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<title>The Exim FAQ Section 0</title>
<body bgcolor="#F8F8F8" text="#00005A" link="#FF6600" alink="#FF9933" vlink="#990000">
<h1>The Exim FAQ</h1>
<a href="FAQ.html#TOC">Contents</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="FAQ_1.html">Next</a>
<h2><a href="FAQ.html#TOC0">0. GENERAL DEBUGGING</a></h2>
<a name="TOC1" href="FAQ.html#TOC1">Q0001:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is crashing. What is wrong?
<font color="#00BB00">A0001:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim should never crash. The author is always keen to know about
crashes, so that they can be diagnosed and fixed. However, before you
start sending me email, please check that you are running the latest
release of Exim, in case the problem has already been fixed. The
techniques described below can also be useful in trying to pin down
exactly which circumstances caused the crash and what Exim was trying to
do at the time. If the crash is reproducible (by a particular message,
say) keep a copy of that message.
<a name="TOC2" href="FAQ.html#TOC2">Q0002:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is not working. What is wrong? How can I check what it is doing?
<font color="#00BB00">A0002:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exactly how is it not working? Check the more specific questions in the
other sections of this FAQ. Some general techniques for debugging are:
(1) &nbsp;Look for information in Exim's log files. These are in the <i>log</i>
directory in Exim's spool directory, unless you have configured a
different path for them. Serious operational problems are reported
in paniclog.
(2) &nbsp;If the problem involves the delivery of one or more messages, try
forcing a delivery with the <b>-M</b> option and also set the <b>-d</b>
option, to cause Exim to output debugging information. For example:
   exim -d -M 0z6CXU-0005RR-00</pre>
The output is written to the standard error stream. You need to have
admin privileges to use <b>-M</b> and <b>-d</b>.
(3) &nbsp;If the problem involves incoming SMTP mail, try using the <b>-bh</b>
option to simulate an incoming connection from a specific host,
for example:
   exim -bh</pre>
This goes through the motions of an SMTP session, without actually
accepting a message. Information about various policy checks is
output. You will need to know how to pretend to be an SMTP client.
(4) &nbsp;If the problem involves lack of recognition or incorrect handling
of local addresses, try using the <b>-bt</b> option with debugging turned
on, to see how Exim is handling the address. For example,
   exim -d -bt z6abc</pre>
shows you how it would handle the local part <tt>z6abc</tt>.
<a name="TOC3" href="FAQ.html#TOC3">Q0003:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>Child process of address_pipe transport returned
127 from command xxx</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0003:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;It means that when a transport called <b>address_pipe</b> was run to pass an
email message by means of a pipe to another process running the command
xxx, the return code from that command was 127, which indicates some kind
of error (the success return code is 0).
The most common meaning of exit code 127 is that when Exim tried to run
the command <i>xxx</i>, it failed. One cause of this might be incorrect
permissions on the file containing the command. See also <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC26">Q0026</a>.
<a name="TOC4" href="FAQ.html#TOC4">Q0004:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;My virtual domain setup isn't working. How can I debug it?
<font color="#00BB00">A0004:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You can use an exim command with <b>-d</b> to get it to show you how it is
processing addresses. You don't actually need to send a message; use the
<b>-bt</b> option like this:
   exim -d -bt localpart@virtualhost</pre>
This will show you which routers it is using. If the problem appears
to be with the expansion of an option setting, you can use the
<tt>debug_print</tt> option on a router to get Exim to output the expanded
string values as it goes along.
<a name="TOC5" href="FAQ.html#TOC5">Q0005:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why is Exim not rejecting incoming messages addressed to non-existent
users at SMTP time?
<font color="#00BB00">A0005:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This is controlled by the ACL that is run for each incoming RCPT
command. It is defined by the <tt>acl_smtp_rcpt</tt> option. You can check this
part of your configuration by using the <b>-bh</b> option to run a simulated
SMTP session, during which Exim will tell you what things it is
<a name="TOC6" href="FAQ.html#TOC6">Q0006:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've put an entry for <tt>*.my.domain</tt> in a DBM lookup file, but it isn't
getting recognized.
<font color="#00BB00">A0006:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You need to request &#147;partial matching&#148; by setting the search type to
<tt>partial-dbm</tt> in order for this to work.
<a name="TOC7" href="FAQ.html#TOC7">Q0007:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've put the entry <tt>*</tt> in a lookup database, but it isn't
working. The expansion I'm using is:
   ${lookup{${lc:$sender_address}}dbm{/the/file} ...</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0007:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;As no sender address will ever be <i>*</i> this will indeed have
no effect as it stands. You need to tell Exim that you want it to look
for defaults after the normal lookup has failed. In this case, change the
search type from <tt>dbm</tt> to <tt>dbm*@</tt>. See the section on <i>Default values in
single-key lookups</i> in the chapter entitled <i>File and database
lookups</i> in the Exim manual.
<a name="TOC8" href="FAQ.html#TOC8">Q0008:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;If I run <tt>./exim -d -bt user@domain</tt> all seems well, but when I send
a message from my User Agent, it does not arrive at its destination.
<font color="#00BB00">A0008:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Try sending a message directly to Exim by typing this:
   exim -v user@domain
   &#60;some message, could be empty&#62;
If the message gets delivered to a remote host, but never arrives at its
final destination, then the problem is at the remote host. If, however,
the message gets through correctly, then the problem may be between your
User Agent and Exim. Try setting Exim's <tt>log_selector</tt> option to include
<tt>+arguments</tt>, to see with which arguments the UA is calling Exim.
<a name="TOC9" href="FAQ.html#TOC9">Q0009:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>no immediate delivery: too many messages received in one SMTP
connection</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0009:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;An SMTP client may send any number of messages down a single SMTP
connection to a server. Initially, an Exim server starts up a delivery
process as soon as a message is received. However, in order not to start
up too many processes when lots of messages are arriving (typically
after a period of downtime), it stops doing immediate delivery after a
certain number of messages have arrived down the same connection. The
threshold is set by <tt>smtp_accept_queue_per_connection</tt>, and the default
value is 10. On large systems, the value should be increased. If you are
running a dial-in host and expecting to get all your mail down a single
SMTP connection, then you can disable the limit altogether by setting
the value to zero.
<a name="TOC10" href="FAQ.html#TOC10">Q0010:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim puts <i>for &#60;<i>address</i>&#62;</i> in the <i>Received:</i> headers of some, but not all,
messages. Is this a bug?
<font color="#00BB00">A0010:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;No. It is deliberate. Exim inserts a &#147;for&#148; phrase only if the incoming
message has precisely one recipient. If there is more than one
recipient, nothing is inserted. The reason for this is that not all
recipients appear in the <i>To:</i> or <i>Cc:</i> headers, and it is considered a
breach of privacy to expose such recipients to the others. A common
case is when a message has come from a mailing list.
<a name="TOC11" href="FAQ.html#TOC11">Q0011:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Instead of <i>exim_dbmbuild</i>, I'm using a homegrown program to build DBM
(or cdb) files, but Exim doesn't seem to be able to use them.
<font color="#00BB00">A0011:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim expects there to be a binary zero value on the end of each key used
in a DBM file if you use the <tt>dbm</tt> lookup type, but not for the <tt>dbmnz</tt>
lookup type or for the keys of a cdb file. Check that you haven't
slipped up in this regard.
<a name="TOC12" href="FAQ.html#TOC12">Q0012:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is unable to route to any remote domains. It doesn't seen to be
able to access the DNS.
<font color="#00BB00">A0012:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Try running <tt>exim -d+resolver -bt &#60;<i>remote address</i>&#62;</tt>. The <b>-d</b>
options turns on debugging output, and the addition of <tt>+resolver</tt>
will make it show the resolver queries it is building and the results of
its DNS queries. If it appears unable to contact any name servers, check
the contents and permissions of <i>/etc/resolv.conf</i>.
<a name="TOC13" href="FAQ.html#TOC13">Q0013:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error message <i>transport system_aliases: cannot find
transport driver "redirect" in line 92</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0013:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>redirect</b> is a router, not a transport. You have put a configuration
for a router into the transports section of the configuration file.
