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In file ../include/sigpr/EST_sigpr_utt.h:<TABLE BORDER=0><TR>
<TD VALIGN=TOP><H2>void <A HREF="#DOC.DOCU">fbank</A></H2></TD><TD><H2>(<!1><A HREF="EST_Wave.html">EST_Wave</A> &amp;sig,  <!1><A HREF="EST_Track.html">EST_Track</A> &amp;<!1><A HREF="fbank.html">fbank</A>,<BR>&nbsp; const float factor,<BR>&nbsp; <!1><A HREF="EST_WindowFunc.html">EST_WindowFunc</A>* wf = EST_Window::creator(DEFAULT_WINDOW_NAME),<BR>&nbsp; const bool up = false,  const bool take_log = true)</H2></TD></TR></TABLE>
<BLOCKQUOTE>Mel scale filter bank analysis.</BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE>Mel scale filter bank analysis. The Mel scale triangular filters
are computed via an FFT (see <!1><A HREF="fastFFT.html">fastFFT</A>). This routine is required
for Mel cepstral analysis (see <!1><A HREF="melcep.html">melcep</A>). The analysis of each
frame is done by <!1><A HREF="sig2fbank.html">sig2fbank</A>.

<P>A typical filter bank analysis for speech recognition might use log
energy outputs from 20 filters.

<DL><DT><DT><B>Parameters:</B><DD><B>sig</B> - : input waveform
<BR><B>fbank</B> - : the output. The number of filters is determined from the number
<!1><A HREF="EST_String.html#DOC.75.10">size</A> of this track.
<BR><B>factor</B> - : the <!1><A HREF="EST_Track.html#DOC.71.4.1">frame</A> <!1><A HREF="EST_TVector.html#DOC.">length</A> factor, i.e. the analysis <!1><A HREF="EST_Track.html#DOC.71.4.1">frame</A> <!1><A HREF="EST_TVector.html#DOC.">length</A>
will be this times the local pitch period
<BR><B>wf</B> - : function for windowing. See Windowing mechanisms
<BR><B>up</B> - : whether the filterbank analysis should use
<!1><A HREF="power.html">power</A> rather than energy.
<BR><B>take_log</B> - : whether to take logs of the filter outputs
<BR><DT><B>See Also:</B><DD><!1><A HREF="sig2fbank.html">sig2fbank</A>
<BR><!1><A HREF="melcep.html">melcep</A><BR><DD></DL><P><P><I><A HREF="index.html">Alphabetic index</A></I> <I><A HREF="HIER.html">HTML hierarchy of classes</A> or <A HREF="HIERjava.html">Java</A></I></P><HR>
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<P Align=left><I>This page is part of the 
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Edinburgh Speech Tools Library</A> documentation
Copyright <A HREF=""> University of Edinburgh</A> 1997
Contact: <A HREF="">  </a>
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