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<H1 CLASS="chapter"><A NAME="htoc183">Chapter&#XA0;10</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;File, I/O and system operations</H1><UL>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc73">File names</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc74">Path search</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc75">File stats</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc76">Globbing and file listings</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc77">Filesystem operations</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc78">vmount</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc79">File predicates</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc80">IO functions</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc81">Printing functions</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc82">Value printing functions</A></LI>
<LI><A HREF="omake-system.html#toc83">Higher-level IO functions</A></LI>
<A NAME="chapter:system"></A>
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc73"></A><A NAME="htoc184">10.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;File names</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc185">10.1.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;file, dir</H3><P><A NAME="fun:file"></A><A NAME="function:file"></A><A NAME="@default189"></A><A NAME="@fun109"></A><A NAME="fun:dir"></A><A NAME="function:dir"></A><A NAME="@default190"></A><A NAME="@fun110"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(file sequence) : File Sequence
      sequence : Sequence
   $(dir sequence) : Dir Sequence
      sequence : Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>file</CODE> and <CODE>dir</CODE> functions define location-independent references to files and directories.
In <TT>omake</TT>, the commands to build a target are executed in the target's directory. Since there may be
many directories in an <TT>omake</TT> project, the build system provides a way to construct a reference to a file
in one directory, and use it in another without explicitly modifying the file name. The functions have the following
syntax, where the name should refer to a file or directory.</P><P>For example, we can construct a reference to a file <CODE>foo</CODE> in the current directory.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   FOO = $(file foo)
   .SUBDIRS: bar
</PRE><P>If the <CODE>FOO</CODE> variable is expanded in the <CODE>bar</CODE> subdirectory, it will expand to <CODE>../foo</CODE>.</P><P>These commands are often used in the top-level OMakefile to provide location-independent references to
top-level directories, so that build commands may refer to these directories as if they were absolute.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   ROOT = $(dir .)
   LIB  = $(dir lib)
   BIN  = $(dir bin)
</PRE><P>Once these variables are defined, they can be used in build commands in subdirectories as follows, where
<CODE>$(BIN)</CODE> will expand to the location of the <CODE>bin</CODE> directory relative to the command being executed.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   install: hello
 cp hello $(BIN)
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc186">10.1.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;tmpfile</H3><P><A NAME="fun:tmpfile"></A><A NAME="function:tmpfile"></A><A NAME="@default191"></A><A NAME="@fun111"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(tmpfile prefix) : File
    $(tmpfile prefix, suffix) : File
        prefix : String
        suffix : String
</PRE><P>The <CODE>tmpfile</CODE> function returns the name of a fresh temporary file in
the temporary directory.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc187">10.1.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;in</H3><P><A NAME="fun:in"></A><A NAME="function:in"></A><A NAME="@default192"></A><A NAME="@fun112"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(in dir, exp) : String Array
      dir : Dir
      exp : expression
</PRE><P>The <CODE>in</CODE> function is closely related to the <CODE>dir</CODE> and
<CODE>file</CODE> functions. It takes a directory and an expression, and
evaluates the expression in that effective directory.
For example, one common way to install a file is to define a symbol link, where the
value of the link is relative to the directory where the link is created.</P><P>The following commands create links in the <CODE>$(LIB)</CODE> directory.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    FOO = $(file foo)
       ln -s $(in $(LIB), $(FOO)) $(LIB)/foo
</PRE><P>Note that the <CODE>in</CODE> function only affects the expansion of <CODE>Node</CODE>
(<CODE>File</CODE> and <CODE>Dir</CODE>) values.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc188">10.1.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;basename</H3><P><A NAME="fun:basename"></A><A NAME="function:basename"></A><A NAME="@default193"></A><A NAME="@fun113"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(basename files) : String Sequence
      files : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>basename</CODE> function returns the base names for a list of files.
The basename is the filename with any leading directory components removed.</P><P>For example, the expression <CODE>$(basename dir1/dir2/a.out /etc/modules.conf /</CODE> evaluates to
<CODE>a.out modules.conf</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc189">10.1.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;dirname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:dirname"></A><A NAME="function:dirname"></A><A NAME="@default194"></A><A NAME="@fun114"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(dirname files) : String Sequence
      files : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>dirname</CODE> function returns the directory name for a list of files.
The directory name is the filename with the basename removed. If a name
does not have a directory part, the directory is &#X201C;.&#X201D;</P><P>For example, the expression <CODE>$(dirname dir1\dir2\a.out /etc/modules.conf /</CODE> evaluates to
<CODE>dir1/dir2 /etc / .</CODE>.</P><P><B>Note</B>: this function is different from the <CODE>dirof</CODE> function.
The function <CODE>dirname</CODE> is simple a function over strings, while
<CODE>dirof</CODE> is a function on filenames.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc190">10.1.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;rootname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:rootname"></A><A NAME="function:rootname"></A><A NAME="@default195"></A><A NAME="@fun115"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(rootname files) : String Sequence
      files : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>rootname</CODE> function returns the root name for a list of files.
The rootname is the filename with the final suffix removed.</P><P>For example, the expression <CODE>$(rootname dir1/dir2/a.out /etc/a.b.c /</CODE> evaluates to
<CODE>dir1/dir2/a /etc/a.b /foo</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc191">10.1.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;dirof</H3><P><A NAME="fun:dirof"></A><A NAME="function:dirof"></A><A NAME="@default196"></A><A NAME="@fun116"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(dirof files) : Dir Sequence
      files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>dirof</CODE> function returns the directory for each of the listed files.</P><P>For example, the expression <CODE>$(dirof dir/dir2/a.out /etc/modules.conf /</CODE> evaluates
to the directories <CODE>dir1/dir2 /etc /</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc192">10.1.8</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;fullname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:fullname"></A><A NAME="function:fullname"></A><A NAME="@default197"></A><A NAME="@fun117"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(fullname files) : String Sequence
      files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>fullname</CODE> function returns the pathname relative to the project root
for each of the files or directories.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc193">10.1.9</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;absname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:absname"></A><A NAME="function:absname"></A><A NAME="@default198"></A><A NAME="@fun118"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(absname files) : String Sequence
      files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>absname</CODE> function returns the absolute pathname for each of the files
or directories.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc194">10.1.10</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;homename</H3><P><A NAME="fun:homename"></A><A NAME="function:homename"></A><A NAME="@default199"></A><A NAME="@fun119"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(homename files) : String Sequence
      files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>homename</CODE> function returns the name of a file in
tilde form, if possible. The unexpanded forms are computed
lazily: the <CODE>homename</CODE> function will usually evaluate to an absolute
pathname until the first tilde-expansion for the same directory.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc195">10.1.11</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;suffix</H3><P><A NAME="fun:suffix"></A><A NAME="function:suffix"></A><A NAME="@default200"></A><A NAME="@fun120"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(suffix files) : String Sequence
      files : StringSequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>suffix</CODE> function returns the suffixes for a list of files.
If a file has no suffix, the function returns the empty string.</P><P>For example, the expression <CODE>$(suffix dir1/dir2/a.out /etc/a /</CODE> evaluates
to <CODE>.out .ml</CODE>.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc74"></A><A NAME="htoc196">10.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Path search</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc197">10.2.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;which</H3><P><A NAME="fun:which"></A><A NAME="function:which"></A><A NAME="@default201"></A><A NAME="@fun121"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(which files) : File Sequence
      files : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>which</CODE> function searches for executables in the
current command search path, and returns <CODE>file</CODE> values
for each of the commands. It is an error if a command is
not found.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc198">10.2.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;where</H3><P><A NAME="fun:where"></A><A NAME="function:where"></A><A NAME="@default202"></A><A NAME="@fun122"></A></P><P>The <CODE>where</CODE> function is similar to which, except it returns the list of
all the locations of the given executable (in the order in which the
corresponding directories appear in <CODE>$PATH</CODE>). In case a command is handled
internally by the <CODE>Shell</CODE> object, the first string in the output will
describe the command as a built-in function.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    % where echo
    echo is a Shell object method (a built-in function)
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc199">10.2.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;rehash</H3><P><A NAME="fun:rehash"></A><A NAME="function:rehash"></A><A NAME="@default203"></A><A NAME="@fun123"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    rehash()
</PRE><P>The <CODE>rehash</CODE> function resets all search paths.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc200">10.2.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;exists-in-path</H3><P><A NAME="fun:exists-in-path"></A><A NAME="function:exists-in-path"></A><A NAME="@default204"></A><A NAME="@fun124"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(exists-in-path files) : String
      files : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>exists-in-path</CODE> function tests whether all executables
are present in the current search path.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc201">10.2.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;digest, digest-optional</H3><P><A NAME="fun:digest"></A><A NAME="function:digest"></A><A NAME="@default205"></A><A NAME="@fun125"></A><A NAME="fun:digest-optional"></A><A NAME="function:digest-optional"></A><A NAME="@default206"></A><A NAME="@fun126"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">     $(digest files) : String Array
        file : File Array
     raises RuntimeException

     $(digest-optional files) : String Array
        file : File Array
</PRE><P>The <CODE>digest</CODE> and <CODE>digest-optional</CODE> functions compute MD5 digests
of files. The <CODE>digest</CODE> function raises an exception if a file
does no exist. The <CODE>digest-optional</CODE> returns <CODE>false</CODE> if a
file does no exist. MD5 digests are cached.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc202">10.2.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;find-in-path, find-in-path-optional</H3><P><A NAME="fun:find-in-path"></A><A NAME="function:find-in-path"></A><A NAME="@default207"></A><A NAME="@fun127"></A><A NAME="fun:find-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="function:find-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="@default208"></A><A NAME="@fun128"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(find-in-path path, files) : File Array
       path : Dir Array
       files : String Array
    raises RuntimeException

    $(find-in-path-optional path, files) : File Array
</PRE><P>The <CODE>find-in-path</CODE> function searches for the files in a search
path. Only the tail of the filename is significant. The <CODE>find-in-path</CODE>
function raises an exception if the file can't be found.
The <CODE>find-in-path-optional</CODE> function silently removes
files that can't be found.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc203">10.2.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;digest-in-path, digest-in-path-optional</H3><P><A NAME="fun:digest-in-path"></A><A NAME="function:digest-in-path"></A><A NAME="@default209"></A><A NAME="@fun129"></A><A NAME="fun:digest-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="function:digest-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="@default210"></A><A NAME="@fun130"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(digest-in-path path, files) : String/File Array
       path : Dir Array
       files : String Array
    raises RuntimeException

