

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 0df5dc7e0524b86a2b67eb171ac34076 > files > 9


1.0.2 (May 27, 2010)
	Finally, Artha is truly cross-platform now! A M$ Windows build is made with exactly the 
	same features available on Linux. No mismatch or feature cutdowns between the two versions. 
	To meet this requirement, the biggest hinderance was that libnotify or notification daemon 
	doesn't exist on Windows; so a libnotify shared library was written from scratch with pure 
	Win32 APIs. This is written to work with only one app. at a given time; this should be 
	improved to support many applications ~ concurrency; Later, this can be developed into a 
	separate project "libnotify for Win32" which can be used by any app. that needs libnotify
	in Windows environment. Notification turn around is a lot quicker now since the lookup when 
	in notification mode is made a lot lightweight. A setup installer for Windows is created 
	using Inno Setup. Even though 2.16 of GTK+ Win32 runtime is said to be stabler it crashes
	when MS-Windows theme is set. 2.18 works perfectly fine and hence this is bundled. Instead 
	of going for a common GTK+ installation like Tor Lillqvist suggests to most beginners that 
	an in-folder, per app. private GTK+ runtime installation is much better and works well.

1.0.1 (Jan 20, 2010)
	Suggestions feature was first implemented with the logic to look for 'en' dict and if not 
	found, some arbitrary 'eb_*' dict was chosen by enumeration. This was done on the reasoning 
	that in some legacy systems LANG environment variable wouldn't be set. But then, with this 
	release, it looks for the variable, if found, it uses it to see if the user has a English 
	variant set, if so, then it tries to load that locale of English dictionary's availability.
	Hotkey modifiers like Super, Hyper, etc. didn't work since the function to resolve those 
	mods was not called before registering with the X server. This was found in UbuntuForums.
	The previous release had a couple of major bugs. One was a possible memory leak where in a 
	top level widget obtained from GtkBuilder was not destroyed. Then, in a few distros, like 
	Fedora, OpenSUSE, etc. which have an older WordNet package, when Detailed mode is set, it's 
	library hits the max depth for words like 'muzzle', 'mortify', etc. Artha catches these 
	gracefully, but treats them as errors, while now they are treated as warnings, and stops 
	search beyond allowed depth. With WordNet now having a revamped web site, the links seem to 
	have changed. These and inconsistency with compund words like hotkey, lookup, etc. are fixed.
	In KDE, the default property value for 'sensitivity' of GtkComboBoxEntry seems to be FALSE, 
	so KDE-ians were not able to enter any search text, now it's fixed by setting in GUI xml.

1.0.0 (Jan 08, 2010)
	After a long time, the most wanted and the earliest charted feature, hotkey customization, 
	is done. Initially the famed eggcellrendererkeys from gnome-control-center was tried; but the 
	same cell renderer for accelerators seems to have been available for a long time under the name  
	'GtkCellRendererAccel'. This is used for the same, and it exactly fits the purpose. Handling 
	multiple instances, to make sure only a single instance runs at a given time, was a long 
	standing requirement. This is achieved using D-Bus. libnotify's dependency is now completely 
	removed; it's availability will be determined @ run time; if available, it's functions will 
	be dynamically linked and called to show notifications. gtk_window_present to display Artha's 
	main window as the foremost was not working properly. libtomboy helped here, with it's function 
	tomboy_window_present_hardcore; with this when ever the hotkey is pressed, the window not only 
	comes to the foreground, but also grab's the foucs properly. gtk-builder-convert tool dependency 
	is also removed since the latest release of Glade (glade3) gives XML output that is directly 
	parse-able by GtkBuilder. Cluttered welcome message boxes are now removed since the hotkey is 
	now customizable. Overall code is now restructured with a few other minor bugs fixes. Autoconf 
	and Automake files had a uninstall issue which is fixed and both the files are now cleaner with 
	lesser number of checks for development headers. All in all it's a vital release with a major 
	feature addition and lot of changes to code and build structure; this is the actual release 
	that truly meets all the primary goals set during Artha's genesis :)