<a name="TOC14" href="FAQ.html#TOC14">Q0014:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is timing out after receiving and responding to the DATA command
from one particular host, and yet the client host also claims to be
timing out. This seems to affect only certain messages.
<font color="#00BB00">A0014:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This kind of problem can have many different causes.
(1) &nbsp;This problem has been seen with a network that was dropping all
packets over a certain size, which mean that the first part of the SMTP
transaction worked, but when the body of a large message started
flowing, the main data bits never got through the network. See also
<a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC17">Q0017</a>.
(2) &nbsp;This can also happen if a host has a broken TCP stack and won't
reassemble fragmented datagrams.
(3) &nbsp;A very few ISDN lines have been seen which failed when certain data
patterns were sent through them, and replacing the routers at both end
of the link did not fix things. One of them was triggered by more than 4
X's in a row in the data.
<a name="TOC15" href="FAQ.html#TOC15">Q0015:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the message <i>Socket bind() to port 25 for address (any)
failed: address already in use</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0015:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You are trying to run an Exim daemon when there is one already running -
or maybe some other MTA is running, or perhaps you have an SMTP line in
<i>/etc/inetd.conf</i> which is causing <i>inetd</i> to listen on port 25.
<a name="TOC16" href="FAQ.html#TOC16">Q0016:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've set <tt>verify = header_syntax</tt> in my ACL, but this causes Exim to
complain about header lines like <tt>To: Work: Jim &#60;jims@email&#62;,
Home: Bob &#60;bobs@email&#62;</tt> which look all right to me. Is this a bug?
<font color="#00BB00">A0016:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;No. Header lines such as <i>From:</i>, <i>To:</i>, etc., which contain addresses, are
structured, and have to be in a specific format which is defined in RFC
2822. Unquoted colons are not allowed in the &#147;phrase&#148; part of an email
address (they are OK in other headers such as <i>Subject:</i>). The correct
form for that header is
   To: "Work: Jim" &#60;jims@email&#62;, "Home: Bob" &#60;bobs@email&#62;</pre>
You will sometimes see unquoted colons in <i>To:</i> and <i>Cc:</i> headers, but only
in connection with name lists (called &#147;groups&#148;), for example:
   To: My friends: X &#60;x@y.x&#62;, Y &#60;y@w.z&#62;;,
       My enemies: A &#60;a@b.c&#62;, B &#60;b@c.d&#62;;</pre>
Each list must be terminated by a semicolon, as shown.
<a name="TOC17" href="FAQ.html#TOC17">Q0017:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Whenever Exim tries to deliver a specific message to a particular
server, it fails, giving the error <i>Remote end closed connection after
data</i> or <i>Broken pipe</i> or a timeout. What's going on?
<font color="#00BB00">A0017:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>Broken pipe</i> is the error you get on some OS when the remote host just
drops the connection. The alternative is <i>connection reset by peer</i>.
There are many potential causes. Here are some of them (see also <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC68">Q0068</a>):
(1) &nbsp;There are some firewalls that fall over on binary zero characters
in email. Have a look, e.g. with <tt>hexdump -c mymail | tail</tt> to see if
your mail contains any binary zero characters.
(2) &nbsp;There are broken SMTP servers around that just drop the connection
after the data has been sent if they don't like the message for some
reason (e.g. it is too big) instead of sending a 5xx error code. Have
you tried sending a small message to the same address?
It has been reported that some releases of Novell servers running NIMS
are unable to handle lines longer than 1024 characters, and just close
the connection. This is an example of this behaviour.
(3) &nbsp;If the problem occurs right at the start of the mail, then it could
be a network problem with mishandling of large packets. Many emails are
small and thus appear to propagate correctly, but big emails will
generate big IP datagrams.
There have been problems when something in the middle of the network
mishandles large packets due to IP tunnelling. In a tunnelled link, your
IP datagrams gets wrapped in a larger datagram and sent over a network.
This is how virtual private networks (VPNs), and some ISP transit
circuits work. Since the datagrams going over the tunnel require a
larger packet size, the tunnel needs a bigger maximum transfer unit
(MTU) in the network handling the tunnelled packets. However, MTUs
are often fixed, so the tunnel will try to fragment the packets.
If the systems outside the tunnel are using path MTU discovery, (most
Sun Sparc Solaris machines do by default), and set the DF (don't
fragment) bit because they don't send packets larger than their <i>local</i>
MTU, then ICMP control messages will be sent by the routers at the
ends of the tunnel to tell them to reduce their MTU, since the tunnel
can't fragment the data, and has to throw it away. If this mechanism
stops working, e.g. a firewall blocks ICMP, then your host never
knows it has hit the maximum path MTU, but it has received no ACK on
the packet either, so it continues to resend the same packet and the
connection stalls, eventually timing out.
You can test the link using pings of large packets and see what works:
 	 ping -s host 2048</pre>
Try reducing the MTU on the sending host:
 	 ifconfig le0 mtu 1300</pre>
Alternatively, you can reduce the size of the buffer Exim uses for SMTP
output by putting something like
in your <i>Local/Makefile</i> and rebuilding Exim (the default is 8192).
While this should not in principle have any effect on the size of
packets sent, in practice it does seem to have an effect on some OS.
You can also try disabling path MTU discovery on the sending host. On
Linux, try:
   echo 1 &#62;/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_no_pmtu_disc</pre>
For a general discussion and information about other operating systems, see
<a href=""></a>. If disabling path MTU discovery
fixes the problem, try to find the broken or misconfigured
router/firewall that swallows the ICMP-unreachable packets. Increasing
timeouts on the receiving host will not work around the problem.
<a name="TOC18" href="FAQ.html#TOC18">Q0018:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why do messages not get delivered down the same connection when I do
something like: <tt>exim -v -R</tt>? For other domains, I do this and
I see the appropriate <i>waiting for passed connections to get used</i>
<font color="#00BB00">A0018:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Recall that Exim does not keep separate queues for each domain, but
operates in a distributed fashion. Messages get into its `waiting for
host x' hints database only when a delivery has been tried, and has had
a temporary error. Here are some possibilities:
(1) &nbsp;The messages to <i></i> got put in your queue, but no previous
delivery attempt occured before you did the <b>-R</b>. This might have been
because of your settings of <tt>queue_only_load</tt>, <tt>smtp_accept_queue</tt>, or any
other option that caused no immediate delivery attempt on arrival. If
this is the case, you can try using <b>-qqR</b> instead of <b>-R</b>.
(2) &nbsp;You have set <tt>connection_max_messages</tt> on the smtp transport, and
that limit was reached. This would show as a sequence of messages
down one connection, then another sequence down a new connection, etc.
(3) &nbsp;Exim tried to pass on the SMTP connection to another message, but
that message was in the process of being delivered to <i></i> by some
other process (typically, a normal queue runner). This will break the
sequence, though the other delivery should pass its connection on to
other messages if there are any.
(4) &nbsp;The folk at <i></i> changed the MX records so the host names have
changed - or a new host has been added. I don't know how likely this is.
(5) &nbsp;Exim is not performing as it should in this regard, for some reason.
Next time you have mail queued up for <i></i>, try running
   exim_dumpdb /var/spool/exim wait-remote_smtp</pre>
to see if those messages are listed among those waiting for the relevant
<i></i> hosts.
<a name="TOC19" href="FAQ.html#TOC19">Q0019:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;There seems to be a problem in the string expansion code: it doesn't
recognize references to headers such as <tt>${h_to}</tt>.
<font color="#00BB00">A0019:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The only valid syntax for header references is (for example) <tt>$h_to:</tt>
because header names are permitted by RFC 2822 to contain a very wide
range of characters. A colon (or white space) is required as the
<a name="TOC20" href="FAQ.html#TOC20">Q0020:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why do connections to my machine's SMTP port take a long time to respond
with the banner, when connections to other ports respond instantly? The
delay is sometimes as long as 30 seconds.