    $(digest-in-path-optional path, files) : String/File Array
</PRE><P>The <CODE>digest-in-path</CODE> function searches for the files in a search
path and returns the file and digest for each file. Only the tail of the
filename is significant. The <CODE>digest-in-path</CODE> function raises an exception
if the file can't be found. The <CODE>digest-in-path-optional</CODE>
function silently removes elements that can't be found.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc75"></A><A NAME="htoc204">10.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;File stats</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc205">10.3.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;file-exists, target-exists, target-is-proper</H3><P><A NAME="fun:file-exists"></A><A NAME="function:file-exists"></A><A NAME="@default211"></A><A NAME="@fun131"></A><A NAME="fun:target-exists"></A><A NAME="function:target-exists"></A><A NAME="@default212"></A><A NAME="@fun132"></A><A NAME="fun:target-is-proper"></A><A NAME="function:target-is-proper"></A><A NAME="@default213"></A><A NAME="@fun133"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(file-exists files) : String
   $(target-exists files) : String
   $(target-is-proper files) : String
       files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>file-exists</CODE> function checks whether the files listed exist.
The <CODE>target-exists</CODE> function is similar to the <CODE>file-exists</CODE> function.
However, it returns true if the file exists <EM>or</EM> if it can be built
by the current project. The <CODE>target-is-proper</CODE> returns true only
if the file can be generated in the current project.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc206">10.3.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;stat-reset</H3><P><A NAME="fun:stat-reset"></A><A NAME="function:stat-reset"></A><A NAME="@default214"></A><A NAME="@fun134"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(stat-reset files) : String
       files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>OMake uses a stat-cache. The <CODE>stat-reset</CODE> function reset the <CODE>stat</CODE>
information for the given files, forcing the <CODE>stat</CODE> information to
be recomputed the next time it is requested.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc207">10.3.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;filter-exists, filter-targets, filter-proper-targets</H3><P><A NAME="fun:filter-exists"></A><A NAME="function:filter-exists"></A><A NAME="@default215"></A><A NAME="@fun135"></A><A NAME="fun:filter-targets"></A><A NAME="function:filter-targets"></A><A NAME="@default216"></A><A NAME="@fun136"></A><A NAME="fun:filter-proper-targets"></A><A NAME="function:filter-proper-targets"></A><A NAME="@default217"></A><A NAME="@fun137"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(filter-exists files) : File Sequence
   $(filter-targets files) : File Sequence
   $(filter-proper-targets) : File Sequence
      files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>filter-exists</CODE>, <CODE>filter-targets</CODE>, and <CODE>filter-proper-targets</CODE>
functions remove files from a list of files.
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>filter-exists</CODE>: the result is the list of files that exist.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>filter-targets</CODE>: the result is the list of files either exist, or
can be built by the current project.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>filter-proper-targets</CODE>: the result is the list of files that can
be built in the current project.
</LI></UL><H5 CLASS="paragraph">Creating a &#X201C;distclean&#X201D; target</H5><P>
<A NAME="section:distclean"></A></P><P>One way to create a simple &#X201C;<CODE>distclean</CODE>&#X201D; rule that removes generated files from
the project is by removing all files that can be built in the current
project.</P><P><B>CAUTION:</B> you should be careful before you do this. The rule
removes <EM>any</EM> file that can <EM>potentially</EM> be reconstructed.
There is no check to make sure that the commands to rebuild the file
would actually succeed. Also, note that no file outside the
current project will be deleted.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    .PHONY: distclean

        rm $(filter-proper-targets $(ls R, .))
</PRE><P>If you use CVS, you may wish to utilize the <CODE>cvs_realclean</CODE> program that
is distributed with OMake in order to create a &#X201C;<CODE>distclean</CODE>&#X201D; rule that would
delete all the files thare are not known to CVS. For example, if you already have a more traditional
&#X201C;<CODE>clean</CODE>&#X201D; target defined in your project, and if you want the &#X201C;<CODE>distclean</CODE>&#X201D; rule to
be interactive by default, you can write the following:</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    if $(not $(defined FORCE_REALCLEAN))
        FORCE_REALCLEAN = false

    distclean: clean
        cvs_realclean $(if $(FORCE_REALCLEAN), -f) -i .omakedb -i .omakedb.lock
</PRE><P>You can add more files that you want to always keep (such as configuration files) with the -i option.</P><P>Similarly, if you use Subversion, you utilize the <CODE>build/</CODE> script that comes with OMake:</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    if $(not $(defined FORCE_REALCLEAN))
        FORCE_REALCLEAN = false

    open build/svn_realclean

    distclean: clean
        svn_realclean $(if $(FORCE_REALCLEAN), -f) -i .omakedb -i .omakedb.lock
</PRE><P>See also the <A HREF="omake-build.html#fun:dependencies-proper"><CODE>dependencies-proper</CODE> function</A> for an alternate method for removing intermediate files.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc208">10.3.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;find-targets-in-path, find-targets-in-path-optional</H3><P><A NAME="fun:find-targets-in-path"></A><A NAME="function:find-targets-in-path"></A><A NAME="@default218"></A><A NAME="@fun138"></A><A NAME="fun:find-targets-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="function:find-targets-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="@default219"></A><A NAME="@fun139"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(find-targets-in-path path files) : File Array
    $(find-targets-in-path-optional path, files) : File Array
        path : Dir Array
        files : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>find-target-in-path</CODE> function searches for targets in the
search path. For each file <CODE>file</CODE> in the file list, the path is
searched sequentially for a directory <CODE>dir</CODE> such that the target
<CODE>dir/file</CODE> exists. If so, the file <CODE>dir/file</CODE> is returned.</P><P>For example, suppose you are building a C project, and project
contains a subdirectory <CODE>src/</CODE> containing only the files
<CODE>fee.c</CODE> and <CODE>foo.c</CODE>. The following expression
evaluates to the files <CODE>src/fee.o</CODE> <CODE>src/foo.o</CODE> even
if the files have not already been built.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(find-targets-in-path lib src, fee.o foo.o)

    # Evaluates to
    src/fee.o src/foo.o
</PRE><P>The <CODE>find-targets-in-path</CODE>
function raises an exception if the file can't be found.
The <CODE>find-targets-in-path-optional</CODE> function silently removes
targets that can't be found.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(find-targets-in-path-optional lib src, fee.o foo.o fum.o)

    # Evaluates to
    src/fee.o src/foo.o
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc209">10.3.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;find-ocaml-targets-in-path-optional</H3><P><A NAME="fun:find-ocaml-targets-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="function:find-ocaml-targets-in-path-optional"></A><A NAME="@default220"></A><A NAME="@fun140"></A>
The <CODE>find-ocaml-targets-in-path-optional</CODE> function is very similar to the
<CODE><A HREF="#fun:find-targets-in-path-optional">find-targets-in-path-optional</A></CODE> one, except an OCaml-style search
is used, where for every element of the search path and for every name being
searched for, first the uncapitalized version is tried and if it is not buildable,
then the capitalized version is tried next.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc210">10.3.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;file-sort</H3><P><A NAME="fun:file-sort"></A><A NAME="function:file-sort"></A><A NAME="@default221"></A><A NAME="@fun141"></A>
<A NAME="@default222"></A>
<A NAME="@default223"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(file-sort order, files) : File Sequence
      order : String
      files : File Sequence
</PRE><P><A NAME="@default224"></A><A NAME="@target12"></A><A NAME="target:.ORDER"></A><A NAME="@default225"></A><A NAME="@target13"></A><A NAME="target:.BUILDORDER"></A>The <CODE>file-sort</CODE> function sorts a list of filenames by
build order augmented by a set of sort rules. Sort
rules are declared using the <CODE>.ORDER</CODE> target.
The <CODE>.BUILDORDER</CODE> defines the default order.</P><P><CODE>$(file-sort &lt;order&gt;, &lt;files&gt;)</CODE></P><P>For example, suppose we have the following set of rules.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   a: b c
   b: d
   c: d

   .DEFAULT: a b c d
      echo $(file-sort .BUILDORDER, a b c d)
</PRE><P>In the case, the sorter produces the result <CODE>d b c a</CODE>.
That is, a target is sorted <EM>after</EM> its dependencies.
The sorter is frequently used to sort files that are to be linked
by their dependencies (for languages where this matters).</P><P>There are three important restrictions to the sorter:
</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
The sorter can be used only within a rule body.
The reason for this is that <EM>all</EM> dependencies
must be known before the sort is performed.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The sorter can only sort files that are buildable
in the current project.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">The sorter will fail if the dependencies are cyclic.
</LI></UL><H4 CLASS="subsubsection"><A NAME="htoc211"></A>&#XA0;&#XA0;sort rule</H4><P>It is possible to further constrain the sorter through the use of
sort rules. A sort rule is declared in two steps. The
target must be listed as an <CODE>.ORDER</CODE> target; and then
a set of sort rules must be given. A sort rule defines
a pattern constraint.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   .ORDER: .MYORDER

   .MYORDER: %.baz

   .DEFAULT: c.baz d.baz
      echo $(sort .MYORDER, c.baz d.baz)
</PRE><P>In this example, the <CODE>.MYORDER</CODE> sort rule specifies that any
file with a suffix <CODE>.foo</CODE> should be placed after any file with
suffix <CODE>.bar</CODE>, and any file with suffix <CODE>.bar</CODE> should be
placed after a file with suffix <CODE>.baz</CODE>.</P><P>In this example, the result of the sort is <CODE>d.baz c.baz</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc212">10.3.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;file-check-sort</H3><P><A NAME="fun:file-check-sort"></A><A NAME="function:file-check-sort"></A><A NAME="@default226"></A><A NAME="@fun142"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   file-check-sort(files)
      files : File Sequence
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>file-check-sort</CODE> function checks whether a list of files
is in sort order. If so, the list is returned unchanged.
If not, the function raises an exception.</P><P><CODE>$(file-check-sort &lt;order&gt;, &lt;files&gt;)</CODE>
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc76"></A><A NAME="htoc213">10.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Globbing and file listings</H2><P>
<A NAME="section:globbing"></A></P><P>OMake commands are &#X201C;glob-expanded&#X201D; before being executed. That is,
names may contain <EM>patterns</EM> that are expanded to sequences of
file and directory names. The syntax follows the standard bash(1), csh(1),
syntax, with the following rules.</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
A <EM>pathname</EM> is a sequence of directory and file names separated by
one of the <CODE>/</CODE> or <CODE>\</CODE> characters. For example, the following pathnames
refer to the same file: <CODE>/home/jyh/OMakefile</CODE> and <CODE>/home\jyh/OMakefile</CODE>.</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize">Glob-expansion is performed on the components of a path. If a path contains
occurrences of special characters (listed below), the path is viewed as a pattern
to be matched against the actual files in the system. The expansion produces a
sequence of all file/directory names that match.<P>For the following examples, suppose that a directory <CODE>/dir</CODE> contains files
named <CODE>a</CODE>, <CODE>-a</CODE>, <CODE>a.b</CODE>, and <CODE>b.c</CODE>.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<TT><B>*</B></TT></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Matches any sequence of zero-or-more characters. For example,
the pattern <CODE>/dir/a*</CODE> expands to <CODE>/dir/a /dir/aa /dir/a.b</CODE>.</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><TT><B>?</B></TT></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Matches exactly one character. The pattern <CODE>/dir/?a</CODE> expands
the filename <CODE>/dir/-a</CODE>.</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><TT><B>[...]</B></TT></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Square brackets denote character sets and ranges
in the ASCII character set. The pattern may contain individual characters <I>c</I>
or character ranges <TT><I>c</I><SUB>1</SUB>-<I>c</I><SUB>2</SUB></TT>. The pattern matches any of the
individual characters specified, or any characters in the range. A leading &#X201C;hat&#X201D;
inverts the send of the pattern. To specify a pattern that contains the
literal characters <CODE>-</CODE>, the <CODE>-</CODE> should occur as the first character in
the range.<DIV CLASS="center">
<TR><TD CLASS="hbar" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/[a-b]*</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/a /dir/a.b /dir/b.c</CODE></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/[-a-b]*</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/a /dir/-a /dir/a.b /dir/b.c</CODE></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/[-a]*</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/a /dir/-a /dir/a.b</CODE></TD></TR>
</DIV></DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><TT><B>{s1,...,sN}</B></TT></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Braces indicate brace-expansion.
The braces delimit a sequence of strings separated by commas.
Given <I>N</I> strings, the result produces <I>N</I> copies of the pattern,
one for each of the strings <I>s<SUB>i</SUB></I>.<DIV CLASS="center">
<TR><TD CLASS="hbar" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>a{b,c,d}</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>ab ac ad</CODE></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>a{b{c,d},e}</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>abc abd ae</CODE></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>a{?{[A-Z],d},*}</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>a?[A-Z] a?d a*</CODE></TD></TR>
</DIV></DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><TT><B>&#XA0;</B></TT></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> The tilde is used to specify home directories.
Depending on your system, these might be possible expansions.<DIV CLASS="center">
<TR><TD CLASS="hbar" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>~jyh</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/home/jyh</CODE></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>~bob/*.c</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>c:\Documents and Settings\users\bob</CODE></TD></TR>
</DIV></DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><BR>
</DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> The <CODE>\</CODE> character is both a pathname separator
and an escape character. If followed by a special glob character,
the <CODE>\</CODE> changes the sense of the following character to non-special
status. Otherwise, <CODE>\</CODE> is viewed as a pathname separator.<DIV CLASS="center">
<TR><TD CLASS="hbar" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>~jyh/\*</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>~jyh/*</CODE> (<CODE>*</CODE> is literal)</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/\[a-z?</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>/dir/[a-z?</CODE> (<CODE>[</CODE> is literal, <CODE>?</CODE> is a pattern).</TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>c:\Program Files\[A-z]</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>c:\Program Files[A-z]*</CODE></TD></TR>
</DIV><P>Note that the final case might be considered to be ambiguous (where <CODE>\</CODE> should
be viewed as a pathname separator, not as an escape for the subsequent <CODE>[</CODE>
character. If you want to avoid this ambiguity on Win32, you should use the
forward slash <CODE>/</CODE> even for Win32 pathnames (the <CODE>/</CODE> is translated
to <CODE>\</CODE> in the output).</P><DIV CLASS="center">
<TR><TD CLASS="hbar" COLSPAN=2></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>c:/Program Files/[A-z]*</CODE></TD><TD ALIGN=left NOWRAP><CODE>c:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate ...</CODE></TD></TR>
</DIV></DD></DL></LI></UL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc214">10.4.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;glob</H3><P><A NAME="fun:glob"></A><A NAME="function:glob"></A><A NAME="@default227"></A><A NAME="@fun143"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(glob strings) : Node Array
      strings : String Sequence
   $(glob options, strings) : Node Array
      options : String
      strings : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>glob</CODE> function performs glob-expansion.</P><P>The . and .. entries are always ignored.</P><P>The options are:
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>b</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Do not perform <TT>csh</TT>(1)-style brace expansion.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>e</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> The <CODE>\</CODE> character does not escape special characters.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>n</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> If an expansion fails, return the expansion literally instead of aborting.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>i</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> If an expansion fails, it expands to nothing.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>.</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Allow wildcard patterns to match files beginning with a .
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>A</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Return all files, including files that begin with a .
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>F</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Match only normal files (any file that is not a directory).
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>D</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Match only directory files.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>C</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Ignore files according to <TT>cvs</TT>(1) rules.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>P</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Include only proper subdirectories.
</DD></DL><P>In addition, the following variables may be defined that affect the
behavior of <CODE>glob</CODE>.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>GLOB_OPTIONS</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> A string containing default options.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>GLOB_IGNORE</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> A list of shell patterns for filenames that <CODE>glob</CODE> should ignore.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>GLOB_ALLOW</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> A list of shell patterns. If a file does not match a pattern in
<CODE>GLOB_ALLOW</CODE>, it is ignored.
</DD></DL><P>The returned files are sorted by name.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc215">10.4.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;ls</H3><P><A NAME="fun:ls"></A><A NAME="function:ls"></A><A NAME="@default228"></A><A NAME="@fun144"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(ls files) : Node Array
      files : String Sequence
   $(ls options, files) : Node Array
      files : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>ls</CODE> function returns the filenames in a directory.</P><P>The . and .. entries are always ignored.
The patterns are shell-style patterns, and are glob-expanded.</P><P>The options include all of the options to the <CODE>glob</CODE> function,
plus the following.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>R</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Perform a recursive listing.
</DD></DL><P>The <CODE>GLOB_ALLOW</CODE> and <CODE>GLOB_IGNORE</CODE> variables can be defined
to control the globbing behavior.
The returned files are sorted by name.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc216">10.4.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;subdirs</H3><P><A NAME="fun:subdirs"></A><A NAME="function:subdirs"></A><A NAME="@default229"></A><A NAME="@fun145"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(subdirs dirs) : Dir Array
      dirs : String Sequence
   $(subdirs options, dirs) : Dir Array
      options : String
      dirs : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>subdirs</CODE> function returns all the subdirectories
of a list of directories, recursively.</P><P>The possible options are the following:
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>A</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Return directories that begin with a .
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>C</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Ignore files according to <TT>.cvsignore</TT> rules.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>P</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Include only proper subdirectories.
</DD></DL><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc77"></A><A NAME="htoc217">10.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Filesystem operations</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc218">10.5.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;mkdir</H3><P><A NAME="fun:mkdir"></A><A NAME="function:mkdir"></A><A NAME="@default230"></A><A NAME="@fun146"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   mkdir(mode, node...)
      mode : Int
      node : Node
   raises RuntimeException

