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<title>LilyPond program-reference: 2.1.26 Voice</title>

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<a name="Voice"></a>
<h3 class="subsection">2.1.26 Voice</h3>

<p>Corresponds to a voice on a staff.  This context
handles the conversion of dynamic signs, stems, beams, super- and
subscripts, slurs, ties, and rests.
<p>You have to instantiate this explicitly if you want to have
multiple voices on the same staff.
<p>This context creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Arpeggio</a>, <a href="">Beam</a>, <a href="">BendAfter</a>, <a href="">BreathingSign</a>, <a href="">ClusterSpannerBeacon</a>, <a href="">ClusterSpanner</a>, <a href="">CombineTextScript</a>, <a href="">Dots</a>, <a href="">DoublePercentRepeatCounter</a>, <a href="">DoublePercentRepeat</a>, <a href="">DynamicLineSpanner</a>, <a href="">DynamicTextSpanner</a>, <a href="">DynamicText</a>, <a href="">Fingering</a>, <a href="">Glissando</a>, <a href="">Hairpin</a>, <a href="">InstrumentSwitch</a>, <a href="">LaissezVibrerTieColumn</a>, <a href="">LaissezVibrerTie</a>, <a href="">LigatureBracket</a>, <a href="">MultiMeasureRestNumber</a>, <a href="">MultiMeasureRestText</a>, <a href="">MultiMeasureRest</a>, <a href="">NoteColumn</a>, <a href="">NoteHead</a>, <a href="">NoteSpacing</a>, <a href="">PercentRepeatCounter</a>, <a href="">PercentRepeat</a>, <a href="">PhrasingSlur</a>, <a href="">RepeatSlash</a>, <a href="">RepeatTieColumn</a>, <a href="">RepeatTie</a>, <a href="">Rest</a>, <a href="">ScriptColumn</a>, <a href="">Script</a>, <a href="">Slur</a>, <a href="">StemTremolo</a>, <a href="">Stem</a>, <a href="">StringNumber</a>, <a href="">StrokeFinger</a>, <a href="">TextScript</a>, <a href="">TextSpanner</a>, <a href="">TieColumn</a>, <a href="">Tie</a>, <a href="">TrillPitchAccidental</a>, <a href="">TrillPitchGroup</a>, <a href="">TrillPitchHead</a>, <a href="">TrillSpanner</a>, <a href="">TupletBracket</a>, <a href="">TupletNumber</a> and <a href="">VoiceFollower</a>.
<p>This context sets the following properties:
<li> Set translator property <code>localKeySignature</code> to <code>'()</code>.

<p>This context is a &lsquo;bottom&rsquo; context; it cannot contain other contexts.
<p>This context is built from the following engraver(s):
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code><a href="">Skip_event_swallow_translator</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Swallow <code>\skip</code>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Instrument_switch_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create a cue text for taking instrument.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>instrumentCueName</code> (markup)</dt>
<dd><p>The name to print if another
instrument is to be taken.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">InstrumentSwitch</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Grace_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Set font size and other properties for grace notes.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>graceSettings</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>Overrides for grace notes.  This property
should be manipulated through the <code>add-grace-property</code> function.

<dt> <code><a href="">Tuplet_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Catch tuplet events and generate appropriate bracket.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">tuplet-span-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>tupletFullLength</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, the tuplet is printed up to
the start of the next note.
<dt> <code>tupletFullLengthNote</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, end at the next note,
otherwise end on the matter (time signatures, etc.) before the note.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">TupletBracket</a> and <a href="">TupletNumber</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Tie_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate ties between note heads of equal pitch.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">tie-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>tieWaitForNote</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If true, tied notes do not have to
follow each other directly.  This can be used for writing out
<p>Properties (write)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>tieMelismaBusy</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>Signal whether a tie is present.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Tie</a> and <a href="">TieColumn</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Slur_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Build slur grobs from slur events.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">slur-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>slurMelismaBusy</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>Signal if a slur is present.
<dt> <code>doubleSlurs</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, two slurs are created for every
slurred note, one above and one below the chord.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Slur</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Cluster_spanner_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Engrave a cluster using <code>Spanner</code> notation.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">cluster-note-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">ClusterSpanner</a> and <a href="">ClusterSpannerBeacon</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Phrasing_slur_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Print phrasing slurs.  Similar to <a href="">Slur_engraver</a>.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">phrasing-slur-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">PhrasingSlur</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Spanner_break_forbid_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Forbid breaks in certain spanners.

