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  <title>MCCCS Towhee (OPLS-aa)</title>

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      <div align="center"> <font size="5"> <b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a name="top"></a>MCCCS 
        Towhee (OPLS-aa)</font></b> </font> </div>
<A href=""> 
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      <p>&nbsp; </p>
    <td width="697" valign="top"> <b>Overview</b> 
        This section covers the OPLS-aa force field as it is implemented into the towhee_ff_OPLS-aa file in the 
	ForceFields directory. All of the Towhee atom types for the OPLS-aa force field 
        are listed, along with a short description of their meanings. For more 
        information about the OPLS-aa force field see the <a href="">Jorgensen 
        group home page</a>. Note that OPLS-aa is a Lennard-Jones (12-6) force 
        field and can only be combined with other Lennard-Jones (12-6) force fields. 
	The rather famous OPLS water models are not included here as they are provided in their own 
	force field files.  Please see the <a href="tip3p.html">TIP3P</a>, <a href="tip4p.html">TIP4P</a>,
	and <a href="tip5p.html">TIP5P</a> web pages for more information about those water models.
	Note that OPLS-aa was preceded by a united-atom version of the force field 
	called <a href="oplsua.html">OPLS-ua</a>
	and has been reparameterized into what I call <a href="opls2001.html">OPLS-2001</a>.
        I would like to acknowledge W.L. Jorgensen for kindly providing me with 
        an electronic copy of the OPLS-aa parameters. Any discrepencies (especially 
        typos) from the published OPLS-aa force field values are the sole 
        responsibility of Marcus G. Martin, and I welcome feedback on how this 
        implementation compares with other programs. 
      <b>References for OPLS-aa</b> 
        OPLS-aa is published in a series of papers 
          <li><a href="../references.html#chandrasekhar_et_al_1984">Chandrasekhar <i>et al.</i> 1984</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#pranata_et_al_1991">Pranata <i>et al.</i> 1991</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#kaminski_et_al_1994">Kaminski <i>et al.</i> 1994</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#jorgensen_et_al_1996">Jorgensen <i>et al.</i> 1996</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#jorgensen_per_com_1996">Jorgensen <i>personal communication</i> 1996</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#damm_et_al_1997">Damm <i>et al.</i> 1997</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#jorgensen_mcdonald_1998">Jorgensen and McDonald 1998</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#mcdonald_jorgensen_1998">McDonald and Jorgensen 1998</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#mcdonald_et_al_1998">McDonald <i>et al</i> 1998</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#rizzo_jorgensen_1999">Rizzo and Jorgensen 1999</a></li>
          <li><a href="../references.html#jorgensen_per_com_2001">Jorgensen <i>personal communication</i> 2001</a></li>
      <b>OPLS-aa in Towhee</b> 
        The official force field name for OPLS-aa in Towhee is 'OPLS-aa'. Here 
        I list all of the OPLS-aa atom names for use in the towhee_input file, 
        along with a brief description taken from the OPLS-aa literature. Notice 
        that OPLS-aa uses almost the same naming conventions as the Amber param96 
        force field. This is not a coincedence as these force fields utilize many 
        of the same bonded interaction terms. I have modified some of the atom 
        names from the standard OPLS-aa in order to create unique type names. 
        This was needed because OPLS-aa occasionally uses different bonded interactions 
        for atoms which have the same atom name for nonbonded interactions. I 
        do not always distinguish between the original OPLS-aa comments, and my 
        modifications as I have created several new atom names. Some of my comments 
        are placed in [square brackets]. Please note that the capitalization and 
        spacing pattern is important and must be followed exactly as listed here. 