      node : Node
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>mkdir</CODE> function creates a directory, or a set of directories.
The following options are supported.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>-m mode</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Specify the permissions of the created directory.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-p</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Create parent directories if they do not exist.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>&#X2013;</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Interpret the remaining names literally.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc219">10.5.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Stat</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Stat"></A><A NAME="object:Stat"></A><A NAME="@default231"></A><A NAME="@obj0"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Stat</CODE> object represents an information about a filesystem node,
as returned by the <CODE>stat</CODE> and <CODE>lstat</CODE> functions.
It contains the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>dev</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: the device number.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>ino</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: the inode number.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>kind</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: the kind of the file, one of the following:
<CODE>REG</CODE> (regular file),
<CODE>DIR</CODE> (directory),
<CODE>CHR</CODE> (character device),
<CODE>BLK</CODE> (block device),
<CODE>LNK</CODE> (symbolic link),
<CODE>FIFO</CODE> (named pipe),
<CODE>SOCK</CODE> (socket).
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>perm</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: access rights, represented as an integer.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>nlink</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: number of links.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>uid</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: user id of the owner.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>gid</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: group id of the file's group.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>rdev</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: device minor number.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>size</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: size in bytes.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>atime</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: last access time, as a floating point number.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>mtime</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: last modification time, as a floating point number.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>ctime</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description">: last status change time, as a floating point number.
</DD></DL><P>Not all of the fields will have meaning on all operating systems.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc220">10.5.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;stat, lstat</H3><P><A NAME="fun:stat"></A><A NAME="function:stat"></A><A NAME="@default232"></A><A NAME="@fun147"></A><A NAME="fun:lstat"></A><A NAME="function:lstat"></A><A NAME="@default233"></A><A NAME="@fun148"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(stat node...) : Stat
       node : Node or Channel
    $(lstat node...) : Stat
       node : Node or Channel
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>stat</CODE> functions return file information.
If the file is a symbolic link, the <CODE>stat</CODE> function refers to the
destination of the link; the <CODE>lstat</CODE> function refers to the link
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc221">10.5.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;unlink</H3><P><A NAME="fun:unlink"></A><A NAME="function:unlink"></A><A NAME="@default234"></A><A NAME="@fun149"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(unlink file...)
      file : File
   #(rm file...)
      file : File
   $(rmdir dir...)
      dir : Dir
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>unlink</CODE> and <CODE>rm</CODE> functions remove a file.
The <CODE>rmdir</CODE> function removes a directory.</P><P>The following options are supported for <CODE>rm</CODE> and <CODE>rmdir</CODE>.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>-f</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> ignore nonexistent files, never prompt.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-i</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> prompt before removal.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-r</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> remove the contents of directories recursively.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-v</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> explain what is going on.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>&#X2013;</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> the rest of the values are interpreted literally.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc222">10.5.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;rename</H3><P><A NAME="fun:rename"></A><A NAME="function:rename"></A><A NAME="@default235"></A><A NAME="@fun150"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    rename(old, new)
       old : Node
       new : Node
    mv(nodes... dir)
       nodes : Node Sequence
       dir   : Dir
    cp(nodes... dir)
       nodes : Node Sequence
       dir   : Dir
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>rename</CODE> function changes the name of a file or directory named <CODE>old</CODE>
to <CODE>new</CODE>.</P><P>The <CODE>mv</CODE> function is similar, but if <CODE>new</CODE> is a directory, and it exists,
then the files specified by the sequence are moved into the directory. If not,
the behavior of <CODE>mv</CODE> is identical to <CODE>rename</CODE>. The <CODE>cp</CODE> function
is similar, but the original file is not removed.</P><P>The <CODE>mv</CODE> and <CODE>cp</CODE> functions take the following options.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>-f</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Do not prompt before overwriting.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-i</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Prompt before overwriting.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-v</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Explain what it happening.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-r</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Copy the contents of directories recursively.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>&#X2013;</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Interpret the remaining arguments literally.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc223">10.5.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;link</H3><P><A NAME="fun:link"></A><A NAME="function:link"></A><A NAME="@default236"></A><A NAME="@fun151"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   link(src, dst)
      src : Node
      dst : Node
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>link</CODE> function creates a hard link named <CODE>dst</CODE> to the file
or directory <CODE>src</CODE>.</P><P>Hard links may work under Win32 when NTFS is used.</P><P>Normally, only the superuser can create hard links to directories.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc224">10.5.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;symlink</H3><P><A NAME="fun:symlink"></A><A NAME="function:symlink"></A><A NAME="@default237"></A><A NAME="@fun152"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   symlink(src, dst)
      src : Node
      dst : Node
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>symlink</CODE> function creates a symbolic link <CODE>dst</CODE> that
points to the <CODE>src</CODE> file.</P><P>The link name is computed relative to
the target directory. For example, the expression
<CODE>$(symlink a/b, c/d)</CODE> creates a link named
<CODE>c/d -&gt; ../a/b</CODE>.</P><P>Symbolic links are not supported in Win32. Consider using the <CODE>ln-or-cp</CODE>
<CODE>Shell</CODE> alias for cross-platform portable linking/copying.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc225">10.5.8</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;readlink</H3><P><A NAME="fun:readlink"></A><A NAME="function:readlink"></A><A NAME="@default238"></A><A NAME="@fun153"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(readlink node...) : Node
      node : Node
</PRE><P>The <CODE>readlink</CODE> function reads the value of a symbolic link.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc226">10.5.9</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;chmod</H3><P><A NAME="fun:chmod"></A><A NAME="function:chmod"></A><A NAME="@default239"></A><A NAME="@fun154"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   chmod(mode, dst...)
      mode : Int
      dst : Node or Channel
   chmod(mode dst...)
      mode : String
      dst : Node Sequence
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>chmod</CODE> function changes the permissions of the targets.</P><P>Options:
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>-v</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Explain what is happening.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-r</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Change files and directories recursively.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>-f</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Continue on errors.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>&#X2013;</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Interpret the remaining argument literally.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc227">10.5.10</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;chown</H3><P><A NAME="fun:chown"></A><A NAME="function:chown"></A><A NAME="@default240"></A><A NAME="@fun155"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   chown(uid, gid, node...)
      uid : Int
      gid : Int
      node : Node or Channel
   chown(uid, node...)
      uid : Int
      node : Node or Channel
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>chown</CODE> function changes the user and group id of the file.
If the <CODE>gid</CODE> is not specified, it is not changed. If either
id is -1, that id is not changed.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc228">10.5.11</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;truncate</H3><P><A NAME="fun:truncate"></A><A NAME="function:truncate"></A><A NAME="@default241"></A><A NAME="@fun156"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   truncate(length, node...)
       length : Int
       node : Node or Channel
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>truncate</CODE> function truncates a file to the given length.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc229">10.5.12</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;umask</H3><P><A NAME="fun:umask"></A><A NAME="function:umask"></A><A NAME="@default242"></A><A NAME="@fun157"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(umask mode) : Int
       mode : Int
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>Sets the file mode creation mask.
The previous mask is returned.
This value is not scoped, changes have global effect.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc78"></A><A NAME="htoc230">10.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;vmount</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc231">10.6.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;vmount</H3><P><A NAME="fun:vmount"></A><A NAME="function:vmount"></A><A NAME="@default243"></A><A NAME="@fun158"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    vmount(src, dst)
       src, dst : Dir
    vmount(flags, src, dst)
       flags : String
       src, dst : Dir
</PRE><P>&#X201C;Mount&#X201D; the <CODE>src</CODE> directory on the <CODE>dst</CODE> directory. This is
a virtual mount, changing the behavior of the <CODE>$(file ...)</CODE> function.
When the <CODE>$(file str)</CODE> function is used, the resulting file is taken
relative to the <CODE>src</CODE> directory if the file exists. Otherwise, the
file is relative to the current directory.</P><P>The main purpose of the <CODE>vmount</CODE> function is to support multiple
builds with separate configurations or architectures.</P><P>The options are as follows.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>l</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Create symbolic links to files in the <CODE>src</CODE> directory.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>c</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Copy files from the <CODE>src</CODE> directory.
</DD></DL><P>Mount operations are scoped.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc232">10.6.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;add-project-directories</H3><P><A NAME="fun:add-project-directories"></A><A NAME="function:add-project-directories"></A><A NAME="@default244"></A><A NAME="@fun159"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    add-project-directories(dirs)
       dirs : Dir Array
</PRE><P>Add the directories to the set of directories that omake considers to be part
of the project. This is mainly used to avoid omake complaining that the
current directory is not part of the project.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc233">10.6.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;remove-project-directories</H3><P><A NAME="fun:remove-project-directories"></A><A NAME="function:remove-project-directories"></A><A NAME="@default245"></A><A NAME="@fun160"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    remove-project-directories(dirs)
       dirs : Dir Array
</PRE><P>Removed the directories from the set of directories that omake considers to be part
of the project. This is mainly used to cancel a <CODE>.SUBDIRS</CODE> from including
a directory if it is determined that the directory does not need to be compiled.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc79"></A><A NAME="htoc234">10.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;File predicates</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc235">10.7.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;test</H3><P><A NAME="fun:test"></A><A NAME="function:test"></A><A NAME="@default246"></A><A NAME="@fun161"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   test(exp) : Bool
      exp : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <EM>expression</EM> grammar is as follows:</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>!</CODE> <EM>expression</EM> : <EM>expression</EM> is not true
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>expression1</EM> <CODE>-a</CODE> <EM>expression2</EM> : both expressions are true
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>expression1</EM> <CODE>-o</CODE> <EM>expression2</EM> : at least one expression is true
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>(</CODE> <EM>expression</EM> <CODE>)</CODE> : <EM>expression</EM> is true
</LI></UL><P>The base expressions are:</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>-n</CODE> <EM>string</EM> : The <EM>string</EM> has nonzero length
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-z</CODE> <EM>string</EM> : The <EM>string</EM> has zero length
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>string</EM> <CODE>=</CODE> <EM>string</EM> : The strings are equal
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>string</EM> <CODE>!=</CODE> <EM>string</EM> : The strings are not equal</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>int1</EM> <CODE>-eq</CODE> <EM>int2</EM> : The integers are equal
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>int1</EM> <CODE>-ne</CODE> <EM>int2</EM> : The integers are not equal
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>int1</EM> <CODE>-gt</CODE> <EM>int2</EM> : <EM>int1</EM> is larger than <EM>int2</EM>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>int1</EM> <CODE>-ge</CODE> <EM>int2</EM> : <EM>int2</EM> is not larger than <EM>int1</EM>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>int1</EM> <CODE>-lt</CODE> <EM>int2</EM> : <EM>int1</EM> is smaller than <EM>int2</EM>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>int1</EM> <CODE>-le</CODE> <EM>int2</EM> : <EM>int1</EM> is not larger than <EM>int2</EM></LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>file1</EM> <CODE>-ef</CODE> <EM>file2</EM> : On Unix, <EM>file1</EM> and <EM>file2</EM> have the
same device and inode number.
On Win32, <EM>file1</EM> and <EM>file2</EM> have the
same name.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>file1</EM> <CODE>-nt</CODE> <EM>file2</EM> : <EM>file1</EM> is newer than <EM>file2</EM>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><EM>file1</EM> <CODE>-ot</CODE> <EM>file2</EM> : <EM>file1</EM> is older than <EM>file2</EM></LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-b</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a block special file
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-c</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a character special file
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-d</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a directory
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-e</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file exists
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-f</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a normal file
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-g</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The set<CODE>-group-id</CODE> bit is set on the file
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-G</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file's group is the current effective group
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-h</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a symbolic link (also <CODE>-L</CODE>)
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-k</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file's sticky bit is set
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-L</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a symbolic link (also <CODE>-h</CODE>)
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-O</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file's owner is the current effective user
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-p</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a named pipe
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-r</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is readable
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-s</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is empty
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-S</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is a socket
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-u</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The set<CODE>-user-id</CODE> bit is set on the file
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-w</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is writable
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-x</CODE> <EM>file</EM> : The file is executable
</LI></UL><P>A <EM>string</EM> is any sequence of characters; leading <CODE>-</CODE> characters are allowed.</P><P>An <EM>int</EM> is a <EM>string</EM> that can be interpreted as an integer. Unlike traditional
versions of the test program, the leading characters may specify an arity. The
prefix <CODE>0b</CODE> means the numbers is in binary; the prefix <CODE>0o</CODE> means
the number is in octal; the prefix <CODE>0x</CODE> means the number is in hexadecimal.
An <EM>int</EM> can also be specified as <CODE>-l</CODE> <EM>string</EM>, which evaluates to the length of
the <EM>string</EM>.</P><P>A <EM>file</EM> is a <EM>string</EM> that represents the name of a file.</P><P>The syntax mirrors that of the <TT>test</TT>(1) program. If you are on a Unix system, the man page
explains more. Here are some examples.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    # Create an empty file
    osh&gt; touch foo
    # Is the file empty?
    osh&gt; test(-e foo)
    - : true
    osh&gt; test(! -e foo)
    - : false
    # Create another file
    osh&gt; touch boo
    # Is the newer file newer?
    osh&gt; test(boo -nt foo)
    - : true
    # A more complex query
    # boo is newer than foo, and foo is empty
    osh&gt; test(\( boo -nt foo \) -a -e foo)
    - : true
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc236">10.7.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;find</H3><P><A NAME="fun:find"></A><A NAME="function:find"></A><A NAME="@default247"></A><A NAME="@fun162"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   find(exp) : Node Array
      exp : String Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>find</CODE> function searches a directory recursively, returning the
files for which the expression evaluates to true.</P><P>The expression argument uses the same syntax as the <CODE>test</CODE> function,
with the following exceptions.</P><OL CLASS="enumerate" type=1><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">
The expression may begin with a directory. If not specified, the current
directory is searched.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-enumerate">The <CODE>{}</CODE> string expands to the current file being examined.
</LI></OL><P>The syntax of the expression is the same as <CODE>test</CODE>, with the following
additions.</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>-name</CODE> <EM>string</EM> : The current file matches the glob expression
(see Section&#XA0;<A HREF="#section:globbing">10.4</A>).
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>-regex</CODE> <EM>string</EM> : The current file matches the regular expression
</LI></UL><P>The <CODE>find</CODE> function performs a recursive scan of all subdirectories.
The following call is being run from the root of the <CODE>omake</CODE> source directory.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; find(. -name fo* )
    - : &lt;array