<dt> <code><a href="">Note_spacing_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate <code>NoteSpacing</code>, an object linking horizontal lines for use in spacing.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">NoteSpacing</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Rhythmic_column_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate <code>NoteColumn</code>, an object that groups stems, note heads, and rests.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">NoteColumn</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Script_column_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Find potentially colliding scripts and put them into a <code>ScriptColumn</code> object; that will fix the collisions.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">ScriptColumn</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Script_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Handle note scripted articulations.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">articulation-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>scriptDefinitions</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>The description of scripts.  This is
used by the <code>Script_engraver</code> for typesetting note-superscripts
and subscripts.  See &lsquo;<tt>scm/script.scm</tt>&rsquo; for more information.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Script</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Bend_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create fall spanners.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">bend-after-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">BendAfter</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Fingering_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create fingering scripts.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">stroke-finger-event</a> and <a href="">fingering-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Fingering</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Dynamic_align_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Align hairpins and dynamic texts on a horizontal line

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>currentMusicalColumn</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>Grob that is X-parent to all
non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">DynamicLineSpanner</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">New_dynamic_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create hairpins, dynamic texts, and their vertical alignments.  The symbols are collected onto a <code>DynamicLineSpanner</code> grob which takes care of vertical positioning.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">span-dynamic-event</a> and <a href="">absolute-dynamic-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>crescendoSpanner</code> (symbol)</dt>
<dd><p>The type of spanner to be used for
crescendi.  Available values are &lsquo;<samp>hairpin</samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp>text</samp>&rsquo;.  If unset,
a hairpin crescendo is used.
<dt> <code>crescendoText</code> (markup)</dt>
<dd><p>The text to print at start of non-hairpin
crescendo, i.e., &lsquo;<samp>cresc.</samp>&rsquo;.
<dt> <code>currentMusicalColumn</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>Grob that is X-parent to all
non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).
<dt> <code>decrescendoSpanner</code> (symbol)</dt>
<dd><p>The type of spanner to be used for
decrescendi.  Available values are &lsquo;<samp>hairpin</samp>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<samp>text</samp>&rsquo;.  If
unset, a hairpin decrescendo is used.
<dt> <code>decrescendoText</code> (markup)</dt>
<dd><p>The text to print at start of
non-hairpin decrescendo, i.e., &lsquo;<samp>dim.</samp>&rsquo;.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">DynamicText</a>, <a href="">DynamicTextSpanner</a> and <a href="">Hairpin</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Text_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create text scripts.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">text-script-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">TextScript</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Part_combine_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Part combine engraver for orchestral scores: Print markings &lsquo;a2&rsquo;, &lsquo;Solo&rsquo;, &lsquo;Solo II&rsquo;, and &lsquo;unisono&rsquo;.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">part-combine-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>printPartCombineTexts</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>Set &lsquo;Solo&rsquo; and &lsquo;A due&rsquo; texts
in the part combiner?
<dt> <code>soloText</code> (markup)</dt>
<dd><p>The text for the start of a solo when
<dt> <code>soloIIText</code> (markup)</dt>
<dd><p>The text for the start of a solo for
voice &lsquo;two&rsquo; when part-combining.
<dt> <code>aDueText</code> (markup)</dt>
<dd><p>Text to print at a unisono passage.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">CombineTextScript</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Slash_repeat_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Make beat repeats.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">percent-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>measureLength</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>Length of one measure in the current
time signature.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">RepeatSlash</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Percent_repeat_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Make whole bar and double bar repeats.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">percent-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>countPercentRepeats</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, produce counters for
percent repeats.
<dt> <code>currentCommandColumn</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>Grob that is X-parent to all
current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
