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<font size=-1>For known issues please see our bug tracker at:</font><br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.9.2 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- Allowed deleting from system tables (ex. to stop queries via MON$STATEMENTS)<br>
- Added support for trusted authentication<br>
- Databases can now be recreated from existing registration info<br>
- Transaction isolation level can now be selected in SQL editor<br>
- Win64 port<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Fixed problems with mangled UTF8 identifiers<br>
- Improved autoincrement triggers<br>
- Drop FK only once for self-referencing tables in Rebuild script<br>
- Improved management of passwords in connection dialogs<br>
- Case insensitive DoMaIn keyword detection<br>
- Fixed reported length of char fields in DDL extraction of system tables<br>
- Fixed minor DDL extraction problem with BIGINT and scale<br>
- Search words are now highlighted in advanced metadata search results<br>
- DataGrid: sum of values of selected cells in the grid is shown in status bar<br>
- Data grid cell editor now has a popup menu of a standard edit control<br>
- Data of CHAR type using multibyte character set has correct padding now<br>
- Database file size is now reported correctly for databases over 2GB<br>
- Opening pages in tabs can now be controlled with Shift/Control keys<br>
- Information on database property page is reloaded without reconnecting<br>
- Fixed focus problem with property pages<br>
- Fixed broken descriptions of system table columns in property pages<br>
- Optionally display sources of all triggers on table property page<br>
- Controls are now focused before their popup menus are shown<br>
- Improved usability of menus and commands via keyboard<br>
- SQL Editor: Improved detection of field sizes in resulting dataset<br>
- Fixed statement parsing when SUBSTRING function is present<br>
- Fixed column autocompletion for JOINed tables<br>
- Fixed code completion when tables are listed in SQL89 order<br>
- Fixed crash when opening query window and pressing F5 or F8 at once<br>
- Improved the way views are switched in SQL editor<br>
- Fixed completion under Mac OS X<br>
- Other minor improvements and fixes to SQL editor<br>
- Statement execution time is now displayed with milliseconds precision<br>
- Minimum required version of wxWidgets is now 2.8.<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.9.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- 100% Firebird 2.1 compatible<br>
- Tab-based property pages for database object (like Firefox browser)<br>
- DataGrid: load and save to file options for BLOB data.<br>
- A new, improved dialog for inserting new rows.<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Firebird 2.1: Support for database triggers<br>
- Firebird 2.1: Support for global temporary tables<br>
- Firebird 2.1: Descriptions can be set for generators<br>
- Firebird 2.1: Support for domains as stored procedure parameter types<br>
- Firebird 2.1: Detect when the equals sign (=) is used instead of DEFAULT<br>
- SQL Editor: Improved autocomplete for table columns<br>
- SQL Editor: Smarter window title, user configurable<br>
- SQL Editor: fixed problems with scrolling of log control<br>
- SQL Editor: removed flicker when executing scripts with COMMITs or AUTODLL ON<br>
- SQL Editor: fixed crashes when COMMIT closes the window<br>
- DataGrid: Copy as Update and Insert for single cell does not require cell to be selected anymore<br>
- DataGrid: Timestamps have display format of their own (not date+time anymore)<br>
- DataGrid: Fixed doubling of quotes entered in edited fields.<br>
- DataGrid: BLOB data is now transliterated to GUI character set<br>
- Procedure nodes in tree indicate when parameter info has been loaded<br>
- DDL extraction for GRANTs fixed<br>
- DDL extraction for BIGINT separated from NUMERIC(18,0)<br>
- DDL extraction for CHAR columns in system tables fixed<br>
- Fixed random crashes when dropping object from its property page<br>
- Implemented missing prompt for dropping of some objects<br>
- GRANT statements moved to end of database DDL script for easier diffs<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.8.6 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- DataGrid: BLOB data is now (optionally) shown in cells. Read-only for now.<br>
- DataGrid: A basic ORDER BY clause building when column header is double-clicked<br>
- Support for LIST function in Firebird 2.1<br>
- Support for MON tables in Firebird 2.1 (Read-only for now.)<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- DataGrid: FR no longer crashes when transaction has ended (commit/rollback) and grid edit control is active<br>
- DataGrid: Complete string is now shown for editing and copying multiline text<br>
- DataGrid: Copy command now copies a single cell if nothing is selected<br>
- DataGrid: Fixed mixup between BLOB ID and data it contains<br>
- DataGrid: Fixed bug when editing or deleting in grid causes exceptions.<br>
- DataGrid: Successfully deleted rows are deselected, so user can easily see what is done.<br>
- DDL extraction for GRANTs now only quotes names when needed<br>