</PRE><P>Another example, listing only those files that are normal files
or symbolic links.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    osh&gt; find(. -name fo* -a \( -f {} -o -L {} \))
    - : &lt;array
</PRE><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc80"></A><A NAME="htoc237">10.8</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;IO functions</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc238">10.8.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Standard channels</H3><P>The following variables define the standard channels.</P><H5 CLASS="paragraph">stdin</H5><P><A NAME="var:stdin"></A><A NAME="@default248"></A><A NAME="@var20"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">stdin : InChannel
</PRE><P>The standard input channel, open for reading.</P><H5 CLASS="paragraph">stdout</H5><P><A NAME="var:stdout"></A><A NAME="@default249"></A><A NAME="@var21"></A>
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">stdout : OutChannel
</PRE><P>The standard output channel, open for writing.</P><H5 CLASS="paragraph">stderr</H5><P><A NAME="var:stderr"></A><A NAME="@default250"></A><A NAME="@var22"></A>
</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">stderr : OutChannel
</PRE><P>The standard error channel, open for writing.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc239">10.8.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;open-in-string</H3><P><A NAME="fun:open-in-string"></A><A NAME="function:open-in-string"></A><A NAME="@default251"></A><A NAME="@fun163"></A>
The <CODE>open-in-string</CODE> treats a string as if it were a file
and returns a channel for reading.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(open-in-string s) : Channel
       s : String
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc240">10.8.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;open-out-string, out-contents</H3><P><A NAME="fun:open-out-string"></A><A NAME="function:open-out-string"></A><A NAME="@default252"></A><A NAME="@fun164"></A><A NAME="fun:out-contents"></A><A NAME="function:out-contents"></A><A NAME="@default253"></A><A NAME="@fun165"></A>
The <CODE>open-out-string</CODE> creates a channel that writes to a
string instead of a file. The string may be retrieved with the
<CODE>out-contents</CODE> function.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(open-out-string) : Channel
   $(out-contents chan) : String
       chan : OutChannel
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc241">10.8.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;fopen</H3><P><A NAME="fun:fopen"></A><A NAME="function:fopen"></A><A NAME="@default254"></A><A NAME="@fun166"></A></P><P>The <CODE>fopen</CODE> function opens a file for reading or writing.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(fopen file, mode) : Channel
      file : File
      mode : String
</PRE><P>The <CODE>file</CODE> is the name of the file to be opened.
The <CODE>mode</CODE> is a combination of the following characters.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>r</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file for reading; it is an error if the file does not exist.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>w</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file for writing; the file is created if it does not exist.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>a</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file in append mode; the file is created if it does not exist.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>+</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file for both reading and writing.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>t</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file in text mode (default).
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>b</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file in binary mode.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>n</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Open the file in nonblocking mode.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>x</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Fail if the file already exists.
</DD></DL><P>Binary mode is not significant on Unix systems, where
text and binary modes are equivalent.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc242">10.8.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;close</H3><P><A NAME="fun:close"></A><A NAME="function:close"></A><A NAME="@default255"></A><A NAME="@fun167"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(close channel...)
       channel : Channel
</PRE><P>The <CODE>close</CODE> function closes a file that was previously opened
with <CODE>fopen</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc243">10.8.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;read, input-line</H3><P><A NAME="fun:read"></A><A NAME="function:read"></A><A NAME="@default256"></A><A NAME="@fun168"></A><A NAME="fun:input-line"></A><A NAME="function:input-line"></A><A NAME="@default257"></A><A NAME="@fun169"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(read channel, amount) : String
   $(input-line channel) : String
      channel : InChannel
      amount  : Int
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>read</CODE> function reads up to <CODE>amount</CODE>
bytes from an input channel, and returns
the data that was read. The <CODE>input-line</CODE> function reads a line from the file and returns the line read, without
the line terminator. If an end-of-file condition is reached, both functions raise a <CODE>RuntimeException</CODE>
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc244">10.8.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;write</H3><P><A NAME="fun:write"></A><A NAME="function:write"></A><A NAME="@default258"></A><A NAME="@fun170"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(write channel, buffer, offset, amount) : String
      channel : OutChannel
      buffer  : String
      offset  : Int
      amount  : Int
   $(write channel, buffer) : String
      channel : OutChannel
      buffer  : String
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>In the 4-argument form, the <CODE>write</CODE> function writes
bytes to the output channel <CODE>channel</CODE> from the <CODE>buffer</CODE>,
starting at position <CODE>offset</CODE>. Up to <CODE>amount</CODE> bytes
are written. The function returns the number of bytes that were
written.</P><P>The 3-argument form is similar, but the <CODE>offset</CODE> is 0.</P><P>In the 2-argument form, the <CODE>offset</CODE> is 0, and the <CODE>amount</CODE>
if the length of the <CODE>buffer</CODE>.</P><P>If an end-of-file condition is reached,
the function raises a <CODE>RuntimeException</CODE> exception.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc245">10.8.8</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;lseek</H3><P><A NAME="fun:lseek"></A><A NAME="function:lseek"></A><A NAME="@default259"></A><A NAME="@fun171"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(lseek channel, offset, whence) : Int
       channel : Channel
       offset  : Int
       whence  : String
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>lseek</CODE> function repositions the offset of the
channel <CODE>channel</CODE> according to the <CODE>whence</CODE> directive, as
follows:</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>SEEK_SET</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> The offset is set to <CODE>offset</CODE>.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>SEEK_CUR</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> The offset is set to its current position plus <CODE>offset</CODE> bytes.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>SEEK_END</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> The offset is set to the size of the file plus <CODE>offset</CODE> bytes.
</DD></DL><P>The <CODE>lseek</CODE> function returns the new position in the file.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc246">10.8.9</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;rewind</H3><P><A NAME="fun:rewind"></A><A NAME="function:rewind"></A><A NAME="@default260"></A><A NAME="@fun172"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   rewind(channel...)
      channel : Channel
</PRE><P>The <CODE>rewind</CODE> function set the current file position to the
beginning of the file.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc247">10.8.10</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;tell</H3><P><A NAME="fun:tell"></A><A NAME="function:tell"></A><A NAME="@default261"></A><A NAME="@fun173"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(tell channel...) : Int...
       channel : Channel
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>tell</CODE> function returns the current position of the <CODE>channel</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc248">10.8.11</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;flush</H3><P><A NAME="fun:flush"></A><A NAME="function:flush"></A><A NAME="@default262"></A><A NAME="@fun174"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(flush channel...)
      channel : OutChannel
</PRE><P>The <CODE>flush</CODE> function can be used only on files that are open for writing.
It flushes all pending data to the file.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc249">10.8.12</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;channel-name</H3><P><A NAME="fun:channel-name"></A><A NAME="function:channel-name"></A><A NAME="@default263"></A><A NAME="@fun175"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(channel-name channel...) : String
      channel : Channel
</PRE><P>The <CODE>channel-name</CODE> function returns the name that is associated with the channel.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc250">10.8.13</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;dup</H3><P><A NAME="fun:dup"></A><A NAME="function:dup"></A><A NAME="@default264"></A><A NAME="@fun176"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(dup channel) : Channel
       channel : Channel
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>dup</CODE> function returns a new channel referencing the
same file as the argument.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc251">10.8.14</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;dup2</H3><P><A NAME="fun:dup2"></A><A NAME="function:dup2"></A><A NAME="@default265"></A><A NAME="@fun177"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   dup2(channel1, channel2)
      channel1 : Channel
      channel2 : Channel
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>dup2</CODE> function causes <CODE>channel2</CODE> to refer to the same
file as <CODE>channel1</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc252">10.8.15</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;set-nonblock</H3><P><A NAME="fun:set-nonblock"></A><A NAME="function:set-nonblock"></A><A NAME="@default266"></A><A NAME="@fun178"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   set-nonblock-mode(mode, channel...)
      channel : Channel
      mode : String
</PRE><P>The <CODE>set-nonblock-mode</CODE> function sets the nonblocking flag on the
given channel. When IO is performed on the channel, and the operation
cannot be completed immediately, the operations raises a <CODE>RuntimeException</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc253">10.8.16</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;set-close-on-exec-mode</H3><P><A NAME="fun:set-close-on-exec-mode"></A><A NAME="function:set-close-on-exec-mode"></A><A NAME="@default267"></A><A NAME="@fun179"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   set-close-on-exec-mode(mode, channel...)
      channel : Channel
      mode : String
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>set-close-on-exec-mode</CODE> function sets the close-on-exec
flags for the given channels. If the close-on-exec flag is set, the channel
is not inherited by child processes. Otherwise it is.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc254">10.8.17</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;pipe</H3><P><A NAME="fun:pipe"></A><A NAME="function:pipe"></A><A NAME="@default268"></A><A NAME="@fun180"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(pipe) : Pipe
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>pipe</CODE> function creates a <CODE>Pipe</CODE> object, which has two
fields. The <CODE>read</CODE> field is a channel that is opened for
reading, and the <CODE>write</CODE> field is a channel that is opened
for writing.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc255">10.8.18</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;mkfifo</H3><P><A NAME="fun:mkfifo"></A><A NAME="function:mkfifo"></A><A NAME="@default269"></A><A NAME="@fun181"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   mkfifo(mode, node...)
      mode : Int
      node : Node
</PRE><P>The <CODE>mkfifo</CODE> function creates a named pipe.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc256">10.8.19</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;select</H3><P><A NAME="fun:select"></A><A NAME="function:select"></A><A NAME="@default270"></A><A NAME="@fun182"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(select rfd..., wfd..., wfd..., timeout) : Select
      rfd : InChannel
      wfd : OutChannel
      efd : Channel
      timeout : float
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>select</CODE> function polls for possible IO on a set of channels.
The <CODE>rfd</CODE> are a sequence of channels for reading, <CODE>wfd</CODE> are a
sequence of channels for writing, and <CODE>efd</CODE> are a sequence of
channels to poll for error conditions. The <CODE>timeout</CODE> specifies
the maximum amount of time to wait for events.</P><P>On successful return, <CODE>select</CODE> returns a <CODE>Select</CODE> object,
which has the following fields:
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>read</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> An array of channels available for reading.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>write</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> An array of channels available for writing.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>error</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> An array of channels on which an error has occurred.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc257">10.8.20</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;lockf</H3><P><A NAME="fun:lockf"></A><A NAME="function:lockf"></A><A NAME="@default271"></A><A NAME="@fun183"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    lockf(channel, command, len)
       channel : Channel
       command : String
       len : Int
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>lockf</CODE> function places a lock on a region of the channel.
The region starts at the current position and extends for <CODE>len</CODE>
bytes.</P><P>The possible values for <CODE>command</CODE> are the following.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>F_ULOCK</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Unlock a region.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>F_LOCK</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Lock a region for writing; block if already locked.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>F_TLOCK</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Lock a region for writing; fail if already locked.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>F_TEST</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Test a region for other locks.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>F_RLOCK</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Lock a region for reading; block if already locked.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>F_TRLOCK</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Lock a region for reading; fail is already locked.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc258">10.8.21</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;InetAddr</H3><P><A NAME="obj:InetAddr"></A><A NAME="object:InetAddr"></A><A NAME="@default272"></A><A NAME="@obj1"></A></P><P>The <CODE>InetAddr</CODE> object describes an Internet address.
It contains the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>addr</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String</CODE>: the Internet address.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>port</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>Int</CODE>: the port number.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc259">10.8.22</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Host</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Host"></A><A NAME="object:Host"></A><A NAME="@default273"></A><A NAME="@obj2"></A></P><P>A <CODE>Host</CODE> object contains the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>name</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String</CODE>: the name of the host.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>aliases</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String Array</CODE>: other names by which the host is known.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>addrtype</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String</CODE>: the preferred socket domain.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>addrs</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>InetAddr Array</CODE>: an array of Internet addresses belonging to the host.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc260">10.8.23</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;gethostbyname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:gethostbyname"></A><A NAME="function:gethostbyname"></A><A NAME="@default274"></A><A NAME="@fun184"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(gethostbyname host...) : Host...
      host : String
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>gethostbyname</CODE> function returns a <CODE>Host</CODE> object
for the specified host. The <CODE>host</CODE> may specify a domain name
or an Internet address.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc261">10.8.24</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Protocol</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Protocol"></A><A NAME="object:Protocol"></A><A NAME="@default275"></A><A NAME="@obj3"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Protocol</CODE> object represents a protocol entry.
It has the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>name</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String</CODE>: the canonical name of the protocol.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>aliases</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String Array</CODE>: aliases for the protocol.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>proto</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>Int</CODE>: the protocol number.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc262">10.8.25</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;getprotobyname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:getprotobyname"></A><A NAME="function:getprotobyname"></A><A NAME="@default276"></A><A NAME="@fun185"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(getprotobyname name...) : Protocol...
      name : Int or String
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>getprotobyname</CODE> function returns a <CODE>Protocol</CODE> object for the
specified protocol. The <CODE>name</CODE> may be a protocol name, or a
protocol number.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc263">10.8.26</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Service</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Service"></A><A NAME="object:Service"></A><A NAME="@default277"></A><A NAME="@obj4"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Service</CODE> object represents a network service.
It has the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>name</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String</CODE>: the name of the service.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>aliases</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>String Array</CODE>: aliases for the service.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>port</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>Int</CODE>: the port number of the service.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>proto</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> <CODE>Protocol</CODE>: the protocol for the service.
</DD></DL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc264">10.8.27</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;getservbyname</H3><P><A NAME="fun:getservbyname"></A><A NAME="function:getservbyname"></A><A NAME="@default278"></A><A NAME="@fun186"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(getservbyname service...) : Service...
      service : String or Int
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>getservbyname</CODE> function gets the information for a network service.
The <CODE>service</CODE> may be specified as a service name or number.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc265">10.8.28</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;socket</H3><P><A NAME="fun:socket"></A><A NAME="function:socket"></A><A NAME="@default279"></A><A NAME="@fun187"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(socket domain, type, protocol) : Channel
      domain : String
      type : String
      protocol : String
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>socket</CODE> function creates an unbound socket.</P><P>The possible values for the arguments are as follows.</P><P>The <CODE>domain</CODE> may have the following values.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>PF_UNIX or unix</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Unix domain, available only on Unix systems.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>PF_INET or inet</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Internet domain, IPv4.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>PF_INET6 or inet6</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Internet domain, IPv6.
</DD></DL><P>The <CODE>type</CODE> may have the following values.