<dt> <code>measureLength</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>Length of one measure in the current
time signature.
<dt> <code>repeatCountVisibility</code> (procedure)</dt>
<dd><p>A procedure taking as
arguments an integer and context, returning whether the corresponding
percent repeat number should be printed when <code>countPercentRepeats</code>
is set.
<p>Properties (write)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>forbidBreak</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set to <code>##t</code>, prevent a line break
at this point.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">DoublePercentRepeat</a>, <a href="">DoublePercentRepeatCounter</a>, <a href="">PercentRepeat</a> and <a href="">PercentRepeatCounter</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Chord_tremolo_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate beams for tremolo repeats.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">tremolo-span-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Beam</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">New_fingering_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create fingering scripts for notes in a new chord.  This engraver is ill-named, since it also takes care of articulations and harmonic note heads.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>fingeringOrientations</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>A list of symbols, containing
&lsquo;<samp>left</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>right</samp>&rsquo;, &lsquo;<samp>up</samp>&rsquo; and/or &lsquo;<samp>down</samp>&rsquo;.  This list
determines where fingerings are put relative to the chord being
<dt> <code>harmonicDots</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, harmonic notes in dotted chords get
<dt> <code>strokeFingerOrientations</code> (list)</dt>
<dt> <code>stringNumberOrientations</code> (list)</dt>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Fingering</a>, <a href="">Script</a>, <a href="">StringNumber</a> and <a href="">StrokeFinger</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Auto_beam_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate beams based on measure characteristics and observed Stems.  Uses <code>beatLength</code>, <code>measureLength</code>, and <code>measurePosition</code> to decide when to start and stop a beam.  Overriding beaming is done through <a href="">Stem_engraver</a> properties <code>stemLeftBeamCount</code> and <code>stemRightBeamCount</code>.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">beam-forbid-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>autoBeaming</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set to true then beams are generated
<dt> <code>autoBeamSettings</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>Specifies when automatically generated
beams should begin and end.  See <a name="index-Setting-automatic-beam-6"></a>
<a href="../lilypond/">Setting automatic beam behavior</a> for more information.
<dt> <code>beatLength</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>The length of one beat in this time
<dt> <code>subdivideBeams</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, multiple beams will be
subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Beam</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Grace_beam_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Handle <code>Beam</code> events by engraving beams.  If omitted, then notes are printed with flags instead of beams.  Only engraves beams when we are at grace points in time.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">beam-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>beamMelismaBusy</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>Signal if a beam is present.
<dt> <code>beatLength</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>The length of one beat in this time
<dt> <code>subdivideBeams</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, multiple beams will be
subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Beam</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Beam_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Handle <code>Beam</code> events by engraving beams.  If omitted, then notes are printed with flags instead of beams.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">beam-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>beamMelismaBusy</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>Signal if a beam is present.
<dt> <code>beatLength</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>The length of one beat in this time
<dt> <code>subdivideBeams</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, multiple beams will be
subdivided at beat positions by only drawing one beam over the beat.
<p>Properties (write)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>forbidBreak</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set to <code>##t</code>, prevent a line break
at this point.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Beam</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Stem_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create stems and single-stem tremolos.  It also works together with the beam engraver for overriding beaming.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">tremolo-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>tremoloFlags</code> (integer)</dt>
<dd><p>The number of tremolo flags to add if no
number is specified.
<dt> <code>stemLeftBeamCount</code> (integer)</dt>
<dd><p>Specify the number of beams to draw
on the left side of the next note.  Overrides automatic beaming.  The
value is only used once, and then it is erased.
<dt> <code>stemRightBeamCount</code> (integer)</dt>
<dd><p>See <code>stemLeftBeamCount</code>.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Stem</a> and <a href="">StemTremolo</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Tweak_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Read the <code>tweaks</code> property from the originating event, and set properties.