- DDL extraction for defaults does not use double quotes anymore.<br>
- Database property page now shows minor ODS version when it is not zero<br>
- Hovering over icons in privileges window, now really shows the grantor<br>
- Improved parsing of SELECT statements<br>
- Support for INSERT..RETURNING and EXECUTE STATEMENT that return a single record<br>
- Fixed messagebox flood when Execute Procedure called and it doesn't return anything<br>
- Print preview and SaveToHtmlFile works again for manual and changelog<br>
- Extracting invalid DDL (missing domain data in system tables) does not crash FR anymore<br>
- Silent installation (on Windows) does not show changelog window anymore<br>
- Autogenerated domains (system domains) do not show up in the tree anymore<br>
- Added ALTER DOMAIN action for domains<br>
- Tree now shows NOT NULL for columns that inherit NOT NULL from domain<br>
- Fixed parsing bug when non-reserved keyword is used as identifier<br>
- Fixed autocomplete for selectable procedure alias when procedure call contains parameters (in PSQL)<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.8.3 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- Even more detailed query execution statistics showing number of inserted, updated and deleted records for each table<br>
- Fully customizable icon theme (you can create you own icon theme for FlameRobin without recompiling anything)<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Optimizations for work over slow networks<br>
- Configurable default action for tree items now also allow to SELECT FROM table, view or procedure<br>
- Select and Execute for procedures merged into a single action depending on procedure type<br>
- Better handling of exceptions, FlameRobin should not 'just crash' on Linux anymore<br>
- Added Extract DDL for entire database to Advanced menu - opens directly in SQL editor<br>
- SQL Editor: Minor cleanup of menus (both context and main menu)<br>
- SQL Editor: Fixed enabling of Delete and Insert icons<br>
- SQL Editor: Logging can now optionally be disabled for the current editor window<br>
- SQL Editor: Upper or lower case keywords are now a customizable option<br>
- SQL Editor: Database path in status bar is no longer overwritten<br>
- SQL Editor: Faster and more correct parsing of large statements<br>
- SQL Editor: Fixed problem with query plan not being shown for DML statements<br>
- ALTER PROCEDURE now keeps objects' descriptions<br>
- Tree view: System table columns behave like regular table columns<br>
- Tree view: Only show first line for multiline text (computed columns and such)<br>
- Tree view: Show special icon for foreign keys<br>
- Fixes in generator of selectable stored procedures<br>
- Aliases added to generated SELECT queries (makes easier editing afterwards)<br>
- DataGrid: Fixed problems with speed when large dataset it loaded<br>
- DataGrid: handles Shift+Space to select rows, Ctrl+Space to select columns<br>
- DataGrid: deleted rows are not removed, but colored differently until user commits<br>
- DataGrid: date and timestamp columns support "NOW", "DATE", "TODAY", "TOMORROW", "YESTERDAY"<br>
- DataGrid: time columns support "NOW" and "TIME"<br>
- DataGrid: parsing of milliseconds fixed<br>
- DataGrid: all the edits can optionally be logged (as if they were statements typed into editor)<br>
- DataGrid: date, time and timestamp entry now respects user's formatting<br>
- Increased the default size of main FlameRobin window<br>
- Option to remember window positions and sizes in now ON by default<br>
- Find dialog is left as-is on subsequent searches<br>
- Backup file extensions now default to .fbk and .gbk<br>
- Backup and restore fixes regarding password entry<br>
- Warning message when logging fails<br>
- Nicer password dialog<br>
- Fixed problem that a random number was shown when index statistics is NULL<br>
- Fixed a dialog-loop bug that would pop up a lot of message boxes under some conditions<br>
- Fixed crashes when working with objects with long names on Gtk<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.8.1 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- SQL Editor: added command to Execute statements from cursor position<br>
- SQL Editor: themable toolbar icons (support for entire FR in next version)<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- SQL Editor window now has a standard menu and toolbar<br>
- Editable grid: fields are now set to NULL when DELETE key is pressed in empty box<br>
- Fixed crash when Insert clicked after transaction Commit/Rollback<br>
- Fixed crash when Insert clicked while editing field value<br>
- Fixed problem with Insert being disabled until column info is loaded<br>
- Fixed charset conversion problems with editable grid and insert dialog<br>
- Insert and Delete buttons are now properly enabled and disabled<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for usernames in privileges<br>
- Windows version can be installed without administrative privileges<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.8.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- DataGrid: ability to edit (UPDATE) existing rows directly in the grid<br>
- DataGrid: ability to add (INSERT) rows in the grid (with BLOB support)<br>