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>SOCK_STREAM or stream</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Stream socket.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>SOCK_DGRAM or dgram</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Datagram socket.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>SOCK_RAW or raw</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Raw socket.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>SOCK_SEQPACKET or seqpacket</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Sequenced packets socket
</DD></DL><P>The <CODE>protocol</CODE> is an <CODE>Int</CODE> or <CODE>String</CODE> that specifies
a protocol in the protocols database.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc266">10.8.29</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;bind</H3><P><A NAME="fun:bind"></A><A NAME="function:bind"></A><A NAME="@default280"></A><A NAME="@fun188"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   bind(socket, host, port)
      socket : InOutChannel
      host : String
      port : Int
   bind(socket, file)
      socket : InOutChannel
      file : File
   raise RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>bind</CODE> function binds a socket to an address.</P><P>The 3-argument form specifies an Internet connection, the <CODE>host</CODE> specifies a host name
or IP address, and the <CODE>port</CODE> is a port number.</P><P>The 2-argument form is for <CODE>Unix</CODE> sockets. The <CODE>file</CODE> specifies the filename
for the address.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc267">10.8.30</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;listen</H3><P><A NAME="fun:listen"></A><A NAME="function:listen"></A><A NAME="@default281"></A><A NAME="@fun189"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   listen(socket, requests)
      socket : InOutChannel
      requests : Int
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>listen</CODE> function sets up the socket for receiving up to <CODE>requests</CODE> number
of pending connection requests.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc268">10.8.31</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;accept</H3><P><A NAME="fun:accept"></A><A NAME="function:accept"></A><A NAME="@default282"></A><A NAME="@fun190"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(accept socket) : InOutChannel
      socket : InOutChannel
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>accept</CODE> function accepts a connection on a socket.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc269">10.8.32</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;connect</H3><P><A NAME="fun:connect"></A><A NAME="function:connect"></A><A NAME="@default283"></A><A NAME="@fun191"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    connect(socket, addr, port)
       socket : InOutChannel
       addr : String
       port : int
    connect(socket, name)
       socket : InOutChannel
       name : File
    raise RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>connect</CODE> function connects a socket to a remote address.</P><P>The 3-argument form specifies an Internet connection.
The <CODE>addr</CODE> argument is the Internet address of the remote host,
specified as a domain name or IP address. The <CODE>port</CODE> argument
is the port number.</P><P>The 2-argument form is for Unix sockets. The <CODE>name</CODE> argument
is the filename of the socket.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc270">10.8.33</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;getchar</H3><P><A NAME="fun:getchar"></A><A NAME="function:getchar"></A><A NAME="@default284"></A><A NAME="@fun192"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(getc) : String
    $(getc file) : String
       file : InChannel or File
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>getc</CODE> function returns the next character of a file.
If the argument is not specified, <CODE>stdin</CODE> is used as input.
If the end of file has been reached, the function returns <CODE>false</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc271">10.8.34</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;gets</H3><P><A NAME="fun:gets"></A><A NAME="function:gets"></A><A NAME="@default285"></A><A NAME="@fun193"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(gets) : String
   $(gets channel) : String
      channel : InChannel or File
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>gets</CODE> function returns the next line from a file.
The function returns the empty string if the end of file has been reached.
The line terminator is removed.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc272">10.8.35</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;fgets</H3><P><A NAME="fun:fgets"></A><A NAME="function:fgets"></A><A NAME="@default286"></A><A NAME="@fun194"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(fgets) : String
   $(fgets channel) : String
      channel : InChannel or File
   raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>fgets</CODE> function returns the next line from a file that has been
opened for reading with <CODE>fopen</CODE>. The function returns the empty string
if the end of file has been reached. The returned string is returned as
literal data. The line terminator is not removed.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc81"></A><A NAME="htoc273">10.9</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Printing functions</H2><P>
<A NAME="fun:fprint"></A><A NAME="function:fprint"></A><A NAME="@default287"></A><A NAME="@fun195"></A>
<A NAME="fun:print"></A><A NAME="function:print"></A><A NAME="@default288"></A><A NAME="@fun196"></A>
<A NAME="fun:eprint"></A><A NAME="function:eprint"></A><A NAME="@default289"></A><A NAME="@fun197"></A>
<A NAME="fun:fprintln"></A><A NAME="function:fprintln"></A><A NAME="@default290"></A><A NAME="@fun198"></A>
<A NAME="fun:println"></A><A NAME="function:println"></A><A NAME="@default291"></A><A NAME="@fun199"></A>
<A NAME="fun:eprintln"></A><A NAME="function:eprintln"></A><A NAME="@default292"></A><A NAME="@fun200"></A></P><P>Output is printed with the <CODE>print</CODE> and <CODE>println</CODE> functions.
The <CODE>println</CODE> function adds a terminating newline to the value being
printed, the <CODE>print</CODE> function does not.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    fprint(&lt;file&gt;, &lt;string&gt;)
    fprintln(&lt;file&gt;, &lt;string&gt;)
</PRE><P>The <CODE>fprint</CODE> functions print to a file that has been previously opened with
<CODE>fopen</CODE>. The <CODE>print</CODE> functions print to the standard output channel, and
the <CODE>eprint</CODE> functions print to the standard error channel.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc82"></A><A NAME="htoc274">10.10</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Value printing functions</H2><P>
<A NAME="fun:fprintv"></A><A NAME="function:fprintv"></A><A NAME="@default293"></A><A NAME="@fun201"></A>
<A NAME="fun:printv"></A><A NAME="function:printv"></A><A NAME="@default294"></A><A NAME="@fun202"></A>
<A NAME="fun:eprintv"></A><A NAME="function:eprintv"></A><A NAME="@default295"></A><A NAME="@fun203"></A>
<A NAME="fun:fprintvln"></A><A NAME="function:fprintvln"></A><A NAME="@default296"></A><A NAME="@fun204"></A>
<A NAME="fun:printvln"></A><A NAME="function:printvln"></A><A NAME="@default297"></A><A NAME="@fun205"></A>
<A NAME="fun:eprintvln"></A><A NAME="function:eprintvln"></A><A NAME="@default298"></A><A NAME="@fun206"></A></P><P>Values can be printed with the <CODE>printv</CODE> and <CODE>printvln</CODE> functions.
The <CODE>printvln</CODE> function adds a terminating newline to the value being
printed, the <CODE>printv</CODE> function does not.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    fprintv(&lt;file&gt;, &lt;string&gt;)
    fprintvln(&lt;file&gt;, &lt;string&gt;)
</PRE><P>The <CODE>fprintv</CODE> functions print to a file that has been previously opened with
<CODE>fopen</CODE>. The <CODE>printv</CODE> functions print to the standard output channel, and
the <CODE>eprintv</CODE> functions print to the standard error channel.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc275">10.10.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Miscellaneous functions</H3><H4 CLASS="subsubsection"><A NAME="htoc276"></A>&#XA0;&#XA0;set-channel-line</H4><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    set-channel-line(channel, filename, line)
        channel : Channel
        filename : File
        line : int
</PRE><P>Set the line number information for the channel.
</P><H2 CLASS="section"><A NAME="toc83"></A><A NAME="htoc277">10.11</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Higher-level IO functions</H2><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc278">10.11.1</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Regular expressions</H3><P>
<A NAME="@default299"></A></P><P>Many of the higher-level functions use regular expressions.
Regular expressions are defined by strings with syntax nearly identical
to <TT>awk</TT>(1).</P><P>Strings may contain the following character constants.</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>\\</CODE> : a literal backslash.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\a</CODE> : the alert character <CODE>^G</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\b</CODE> : the backspace character <CODE>^H</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\f</CODE> : the formfeed character <CODE>^L</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\n</CODE> : the newline character <CODE>^J</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\r</CODE> : the carriage return character <CODE>^M</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\t</CODE> : the tab character <CODE>^I</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\v</CODE> : the vertical tab character.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\xhh...</CODE> : the character represented by the string
of hexadecimal digits <CODE>h</CODE>. All valid hexadecimal digits
following the sequence are considered to be part of the sequence.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\ddd</CODE> : the character represented by 1, 2, or 3 octal
</LI></UL><P>Regular expressions are defined using the special characters <CODE>.\^$[(){}*?</CODE>+.</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>c</CODE> : matches the literal character <CODE>c</CODE> if <CODE>c</CODE> is not
a special character.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\c</CODE> : matches the literal character <CODE>c</CODE>, even if <CODE>c</CODE>
is a special character.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>.</CODE> : matches any character, including newline.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>^</CODE> : matches the beginning of a line.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>$</CODE> : matches the end of line.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[abc...]</CODE> : matches any of the characters <CODE>abc...</CODE>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[^abc...]</CODE> : matches any character except <CODE>abc...</CODE>
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r1|r2</CODE> : matches either <CODE>r1</CODE> or <CODE>r2</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r1r2</CODE> : matches <CODE>r1</CODE> and then <CODE>r2</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r</CODE>+ : matches one or more occurrences of <CODE>r</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r*</CODE> : matches zero or more occurrences of <CODE>r</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r?</CODE> : matches zero or one occurrence of <CODE>r</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>(r)</CODE> : parentheses are used for grouping; matches <CODE>r</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\(r\)</CODE> : also defines grouping, but the expression matched
within the parentheses is available to the output processor
through one of the variables <CODE>$1</CODE>, <CODE>$2</CODE>, ...
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r{n}</CODE> : matches exactly <CODE>n</CODE> occurrences of <CODE>r</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r{n,}</CODE> : matches <CODE>n</CODE> or more occurrences of <CODE>r</CODE>.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>r{n,m}</CODE> : matches at least <CODE>n</CODE> occurrences of <CODE>r</CODE>,
and no more than <CODE>m</CODE> occurrences.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\y</CODE>: matches the empty string at either the beginning or
end of a word.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\B</CODE>: matches the empty string within a word.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\&lt;</CODE>: matches the empty string at the beginning of a word.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\&gt;</CODE>: matches the empty string at the end of a word.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\w</CODE>: matches any character in a word.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\W</CODE>: matches any character that does not occur within a word.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\`</CODE>: matches the empty string at the beginning of a file.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>\'</CODE>: matches the empty string at the end of a file.
</LI></UL><P>Character classes can be used to specify character sequences
abstractly. Some of these sequences can change depending on your LOCALE.</P><UL CLASS="itemize"><LI CLASS="li-itemize">
<CODE>[:alnum:]</CODE> Alphanumeric characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:alpha:]</CODE> Alphabetic characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:lower:]</CODE> Lowercase alphabetic characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:upper:]</CODE> Uppercase alphabetic characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:cntrl:]</CODE> Control characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:digit:]</CODE> Numeric characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:xdigit:]</CODE> Numeric and hexadecimal characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:graph:]</CODE> Characters that are printable and visible.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:print:]</CODE> Characters that are printable, whether they are visible or not.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:punct:]</CODE> Punctuation characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:blank:]</CODE> Space or tab characters.
</LI><LI CLASS="li-itemize"><CODE>[:space:]</CODE> Whitespace characters.
</LI></UL><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc279">10.11.2</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;cat</H3><P><A NAME="fun:cat"></A><A NAME="function:cat"></A><A NAME="@default300"></A><A NAME="@fun207"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    cat(files) : Sequence
       files : File or InChannel Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>cat</CODE> function concatenates the output from multiple files
and returns it as a string.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc280">10.11.3</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;grep</H3><P><A NAME="fun:grep"></A><A NAME="function:grep"></A><A NAME="@default301"></A><A NAME="@fun208"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   grep(pattern) : String  # input from stdin, default options
      pattern : String
   grep(pattern, files) : String  # default options
      pattern : String
      files   : File Sequence
   grep(options, pattern, files) : String
     options : String
     pattern : String
     files   : File Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>grep</CODE> function searches for occurrences of a regular
expression <CODE>pattern</CODE> in a set of files, and prints lines that match.
This is like a highly-simplified version of <TT>grep</TT>(1).</P><P>The options are:
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>q</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> If specified, the output from <CODE>grep</CODE> is not displayed.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>h</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> If specified, output lines will not include the filename (default, when only one input
file is given).
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>n</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> If specified, output lines include the filename (default, when more than one input file
is given).
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>v</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> If specified, search for lines without a match instead of lines with a match,
</DD></DL><P>The <CODE>pattern</CODE> is a regular expression.</P><P>If successful (<CODE>grep</CODE> found a match), the function returns <CODE>true</CODE>.
Otherwise, it returns <CODE>false</CODE>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc281">10.11.4</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;scan</H3><P><A NAME="fun:scan"></A><A NAME="function:scan"></A><A NAME="@default302"></A><A NAME="@fun209"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   scan(input-files)
   case string1
   case string2
</PRE><P>The <CODE>scan</CODE> function provides input processing in command-line form.
The function takes file/filename arguments. If called with no
arguments, the input is taken from <CODE>stdin</CODE>. If arguments are provided,
each specifies an <CODE>InChannel</CODE>, or the name of a file for input.
Output is always to <CODE>stdout</CODE>.</P><P>The <CODE>scan</CODE> function operates by reading the input one line at a time,
and processing it according to the following algorithm.</P><P>For each line,
the record is first split into fields, and
the fields are bound to the variables <CODE>$1, $2, ...</CODE>. The variable
<CODE>$0</CODE> is defined to be the entire line, and <CODE>$*</CODE> is an array
of all the field values. The <CODE>$(NF)</CODE> variable is defined to be the number
of fields.</P><P>Next, a case expression is selected. If <CODE>string_i</CODE> matches the token <CODE>$1</CODE>,
then <CODE>body_i</CODE> is evaluated. If the body ends in an <CODE>export</CODE>, the state
is passed to the next clause. Otherwise the value is discarded.</P><P>For example, here is an <CODE>scan</CODE> function that acts as a simple command processor.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    calc() =
       i = 0
       case print
       case inc
          i = $(add $i, 1)
       case dec
          i = $(sub $i, 1)
       case addconst
          i = $(add $i, $2)
          eprintln($"Unknown command: $1")
</PRE><P>The <CODE>scan</CODE> function also supports several options.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    scan(options, files)
</PRE><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>A</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Parse each line as an argument list, where arguments
may be quoted. For example, the following line has three words,
&#X201C;<CODE>ls</CODE>&#X201D;, &#X201C;<CODE>-l</CODE>&#X201D;, &#X201C;<CODE>Program Files</CODE>&#X201D;.<PRE CLASS="verbatim">       ls -l "Program Files"
   </PRE></DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>O</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Parse each line using white space as the separator, using the
usual OMake algorithm for string parsing. This is the default.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"><B>x</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> Once each line is split, reduce each word using the
hex representation. This is the usual hex representation used
in URL specifiers, so the string &#X201C;Program Files&#X201D; may be
alternately represented in the form ProgramProgram+Files.
</DD></DL><P>Note, if you want to redirect the output to a file, the easiest way is to
redefine the <CODE>stdout</CODE> variable. The <CODE>stdout</CODE> variable is scoped the
same way as other variables, so this definition does not affect the meaning of
<CODE>stdout</CODE> outside the <CODE>calc</CODE> function.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    calc() =
        stdout = $(fopen script.out, w)
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc282">10.11.5</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;awk</H3><P><A NAME="fun:awk"></A><A NAME="function:awk"></A><A NAME="@default303"></A><A NAME="@fun210"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   awk(input-files)
   case pattern1:
   case pattern2:
</PRE><P>or</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   awk(options, input-files)
   case pattern1:
   case pattern2:
</PRE><P>The <CODE>awk</CODE> function provides input processing similar to <TT>awk</TT>(1),
but more limited. The <CODE>input-files</CODE> argument is a sequence of values,
each specifies an <CODE>InChannel</CODE>, or the name of a file for input.
If called with no options and no file arguments, the input is taken from <CODE>stdin</CODE>.
Output is always to <CODE>stdout</CODE>.</P><P>The variables <CODE>RS</CODE> and <CODE>FS</CODE> define record and field separators
as regular expressions.
The default value of <CODE>RS</CODE> is the regular expression <CODE>\r|\n|\r\n</CODE>.
The default value of <CODE>FS</CODE> is the regular expression <CODE>[ \t]</CODE>+.</P><P>The <CODE>awk</CODE> function operates by reading the input one record at a time,
and processing it according to the following algorithm.</P><P>For each line,
the record is first split into fields using the field separator <CODE>FS</CODE>, and
the fields are bound to the variables <CODE>$1, $2, ...</CODE>. The variable
<CODE>$0</CODE> is defined to be the entire line, and <CODE>$*</CODE> is an array
of all the field values. The <CODE>$(NF)</CODE> variable is defined to be the number
of fields.</P><P>Next, the cases are evaluated in order.
For each case, if the regular expression <CODE>pattern_i</CODE> matches the record <CODE>$0</CODE>,
then <CODE>body_i</CODE> is evaluated. If the body ends in an <CODE>export</CODE>, the state
is passed to the next clause. Otherwise the value is discarded. If the regular
expression contains <CODE>\(r\)</CODE> expression, those expression override the
fields <CODE>$1, $2, ...</CODE>.</P><P>For example, here is an <CODE>awk</CODE> function to print the text between two
delimiters <CODE>\begin{&lt;name&gt;}</CODE> and <CODE>\end{&lt;name&gt;}</CODE>, where the <CODE>&lt;name&gt;</CODE>
must belong to a set passed as an argument to the <CODE>filter</CODE> function.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    filter(names) =
       print = false