<font color="#00BB00">A0020:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;These kinds of delay are usually caused by some kind of network problem
that affects outgoing calls made by Exim at the start of an incoming
connection. Configuration options that cause outgoing calls are:
(1) &nbsp;<tt>rfc1413_hosts</tt> and <tt>rfc1413_query_timeout</tt> (for <i>ident</i> calls).
Firewalls sometimes block ident connections so that they time out,
instead of refusing them immediately. This can cause this problem.
See <a href="FAQ_19.html#TOC358">Q5023</a> for a discussion of the usefulness of <i>ident</i>.
(2) &nbsp;The <tt>host_lookup</tt> option, the <tt>host_reject_connection</tt> option, or a
condition in the ACL that runs at connection time requires the
remote host's name to be looked up from its IP address. Sometimes
these DNS lookups time out. You can get this effect with ACL
statements like this:
   deny  hosts = *.x.example</pre>
If at all possible, you should use IP addresses instead of host
names in blocking lists in order to to avoid this problem.
You can use the <b>-bh</b> option to get more information about what is
happening at the start of a connection. However, note that the <b>-bh</b>
option does not provide a complete simulation. In particular, no
<i>ident</i> checks are done, so it won't show up a delay problem that is
related to (1) above.
<a name="TOC21" href="FAQ.html#TOC21">Q0021:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>failed to create child process to send failure message</i> mean?
This is a busy mail server with <tt>smtp_accept_max</tt> set to 500, but this
problem started to occur at about 300 incoming connections.
<font color="#00BB00">A0021:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Some message delivery failed, and when Exim wanted to send a bounce
message, it was unable to create a process in which to do so. Probably
the limit on the maximum number of simultaneously active processes has
been reached. Most OS have some means of increasing this limit, and in
some operating systems there is also a limit per uid which can be
<a name="TOC22" href="FAQ.html#TOC22">Q0022:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>No transport set by system filter</i> in a log line mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0022:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Your system filter contains a <tt>pipe</tt> or <tt>save</tt> or <tt>mail</tt> command,
but you have not set the corresponding option which specifies which
transport is to be used. You need to set whichever of
<tt>system_filter_pipe_transport</tt>, <tt>system_filter_file_transport</tt> or
<tt>system_filter_reply_transport</tt> is relevant.
<a name="TOC23" href="FAQ.html#TOC23">Q0023:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why is Exim refusing to relay, saying <i>failed to find host name from IP
address</i> when I have the sender's IP address in an ACL condition? My
configuration contains this ACL statement:
   accept hosts = lsearch;/etc/mail/relaydomains:</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0023:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;When checking a host list, the items are tested in left-to-right
order. The first item in your list is a lookup on the incoming host's
name, so Exim has to determine the name from the incoming IP address in
order to perform the test. If it can't find the host name, it can't do
the check, so it gives up. You would have discovered what was going
on if you had run a test such as
   exim -bh</pre>
The solution is to put all explicit IP addresses first in the list.
Alternatively, you can split the ACL statement into two like this:
   accept hosts = lsearch;/etc/mail/relaydomains
   accept hosts =</pre>
If the host lookup fails, the first <tt>accept</tt> fails, but then the
second one is considered.
<a name="TOC24" href="FAQ.html#TOC24">Q0024:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When I run <tt>exim -bd -q10m</tt> I get <i>PANIC LOG: exec of exim -q failed</i>.
<font color="#00BB00">A0024:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This probably means that Exim doesn't know its own path so it can't
re-exec itself to do the first queue run. Check the output of
   exim -bP exim_path</pre>
<a name="TOC25" href="FAQ.html#TOC25">Q0025:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't seem to get a pipe command to run when I include a <tt>${if</tt>
expansion in it. This fails:
   command = perl -T /usr/local/rt/bin/ \
               rt-mailgate helpdesk \
               ${if eq {$local_part}{rt} {correspond}{action}}</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0025:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You need some internal quoting in there. Exim expands each individual
argument separately. Because you have (necessarily) got spaces in your
<tt>${if</tt> item, you have to quote that argument. Try
   command = perl -T /usr/local/rt/bin/ \
               rt-mailgate helpdesk \
               "${if eq {$local_part}{rt} {correspond}{action}}"</pre>
<b>Warning:</b> If command starts with an item that requires quoting,
you cannot just put it in quotes, because a leading quote means that the
entire option setting is being quoted. What you have to do is to quote
the entire value, and use internally escaped quotes for the ones you
really want. For example:
   command = "\"${if ....}\" arg1 arg2"</pre>
Any backslashes in the expansion items will have to be doubled to stop
them being interpreted by the string reader.
<a name="TOC26" href="FAQ.html#TOC26">Q0026:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm trying to get Exim to connect an alias to a pipe, but it always
gives error code 127, with the comment <i>(could mean unable to exec
or command does not exist)</i>.
<font color="#00BB00">A0026:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;If your alias entry looks like this:
   alias:  |"/some/command some parameters"</pre>
change it to look like this:
   alias:  "|/some/command some parameters"</pre>
<a name="TOC27" href="FAQ.html#TOC27">Q0027:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>Spool file is locked</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0027:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This is not an error. All it means is that when an Exim delivery
process (probably started by a queue runner process) looked at a message
in order to start delivering it, it found that another Exim process was
already busy delivering it. On a busy system this is quite a common
occurrence. If you set <tt>-skip_delivery</tt> in the <tt>log_selector</tt> option,
these messages are omitted from the log.
The only time when this message might indicate a problem is if it is
repeated for the same message for a very long time. That would suggest
that the process that is delivering the message has somehow got stuck.
<a name="TOC28" href="FAQ.html#TOC28">Q0028:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is reporting IP addresses as or instead of
their correct values. What's going on?
<font color="#00BB00">A0028:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You are using a version of Exim built with gcc on an IRIX box.
See <a href="">Q9502</a>.
<a name="TOC29" href="FAQ.html#TOC29">Q0029:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't seem to figure out why PAM support doesn't work correctly.
<font color="#00BB00">A0029:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;There is a problem using PAM with shadow passwords when the calling
program is not running as <i>root</i>. Exim is normally running as the
Exim user when authenticating a remote host.
(1) &nbsp;One solution can be found at <a href=""></a>.
(2) &nbsp;PAM 0.72 allows authorization as non-<i>root</i>, using setuid helper
programs. Furthermore, in <i>/etc/pam.d/exim</i> you can explicitly
specify that this authorization (using setuid helpers) is only
permitted for certain users and groups.
(3) &nbsp;Another approach is to authenticate using the <i>saslauthd</i> daemon,
which has its own interface to PAM. The daemon runs as root, so
there is no access problem.
(4) &nbsp;One suggested solution was to set
in the configuration file, or the equivalent at build time. This is
very strongly discouraged. Do not do it! It works, but it's a
potential security exposure.  Exim is intended to run as a
non-privileged user for much of the time. This setting gives it have
privileged access to crucial security information all of the time,
simply for the purposes of authentication (which Exim will only
spend a tiny part of its total time doing). The result is that a
successful compromise of the Exim system can give someone direct
access to the system passwords.
<a name="TOC30" href="FAQ.html#TOC30">Q0030:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm trying to use a query-style lookup for hosts that are allowed to
relay, but it is giving really weird errors.
<font color="#00BB00">A0030:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Does your query contain a colon character? Remember that host lists are
colon-separated, so you need to double any colons in the query. This
applies even if the query is defined as a macro.
<a name="TOC31" href="FAQ.html#TOC31">Q0031:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is rejecting connections from hosts that have more than one IP
address, for no apparent reason.
<font color="#00BB00">A0031:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You are using Solaris 7 or earlier, and have <tt>nis dns files</tt> in
<i>/etc/nsswitch.conf</i>. Change this to <tt>dns nis files</tt> to avoid hitting Sun
bug 1154236 (a bad interaction between NIS and the DNS).