<dt> <code><a href="">Rest_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Engrave rests.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">rest-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>middleCPosition</code> (number)</dt>
<dd><p>The place of the middle C, measured in
half staff-spaces.  Usually determined by looking at
<code>middleCClefPosition</code> and <code>middleCOffset</code>.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Rest</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Dots_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create <a href="">Dots</a> objects for <a href="">rhythmic-head-interface</a>s.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Dots</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Note_heads_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate note heads.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">note-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>middleCPosition</code> (number)</dt>
<dd><p>The place of the middle C, measured in
half staff-spaces.  Usually determined by looking at
<code>middleCClefPosition</code> and <code>middleCOffset</code>.
<dt> <code>staffLineLayoutFunction</code> (procedure)</dt>
<dd><p>Layout of staff lines,
<code>traditional</code>, or <code>semitone</code>.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">NoteHead</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Breathing_sign_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create a breathing sign.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">breathing-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">BreathingSign</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Ligature_bracket_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Handle <code>Ligature_events</code> by engraving <code>Ligature</code> brackets.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">ligature-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">LigatureBracket</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Glissando_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Engrave glissandi.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">glissando-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Glissando</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Note_head_line_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Engrave a line between two note heads, for example a glissando.  If <code>followVoice</code> is set, staff switches also generate a line.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>followVoice</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set, note heads are tracked across
staff switches by a thin line.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Glissando</a> and <a href="">VoiceFollower</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Repeat_tie_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create repeat ties.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">repeat-tie-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">RepeatTie</a> and <a href="">RepeatTieColumn</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Laissez_vibrer_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create laissez vibrer items.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">laissez-vibrer-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">LaissezVibrerTie</a> and <a href="">LaissezVibrerTieColumn</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Forbid_line_break_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Forbid line breaks when note heads are still playing at some point.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>busyGrobs</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>A queue of <code>(<var>end-moment</var> .
<var>GROB</var>)</code> cons cells.  This is for internal (C++) use only.  This
property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads,
spanners, etc.).
<p>Properties (write)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>forbidBreak</code> (boolean)</dt>
<dd><p>If set to <code>##t</code>, prevent a line break
at this point.

<dt> <code><a href="">Grob_pq_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Administrate when certain grobs (e.g., note heads) stop playing.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>busyGrobs</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>A queue of <code>(<var>end-moment</var> .
<var>GROB</var>)</code> cons cells.  This is for internal (C++) use only.  This
property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads,
spanners, etc.).
<p>Properties (write)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>busyGrobs</code> (list)</dt>
<dd><p>A queue of <code>(<var>end-moment</var> .
<var>GROB</var>)</code> cons cells.  This is for internal (C++) use only.  This
property contains the grobs which are still busy (e.g. note heads,
spanners, etc.).

<dt> <code><a href="">Trill_spanner_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create trill spanner from an event.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">trill-span-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>currentCommandColumn</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>Grob that is X-parent to all
current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
<dt> <code>currentMusicalColumn</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>Grob that is X-parent to all
non-breakable items (note heads, lyrics, etc.).

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">TrillSpanner</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Text_spanner_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Create text spanner from an event.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">text-span-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">TextSpanner</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Multi_measure_rest_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Engrave multi-measure rests that are produced with &lsquo;<samp>R</samp>&rsquo;.  It reads <code>measurePosition</code> and <code>internalBarNumber</code> to determine what number to print over the <a href="">MultiMeasureRest</a>.  Reads <code>measureLength</code> to determine whether it should use a whole rest or a breve rest to represent one measure.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">multi-measure-text-event</a> and <a href="">multi-measure-rest-event</a>
<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>internalBarNumber</code> (integer)</dt>
<dd><p>Contains the current barnumber.
This property is used for internal timekeeping, among others by the
<dt> <code>restNumberThreshold</code> (number)</dt>
<dd><p>If a multimeasure rest has more
measures than this, a number is printed.
<dt> <code>breakableSeparationItem</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>The breakable items in this
time step, for this staff.
<dt> <code>currentCommandColumn</code> (layout object)</dt>
<dd><p>Grob that is X-parent to all
current breakable (clef, key signature, etc.) items.
<dt> <code>measurePosition</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>How much of the current measure have
we had.  This can be set manually to create incomplete measures.
<dt> <code>measureLength</code> (moment)</dt>
<dd><p>Length of one measure in the current
time signature.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">MultiMeasureRest</a>, <a href="">MultiMeasureRestNumber</a> and <a href="">MultiMeasureRestText</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Arpeggio_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Generate an Arpeggio symbol.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">arpeggio-event</a>

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">Arpeggio</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Output_property_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Apply a procedure to any grob acknowledged.
<p>Music types accepted:
<p><a href="">apply-output-event</a>

<dt> <code><a href="">Pitched_trill_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Print the bracketed note head after a note head with trill.