       case $"^\\end\{\([:alpha:]+\)\}"
          if $(mem $1, $(names))
             print = false
          if $(print)
       case $"^\\begin\{\([:alpha:]+\)\}"
          print = $(mem $1, $(names))
</PRE><P>Note, if you want to redirect the output to a file, the easiest way is to
redefine the <CODE>stdout</CODE> variable. The <CODE>stdout</CODE> variable is scoped the
same way as other variables, so this definition does not affect the meaning of
<CODE>stdout</CODE> outside the <CODE>filter</CODE> function.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    filter(names) =
        stdout = $(fopen file.out, w)
</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
<B>b</B></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"> &#X201C;Break&#X201D; when evaluating cases. Only the first case that matches will be selected.
</DD></DL><P>The <A HREF="omake-base.html#fun:break"><CODE>break</CODE> function</A> can be used to abort the loop,
exiting the <CODE>awk</CODE> function immediately.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc283">10.11.6</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;fsubst</H3><P><A NAME="fun:fsubst"></A><A NAME="function:fsubst"></A><A NAME="@default304"></A><A NAME="@fun211"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   fsubst(files)
   case pattern1 [options]
   case pattern2 [options]
</PRE><P>The <CODE>fsubst</CODE> function provides a <TT>sed</TT>(1)-like substitution
function. Similar to <CODE>awk</CODE>, if <CODE>fsubst</CODE> is called with no
arguments, the input is taken from <CODE>stdin</CODE>. If arguments are provided,
each specifies an <CODE>InChannel</CODE>, or the name of a file for input.</P><P>The <CODE>RS</CODE> variable defines a regular expression that determines a record separator,
The default value of <CODE>RS</CODE> is the regular expression <CODE>\r|\n|\r\n</CODE>.</P><P>The <CODE>fsubst</CODE> function reads the file one record at a time.</P><P>For each record, the cases are evaluated in order. Each case defines
a substitution from a substring matching the <CODE>pattern</CODE> to
replacement text defined by the body.</P><P>Currently, there is only one option: <CODE>g</CODE>.
If specified, each clause specifies a global replacement,
and all instances of the pattern define a substitution.
Otherwise, the substitution is applied only once.</P><P>Output can be redirected by redefining the <CODE>stdout</CODE> variable.</P><P>For example, the following program replaces all occurrences of
an expression <CODE>word.</CODE> with its capitalized form.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    section
       stdout = $(fopen Subst.out, w)
       case $"\&lt;\([[:alnum:]]+\)\." g
          value $(capitalize $1).
</PRE><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc284">10.11.7</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;lex</H3><P><A NAME="fun:lex"></A><A NAME="function:lex"></A><A NAME="@default305"></A><A NAME="@fun212"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   lex(files)
   case pattern1
   case pattern2
</PRE><P>The <CODE>lex</CODE> function provides a simple lexical-style scanner
function. The input is a sequence of files or channels. The cases
specify regular expressions. Each time the input is read, the regular
expression that matches the <EM>longest prefix</EM> of the input is selected,
and the body is evaluated.</P><P>If two clauses both match the same input, the <EM>last</EM> one is selected
for execution. The <CODE>default</CODE> case matches the regular expression <CODE>.</CODE>;
you probably want to place it first in the pattern list.</P><P>If the body end with an <CODE>export</CODE> directive,
the state is passed to the next clause.</P><P>For example, the following program collects all occurrences of alphanumeric
words in an input file.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    collect-words($(files)) =
       words[] =
          # empty
       case $"[[:alnum:]]+" g
          words[] += $0
</PRE><P>The <CODE>default</CODE> case, if one exists, matches single characters. Since</P><P>It is an error if the input does not match any of the regular expressions.</P><P>The <A HREF="omake-base.html#fun:break"><CODE>break</CODE> function</A> can be used to abort the loop.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc285">10.11.8</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;lex-search</H3><P><A NAME="fun:lex-search"></A><A NAME="function:lex-search"></A><A NAME="@default306"></A><A NAME="@fun213"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   lex-search(files)
   case pattern1
   case pattern2
</PRE><P>The <CODE>lex-search</CODE> function is like the <CODE>lex</CODE> function, but input that
does not match any of the regular expressions is skipped. If the clauses include
a <CODE>default</CODE> case, then the <CODE>default</CODE> matches any skipped text.</P><P>For example, the following program collects all occurrences of alphanumeric
words in an input file, skipping any other text.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    collect-words($(files)) =
       words[] =
          eprintln(Skipped $0)
       case $"[[:alnum:]]+" g
          words[] += $0
</PRE><P>The <CODE>default</CODE> case, if one exists, matches single characters. Since</P><P>It is an error if the input does not match any of the regular expressions.</P><P>The <A HREF="omake-base.html#fun:break"><CODE>break</CODE> function</A> can be used to abort the loop.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc286">10.11.9</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Lexer</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Lexer"></A><A NAME="object:Lexer"></A><A NAME="@default307"></A><A NAME="@obj5"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Lexer</CODE> object defines a facility for lexical analysis, similar to the
<TT>lex</TT>(1) and <TT>flex</TT>(1) programs.</P><P>In <TT>omake</TT>, lexical analyzers can be constructed dynamically by extending
the <CODE>Lexer</CODE> class. A lexer definition consists of a set of directives specified
with method calls, and set of clauses specified as rules.</P><P>For example, consider the following lexer definition, which is intended
for lexical analysis of simple arithmetic expressions for a desktop
calculator.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   lexer1. =
      extends $(Lexer)