0.9.1 (May 17, 2009)
	Trying Artha on Fedora showed that searching for library wordnet fails when one builds WordNet 
	from source as it gives a archive library output libWN.a and configure looks for
	This is now corrected. When index.sense is missing during the start up, the wordnet_terms var. 
	remains NULL and performing a regex search on it leads to a crash which is now fixed. Artha 
	will throw an error saying that the index file was missing on startup. It was decided against 
	populating the index file on start up using the other index files namely index.noun, index.verb, 
	index.adj and index.adv. The reason is that building WordNet from source installs index.sense 
	by default. In case of binaries it can be added to the dependencies, if it is available only as a 
	separate package. Status bar is now updated on index load, usual lookups and regex searches.
	Ubuntu 9.04 has introduced new a notification system, wherein if the notification has any 
	action button, the notification is shown up as a message box (already posts are showing up on 
	the net that it sux :) Although, the 'Detailed Lookup' button in Artha was redundant (one can 
	bring up the app. by clicking on the status bar icon). Hence the action button is now cleared.

0.9.0 (Apr 26, 2009)
	wildmat is a somewhat simplified form of regex which can be used by laymen and advanced users
	alike. Artha now has regex based search for locating a term in the thesaurus. A conversion 
	func. from the former to later pattern is done and GRegex is used to search the WordNet terms.
	On startup, index.sense of WordNet is located and all terms are ripped and stored in the mem.
	which will be used for the regex based searches. Apart from this, double click selecting a
	term in the definition text view, now looks up for compund terms and if available, jumps to 
	that instead of the actual term selected by double click.

0.8.0 (Feb 10, 2009):
	Since libenchant is a good wrapper over a lot of dictionaries, it is chosen for suggestions. 
	When Artha loads, it will look for and see if it can get the handles to its 
	functions. If found, Artha can show suggestions on a misspelled word search. libnotify should 
	also be made as a plugin, so that a direct dependency can be cut, but that is something for 
	the next release, along with the regex based searches. Since mappings between relatives and 
	senses are difficult to find, highlighting is done now, when a relative is selected. In all 
	the previous versions, when in detailed mode, each 'Indirect Antonym' was shown under its 
	parent 'Similar' word (word similar to the searched term) due to which it is conceived as an 
	antonym. Now those similar words are put up in a new column so as to avoid confusion. Lot of 
	small bugs and petite memory leaks fixed, apart from these major ones.

0.7.2 (Jan 31, 2009):
	After trying 0.7.1 on Kubuntu, lots of insights were gained. Even though libnotify is present 
	with dbus, notifications are not shown, since notification-daemon is missing. Hence a check 
	for notify_init's return value is now done, and when it fails, Artha refrains from showing 
	the option at all to the user. Likewise, svg was not supported for menu icons and status bar 
	icon, hence the svg pixbuf is now replace by a png, as it is better supported on most systems. 
	Autotools scripts, both configure and makefile had bugs in finding the library availablity. 
	Hence moved all AC_CHECK_LIBs to pkg-config based checks. When the version number is found 
	incremented (from the conf file), the user is thanked for updating. Preferences are now saved 
	whenever a setting is toggled and not on app. exit. All characters not recognised by WordNet 
	(characters other than alpha, num, -, , _) are stripped off the selection text. Summoning 
	should generally fetch results, better end user experience. When doing a complete code 
	walkthru' to find the maximum version number of GLib and GTK+, it was found that except the 
	func. g_strcmp0, all other GLib functions were either of 2.10 or earlier. Hence wrote a 
	custom wrapper over strcmp to remove the dependency on Glib 2.16. So now the maximum usage of 
	GLib abd GTK are the modules GSlice and GtkBuilder. Phew! Its a pretty hefty release, eh? :)

0.7.1 (Jan 29, 2009):
	Finally, for bug tracking, Artha is registered in LaunchPad! A 'Report a Bug' button is kept 
	on the About dialog for easy user access. After reading the dbus API docs, came to know that 
	using GLib bindings API is the right way. Hence changed the low-level dbus call to dbus-GLib 
	call to initialize threads in dbus.