- DataGrid: ability to remove (DELETE) one or multiple rows from the grid<br>
- DataGrid: all features of editable grid work even for joins and complex queries<br>
- DataGrid: data can now be exported as CSV values<br>
- A basic Test Data Generator (please test, we need your feedback to improve it)<br>
- Ability to create a selectable stored procedure for a table<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- DataGrid: Major improvement on memory consumption and speed<br>
- DataGrid: Columns are named after aliases when available<br>
- DataGrid: CHARACTER SET OCTETS columns shown as hexadecimal strings<br>
- DataGrid: Proper display of DB_KEY columns<br>
- DataGrid: New config option: automatically fetch all records (use with care)<br>
- Property pages show database path instead of useless internal link info<br>
- Property pages of system tables are now closed upon disconnecting<br>
- Property pages now show owner for tables, views and procedures<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for usernames in GRANT statements<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for expression based indexes<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for multisegment indexes<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for external tables<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for computed columns (char and varchar size)<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for DEFAULTs<br>
- SQL Editor: Enabled autocompletion for columns of system tables<br>
- SQL Editor: Filename shown in dialog title<br>
- SQL Editor: Files can be opened by drag&amp;drop into editor window<br>
- SQL Editor: Detailed query execution statistics<br>
- SQL Editor: Improved startup speed<br>
- Database size display now supports databases bigger than 2GB<br>
- Database read-only status is now reported correctly<br>
- Enabled drag&amp;drop of files into backup, restore and database dialog<br>
- Generator values can be reloaded now<br>
- Basic 'edit domain' functionality via SQL<br>
- Fixed charset conversion for ISO8859_x character sets<br>
- Fixed charset conversion for UTF8 in ANSI build<br>
- Fixed parsing bug that can hang the program at 100% CPU usage<br>
- Fixed crash when Manage Users option is called from the Server menu<br>
- Fixed crash when charset conversion fails<br>
- Start arguments -u and -uh are now respected for fr_settings.conf as well<br>
- UDFs that views depend on are now shown in Dependencies page<br>
- Various minor bugfixes<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.7.6 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- Logging changes to database table (so far only logging to textual files was available)<br>
- Finally, FlameRobin is 100% compatible with Firebird 2.0<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Improved parsing of committed statements<br>
- Fixed bug #1591149 when reserved XML characters were used in database properties<br>
- Fixed bug #1582935 with drag and drop query building<br>
- Setting to clear log when executing is now respected<br>
- Added META tag to exported HTML data: set to UTF-8 encoding<br>
- Fixed invalid columns when fetching data fails<br>
- Autocompletion now works properly with quoted identifiers<br>
- Fixed crash when loading of property page fails<br>
- Fixed crash when automatic DDL commit was active<br>
- Fixed ALTER VIEW script - triggers are now included<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for UNIQUE INDEX<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for NUMERIC(x, 0) types<br>
- Fixed problem with selection becoming invisible on Linux/Gtk<br>
- Main tree view now behaves consistently on both double-click and Enter pressed<br>
- Fixed minor UI glitches<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.7.5 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- System tables now are available in main tree view<br>
- Autocompletion of column/parameter names and old/new aliases in triggers<br>
- Compatibility with Firebird 2.0<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- SQL Editor: Use row:col instead of col:row in statusbar<br>
- SQL Editor: Autocompletion now works for case-sensitive object names<br>
- SQL Editor: Autocompletion now works for names containing $ character<br>
- Data grid: &quot;Fetch all records&quot; and &quot;Cancel fetching all records&quot; commands<br>
- Data grid: &quot;Copy records as Update&quot; command<br>
- SQL script execution now always stops on error<br>
- Confirm dropping of items from main tree<br>
- Fixed bugs related to character set conversions<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for various object types<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.7.2 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Fixed crash when opening role's property page with Firebird 1.x<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for unique constraints<br>
- Fixed updating of privileges page for procedures<br>
- Removed dependency on Firebird 2.0 for Gtk2 package<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.7.1 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Firebird client library version is removed from About box<br>