<a name="TOC32" href="FAQ.html#TOC32">Q0032:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is failing to find the MySQL library, even though is it present
within <small>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</small>. I'm getting this error:
   /usr/local/bin/exim: fatal: open failed:
   No such file or directory</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0032:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is suid, and <small>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</small> is ignored for suid binaries on a
Solaris (and other?) systems. What you should be doing is adding
<tt>-R/local/lib/mysql</tt> to the same place in the compilation that you added
<tt>-L/local/lib/mysql</tt>. This tells the binary where to look without
needing a path variable.
<a name="TOC33" href="FAQ.html#TOC33">Q0033:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>lookup of host "xx.xx.xx" failed in yyy router</i>
<font color="#00BB00">A0033:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You configured a <b>manualroute</b> router to send the message to xx.xx.xx. When
it tried to look up the IP address for that host, the lookup failed
with a permanent error. As this is a manual routing, this is a
considered to be a serious error which the postmaster needs to know
about (maybe you have a typo in your file), and there is little point
in keeping on trying. So it freezes the message.
(1) &nbsp;Don't set up routes to non-existent hosts.
(2) &nbsp;If you must set up routes to non-existent hosts, and don't want
freezing, set the <tt>host_find_failed</tt> option on the router to do something
other than freeze.
<a name="TOC34" href="FAQ.html#TOC34">Q0034:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim works fine on one host, but when I copied the binary to another
identical host, it stopped working (it could not resolve DNS names).
<font color="#00BB00">A0034:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Is the new host running exactly the same operating system? Most
importantly, are the versions of the dynamically loaded libraries
(files with names like <i></i>) the same on both systems? If not,
that is probably the cause of the problem. Either arrange for the
libraries to be the same, or rebuild Exim from source on the new host.
<a name="TOC35" href="FAQ.html#TOC35">Q0035:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I set a <tt>hosts</tt> condition in an ACL to do a lookup in a file of IP
addresses, but it doesn't work.
<font color="#00BB00">A0035:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Did you remember to put <tt>net-</tt> at the start of the the search type? If
you set something like this:
   accept hosts = lsearch;/some/file</pre>
Exim searches the file for the host name, not the IP address. You need
to set
   accept hosts = net-lsearch;/some/file</pre>
to make it use the IP address as the key to the lookup.
<a name="TOC36" href="FAQ.html#TOC36">Q0036:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why do I get the error <i>Permission denied: creating lock file hitching
post</i> when Exim tries to do a local delivery?
<font color="#00BB00">A0036:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Your configuration specifies that local mailboxes are all held in
single directory, via configuration lines like these (taken from the
default configuration):
     driver = appendfile
     file = /var/mail/$local_part</pre>
and the permissions on the directory probably look like this:
   drwxrwxr-x   3 root     mail         512 Jul  9 13:48 /var/mail/</pre>
Using the default configuration, Exim runs as the local user when doing
a local delivery, and it uses a lock file to prevent any other process
from updating the mailbox while it is writing to it. With those
permissions the delivery process, running as the user, is unable to
create a lock file in the <tt>(/var/mail(</tt> directory. There are two solutions
to this problem:
(1) &nbsp;Set the <tt>write</tt> and <tt>sticky bit</tt> permissions on the directory, so
that it looks like this:
   drwxrwxrwt   3 root     mail         512 Jul  9 13:48 /var/mail/</pre>
The <tt>w</tt> allows any user to create new files in the directory, but
the <tt>t</tt> bit means that only the creator of a file is able to remove
it. This is the same setting as is normally used with the <i>/tmp</i>
(2) &nbsp;Arrange to run the local_delivery transport under a specific group
by changing the configuration to read
     driver = appendfile
     file = /var/mail/${local_part}
     group = mail</pre>
The delivery process still runs under the user's uid, but with the
group set to <tt>mail</tt>. The group permission on the directory allows
the process to create and remove the lock file.
The choice between (1) and (2) is up to the administrator. If the
second solution is used, users can empty their mailboxes by updating
them, but cannot delete them.
If your problem involves mail to <i>root</i>, see also <a href="FAQ_5.html#TOC189">Q0507</a>.
<a name="TOC37" href="FAQ.html#TOC37">Q0037:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I am experiencing mailbox locking problems with Sun's <tt>mailtool</tt> used
over a network.
<font color="#00BB00">A0037:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_26.html#TOC398">Q9705</a> in the Sun-specific section below.
<a name="TOC38" href="FAQ.html#TOC38">Q0038:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error message <i>error in forward file (filtering not
enabled): missing or malformed local part</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0038:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;If you are trying to use an Exim filter, you have forgotten to enable
the facility, which is disabled by default. In the <b>redirect</b> router
(in the Exim run time configuration file) you need to set
   allow_filter = true</pre>
to allow a <i>.forward</i> file to be used as an Exim filter. If you are not
trying to use an Exim filter, then you have put a malformed address in
the <i>.forward</i> file.
<a name="TOC39" href="FAQ.html#TOC39">Q0039:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I have installed Exim, but now I can't mail to <i>root</i> any more. Why is
<font color="#00BB00">A0039:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Most people set up <i>root</i> as an alias for the manager of the host. If
you haven't done this, Exim will attempt to deliver to <i>root</i> as if it
were a normal user. This isn't really a good idea because the delivery
process would run as <i>root</i>. Exim has two trigger guards that stop
deliveries running as root. In the build-time configuration, there is a
setting called FIXED_NEVER_USERS, which defaults to <tt>root</tt>. This
setting cannot be overridden. In addition, the default runtime
configuration contains the option
   never_users = root</pre>
just to be on the safe side. If you really want to run local deliveries
as <i>root</i>, you must use a version of Exim that was built without the
FIXED_NEVER_USERS option, and remove the above line from the runtime
configuration, but it would be better to create an alias for <i>root</i>
<a name="TOC40" href="FAQ.html#TOC40">Q0040:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;How can I stop undeliverable bounce messages (e.g. to routeable, but
undeliverable, spammer senders) from clogging up the queue for days?
<font color="#00BB00">A0040:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;If at all possible, you should try to avoid getting into this situation
in the first place, for example, by verifying recipients so that you
do not accept undeliverable messages that lead to these bounces.
You can, however, configure Exim to discard failing bounce messages
early. Just set <tt>ignore_bounce_errors_after</tt> to specify a (short) time
to keep them for.
<a name="TOC41" href="FAQ.html#TOC41">Q0041:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the message <i>unable to set gid=ddd or uid=ddd (euid=ddd):
local delivery to ... transport=ttt</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0041:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Have you remembered to make Exim setuid <i>root</i>? It needs root privilege if
it is to do any local deliveries, because it does them &#147;as the user&#148;.
Note also that the partition from which Exim is running (where the
binary is installed) must not have the <tt>nosuid</tt> mount option set. You
can check this by looking at its <i>/etc/fstab</i> entry (or <i>/etc/vfstab</i>,
depending on your OS).
<a name="TOC42" href="FAQ.html#TOC42">Q0042:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;My ISP's mail server is rejecting bounce messages from Exim, complaining
that they have no sender. The SMTP trace does indeed show that the
sender address is <tt>&#60;&#62;</tt>. Why is the Sender on the bounce message empty?
<font color="#00BB00">A0042:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Because the RFCs say it must be. Your ISP is at fault. Send them this
extract from RFC 2821 section 6.1 (<i>Reliable Delivery and Replies by
If there is a delivery failure after acceptance of a message, the
receiver-SMTP MUST formulate and mail a notification message.  This
notification MUST be sent using a null (<tt>&#60;&#62;</tt>) reverse path in the
envelope.  The recipient of this notification MUST be the address
from the envelope return path (or the <i>Return-Path:</i> header line).
However, if this address is null (<tt>&#60;&#62;</tt>), the receiver-SMTP MUST NOT
send a notification.
The reason that bounce messages have no sender is so that they
themselves cannot provoke further bounces, as this could lead to a
unending exchange of undeliverable messages.
