-align: left;">Fldigi
offers tips on the use of nearly every aspect of its operation.
&nbsp;These are particularly useful when you first use the program, but
after you are familiar with it's operation they tend to get in the way.
&nbsp;You can turn them off by de-selecting "Show tooltips"<br><br>Some users prefer to not have icons on the menu system. &nbsp;You can turn them off also.<br><br>Fldigi
offers three different look and feel based on the parent Fast Light
Toolkit graphics interface; "base", "gtk+" and "plastic". &nbsp;These
can be combined with command line specifiers for the default background
and foreground colors to create a user unique look to fldigi. &nbsp;You
will probably discover that the default colors and the gtk+ UI scheme
are to be preferred.<br>
You may not want to use all possible modes when operating fldigi.&nbsp;
Press the "Visible modes" button and open the mode selector dialog<br>
<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
      <td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: right;"><img style="width: 180px; height: 489px;" alt="" src="images/visible_modes.png"><br>
      <td style="vertical-align: top;">The use of this dialog should be obvious after a few clicks here and there.<br>
      <td style="vertical-align: top; text-align: right;"><img style="width: 111px; height: 142px;" alt="" src="images/limited_modes.png"><br>
      <td style="vertical-align: top;">By deselecting all but CW, PSK31, PSK63 and RTTY
the Op_Mode menu is decluttered of all the other modes.&nbsp; The WWV
and Freq Analysis modes are always visible.&nbsp; When a subset of the
entire mode bank is selected a new menu item is added to the Op_Mode
menu, "Show all modes".&nbsp; This is a toggle to restore all modes to
the menu.&nbsp; The inverse toggle is "Show fewer modes."<br>
<h4>Capturing Log data</h4>

has a built in logbook. &nbsp;You
can request to be prompted whenever there is an unsaved entry in the
qso log area. &nbsp;You can also elect to whether to clear all of the
qso fields when the log is saved or to leave them intact.
&nbsp;Auto-fill Country and Azimuth uses the data found in the file
"cnty.dat" that you should download and place in the fldigi default
folder. &nbsp;You can force the callsign field to be upper case
independent of capture or keyboard entry. &nbsp;You enter your default
Transmit Power which is used for the logbook record.<br><span style="font-weight: bold;"><br>
has various ways to transfer data in the Rx panel to the qso logging
fields. &nbsp;The default is to use a Shift-Left-Click paradigm.
&nbsp;You can also use a double click method if you prefer. &nbsp;The
Shift-Left-Click will still function.&nbsp; Each data item is
considered to be a single word normally delimited by the space, tab or
end-of-line character.&nbsp; You can add word delimiter characters in
the designated text box.&nbsp; The default is to add *-,.; to the
normal delimiters.&nbsp; This is a useful tool for extracting contest
exchange data.&nbsp; The exchange might be RST, STATE and NAME.&nbsp;
The station being worked might send this as 599-NJ-Bozo.&nbsp; Double
clicking on the 599 NJ and Bozo would treat each as a separate word.<br>
you check the "Show callsign tooltips in received text" then the Rx
text area will popup an information box whenever the mouse is held over
a callsign for more than 2 seconds. &nbsp;The popup will look like one
of the following:<br><br><img style="width: 273px; height: 88px;" alt="" src="images/show-popup.png"> <img style="width: 345px; height: 69px;" alt="" src="images/show-popup2.png"><br><br>The
data is derived by parsing the callsign and referral to both the
logbook and the "cty.dat" file. &nbsp;If the station was previously
worked the operator's name and azimuth/distance will be computed from
the logbook gridsquare entry (Loc). &nbsp;Otherwise the
azimuth/distance is computed from the data in the cty.dat file.<br><br>This file is maintained by, and can be downloaded from the following web site:<br><br><a href=""></a><br><br>Download the file and put it in your fldigi default files folder.<br><br><div style="text-align: center;"><br><br><div style="text-align: left;">You can select to use check buttons (boxes) for
the AFC and Squelch controls.&nbsp; This change requires a restart of fldigi for it to be effective.<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 503px; height: 139px;" alt="" src="images/config-ui-restart.png"><br>
You can configure the appearance of fldigi in a variety of ways,
including the suppression of unused waterfall controls.&nbsp; The
"Oper' Controls" tab contains selection for nearly every waterfall
<div style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 506px; height: 345px;" alt="" src="images/config-ui-oper-controls.png"><br>
<div style="text-align: left;"><br>
<div style="text-align: justify;">Before adjusting these settings it is recommended that you enable this menu item:<br>
<div style="text-align: center;">&nbsp;<img style="width: 141px; height: 266px;" alt="" src="images/config-ui-wf-controls.png"><br>
<div style="text-align: justify;">You can then see the effect of enabling and disabling the various selection boxes.<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><div style="text-align: left;">Fldigi
supports a generic but robust set of contest functions. &nbsp;In
addition to serial-in and serial-out you can capture and transmit three
exchange sequences unique to a specific contest. &nbsp;Enter the
exchange you want to send for each of the three. &nbsp;You can force
the RST in/out to always be 599. &nbsp;That seems to be a norm for many
contests. &nbsp;When operating in a CW contest you can have fldigi send
cut numbers, T for 0, N for nine.<br>
<div style="text-align: center;"><img style="width: 510px; height: 429px;" alt="" src="images/config-ui-contest.png"><br>
<br>The serial number can be set
to use leading zeros. &nbsp; You can specifiy the starting number for
the sequence and how many digits are sent, ie: 0024. &nbsp;Pressing
Reset will set the starting number to the qso logging serial out field.
&nbsp;See <a href="Contest-How-To.html">Contest How To</a> for more info.<br><br>You can check for duplicates
by any combination of the specified named fields. &nbsp;You can also
specify that the duplicate had to occur with a given time interval.
&nbsp;Some VHF contests allow a duplicate CALL after a given time
interval.<br><h4 style="text-align: center;"><a href="file:///home/dave/dev/dev.FLDIGI/FldigiHelp.working/index.html">Contents</a></h4></div></div></div></div></div></div></body></html>