	  <dt><font color="red">Bromine</font></dt>
          <li><b>'Br-'</b> : bromine ion (charge -1)[uses the parameters from 
            the LGM force field]</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Carbon</font></dt>
          <li><b>'C a'</b> : carbon in O-C=O acid</li>
          <li><b>'C k'</b> : carbon in C=O not bonded to N, and not an acid group 
          <li><b>'C n'</b> : carbon in N-C=O</li>
          <li><b>'C*'</b> : aromatic C in 5-membered ring next to two carbons</li>
          <li><b>'CA~'</b> : neutral aromatic carbon not at the junction of 5-membered 
            and 6-membered rings</li>
          <li><b>'CA+'</b> : aromatic carbon in guanidinium C+</li>
          <li><b>'CAj'</b> : neutral aromatic carbon at the juction of 5-membered 
            and 6-membered rings</li>
          <li><b>'CAxna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. aromatic 
            C in DAP C2,C3,C4 pyridine; Cytosine C4,C5,C6</li>
          <li><b>'CBxna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. Adenine 
            C4,C5,C6; Guanine C2,C4,C5</li>
          <li><b>'CB'</b> : aromatic C at juntion of 5-membered and 6-membered 
          <li><b>'CKxna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. Adenine 
            C8 Guanine</li>
          <li><b>'CM'</b> : alkene sp<sup>2</sup> carbon (non-aromatic)</li>
          <li><b>'CMxna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. Carbon 
            in Uracil C5,C6</li>
	  <li><b>'CN'</b> : aromatic carbon in tryptophan at position CE2.</li>
          <li><b>'CO'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> anomeric carbon (bonded to ether O 
            and alcohol O). this type shows up in carbohydrates</li>
          <li><b>'CQ'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup>C in 6-membered ring between deprotonated 
            N's </li>
          <li><b>'CR'</b> : aromatic C in 5-membered ring next to two nitrogens</li>
          <li><b>'CS'</b> : aromatic C which does not have 120 degree bond angles 
            with all of its neighbors. Examples are C3 in pyrrole and C3 in furan</li>
          <li><b>'CT'</b> : aliphatic sp<sup>3</sup> hybrid carbon</li>
          <li><b>'CTf'</b> : aliphatic sp<sup>3</sup> hybrid carbon bonded to 
          <li><b>'CTxna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. Thymine 
            C-C5, 9-Me A or G C-N9</li>
          <li><b>'CU'</b> : aromatic C which abuts NB in a heteroatom-heteroatom 
            bond. Examples are C3 in pyrazole and C3 in isoxazole</li>
          <li><b>'CV'</b> : aromatic C in 5-membered ring next to C and deprotonated 
          <li><b>'CW'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup> aromatic C in 5-membered ring next 
            to C and NH</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Chlorine</font></dt>
          <li><b>'Cl'</b> : chlorine bonded to a carbon</li>
          <li><b>'Cl-'</b> : chlorine ion (charge -1)</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Fluorine</font></dt>
          <li><b>'F'</b> : fluorine nonionic </li>
          <li><b>'F-'</b> : fluorine ion (charge -1)</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Hydrogen</font></dt>
          <li><b>'H'</b> : H attached to N</li>
          <li><b>'H2xna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. DAP H-amine, 
            Cytosine, Adenine</li>
          <li><b>'HA'</b> : H bonded to an aromatic ring</li>
          <li><b>'HC~1'</b> : hydrogen attached to an sp<sup>3</sup> carbon in 
            most cases, see special cases of hydrogen below</li>
          <li><b>'HC~2'</b> : H bonded to a non-aromatic sp<sup>2</sup> carbon 
            which is not bonded to a N, not double bonded to O, and is not bonded 
            to C=O</li>
          <li><b>'HC~3'</b> : H bonded to a C=O or bonded to a C which is bonded 
            to a C=O</li>
          <li><b>'HC~4'</b> : H bonded to a CT that is bonded to NT</li>
          <li><b>'HCxna'</b> : special parameters for nucleotide bases. DAP H3,H4; 
            Uracil H-C5,H-C6; Thymine H-CC5; Cytosine H-C5,H-C6; Adenine H-C2,H-C8; 
          <li><b>'HO'</b> : H attached to O in alcohol</li>
          <li><b>'HS'</b> : H attached to S</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Iodine</font></dt>
          <li><b>'I-'</b> : iodine ion (charge -1)</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Lithium</font></dt>
          <li><b>'Li+'</b> : lithium ion (charge +1)</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Nitrogen</font></dt>
          <li><b>'N'</b> : N in an amide</li>
          <li><b>'N2'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup> N of aromatic amines and guanidinium 
          <li><b>'N3~'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> neutral N of amines. NOTE: the N3 
            parameters are obsoleted by the NT parameters. I have included them 
            here in case you want to study these older parameters, but I would 
            recomend using the NT versions.</li>
          <li><b>'N3+'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> N ammonium ions (charge +1). NOTE: 
            the N3 parameters are obsoleted by NT parameters. I have included 
            them here in case you want to study these older parameters, but I 
            would recomend using the NT versions.</li>
          <li><b>'NA'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup> aromatic N with H attached</li>
          <li><b>'NB'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup> N in 5-membered ring, deprotonated</li>
          <li><b>'NC'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup> N in 6-membered ring, deprotonated</li>
          <li><b>'NO'</b> : sp<sup>2</sup> N in a nitro group</li>
          <li><b>'NT~1'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> N in ammonia</li>
          <li><b>'NT+1'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> N in ammonium ion (charge +1)</li>
          <li><b>'NT~2'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> N in primary, secondary, tertiary 
          <li><b>'NT+2'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> N in primary, secondary, tertiary 
            ammonium ion (charge +1)</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Oxygen</font></dt>
          <li><b>'O'</b> : oxygen in C=O, not an acidic site</li>
          <li><b>'O2'</b> : oxygen double bonded to carbon in COO- or COOH</li>
          <li><b>'OHa'</b> : oxygen bonded to H in RCOOH</li>
          <li><b>'OHm'</b> : oxygen bonded to H in a mono-alcohol</li>
          <li><b>'OHp'</b> : oxygen bonded to H in polyols or phenol</li>
          <li><b>'OS'</b> : sp<sup>3</sup> O in an ether or acetal</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Sodium</font></dt>
          <li><b>'Na+'</b> : sodium ion (charge +1)</li>
	  <dt><font color="red">Sulfur</font></dt>
          <li><b>'S'</b> : S in sulfide, disulfide</li>
          <li><b>'SH'</b> : S in thiols</li>
      <b>Coulombic interactions</b> 
        OPLS-aa uses atom-centered point charges to represent the electrostatic interactions.