<a name="TOC43" href="FAQ.html#TOC43">Q0043:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>Unable to get interface configuration: 22 Invalid
argument</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0043:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This is an error that occurs when Exim is trying to find out the all the
IP addresses on all of the local host's interfaces. If you have lots of
virtual interfaces, this can occur if there are more than around 250 of
them. The solution is to set the option <tt>local_interfaces</tt> to list just
those IP addresses that you want to use for making and receiving SMTP
<a name="TOC44" href="FAQ.html#TOC44">Q0044:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>Failed to create spool file</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0044:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim has been unable to create a file in its spool area in which to
store an incoming message. This is most likely to be either a
permissions problem in the file hierarchy, or a problem with the uid
under which Exim is running, though it could be something more drastic
such as your disk being full.
If you are running Exim with an alternate configuration file using a
command such as <tt>exim -C altconfig...</tt>, remember that the use of -C
takes away Exim's root privilege.
Check that you have defined the spool directory correctly by running
   exim -bP spool_directory</pre>
and examining the output. Check the mode of this directory. It should
look like this, assuming you are running Exim as user <i>exim</i>:
   drwxr-x---   6 exim  exim      512 Jul 16 12:29 /var/spool/exim</pre>
If there are any subdirectories already in existence, they should have
the same permissions, owner, and group. Check also that you haven't got
incorrect permissions on superior directories (for example, <i>/var/spool</i>).
Check that you have set up the Exim binary to be setuid <i>root</i>. It should
look like this:
   -rwsr-xr-x   1 root     xxx       502780 Jul 16 14:16 exim</pre>
Note that it is not just the owner that must be <i>root</i>, but also the third
permission must be <tt>s</tt> rather than <tt>x</tt>.
<a name="TOC45" href="FAQ.html#TOC45">Q0045:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I see entries in the log that mention two different IP addresses for the
same connection. Why is this? For example:
<pre> ([]) []</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0045:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The actual IP address from which the call came is the final one.
Whenever there's something in parentheses in a host name, it is what the
host quoted as the domain part of an SMTP HELO or EHLO command. So in
this case, the client, despite being, issued the command
   EHLO []</pre>
when it sent your server the message. This is, of course, very
<a name="TOC46" href="FAQ.html#TOC46">Q0046:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;A short time after I start Exim I see a defunct zombie process. What
is causing this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0046:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Your system must be lightly loaded as far as mail is concerned. The
daemon sets off a queue runner process when it is started, but it only
tidies up completed child processes when it wakes up for some other
reason. When there's nothing much going on, you occasionally see
defunct processes like this waiting to be dealt with. This is
perfectly normal.
<a name="TOC47" href="FAQ.html#TOC47">Q0047:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;On a reboot, or a restart of the mail system, I see the message <i>Mailer
daemons: exim abandoned: unknown, malformed, or incomplete option
-bz sendmail</i>. What does this mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0047:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>-bz</b> is a Sendmail option requesting it to create a `configuration freeze
file'. Exim has no such concept and so does not support the option. You
probably have a line like
   /usr/lib/sendmail -bz</pre>
in some start-up script (e.g. <i>/etc/init.d/mail</i>) immedately before
   /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q15m</pre>
The first of these lines should be commented out.
<a name="TOC48" href="FAQ.html#TOC48">Q0048:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Whenever exim restarts it takes up to 3-5 minutes to start responding on
the SMTP port. Why is this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0048:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Something else is hanging onto port 25 and not releasing it. One place
to look is <i>/etc/inetd.conf</i> in case for any reason an SMTP stream is
configured there.
<a name="TOC49" href="FAQ.html#TOC49">Q0049:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the log message <i>no immediate delivery: more than 10 messages
received in one connection</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0049:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;A remote MTA sent a number of messages in a single SMTP session. Exim
limits the number of immediate delivery processes it creates as a
result of a single SMTP connection, in order to avoid creating a zillion
processes on systems that can have many incoming connections. If you are
dialing in to collect mail from your ISP, you should probably set
<tt>smtp_accept_queue_per_connection</tt> to some number larger than 10, or
arrange to start a queue runner for local delivery (using <b>-ql</b>)
immediately after collecting the mail.
<a name="TOC50" href="FAQ.html#TOC50">Q0050:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I am getting complaints from a customer who uses my Exim server for
relaying that they are being blocked with a <i>Too many connections</i>
<font color="#00BB00">A0050:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <tt>smtp_accept_max</tt>, <tt>smep_accept_max_per_host</tt> and <tt>smtp_accept_reserve</tt>.
<a name="TOC51" href="FAQ.html#TOC51">Q0051:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When I test my system filter with <b>-bf</b>, I get the error <i>filtering
command "fail" is disabled</i>. Why is this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0051:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Use the <b>-bF</b> option to test system filters. This gives you access to the
freeze and fail actions.
<a name="TOC52" href="FAQ.html#TOC52">Q0052:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>ridiculously long message header</i> in an error report mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0052:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;There has to be some limit to the length of a message's header lines,
because otherwise a malefactor could open an SMTP channel to your host,
start a message, and then just send characters continuously until your
host runs out of memory. (Exim stores all the header lines in main
memory while processing a message). For this reason a limit is imposed
on the total amount of memory that can be used for header lines. The
default is 1MB, but this can be changed by setting <small>HEADER_MAXSIZE</small> in
<i>Local/Makefile</i> before building Exim. Exceeding the limit provokes
the &#147;ridiculous&#148; error message.
<a name="TOC53" href="FAQ.html#TOC53">Q0053:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim on my host responds to a connection with <tt>220 *****...</tt> and
won't understand <small>EHLO</small> commands.
<font color="#00BB00">A0053:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This is the sign of a Cisco Pix &#147;Mailguard&#148; sitting in front of your
MTA. Pix breaks ESMTP and only does SMTP. It is a nuisance when you have
a secure MTA running on your box. Something like ``no fixup protocol
smtp 25'' in the Pix configuration is needed. It may be possible to do
this by logging into the Pix (using <i>telnet</i> or <i>ssh</i>) and typing
<tt>no fixup smtp</tt> to its console. (You may need to use other commands
before or after to set up configuration mode and to activate a changed
configuration. Consult your Pix documentation or expert.) See also
<a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC78">Q0078</a>.
<a name="TOC54" href="FAQ.html#TOC54">Q0054:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm getting an Exim configuration error <i>unknown rewrite flag
character (m) in line 386</i> but I haven't used any flags on my rewriting
<font color="#00BB00">A0054:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You have probably forgotten to quote a replacement string that contains
white space.
<a name="TOC55" href="FAQ.html#TOC55">Q0055:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>Failed to open wait-remote_smtp database: Invalid
argument</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0055:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This is something that happens if you have existing DBM hints files when
you install a new version of Exim that is compiled to use a different or
upgraded DBM library. The simplest thing to try is
   rm /var/spool/exim/db/*</pre>
This removes all the hints files. Exim will start afresh and build new
ones. If the symptom recurs, it suggests there is some problem with your
DBM library.
<a name="TOC56" href="FAQ.html#TOC56">Q0056:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;We are using Exim to send mail from our web server. However, whenever a
user sends an email it gets sent with the return path (envelope sender)
<i></i> because the PHP script is running as
<font color="#00BB00">A0056:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You need to include <i>apache</i> in the <tt>trusted_users</tt> configuration option.
Only trusted users are permitted to specify senders when mail is passed
to Exim via the command line.
<a name="TOC57" href="FAQ.html#TOC57">Q0057:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;We've got people complaining about attachments that don't show up
as attachments, but are included in the body of the message.
<font color="#00BB00">A0057:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;In the past, these symptoms could be seen when some software passed a
CRLF line terminated message via the command line, because Exim expected
lines to be terminated by LF only, and so it preserved the CRs as data.
Modern versions of Exim (4.21 or later) use heuristics to try to do the
right thing with line endings.
<a name="TOC58" href="FAQ.html#TOC58">Q0058:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>failed to open DB file <i>/var/spool/exim/db/retry</i>:
File exists</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0058:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This error is most often caused when a hints file that was written with
one version of the Berkeley DB library is read by another version.
