

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 1f0b21aa88f3c2c3f7d3ecd7ad1b78e0 > files > 472


	<title>EST_TMatrix </title>

 The EST_TMatrix class is a generl purpose 2 dimensional array
 container class. It handles memory allocation and (if required) bounds
 checking and is reasonably efficiant, so there should be little need
 to use bare &cpp; arays.
        <title>See also</title><para>
    <programlisting arch='c'>#include "EST_TMatrix.h"
#include "EST_String.h"    </programlisting>
      <title>Basic Matrix Use</title>
 Instances of the TMatrix class are intended to behave as
 you would expect two dimensional arrays to work.
 Matrixes are declared by giving the type and the number of 
 rows and columns. Here we create a 10 row by 5 column matrix.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  EST_TMatrix&lt;float&gt; m(10, 5);      </programlisting>
 Access to values in the matrix is via the a() member function.
 This returns a reference, so you can assign values to matrix cells.
 As is usually the case in &cpp;, column and row indecies start from 0.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  for(int i=0; i&lt;m.num_rows(); i++)
    for(int j=0; j&lt;m.num_columns(); j++)
      m.a(i,j) = i+j/100.0;	// <lineannotation>Just something easy to recognise</lineannotation>      </programlisting>
 A simple output method is supplied, it just outputs a row at a time,
 tab separated to a named file. A filename of "-" means standard output.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  cout &lt;&lt; "Initial Matrix\n";"-");
  cout &lt;&lt; "\n";      </programlisting>
 Resize to 20 rows by 10 columns This fills the new
 area with <parameter>def_val</parameter>, which is 0.0 for floats.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  m.resize(20,10);      </programlisting>
      <title>Copying Data to/from a buffer</title>
 Whole rows or columns can be extracted into a buffer, or can be
 filled with data from a buffer. The buffer must be pre-declared,
 and it is up to you to ensure it is big enough.

 Data can be extracted into a buffer in one operation
      <programlisting arch='c'>  float *buf = new float[max(m.num_rows(),m.num_columns())];

  m.copy_row(5, buf);      </programlisting>

 And data can be inserted in a similar manner.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  m.set_column(5,buf);      </programlisting>
      <title>Sub-Matrices and Sub-Vectors</title>
 A sub-vector or sub-matrix is a window onto a matrix. If you obtain a
 sub vector representing a row, for instance, you can treat it
 a normal vector, any changes you make affecting the underlying
Here is how we can create new variables which refer to the 11th
 row, 4th column and a 5X3 rectnagle with top left hand corner (8,2).
 (since the first column or row is numbered 0, the numbers may be one
 less than you expect).
      <programlisting arch='c'>  EST_TVector&lt;float&gt; row;
  EST_TVector&lt;float&gt; column;
  EST_TMatrix&lt;float&gt; rectangle;
  m.row(row, 10);
  m.column(column, 3);
	       8, 5, 
	       2, 3);      </programlisting>
If we update the sub-vector, the main matrix changes.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  // <lineannotation>10th row becomes squares of the index</lineannotation>
  for(int i2=0; i2&lt;row.n(); i2++)
    row[i2] = i2*i2;

  // <lineannotation>3rd column becomes cubes of the index</lineannotation>
  for(int i3=0; i3&lt;column.n(); i3++)
    column[i3] = i3*i3*i3;

  // <lineannotation>Central rectangle filled with -1</lineannotation>
  for(int i4=0; i4&lt;rectangle.num_rows(); i4++)
    for(int j4=0; j4&lt;rectangle.num_columns(); j4++)
      rectangle.a(i4, j4) = -1;      </programlisting>
We can even extract rows and columns from a sub-matrix as follows.
      <programlisting arch='c'>  EST_TVector&lt;float&gt; rrow;
  EST_TVector&lt;float&gt; rcolumn;

  // <lineannotation>3rd row of sub-matrix, part of 12th row of main matrix</lineannotation>
  rectangle.row(rrow, 2);
  // <lineannotation>2nd column of sub-matrix, part of 8th column of main matrix</lineannotation>
  rectangle.column(rcolumn, 1);      </programlisting>
      <title>Template Instantiation.</title>
 Some &cpp; compilers requre explicit guidance about which types
 of Matrix will be used. For many common types, including float,
 this guidance is included in the &est; libraries. However, if you
 need to use matrecies of your own types, you will need to include
 declarations similar to the following.
      <programlisting arch='c'>Declare_TMatrix(MyType)


#include "../base_class/"


#endif      </programlisting>
By using this form of declaration, you should ensure that your
 code will compile anywhere where the speech tools libraries will.