      other: .
         eprintln(Illegal character: $* )

      white: $"[[:space:]]+"

      op: $"[-+*/()]"
         switch $*
         case +
            Token.unit($(loc), plus)
         case -
            Token.unit($(loc), minus)
         case *
            Token.unit($(loc), mul)
         case /
            Token.unit($(loc), div)
         case $"("
            Token.unit($(loc), lparen)
         case $")"
            Token.unit($(loc), rparen)

      number: $"[[:digit:]]+"
         Token.pair($(loc), exp, $(int $* ))

      eof: $"\'"
         Token.unit($(loc), eof)
</PRE><P>This program defines an object <CODE>lexer1</CODE> the extends the <CODE>Lexer</CODE>
object, which defines lexing environment.</P><P>The remainder of the definition consists of a set of clauses,
each with a method name before the colon; a regular expression
after the colon; and in this case, a body. The body is optional,
if it is not specified, the method with the given name should
already exist in the lexer definition.</P><P><EM>NB</EM> The clause that matches the <EM>longest</EM> prefix of the input
is selected. If two clauses match the same input prefix, then the <EM>last</EM>
one is selected. This is unlike most standard lexers, but makes more sense
for extensible grammars.</P><P>The first clause matches any input that is not matched by the other clauses.
In this case, an error message is printed for any unknown character, and
the input is skipped. Note that this clause is selected only if no other
clause matches.</P><P>The second clause is responsible for ignoring white space.
If whitespace is found, it is ignored, and the lexer is called
recursively.</P><P>The third clause is responsible for the arithmetic operators.
It makes use of the <CODE>Token</CODE> object, which defines three
fields: a <CODE>loc</CODE> field that represents the source location;
a <CODE>name</CODE>; and a <CODE>value</CODE>.</P><P>The lexer defines the <CODE>loc</CODE> variable to be the location
of the current lexeme in each of the method bodies, so we can use
that value to create the tokens.</P><P>The <CODE>Token.unit($(loc), name)</CODE>
method constructs a new <CODE>Token</CODE> object with the given name,
and a default value.</P><P>The <CODE>number</CODE> clause matches nonnegative integer constants.
The <CODE>Token.pair($(loc), name, value)</CODE> constructs a token with the
given name and value.</P><P>Lexer object operate on <CODE>InChannel</CODE> objects.
The method <CODE>lexer1.lex-channel(channel)</CODE> reads the next
token from the channel argument.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc287">10.11.10</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Lexer matching</H3><P>During lexical analysis, clauses are selected by longest match.
That is, the clause that matches the longest sequence of input
characters is chosen for evaluation. If no clause matches, the
lexer raises a <CODE>RuntimeException</CODE>. If more than one clause
matches the same amount of input, the first one is chosen
for evaluation.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc288">10.11.11</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Extending lexer definitions</H3><P>Suppose we wish to augment the lexer example so that it ignores
comments. We will define comments as any text that begins with
the string <CODE>(*</CODE>, ends with <CODE>*)</CODE>, and comments may
be nested.</P><P>One convenient way to do this is to define a separate lexer
just to skip comments.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   lex-comment. =
      extends $(Lexer)

      level = 0

      other: .

      term: $"[*][)]"
         if $(not $(eq $(level), 0))
            level = $(sub $(level), 1)

      next: $"[(][*]"
         level = $(add $(level), 1)

      eof: $"\'"
         eprintln(Unterminated comment)
</PRE><P>This lexer contains a field <CODE>level</CODE> that keeps track of the nesting
level. On encountering a <CODE>(*</CODE> string, it increments the level,
and for <CODE>*)</CODE>, it decrements the level if nonzero, and continues.</P><P>Next, we need to modify our previous lexer to skip comments.
We can do this by extending the lexer object <CODE>lexer1</CODE>
that we just created.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   lexer1. +=
      comment: $"[(][*]"
</PRE><P>The body for the comment clause calls the <CODE>lex-comment</CODE> lexer when
a comment is encountered, and continues lexing when that lexer returns.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc289">10.11.12</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Threading the lexer object</H3><P>Clause bodies may also end with an <CODE>export</CODE> directive. In this case
the lexer object itself is used as the returned token. If used with
the <CODE>Parser</CODE> object below, the lexer should define the <CODE>loc</CODE>, <CODE>name</CODE>
and <CODE>value</CODE> fields in each <CODE>export</CODE> clause. Each time
the <CODE>Parser</CODE> calls the lexer, it calls it with the lexer returned
from the previous lex invocation.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc290">10.11.13</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Parser</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Parser"></A><A NAME="object:Parser"></A><A NAME="@default308"></A><A NAME="@obj6"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Parser</CODE> object provides a facility for syntactic analysis based
on context-free grammars.</P><P><CODE>Parser</CODE> objects are specified as a sequence of directives,
specified with method calls; and productions, specified as rules.</P><P>For example, let's finish building the desktop calculator started
in the <CODE>Lexer</CODE> example.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   parser1. =
      extends $(Parser)