Sometimes this can happen if you change from a binary version of Exim to
a locally compiled version. Or it can happen if you compile and install
a new version of Exim after changing Berkeley DB versions. You can find
out which version your Exim is using by running:
   ldd /usr/sbin/exim</pre>
The solution to the problem is to delete all the files in the
<i>/var/spool/exim/db</i> directory, and let Exim recreate them.
<a name="TOC59" href="FAQ.html#TOC59">Q0059:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When my Outlook Express 6.0 client sends a STARTTLS command to begin a
TLS session, Exim doesn't seem to receive it. The Outlook log shows
   SMTP: 14:19:27 [tx] STARTTLS
   SMTP: 14:19:27 [rx] 500 Unsupported command.</pre>
but the Exim debugging output shows this:
   SMTP&#60;&#60; EHLO xxxx
   SMTP&#62;&#62; 250-yyyy Hello xxxx [nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn]
   250-SIZE 52428800
   250 HELP
   SMTP&#60;&#60; QUIT</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0059:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Turn off scanning of outgoing email in Norton Antivirus. If you aren't
running Norton Antivirus, see if you are running some other kind of SMTP
proxying, either on the client or on a firewall between the client and
server. &#147;Unsupported command&#148; is not an Exim message.
<a name="TOC60" href="FAQ.html#TOC60">Q0060:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why am I getting the error <i>failed to expand <tt>/data/lists/lists/${lc</tt>
for require_files: <tt>${lc</tt> is not a known operator</i> for this setting:
   require_files = MAILMAN_HOME/lists/${lc:$local_part}/config.db</pre>
<font color="#00BB00">A0060:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The value of <tt>require_files</tt> is a list in which each item is
separately expanded. In other words, the splitting into items happens
before the string expansion. You need either to double the colon, or
switch to a different list separator.
<a name="TOC61" href="FAQ.html#TOC61">Q0061:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>Too many &#147;Received&#148; headers - suspected mail
loop</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0061:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Whenever a message passes through an MTA, a <i>Received:</i> header gets
added. Exim counts the number of these headers in incoming messages. If
there are more than the value of <tt>received_headers_max</tt> (default 30),
Exim assumes there is some kind of mail routing loop occurring. For
example, host A passes the message to host B, which immediately passes
it back to host A. Check the <i>Received:</i> headers and the mail logs to
determine exactly what is going on.
One common cause of this problem is users with accounts on both systems
who set up each one to forward to the other, thinking that will cause
copies of all messages to be delivered on both of them.
<a name="TOC62" href="FAQ.html#TOC62">Q0062:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When I try to start an Exim daemon with <b>-bd</b> it crashes. I ran a
debugger and discovered that the crash is happening in the function
<i>getservbyname()</i>. What's going on?
<font color="#00BB00">A0062:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;What have you got in the file <i>/etc/nsswitch.conf</i>? If it contains this
   services:       db files</pre>
try removing the <tt>db</tt>. Your system is trying to look in some kind of
database before searching the file <i>/etc/services</i>, and there is an
incompatibility the is causing the function <i>getservbyname()</i> crash.
This is an OS problem. See, for instance:
<a href=""></a>
Another workaround in Exim is to set
   daemon_smtp_port = 25</pre>
in the configuration, to stop Exim calling <i>getservbyname()</i>.
<a name="TOC63" href="FAQ.html#TOC63">Q0063:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When I try to start an Exim daemon, nothing happens. There is no
process, and nothing is written to the Exim log.
<font color="#00BB00">A0063:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Check to see if anything is written to <i>syslog</i>. This problem can be
caused by a permission problem that stops Exim from writing to its log
files, especially if you've specified that they should be written
somewhere other than under Exim's spool directory. You could also try
running the daemon with debugging turned on.
<a name="TOC64" href="FAQ.html#TOC64">Q0064:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When I run <tt>exim -d test@domain</tt> it delivers fine, but when I send a
message from the <i>mail</i> command, I get <i>User unknown</i> and the mail
is saved in <i>dead.letter</i>.
<font color="#00BB00">A0064:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;It looks as if Exim isn't being called by <i>mail</i>; instead it is
calling some other program (probably Sendmail). Try running the command
   /usr/sbin/sendmail -bV</pre>
(If you get <i>No such file or directory</i> or <i>Command not found</i> you
are running Solaris or IRIX. Try again with <i>/usr/lib/sendmail</i>.) The
output should be something like this:
   Exim version 4.05 #1 built 13-Jun-2002 10:27:15
   Copyright (c) University of Cambridge 2002</pre>
If you don't see this, your Exim installation isn't fully operational.
If you are running FreeBSD, see <a href="FAQ_21.html#TOC374">Q9201</a>. For other systems, see <a href="FAQ_1.html#TOC107">Q0114</a>.
<a name="TOC65" href="FAQ.html#TOC65">Q0065:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;When (as <i>root</i>) I use -C to run Exim with an alternate configuration
file, it gives an error about being unable to create a spool file when
trying to run an <b>autoreply</b> transport. Why is this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0065:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;When Exim is called with -C, it passes on -C to any instances of itself
that it calls (so that the whole sequence uses the same config file). If
it's running as <i>exim</i> when it does this, all is well. However, if it
happens as a consequence of a non-privileged user running <b>autoreply</b>,
the called Exim gives up its root privilege. Then it can't write to the
This means that you can't use -C (even as <i>root</i>) to run an instance of
Exim that is going to try to run <b>autoreply</b> from a process that is
neither <i>root</i> nor <i>exim</i>. Because of the architecture of Exim (using
re-execs to regain privilege), there isn't any way round this
restriction. Therefore, the only way you can make this scenario work is
to run the <b>autoreply</b> transport as <i>exim</i> (that is, the user that
owns the Exim spool files). This may be satisfactory for autoreplies
that are essentially system-generated, but of course is no good for
autoreplies from unprivileged users, where you want the <b>autoreply</b>
transport to be run as the user. To get that to work with an alternate
configuration, you'll have to use two Exim binaries, with different
configuration file names in each. See <a href="S001.txt">S001</a> for a script that patches
the configuration name in an Exim binary.
<a name="TOC66" href="FAQ.html#TOC66">Q0066:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the message <i>unable to set gid=xxx or uid=xxx</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0066:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This message is given when an Exim process is unable to change uid or
gid when it needs to, because it does not have root privilege. This is a
serious problem that prevents Exim from carrying on with what it is
doing. The two most common situations where Exim needs to change uid/gid
are doing local deliveries and processing users' filter files. There are
two common causes of this error:
(1) &nbsp;You have forgotten to make the exim binary setuid to <i>root</i>. This
means that it can never change uid/gid in any situation. Also, the
setuid binary must reside on a disk partition that does not have the
<tt>nosuid</tt> mount option set.
(2) &nbsp;The exim binary is setuid, but you have configured Exim so that,
while trying to verify an address at SMTP time, it runs a router
that needs to change uid/gid. Because Exim runs as <i>exim</i> and not
<i>root</i> while receiving messages, the router is unable to change
uid and therefore it cannot operate. The usual example of this is a
<b>redirect</b> router for users' filter files.
Setting the <tt>user</tt> or <tt>check_local_user</tt> options on a <tt>redirect</tt>
router causes this to happen (except in the special case when the
redirection list is provided by the <tt>data</tt> option and does not
contain <tt>:include:</tt>).
The solution is to set <tt>no_verify</tt> on the router that is causing the
problem. This means that it is skipped when an address is being
verified. In &#147;normal&#148; configurations where the router is indeed
handling users' filter files, this is quite acceptable, because you
do not usually need to process a filter file in order to verify that
the local part is valid. See, for example, the <b>userforward</b>
router in the default configuration.
<a name="TOC67" href="FAQ.html#TOC67">Q0067:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>too many unrecognized commands</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0067:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;There have been instances of network abuse involving mail sent out by
web servers. In most cases, unrecognizable commands are sent as part of
the SMTP session. A real MTA never sends out such invalid commands. Exim
allows a few unrecognized commands in a session to permit humans who are
testing to make a few typos (it responds with a 5xx error). However, if
Exim receives too many such commands, it assumes that it is dealing with
an abuse of some kind, and so it drops the connection.