- This version works with Firebird 1.0<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.7.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- User management<br>
- View, grant and revoke privileges on database objects<br>
- Encrypted password storage<br>
- Search SQL statement history and remove chosen entries<br>
- Property page for databases<br>
- License changed from IDPL to MIT/Expat<br>
- Advanced metadata search (experimental - please provide feedback, so we can improve it)<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Consistent property pages navigation<br>
- UTF-8 charset changed to proper UTF8<br>
- Identify user-named system-generated indices (needed for FB > 1.0)<br>
- Fixed DDL extraction for various objects<br>
- Two-step loading of property pages (more user friendly)<br>
- Option to show objects DDL in SQL editor<br>
- SQL Editor: ignore function keys when Ctrl or Alt are down<br>
- Data grid: right-align nulls for numeric columns<br>
- Data grid: display of milliseconds for time values<br>
- Data grid: improved display of Unicode characters<br>
- Various changes of user preferences are now instantly applied<br>
- GTK: changes of tree control to look like native one<br>
- GTK: Use of standard button IDs adds icons and localized captions<br>
- Statement parser: identifiers of one char are no longer handled as empty<br>
- Property pages now display much faster<br>
- Autogenerated INSERT statements now show default values where available<br>
- Firebird client library version is shown in About box<br>
- various UI fixes and enhancements<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.6.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- DDL extraction for all object types<br>
- Rebuild View option (drop and recreate dependent objects)<br>
- Option to drop database<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- TCP port setting is not longer ignored when creating, backing up and restoring databases<br>
- New dialog for index creation.<br>
- Field properties dialog can now be closed when no changes are made.<br>
- Main tree control now behaves natively on all platforms.<br>
- Progress dialog when connecting has ability to cancel<br>
- Windows: FlameRobin doesn't destroy Clipboard contents when exiting<br>
- Gtk2: Reduced font size for property pages.<br>
- Gtk2: allow user to enter filename in dialogs.<br>
- Other minor UI improvements.<br>
- Faster disconnecting.<br>
- Faster startup of SQL editor, statement history stored in separate files.<br>
- Warn when copying data from the grid and not all rows have been fetched.<br>
- If error happens while executing selection, the executed statement is selected in SQL editor.<br>
- Fixed problem with context menu and large selection in SQL Editor.<br>
- Fixed hiding of SQL editor behind other windows.<br>
- Data grid is now scrolled by rows<br>
- Triggers can be added/dropped from table's &quot;Triggers&quot; page.<br>
- Take character set and collation into account when adding new columns.<br>
- Configurable columns (default value, description) on table's property page.<br>
- All UPDATE statements were treated as DDL. Fixed.<br>
- Fixed bugs in statement parser.<br>
- Preserve character sets when altering procedures.<br>
- Added missing whitespace between AS and procedure source.<br>
- Privileges are restored after ALTER VIEW.<br>
- Property pages are now updated after ALTER INDEX and SET STATISTICS<br>
- Custom charsets are now really used when connecting to database.<br>
- Logging can now log SET TERM statements if desired.<br>
- Logging now detects if target directory doesn't exist.<br>
- Updated documentation about building FlameRobin.<br>
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<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.5.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- Event monitor: a dialog to register for and monitor posted events<br>
- Support for quoted identifiers (case sensitive, etc.)<br>
- Quick metadata search from the main screen<br>
- Ability to retrive server version<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Parsing of executed statements rewritten to work properly<br>
- &quot;Alter&quot; menu item for procedures, triggers and views<br>
- Allow user to enter backup filename with GTK2<br>
- Fixed message dialogs which didn't have any buttons on GTK1<br>
- Improved dependency detection (objects referenced in CHECK constraints)<br>
- Support for 64-bit platforms<br>
- SQL editor is no longer created beneath other windows<br>
- Option to change tab size in SQL editor<br>
- Option to show long line marker in SQL editor<br>
- Many minor fixes and improvements for SQL editor<br>
- Fixed problem with visible caret when SQL editor doesn't have focus<br>
- Improved running of large SQL scripts<br>
- Fixed problem with auto-completion on GTK2<br>
- Option to limit size of single item in statement history<br>
- Fixed drag and drop query building with multiple foreign keys<br>
- Fixed disconnect problems on some Linux distributions<br>
- Registered server and databases are saved instantly (for multiple instances of FlameRobin)<br>
- Display name was used instead of hostname for backup and restore<br>