0.7.0 (Jan 23, 2009):
	Since the help is yet to be created, a message box is put for first runs and hotkey changes, 
	so as to notify the user. Instead of sticking to Ctrl + Alt + W, 3 more hotkey tries are 
	added to the list. Artha tries to set them one by one. If none are available, summoning and 
	notifications are disabled.

	Last set user's preferences (mode & notifications) will now be stored in a .conf file in the 
	user's config. directory. gtk_show_uri's availability now found in run-time, so that version 
	2.12 of libgtk is now enough to run/build Artha, instead of 2.14.

	'Attributes' tab will now get renamed dynamically based on the term. E.g. for 'tall' it gets 
	renamed to 'Attribute of' & for 'height' it gets renamed to 'Attributes'. Applications menu 
	shortcut will now get created for Artha under Accessories, implemented with .desktop file.
	Finally, a bare bones man page is added to the dist! :) gtk_show_uri(), which is present since 
	GTK+ 2.14, is required for email/url hooks in About screen, all other functions used will build 
	againt 2.12. Hence I created a macro using autoconf. If compiled against libgtk 2.14 or greater, 
	email and url hooks in About screen will be present from now on.

	Status bar is now updated with the number of senses in different POSs (Part of Speeches). A 
	minor bug, which resulted in not searching of a already searched term, when the last search 
	was unsuccessful, fixed.

	Double clicking or pressing Enter/Return key on a relative from any of the relative list, now 
	jumps to that word's definition search. About box, credits & licence are now mentioned in the 
	GUI. Autoconf and automake are now used to automate the building process in diff. environments. 
	Files COPYING, TODO, AUTHORS, NEWS, INSTALL, README & ChangeLog are added to the project.

	Previous and Next buttons are added to give a browser like feature, wherein the user can scroll 
	thru' the list of terms they have searched. In case of a word already in history, when searched, 
	the word is searched and results are set as usual, but the word is searched for in the history, 
	and its set as the current active index in the combo box, that in-turn was calling the search 
	button click module again, resulting in 2 recursive searches. This issue is fixed.

	After reading a few tutorials, first hand-written Makefile for Artha created with a few rules. 
	Two modes, one simple and the other advanced, designed for simplicity. Users who prefer to live 
	in list based relatives can do so, while veterans who want detailed info on the relatives of a 
	term can also do so with the help of the 'Detailed' mode button.

	Populating of tree based relatives done (using recursion). Using the attributes concept of the 
	tree view, bold face for multi occuring relatives are displayed. WNI had a small bug, wherein 
	the term in question is checked against all of the master list, while missing the current list. 
	This issue is fixed.

	Populated list based relatives in the respective GTK Tree View with Tree Store model. Referred 
	X's rgb.txt and assigned different colours for different familiarity category, with the lightest 
	for the most familiar (very familiar) to the darkest for the least (very rare). History of 
	searched words started to maintain in the drop down combo box with a GTK list store.

	After doing code profiling of WNI using gprof, strip_adj_marker() was found to be getting 
	called highly redundantly, it is removed where ever not required. GUI designed with Glade3, while
	GTK Builder class is used for loading the GUI. Definitions of a searched string displayed in the 
	designed GTK Text View. Initially formatting was like hell, once GTK Text Tag concepts came in, 
	this was much better with a decent formatting/colour-coding scheme.

	XGrabKey, to grab a hotkey combo, which was long done (2007 year end) before the project started 
	came in very handy when it was required. libnotify used to display the first definition of Artha 
	from System Tray icon.

	Memory leaks checked with Valgrind. Since Slice Allocator was recommended by GTK+, code's 
	alloc's. moved to Slice Alloctor.

	After a lot of contemplation, WordNet Interface module is created with a list model for a 
	few relative lists and tree model for the remaining, so that they can be used for different modes.