<a name="TOC68" href="FAQ.html#TOC68">Q0068:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim times out when trying to connect to some hosts, though those hosts
are known to be up and running. What's the problem?
<font color="#00BB00">A0068:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;There could be a number of reasons for this (see also <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC17">Q0017</a>). The
obvious one is that there is a networking problem between the hosts.
If you can ping between the hosts or connect in other ways, the problem
might be caused by ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) being enabled
in your kernel. ECN uses TCP flags originally assigned to TOS - it's a
"new" invention, and some hosts and routers are known to be confused if
a client uses it. If you are running Linux, you can turn ECN off by
running this command:
   /bin/echo "0" &#62; /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn</pre>
This has also been reported to cure web connection problems from Mozilla
and Netscape browsers in Linux when there were no problems with Windows
Netscape browsers.
<a name="TOC69" href="FAQ.html#TOC69">Q0069:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>SMTP data timeout (message abandoned) on connection
from...</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0069:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;It means that there was a timeout while Exim was reading the contents of
a message on an incoming SMTP connection. That is, it had successfully
accepted a MAIL command, one or more RCPT commands, and a DATA command,
and was in the process of reading the data itself. The length of timeout
is controlled by the <tt>smtp_receive_timeout</tt> option.
If you get this error regularly, the cause may be incorrect handling of
large packets by a router or firewall. The maximum size of a packet is
restricted on some links; routers should split packets that are larger.
There is a feature called &#147;path MTU discovery&#148; that enables a sender
to discover the maximum packet size over an entire path (multiple
Internet links). This can be broken by misconfigured firewalls and
routers. There is a good explanation at <a href=""></a>.
Reducing the MTU on your local network can sometimes work round this
problem. See <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC17">Q0017</a> (3) for further discussion.
<a name="TOC70" href="FAQ.html#TOC70">Q0070:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>SMTP command timeout on connection from...</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0070:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim was expecting to read an SMTP command from the client, but no
command was read within the <tt>smtp_receive_timeout</tt> time limit.
<a name="TOC71" href="FAQ.html#TOC71">Q0071:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>failed to open DB file <i>/var/spool/exim//db/retry</i>:
Illegal argument</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0071:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC58">Q0058</a>. The cause of this error is usually the same.
<a name="TOC72" href="FAQ.html#TOC72">Q0072:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim will deliver to normal aliases, and aliases that are pipes or
files, but it objects to aliases that involve <tt>:include:</tt> items,
complaining that it can't change gid or uid. Why is this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0072:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC66">Q0066</a> for a general answer. The problem happens during verification
of an incoming SMTP message, not during delivery itself. In this
particular case, you must have set up your aliasing router with a <tt>user</tt>
setting. This causes Exim to change uid/gid when reading <tt>:include:</tt>
files. If you do not need the detailed verification provided by the
router, the easy solution is to set <tt>no_verify</tt> so that the router isn't
used during verification.
Otherwise, if you set <tt>user</tt> on the router in order to provide a user
for delivery to pipes or files, one solution is to put the <tt>user</tt>
setting on the transports instead of on the router. You may need to
create some special transports just for this router. The alternative is
to supply two different routers, one with <tt>user</tt> and <tt>no_verify</tt>, and
the with <tt>verify_only</tt> but no <tt>user</tt> setting.
<a name="TOC73" href="FAQ.html#TOC73">Q0073:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm seeing log file corruption, with parts of log lines getting mangled
by other log entries.
<font color="#00BB00">A0073:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The only time this has been seen is when several servers were writing to
the same log files over NFS. Exim assumes that its log file is on local
disk, and using NFS, especially for more than one server, will not work.
<a name="TOC74" href="FAQ.html#TOC74">Q0074:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error message <i>remote delivery process count got out of
step</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0074:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim uses subprocesses for remote deliveries; this error means that the
master process expected to have a child process running, but found there
were none. Prior to release 4.11, this error could be caused by running
Exim under <i>strace</i> on a Linux system, because stracing causes
children to be &#147;stolen&#148; such that a parent that tries to wait for
&#147;any of my children&#148; is told that it has none. Current releases of
Exim have code to get round this problem.
<a name="TOC75" href="FAQ.html#TOC75">Q0075:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm using LDAP, and some email addresses that contain special characters
are causing parsing errors in my LDAP lookups.
<font color="#00BB00">A0075:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You should be using <tt>${quote_ldap:$local_part}</tt> instead of just
<tt>$local_part</tt> in your lookups.
<a name="TOC76" href="FAQ.html#TOC76">Q0076:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've configured Exim to use <i>syslog</i> for its logs, with the main and
reject logs sent to different files, but whenever a message is rejected,
I get one message on the reject log and two messages on the main log.
<font color="#00BB00">A0076:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You are probably putting your reject items into the main log as well;
remember <i>syslog</i> levels are inclusive (for example, <tt></tt>
includes all higher levels, so a <tt>mail.notice</tt> message will be caught
by a <tt></tt> descriptor).
Test this by running the command:
 	 logger -p mail.notice test</pre>
and seeing which logs it goes into. From Exim release 4.31 it is
possible to disable the rejectlog by setting <tt>write_rejectlog</tt> false.
<a name="TOC77" href="FAQ.html#TOC77">Q0077:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I've installed Exim and it is delivering mail just fine. However, when I
try to read mail from my PC I get <i>connection rejected</i> or <i>unable to
<font color="#00BB00">A0077:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_19.html#TOC356">Q5021</a>.
<a name="TOC78" href="FAQ.html#TOC78">Q0078:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim is logging the unknown SMTP command <tt>XXXX</tt> from my client hosts,
and they are unable to authenticate.
<font color="#00BB00">A0078:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This is a sign of a Cisco PIX firewall getting in the way. It does not
support ESMTP, and turns EHLO commands into XXXX. You should configure
the Pix to leave SMTP alone; see <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC53">Q0053</a> for how to do this.
<a name="TOC79" href="FAQ.html#TOC79">Q0079:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Our new PIX firewall is causing problems with incoming mail. How can
this be fixed?
<font color="#00BB00">A0079:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC53">Q0053</a> and <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC78">Q0078</a>. If some messages get through and others do not,
see also <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC17">Q0017</a>.
<a name="TOC80" href="FAQ.html#TOC80">Q0080:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Am I to understand that the database lookups must only return one value?
They can not return a list of values? The documentation seems to
indicate that it's possible to return a list.
<font color="#00BB00">A0080:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Lookups can be used in two different situations, and what they return is
different in the two cases. (Be thankful Exim 3 is gone; there was yet
another case!)
(1) &nbsp;You can use a lookup in any expanded string. The syntax is
   ${lookup ..... }</pre>
In this case, whatever is looked up replaces the expansion item. It
may be one value or a list of values. Whether a single value or a
list is acceptable or not depends on where you are using the string
expansion. If it is for an option that expects just one value, then
only one value is allowed (for example).
(2) &nbsp;You can make use of the lookup mechanism to test whether something
(typically a host name or IP address) is in a list. For example,
   hosts = a : b : c</pre>
in an ACL tests whether the calling host's name matches &#147;a&#148;, or
&#147;b&#148;, or &#147;c&#148;. Now, suppose you want to keep the list of names in
a database, or cdb file, or NIS map, or...  By writing
   hosts = pgsql;select ....</pre>
you are saying to Exim: ``Run this lookup; if it succeeds, behave as
if the host is in the list; if it fails, the host is not in the
list.'' You are using the indexing mechanism of the database as a
fast way of checking a list. A simpler example is
   hosts = lsearch;/some/file</pre>
where the file contains the list of hosts to be searched.
The complication happens when a list is first expanded before being
interpreted as a list. This happens in a lot of cases. You can therefore
write either of these:
   hosts = cdb;/some/file
   hosts = ${lookup{something}cdb{/some/file}}</pre>
but they have different meanings. The first means ``see if the host name
is in the list in this file''. The second means ``run this lookup and
use the result of the lookup as a list of host items to check''. In the
second case, the list could contain multiple values (colon separated),
and one of those values could even be &#147;cdb;/some/file&#148;.