- Fixed backup and restore problems on PPC<br>
- Backup and restore dialogs show file selector with path of current file name<br>
- Backup and restore settings are remembered on database basis<br>
- FlameRobin is buildable with Borland's compiler again<br>
- Improved overall speed in some areas<br>
- Fixed reported character field lengths for multibyte character sets<br>
- Fixed problems with datatypes when there aren't any user-defined domains in database<br>
- Links included in saved .html Property pages<br>
- Changed the way strings are translated in Unicode versions<br>
- Cancel button isn't ignored anymore when adding unique constraints<br>
- Cancel button isn't ignored anymore when reordering fields<br>
- Improved Field editor<br>
- Allow usage of various formats for multiple log files<br>
<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.4.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- History of SQL statements, presistent even after closing program<br>
- Activate/deactivate option for triggers<br>
- "Drop multiple columns" option for tables<br>
- Execute option for procedures<br>
- Preferences can be set on database basis (ex. logging)<br>
- Option to restore backup into new database<br>
- Support for SET AUTODDL isql feature and option to automatically commit DDL statements<br>
- Support for RECREATE and CREATE OR ALTER statements<br>
- FreeBSD port<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Fixed bug when password is supplied upon connecting<br>
- Fixed parsing of committed statements when statement starts with a comment<br>
- Main menu system reorganized<br>
- Configuration files reorganized: user configuration files stored in user's directories<br>
- Option to hide the status bar<br>
- Option to hide databases that are not connected<br>
- Fixed background colors of read-only fields in various dialogs<br>
- Fixed "no database assigned" error for new databases<br>
- Made sure the statement with error is visible in large scripts<br>
- Changed the execute key to F4, as F9 has a special meaning on some platforms<br>
- Long text now wraps on Dependencies page, making to easier to read<br>
- Fixed scrollbar bugs of data grid with Linux port<br>
- Mousewheel now works on Linux<br>
- IBPP library sources added to the project<br>
- Compare database's and connection charset and warn user if they differ<br>
- Bigint datatype added to field properties dialog<br>
- Option to disable autocompletion inside quoted text<br>
- Fixed bug that sql editor dialog can have an empty title<br>
- Improved handling of fatal exceptions<br>
<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.3.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- Support for computed columns (shown in tree, removed from insert statements) <br>
- Calltips for UDFs <br>
- Properties page for UDFs <br>
- Option "create new trigger" for tables and views <br>
- Support for table indices - display, add, drop, recompute stats., edit descriptions <br>
- Property page for view's triggers <br>
- Select object's name in SQL editor and get its properties page<br>
- Context menu for properties windows with options to print and save contents <br>
- Implemented "open in new window" context menu option for properties page links <br>
- Added main menu for main application window <br>
- Added "diplay name" to servers and databases <br>
- "Connect as" option for databases: ability to connect as different user/role without need to register new database<br><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- ALTER TABLE x ALTER COLUMN y updates the tree/properties page <br>
- Improved handling when adding NOT NULL columns <br>
- Fixed bug when SP and triggers contained ampersand (&amp;) in source (FR would hang) <br>
- Size and position of minimized windows is not stored anymore <br>
- Pressing function keys and clicking buttons in SQL editor now does the same <br>
- Prompt to overwrite files when saving in SQL editor <br>
- Faster startup upon connection since domains are loaded on-demand <br>
- Dropping tables and views now properly removes triggers from tree <br>
- Fixed parsing of CREATE,ALTER,DROP trigger statements (tables/views get notified) <br>
- Saving data to html file now uses default .html extension if user does not supply it <br>
- Fixed and improved dependencies detection for database objects<br>
- Fixed logging to file: newlines are added when headers are off<br>
- Registration of Firebird embedded server is now possible from application <br>
- Firebird 1.5 charsets made available, charset box is user editable to support future charsets <br>
- Current tree item's database printed in status bar instead of tooltip <br>
- Improved connecting speed by postponing loading of autogenerated domain info <br>
<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.2.5 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- New Preferences dialog.<br>
- Option to show/hide datatype and/or domain name in tree.<br>
- Ability to keep working after fatal errors.<br>
- Ability to prepare a statement (and show its PLAN) without actually executing it.<br>
- New context menu for the SQL Editor and new "Execute selected" command.<br>
- Ability to set a custom font for the SQL Editor.<br>