<p>This engraver creates the following layout object(s):
<p><a href="">TrillPitchAccidental</a>, <a href="">TrillPitchGroup</a> and <a href="">TrillPitchHead</a>.

<dt> <code><a href="">Font_size_engraver</a></code></dt>
<dd><p>Put <code>fontSize</code> into <code>font-size</code> grob property.

<p>Properties (read)
</p><blockquote><dl compact="compact">
<dt> <code>fontSize</code> (number)</dt>
<dd><p>The relative size of all grobs in a context.


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<h4 class="toc_header"> <a href="" title="Start of the manual">Internals Reference</a></h4>
<div class="contents">
<ul class="toc">
  <li><a name="toc-Music-definitions-1" href="">1. Music definitions</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Music-expressions-1" href="">1.1 Music expressions</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Music-classes-1" href="">1.2 Music classes</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Music-properties-1" href="">1.3 Music properties</a>    </li>
  <li class="toc_current"><a name="toc-Translation-1" href="">2. Translation</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li class="toc_current"><a name="toc-Contexts-1" href="">2.1 Contexts</a>
    <ul class="toc">
      <li><a name="toc-ChoirStaff-1" href="">2.1.1 ChoirStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-ChordNames-1" href="">2.1.2 ChordNames</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-CueVoice-1" href="">2.1.3 CueVoice</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-Devnull-1" href="">2.1.4 Devnull</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-DrumStaff-1" href="">2.1.5 DrumStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-DrumVoice-1" href="">2.1.6 DrumVoice</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-FiguredBass-1" href="">2.1.7 FiguredBass</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-FretBoards-1" href="">2.1.8 FretBoards</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-Global-1" href="">2.1.9 Global</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-GrandStaff-1" href="">2.1.10 GrandStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-GregorianTranscriptionStaff-1" href="">2.1.11 GregorianTranscriptionStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-GregorianTranscriptionVoice-1" href="">2.1.12 GregorianTranscriptionVoice</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-Lyrics-1" href="">2.1.13 Lyrics</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-MensuralStaff-1" href="">2.1.14 MensuralStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-MensuralVoice-1" href="">2.1.15 MensuralVoice</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-NoteNames-1" href="">2.1.16 NoteNames</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-PianoStaff-1" href="">2.1.17 PianoStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-RhythmicStaff-1" href="">2.1.18 RhythmicStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-Score-1" href="">2.1.19 Score</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-Staff-1" href="">2.1.20 Staff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-StaffGroup-1" href="">2.1.21 StaffGroup</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-TabStaff-1" href="">2.1.22 TabStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-TabVoice-1" href="">2.1.23 TabVoice</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-VaticanaStaff-1" href="">2.1.24 VaticanaStaff</a>      </li>
      <li><a name="toc-VaticanaVoice-1" href="">2.1.25 VaticanaVoice</a>      </li>
      <li class="toc_current"><a name="toc-Voice-1" href="">2.1.26 Voice</a>      </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Engravers-and-Performers-1" href="">2.2 Engravers and Performers</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Tunable-context-properties-1" href="">2.3 Tunable context properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Internal-context-properties-1" href="">2.4 Internal context properties</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Backend-1" href="">3. Backend</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-All-layout-objects-1" href="">3.1 All layout objects</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Graphical-Object-Interfaces-1" href="">3.2 Graphical Object Interfaces</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-User-backend-properties-1" href="">3.3 User backend properties</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Internal-backend-properties-1" href="">3.4 Internal backend properties</a>    </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Scheme-functions-1" href="">4. Scheme functions</a>  </li>
  <li><a name="toc-Indices-1" href="">A. Indices</a>
  <ul class="toc">
    <li><a name="toc-Concept-index" href="">A.1 Concept index</a>    </li>
    <li><a name="toc-Function-index" href="">A.2 Function index</a>    </li>