      # Use the main lexer
      lexer = $(lexer1)

      # Precedences, in ascending order
      left(plus minus)
      left(mul div)

      # A program

      prog: exp eof
         return $1

      # Simple arithmetic expressions
      exp: minus exp :prec: uminus

      exp: exp plus exp
         add($1, $3)

      exp: exp minus exp
         sub($1, $3)

      exp: exp mul exp
         mul($1, $3)

      exp: exp div exp
         div($1, $3)

      exp: lparen exp rparen
         return $2
</PRE><P>Parsers are defined as extensions of the <CODE>Parser</CODE> class.
A <CODE>Parser</CODE> object must have a <CODE>lexer</CODE> field. The <CODE>lexer</CODE>
is not required to be a <CODE>Lexer</CODE> object, but it must provide
a <CODE>lexer.lex()</CODE> method that returns a token object with
<CODE>name</CODE> and <CODE>value</CODE> fields. For this example, we use the
<CODE>lexer1</CODE> object that we defined previously.</P><P>The next step is to define precedences for the terminal symbols.
The precedences are defined with the <CODE>left</CODE>, <CODE>right</CODE>,
and <CODE>nonassoc</CODE> methods in order of increasing precedence.</P><P>The grammar must have at least one start symbol, declared with
the <CODE>start</CODE> method.</P><P>Next, the productions in the grammar are listed as rules.
The name of the production is listed before the colon, and
a sequence of variables is listed to the right of the colon.
The body is a semantic action to be evaluated when the production
is recognized as part of the input.</P><P>In this example, these are the productions for the arithmetic
expressions recognized by the desktop calculator. The semantic
action performs the calculation. The variables <CODE>$1, $2, ...</CODE>
correspond to the values associated with each of the variables
on the right-hand-side of the production.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc291">10.11.14</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Calling the parser</H3><P>The parser is called with the <CODE>$(parser1.parse-channel start, channel)</CODE>
or <CODE>$(parser1.parse-file start, file)</CODE> functions. The <CODE>start</CODE>
argument is the start symbol, and the <CODE>channel</CODE> or <CODE>file</CODE>
is the input to the parser.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc292">10.11.15</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Parsing control</H3><P>The parser generator generates a pushdown automation based on LALR(1)
tables. As usual, if the grammar is ambiguous, this may generate shift/reduce
or reduce/reduce conflicts. These conflicts are printed to standard
output when the automaton is generated.</P><P>By default, the automaton is not constructed until the parser is
first used.</P><P>The <CODE>build(debug)</CODE> method forces the construction of the automaton.
While not required, it is wise to finish each complete parser with
a call to the <CODE>build(debug)</CODE> method. If the <CODE>debug</CODE> variable
is set, this also prints with parser table together with any conflicts.</P><P>The <CODE>loc</CODE> variable is defined within action bodies, and represents
the input range for all tokens on the right-hand-side of the production.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc293">10.11.16</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Extending parsers</H3><P>Parsers may also be extended by inheritance.
For example, let's extend the grammar so that it also recognizes
the <CODE>&lt;&lt;</CODE> and <CODE>&gt;&gt;</CODE> shift operations.</P><P>First, we extend the lexer so that it recognizes these tokens.
This time, we choose to leave <CODE>lexer1</CODE> intact, instead of
using the += operator.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   lexer2. =
      extends $(lexer1)

      lsl: $"&lt;&lt;"
         Token.unit($(loc), lsl)

      asr: $"&gt;&gt;"
         Token.unit($(loc), asr)
</PRE><P>Next, we extend the parser to handle these new operators.
We intend that the bitwise operators have lower precedence
than the other arithmetic operators. The two-argument form
of the <CODE>left</CODE> method accomplishes this.</P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   parser2. =
      extends $(parser1)

      left(plus, lsl lsr asr)

      lexer = $(lexer2)

      exp: exp lsl exp
         lsl($1, $3)

      exp: exp asr exp
         asr($1, $3)
</PRE><P>In this case, we use the new lexer <CODE>lexer2</CODE>, and we add productions
for the new shift operations.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc294">10.11.17</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Passwd</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Passwd"></A><A NAME="object:Passwd"></A><A NAME="@default309"></A><A NAME="@obj7"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Passwd</CODE> object represents an entry in the system's user database.
It contains the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
</DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_name</CODE><A NAME="@default310"></A>: the login name.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_passwd</CODE><A NAME="@default311"></A>: the encrypted password.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_uid</CODE><A NAME="@default312"></A>: user id of the user.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_gid</CODE><A NAME="@default313"></A>: group id of the user.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_gecos</CODE><A NAME="@default314"></A>: the user name or comment field.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_dir</CODE><A NAME="@default315"></A>: the user's home directory.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>pw_shell</CODE><A NAME="@default316"></A>: the user's default shell.
</DD></DL><P>Not all the fields will have meaning on all operating systems.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc295">10.11.18</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;getpwnam, getpwuid</H3><P><A NAME="fun:getpwnam"></A><A NAME="function:getpwnam"></A><A NAME="@default317"></A><A NAME="@fun214"></A><A NAME="fun:getpwuid"></A><A NAME="function:getpwuid"></A><A NAME="@default318"></A><A NAME="@fun215"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(getpwnam name...) : Passwd
       name : String
    $(getpwuid uid...) : Passwd
       uid : Int
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>getpwnam</CODE> function looks up an entry by the user's login and the <CODE>getpwuid</CODE>
function looks up an entry by user's numerical id (uid). If no entry is found, an exception
will be raised.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc296">10.11.19</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;getpwents</H3><P><A NAME="fun:getpwents"></A><A NAME="function:getpwents"></A><A NAME="@default319"></A><A NAME="@fun216"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(getpwents) : Array
</PRE><P>The <CODE>getpwents</CODE> function returns an array of <CODE>Passwd</CODE> objects, one for every user
fund in the system user database. Note that depending on the operating system and on the setup
of the user database, the returned array may be incomplete or even empty.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc297">10.11.20</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;Group</H3><P><A NAME="obj:Group"></A><A NAME="object:Group"></A><A NAME="@default320"></A><A NAME="@obj8"></A></P><P>The <CODE>Group</CODE> object represents an entry in the system's user group database.
It contains the following fields.</P><DL CLASS="description"><DT CLASS="dt-description">
</DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>gr_name</CODE><A NAME="@default321"></A>: the group name.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>gr_group</CODE><A NAME="@default322"></A>: the encrypted password.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>gr_gid</CODE><A NAME="@default323"></A>: group id of the group.
</DD><DT CLASS="dt-description"></DT><DD CLASS="dd-description"><CODE>gr_mem</CODE><A NAME="@default324"></A>: the group member's user names.
</DD></DL><P>Not all the fields will have meaning on all operating systems.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc298">10.11.21</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;getgrnam, getgrgid</H3><P><A NAME="fun:getgrnam"></A><A NAME="function:getgrnam"></A><A NAME="@default325"></A><A NAME="@fun217"></A><A NAME="fun:getgrgid"></A><A NAME="function:getgrgid"></A><A NAME="@default326"></A><A NAME="@fun218"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">    $(getgrnam name...) : Group
       name : String
    $(getgrgid gid...) : Group
       gid : Int
    raises RuntimeException
</PRE><P>The <CODE>getgrnam</CODE> function looks up a group entry by the group's name and the <CODE>getgrgid</CODE>
function looks up an entry by groups's numerical id (gid). If no entry is found, an exception
will be raised.</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc299">10.11.22</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;tgetstr</H3><P><A NAME="fun:tgetstr"></A><A NAME="function:tgetstr"></A><A NAME="@default327"></A><A NAME="@fun219"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(tgetstr id) : String
      id : String
</PRE><P>The <CODE>tgetstr</CODE> function looks up the terminal capability with the indicated <CODE>id</CODE>.
This assumes the terminfo to lookup is given in the <CODE>TERM</CODE> environment variable. This
function returns an empty value if the given terminal capability is not defined.</P><P>Note: if you intend to use the value returned by <CODE>tgetstr</CODE> inside the shell
<CODE><A HREF="osh.html#var:prompt">prompt</A></CODE>, you need to wrap it using the <A HREF="#fun:prompt-invisible"><CODE>prompt-invisible</CODE> function</A>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc300">10.11.23</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;xterm-escape-begin, xterm-escape-end</H3><P><A NAME="fun:xterm-escape-begin"></A><A NAME="function:xterm-escape-begin"></A><A NAME="@default328"></A><A NAME="@fun220"></A><A NAME="fun:xterm-escape-end"></A><A NAME="function:xterm-escape-end"></A><A NAME="@default329"></A><A NAME="@fun221"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(xterm-escape-begin) : String
   $(xterm-escape-end) : String
</PRE><P>The <CODE>xterm-escape-begin</CODE> and <CODE>xterm-escape-end</CODE> functions return the escape sequences
that can be used to set the XTerm window title. Will return empty values if this capability is
not available.</P><P>Note: if you intend to use these strings inside the shell <CODE><A HREF="osh.html#var:prompt">prompt</A></CODE>, you need to use
<CODE>$(prompt_invisible_begin)$(xterm-escape-begin)</CODE> and
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc301">10.11.24</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;xterm-escape</H3><P><A NAME="fun:xterm-escape"></A><A NAME="function:xterm-escape"></A><A NAME="@default330"></A><A NAME="@fun222"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(xterm-escape s) : Sequence
</PRE><P>When the <CODE>TERM</CODE> environment variable indicates that the XTerm title setting capability is available,
<CODE>$(xterm-escape s)</CODE> is equivalent to <CODE>$(xterm-escape-begin)s$(xterm-escape-end)</CODE>. Otherwise, it
returns an empty value.</P><P>Note: if you intend to use the value returned by <CODE>xterm-escape</CODE> inside the shell
<CODE><A HREF="osh.html#var:prompt">prompt</A></CODE>, you need to wrap it using the <A HREF="#fun:prompt-invisible"><CODE>prompt-invisible</CODE> function</A>.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc302">10.11.25</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;prompt-invisible-begin, prompt-invisible-end</H3><P><A NAME="fun:prompt-invisible-begin"></A><A NAME="function:prompt-invisible-begin"></A><A NAME="@default331"></A><A NAME="@fun223"></A><A NAME="fun:prompt-invisible-end"></A><A NAME="function:prompt-invisible-end"></A><A NAME="@default332"></A><A NAME="@fun224"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(prompt-invisible-begin) : String
   $(prompt-invisible-end) : String
</PRE><P>The <CODE>prompt-invisible-begin</CODE> and <CODE>prompt-invisible-end</CODE> functions return the escape sequences
that must used to mark the &#X201C;invisible&#X201D; sections of the shell <CODE><A HREF="osh.html#var:prompt">prompt</A></CODE> (such as various escape sequences).
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc303">10.11.26</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;prompt-invisible</H3><P><A NAME="fun:prompt-invisible"></A><A NAME="function:prompt-invisible"></A><A NAME="@default333"></A><A NAME="@fun225"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(prompt-invisible s) : Sequence
</PRE><P>The <CODE>prompt-invisible</CODE> will wrap its argument with <CODE>$(prompt-invisible-begin)</CODE> and
<CODE>$(prompt-invisible-end)</CODE>. All the `invisible&#X201D; sections of the shell <CODE><A HREF="osh.html#var:prompt">prompt</A></CODE> (such as various
escape sequences) must be wrapped this way.
</P><H3 CLASS="subsection"><A NAME="htoc304">10.11.27</A>&#XA0;&#XA0;gettimeofday</H3><P><A NAME="fun:gettimeofday"></A><A NAME="function:gettimeofday"></A><A NAME="@default334"></A><A NAME="@fun226"></A></P><PRE CLASS="verbatim">   $(gettimeofday) : Float
</PRE><P>The <CODE>gettimeofday</CODE> function returns the time of day in seconds
since January 1, 1970.</P>
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