	I do not know of an automated way to assign these point charges.  Instead, you need to 
	look through the <a href="../references.html#force_fields_opls">OPLS-aa literature</a> to find 
	molecules with similar moieties to the ones on the molecule you wish to simulate.
      <b>Improper torsions</b> 
        OPLS-aa uses stereocenter improper torsions to enforce planarity in aromatic rings, 
	around amide nitrogens, and around other sp2 carbons.  Remember that you can set the 
	improper type to 0 to have the code automatically determine the improper type (so long 
	as inpstyle is 2).  Improper torsions for proteins are exactly the same as implemented in
	AMBER96 - even though OPLS puts the stereocenter in the second position of the torsion,
        you still define them in towhee putting it in the first position (towhee automatically
	adjusts the parameter order for you).
	The OPLS-aa protein builder has been implemented with all charges verbatim from WLJ 1996.
	(Note that the sidechain charges on Met and Cys were later revised in OPLS-2001). Because many
	of the bonded parameters are unpublished, they have been cobbled together from other OPLS-aa
	implementations, namely ffoplsaabon.itp in GROMACS 3.2.1 and oplsaa.prm in TINKER 4.0- the origin 
	of added parameters is referenced in the comments of ffoplsaa.F.  Most of the missing parameters merely
	required additional aliases to existing entries because of the above naming convention.  Note that 
	GROMACS uses nanometers and KJoules instead of Angstroms and Kcals so 
	<a href="">
        unit conversions</a> are necessary when comparing Towhee and GROMACS results.

	Here is a complete list of the codes for the 20	amino acids, plus some other functional
	groups that work with the protein builder.

	  <li>'a0' alanine</li>
	  <li>'c0' cysteine with hydrogen on the sulfur</li>
	  <li>'cs' cysteine in a disulfide bond</li>
	  <li>'d-' aspartic acid deprotonated</li>
	  <li>'e-' glutamic acid deprotonated</li>
	  <li>'f0' phenylalanine</li>
	  <li>'g0' glycine</li>
	  <li>'h+' histidine both N protonated</li>
	  <li>'hd' histidine neutral with only N<sub>d</sub> protonated</li>
	  <li>'he' histidine neutral with only N<sub>e</sub> protonated</li>
	  <li>'i0' isoleucine</li>
	  <li>'k+' lysine protonated</li>
	  <li>'l0' leucine</li>
	  <li>'m0' methionine</li>
	  <li>'n0' asparagine</li>
	  <li>'p0' proline</li>
	  <li>'q0' glutamine</li>
	  <li>'r+' arginine protonated</li>
	  <li>'s0' serine</li>
	  <li>'t0' threonine</li>
	  <li>'v0' valine</li>
	  <li>'w0' tryptophan.  Despite a great deal of effort this amino acid is still not working properly with this
	    forcefield as there are many parameters that are missing.  You will get an error if you include this 
	    amino acid for this forcefield.
	  <li>'y0' tyrosine</li>
	  <li>'za' acetyl cap on the N-terminus</li>
	  <li>'zm' amide cap (NH<sub>2</sub>) on the C-terminus.</li>
	  <li>'zn' N-methylamide cap on the C-terminus</li>
	  <li>'zf' formaldahyde cap on the N-terminus</li>
      <a href="../towhee_capabilities.html">Return to the Towhee Capabilities web page</a> 
<hr width="715" align="left">
<i><font size="2">Send comments to:</font></i> <font size="2"> 
<a href="">Marcus G. Martin</a><br>
<i>Last updated:</i> 
<!-- #BeginDate format:Am1 -->June 28, 2006<!-- #EndDate -->
</font> <br>