- Ability to set a custom font for the data grid header and cells.<br>
- Option to maximize the data grid when a certain number of rows has been fetched.<br>
- SQL Editor: auto-completion can be disabled and invoked manually.<br>
- Calltips for stored procedures in the SQL Editor.<br>
- Basic drag&amp;drop stuff (drag columns/tables from the tree to the SQL Editor).<br>
- SQL Editor: new Option to clear old messages when executing new statements.<br>
- You can set up logging of DDL (and optionally DML) statements to user defined log file(s).<br>
- Configurable double-click action for tables, views and SPs in main tree.<br>
- Option to prompt on exit.<br>
- Option to alphabetically sort server and database entries in tree.<br>
- Option to center dialogs on the screen.<br>
- SQL Editor: new Search &amp; replace tool (with support for regular expressions).<br>
- Ability to add a new column to a table directly from the tree.<br>
- Option to disallow showing table/view columns and stored procedure parameters as tree nodes.<br>
- Option to make it so that a double click on a tree item shows the properties dialog instead of expanding the subtree.<br>
- Added context menu for table columns in tree.<br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- Data grid: tabs used as separators instead of spaces when copying data to the clipboard.<br>
- Added server name (beside user@host) to the SQL Editor status bar.<br>
- "Insert into" command now puts VALUES clause on a new line.<br>
- Data grid: fixed display issue for non-null blobs.<br>
- Better automatic name suggestion for constraints (avoids duplicate names).<br>
- Fixed bug that caused FR to consume 100% CPU while doing nothing.<br>
- Databases couldn't be created if Page size was left to the default value.<br>
- SQL Editor: FR did hang when "set term" was issued without terminator.<br>
- SQL Editor: fixed bug when statement consisting solely of comments is executed.<br>
- SQL Editor: comments before SET statements were not handled correctly.<br>
- Data grid: platform-standard line breaks are now used when copying data to the clipboard.<br>
- Undo/redo/cut/copy/paste now work properly in the SQL Editor.<br>
- The Data grid is now much more responsive even with a lot of NULLs in it.<br>
- SQl Editor: added NULL to autocomplete list (solves known NULLIF problem).<br>
- Fixed constant 1-pixel frame growth for Windows 98.<br>
- Made database connections actually respect the charset.<br>
- Maintain separate size for database creation/registration info dialogs.<br>
- ALTER PROCEDURE now correctly reloads procedure parameters.<br>
- Changing column datatype for field editor now works.<br>
- Tree nodes can now be activated with double-click/Enter key on Linux too.<br>
- Enabled clicking inside selection in the SQL Editor.<br>
- Copy/paste of descriptions now works on Linux too.<br>
- Fixed crash when changing field type from one to another user defined domain.<br>
- Fixed known issue: if the connection credentials (username and password) of a registered database were modified, the new credentials were not used until FlameRobin was restarted.<br>
<font size=+2>Changes in FlameRobin 0.2.0 ALPHA</font><br>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>New features</B></font><br>
- Brand new Backup/Restore dialogs that work in background, let you suppress the output messages and store their settings among invocations. Plus, the output messages can be copied to the clipboard.<br>
- Many dialogs have been redesigned and now feature a cleaner GUI.<br>
- "Show value" and "Show all values" context menu commands implemented for generators.<br>
- Exceptions are now shown in the tree view and have Create/Drop menu commands and a property page.<br>
- Property pages for triggers, table constraints, dependencies (all objects), generators were added. Plus, a special empty property page now appears for not yet supported object types, instead of an error message.<br>
- Ability to view/add/drop table constraints.<br>
- Reconnect menu command for databases will physically disconnect and reconnect a database in one shot.<br>
- "Create new" and "Drop" commands added for external functions.<br>
- New MacOS X port.</p>
<font size=+1 color="#AA0000"><B>Enhancements and Bug fixes</B></font><br>
- When new objects are added to the database through a "CREATE" DDL statement, they are inserted in the right place in the tree view, instead of at the end of the lists.<br>
- The tree view shows primary key table fields with a different icon.<br>
- It is now possible to edit triggers.<br>
- User-defined domain names appear together with column datatypes in the property pages.<br>
- Improved startup speed.<br>
- config.ini entry "FrameStorage=1" now works for all frames and dialogs (it only stores size - not position - for dialogs).<br>
- New multi-format program icon that looks OK at all sizes (16x16, 32x32, 48x48 and 128x128).<br>
- In the SQL Window you can press Ctrl + "+" and Ctrl + "-" to increase and decrease the font size. The setting is remembered across sessions of FlameRobin.<br>
- In the Server Registration dialog the controls are now read-only if any database is connected.<br>
- New program icon.<br>
- Assorted bug fixes.</p>