Flexibility does lead to complexity, I'm afraid.
<a name="TOC81" href="FAQ.html#TOC81">Q0081:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>error in redirect data: included file xxxx is too big</i>
<font color="#00BB00">A0081:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You are trying to include a very large file in a redirection list, using
the <tt>:include:</tt> feature. Exim has a built-in limit on the size, as a
safety precaution. The default is 1 megabyte. If you want to increase
this, you have to rebuild Exim. In your <i>Local/Makefile</i>, put
   MAX_INCLUDE_SIZE = whatever</pre>
and then rebuild Exim. The value is a number of bytes, but you can give
it as a parenthesized arithmetic expression such as <tt>(3*1024*1024)</tt>.
However, an included file of more than a megabyte is likely to be quite
inefficient. How many addresses does yours contain? You get the best
performance out of Exim if you arrange to send mailing list messages
with no more than about 100 recipients (in order to get parallelism in
the routing).
<a name="TOC82" href="FAQ.html#TOC82">Q0082:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>relocation error: /lib/ symbol
__libc_res_nquery, version GLIBC_PRIVATE not defined in file with link time reference</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0082:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;You have updated <i>glibc</i> while an Exim daemon is running. Stop and
restart the daemon.
<a name="TOC83" href="FAQ.html#TOC83">Q0083:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Netscape on Unix is sending messages containing an unqualified user name
in the <i>Sender:</i> header line, which Exim is rejecting because I have
set <tt>verify = header_syntax</tt>. How can I fix this?
<font color="#00BB00">A0083:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;The only thing you can do in Exim is to set the
<tt>sender_unqualified_hosts</tt> option to allow unqualified sender addresses
form the relevant hosts; of course, this applies to all sender
addresses, not just the <i>Sender:</i> header line.
Alternatively, you can configure Netscape not to include the header line
in the first place. Add the following line to the
<i>$HOME/.netscape/preferences.js</i> and <i>$HOME/.netscape/liprefs.js</i>
   user_pref("mail.suppress_sender_header", true);</pre>
Netscape must be shut down while doing this.
<a name="TOC84" href="FAQ.html#TOC84">Q0084:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I want to set up an alias that pipes a message to <i>gpg</i> and then pipes
the result to <i>mailx</i> to resubmit the message, but when I use my
tested command in an alias file, I get an error from <i>gpg</i>.
<font color="#00BB00">A0084:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Probably you are using a shell command with two pipe symbols in it. An
alias like this:
   gpg-xxx: "|gpg &#60;options&#62; | mailx &#60;options"</pre>
does not work, because Exim does not run pipes under a shell by default.
You must call a shell explicitly if you want to make use of the shell's
features for double-piping, either by piping to <tt>/bin/sh</tt> with a
suitable <tt>-c</tt> option, or by piping to a shell script.
<a name="TOC85" href="FAQ.html#TOC85">Q0085:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I see a lot of <i>rejected EHLO ... syntactically invalid argument(s)</i>.
I know it's because of the underscore in the host name, but is there a
switch to allow Exim to accept mail from such hosts?
<font color="#00BB00">A0085:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Yes. Add this to your configuration:
   helo_allow_chars = _</pre>
For more seriously malformed host names, see <tt>helo_accept_junk_hosts</tt>.
See also <a href="FAQ_7.html#TOC265">Q0732</a>.
<a name="TOC86" href="FAQ.html#TOC86">Q0086:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>SMTP protocol violation: synchronization error (next input
sent too soon)</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0086:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;SMTP is a &#147;lock-step&#148; protocol, which means that, at certain points in
the protocol, the client must wait for the server to respond before
sending more data. Exim checks for correct behaviour, and issues this
error if the client sends data too soon. This protects against
malefactious clients who send a bunch of SMTP commands (usually to
transmit spam) without waiting for any replies.
This error is also provoked if a client unexpectedly tries to start up a
TLS session immediately on connection, without using the STARTTLS
command. See <a href="FAQ_17.html#TOC331">Q1707</a> for a discussion of this case.
<a name="TOC87" href="FAQ.html#TOC87">Q0087:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does <i>rejected after DATA: malformed address: xx@yy may not follow
&#60;xx@yy&#62; : failing address in "from" header</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0087:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Your DATA ACL contains
   verify = header_syntax</pre>
and an incoming message contained the line
   From: xx@yy &#60;xx@yy&#62;</pre>
This is syntactically invalid. The contents of an address in a header
line are either just the address, or a &#147;phrase&#148; followed by an address
in angle brackets. In the latter case, the &#147;phrase&#148; must be quoted if
it contains special characters such as @. The following are valid
versions of the bad header:
   From: xx@yy
   From: "xx@yy" &#60;xx@yy&#62;</pre>
though why on earth anything generates this kind of redundant nonsense I
can't think.
<a name="TOC88" href="FAQ.html#TOC88">Q0088:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The Windows mailer SENDFILE.EXE sometimes hangs while trying to send a
message to Exim 4, and eventually times out. It worked flawlessly with
Exim 3. What has changed?
<font color="#00BB00">A0088:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Exim 4 sets an obscure TCP/IP parameter called TCP_NODELAY. This
disables the "Nagle algorithm" for the TCP/IP transmission. The Nagle
algorithm can improve network performance in interactive situations such
as a human typing at a keyboard, by buffering up outgoing data until the
previous packet has been acknowledged, and thereby reducing the number
of packets used. This is not relevant for mail transmission, which
mostly consists of quite large blocks of data; setting TCP_NODELAY
should improve performance. However, it seems that some Windows clients
do not function correctly if the server turns off the Nagle algorithm.
If you are using Exim 4.23 or later, you can set
   tcp_nodelay = false</pre>
This stops Exim setting TCP_NODELAY on the sockets created by the
listening daemon.
<a name="TOC89" href="FAQ.html#TOC89">Q0089:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does the error <i>kernel: application bug: exim(12099) has SIGCHLD
set to SIG_IGN but calls wait()</i> mean?
<font color="#00BB00">A0089:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;This was a bad interaction between a change to the Linux kernel and some
&#147;belt and braces&#148; programming in Exim. The following explanation is
taken from Exim's change log:
When Exim is receiving multiple messages on a single connection, and
spinning off delivery processess, it sets the SIGCHLD signal handling to
SIG_IGN, because it doesn't want to wait for these processes. However,
because on some OS this didn't work, it also has a paranoid call to
<i>waitpid()</i> in the loop to reap any children that have finished. Some
versions of Linux now complain (to the system log) about this
&#147;illogical&#148; call to <i>waitpid()</i>. I have therefore put it inside a
conditional compilation, and arranged for it to be omitted for Linux.
I am pretty sure I caught all the places in Exim where this happened.
However, there are still occasional reports of this error. I have not
heard of any resolutions, but my current belief is that they are caused
by something that Exim calls falling foul of the same check. There was
at one time a suspicion that the IPv6 stack was involved.
<a name="TOC90" href="FAQ.html#TOC90">Q0090:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;I can't seem to get a pipe command to run when I include a <tt>${lookup</tt>
expansion in it.
<font color="#00BB00">A0090:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC25">Q0025</a>.
<a name="TOC91" href="FAQ.html#TOC91">Q0091:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;Why is Exim giving the error <i>Failed to send message from address_reply
transport</i> when I run it using -C to specify an alternate
<font color="#00BB00">A0091:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;See <a href="FAQ_0.html#TOC65">Q0065</a>.
<a name="TOC92" href="FAQ.html#TOC92">Q0092:</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;The error message <i>Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.</i> occurs
when I try to use Exim with PostgreSQL.
<font color="#00BB00">A0092:</font>&nbsp;&nbsp;Check that you have not set
in the PostgreSQL configuration file. It seems that this causes
PostgreSQL to return logging information as the first row in a query
result, which totally confuses Exim.
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