

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 5fd5020066b11c273ac14cf1dfcfbd54 > files > 141


This plugin contains all the plugins distributed by the core holland 
distribution. The backup plugins are all directly dependent on the
main holland distribution (located one level up from this directory).
The library plugins are typically self contained but usually
provide functionality directly applicable to the holland project
and are often dependencies of one or more backup plugins.

Plugin descriptions

Here are brief descriptions of each of the plugins.  Please see the README
located under each plugin for more specific information or see documentation

holland.lib.common - General purpose functionality such as compression and 

holland.lib.mysql  - Support for connections to a MySQL instance and generally
                     interacting with a deployment.

holland.lib.lvm    - A simple python API for interacting with LVM.  Primarily
                     designed to support LVM snapshots for the LVM based backup

holland.backup.example      - A trivial example plugin that does nothing at all
                              but demonstrates the basic structure of a holland
                              backup plugin
holland.backup.mysqldump    - A mysqldump based backup plugin for MySQL
                              Depends: [holland.lib.common, holland.lib.mysql]
holland.backup.mysqlhotcopy - A raw file copy for MySQL, only loosely based on
                              the 'mysqlhotcopy' command
                              Depends: [holland.lib.common, holland.lib.mysql]
holland.backup.maatkit      - A wrapper around mk-parallel-dump.  Not really 
                              recommended for production quality backups. See
                     for more information on
                              the underlying mk-parallel-dump script.
                              Depends: [holland.lib.mysql]
holland.backup.mysql_lvm    - A LVM snapshot based backup plugin for MySQL
                              Depends: [holland.lib.common, holland.lib.mysql,
holland.backup.random       - An example plugin that backups up bytes from 
holland.backup.sqlite       - A backup plugin that produces logical exports 
                              from sqlite database files.
                              Depends: [holland.lib.common]

holland.backup.xtrabackup   - A backup plugin that uses Percona's xtrabackup
                              utility to perform a raw file copy of MySQL datadir
                              Depends: [holland.lib.mysql, holland.lib.common]