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            <h1 align="center">
            <h2 align="center">
                Release Notes</h2>
<dl class="index">
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_43">Differences from version 1.43</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_42">Differences from version 1.42</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_41">Differences from version 1.41</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_40">Differences from version 1.40</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_39">Differences from version 1.39</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_37">Differences from version 1.37</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_35">Differences from version 1.35</a></dt>
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_34">Differences from version 1.34</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_33">Differences from version 1.33</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#differences_1_32">Differences from version 1.32</a></dt> 
    <dt><a href="#todo">Pending Issues</a></dt>
As of this writing, there are no known bugs. However, due to compiler/library 
quirks and or bugs, some tests fail with some combinations of compilers and 
<h2><a name="differences_1_43"></a>Differences from Boost 1.43</h2>
    <li>fixed bug in the serialization of virtual base classes.  Due
    to heroic efforts by Takatoshi Kondo.
<h2><a name="differences_1_42"></a>Differences from Boost 1.42</h2>
    <li>fixed failure of shared_ptr serialization when serializing pointers
created from enable_shared_from_this.
    <li>added example for a simple archive which can be used as a debug log.
This example illustrates the implemenation of the archive concept to aid
understanding required to create one's own archive classes. The resulting
archive is useful for debugging in that it only 160 lines of code and is
header only - that is, it doesn't required linking to the serialization library.
    <li>replaced example used to show how to derive from an existing archive.
This example creates an XML archive class which doesn't include serialization
traits such as class_id, class_version, etc.  It might be useful for exporting
one's class information to osme XML processor and/or debugging programs.
    <li>compile time warnings have been implemented to detect practices which
    though correct, will result in operation or side effects different than
    a user probably intends.
    <li>Some memory leaks associated with void_cast have been fixed.
<h2><a name="differences_1_41"></a>Differences from Boost 1.41</h2>
    <li>adjustments have been made to minimize compile time warnings.
    <li>compile time warnings have been implemented to detect practices which
    though correct, will result in operation or side effects different than
    a user probably intends.
    <li>Some memory leaks associated with void_cast have been fixed.
<h2><a name="differences_1_40"></a>Differences from Boost 1.40</h2>
This library has been tested against Boost version 1.39 and 1.40.
    Changes have been made to archive classes included with the library. Users who 
    have used these a guide to making their own archive classes will find that 
    these will likely no longer compile. This can be remedied by making the 
    following changes in the code which instantiates these archive classes.
Old Code:<br>
#include &lt;boost/archive/impl/archive_pointer_iserializer.ipp&gt;
template class detail::archive_pointer_iserializer&lt;naked_text_iarchive&gt; ;
template class detail::archive_pointer_iserializer&lt;text_iarchive&gt; ;
</pre></code>should be replaced with this new code: <code><pre>
#include &lt;boost/archive/impl/archive_serializer_map.ipp&gt;
template class detail::archive_serializer_map&lt;naked_text_iarchive&gt; ;
template class detail::archive_serializer_map&lt;text_iarchive&gt; ;
The serialization library uses the boost spirit package to load XML archives.
We have found that all tests pass using spirit 1.6x. Spirit 1.8 and higher does not work with
older compilers - specifically MSVC 6, Borland and GCC < 3.0.
If you are using one of these compilers, you may download a version
of spirit 1.6 <a href="">here</a>.
To use this downloaded version rather than the one included with boost,
set an environmental variable SPIRIT_ROOT to be equal to the root 
directory where the downloaded copy of spirit has been placed. E. G.
set SPIRIT_ROOT=c:/spirit16
If you're not using bjam and the Jamfile to build the library, be sure that
the directory which contains the version of spirit you plan to use is placed
at the front of the list of include paths.
<h2><a name="differences_1_39"></a>Differences from Boost 1.39</h2>
        It is now possible to serialize an object through a pointer to a class which 
        implements its own <code style="white-space: normal">new/delete</code>
    operators. This functionaly is not available on some compilers.
    serialization of polymorphic objects has been sped up considerably.
As of this writing, all bug reports filed as TRAK tickets have been addressed. 
There are some TRAK tickets pending which would best be described as feature 
requests. See <a href="#todo">Pending Issues</a>.
<h2><a name="differences_1_37"></a>Differences from Boost 1.37</h2>
There are no new features in this version. As of this writing, all bug reports 
filed as TRAK tickets have been addressed. There are some TRAK tickets pending 
which would best be described as feature requests. See <a href="#todo">Pending 
<h2><a name="differences_1_36"></a>Differences from Boost 1.36</h2>
There are no new features in this version. As of this writing, all bug reports 
filed as TRAK tickets have been addressed.
<h2><a name="differences_1_35"></a>Differences from Boost 1.35</h2>
    The library is now thread safe. That is, multiple archives can be open in 
    different threads. This has been implmented with a lock-free algorithm to avoid 
    any performance bottlenecks.
    Serialization of types defined in shared libraries is now supported. shared 
    libraries (DLLS) can be loaded/unloaded dynamically at runtime. This includes 
    the serialization of instances of abstract base classes so that a program can 
    be written so as to be compatible with as yet undefined and un-implemented 
    The extended type info system has been enhanced to in order to implement the 
    above. It is now a general purpose system for creating and casting of types 
    about which is only known a string ID and an abstract base class.
    All bug reports filed as TRAK tickets have been addressed.
    As of this writing, the library will fail build on older compilers such as MSVC 
    before version 7.1 and older versions of Borland compilers. This might or might 
    not change in the future.
<h2><a name="differences_1_34"></a>Differences from Boost 1.34</h2>
    Enhanced support for fast serialization for native binary archives. By Mattias 
    Improved implementation of "export" functionality. Removes header ordering 
    requirement and eliminates the maintenance of a pre-determined list of "known 
    archives" By David Abrahams.
    Improved support for STLPort.
<h2><a name="differences_1_33"></a>Differences from Boost 1.33</h2>
        Native Binary archives use the <code style="white-space: normal">std::streambuf</code>
    interface. This should result in noticeably faster execution in many cases.
<h2><a name="differences_1_32"></a>Differences from Boost 1.32</h2>
        Dynamic Linking Library (DLLs and shared libraries) for platforms which support 
        them. See <a href="../../../more/getting_started/windows.html#auto-linking">Automatic 
            Linking on Windows</a>.
    Implementation of auto-link for compilers which can support this.
        Better support for <em>Argument Dependent Lookup</em>
    and two-phase lookup. This results in simpler rules regarding the placing of 
    serialization specializations namespaces.
    Enhanced documentation to help explain usage of the above.
    Adjustments to improve support for less conformant compilers.
        Improved <code>const</code> correctness for save/load operators. Note that this 
        may produce compile time errors in code which compiled without problem in 
        earlier boost releases. In most cases the fix is trivial. In other cases, code 
        should be scrutinized to be sure that it doesn't use the serialization system 
        in a way which may introduce subtle bugs in to the program. A fuller 
        explanation of this issue can be found <a target="detail" href="traits.html#tracking">
        A new implementation of serialization for <code style="white-space: normal">shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;</code>. 
        This is compatible with public interface of <code style="white-space: normal">shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;</code>
        so it should be more robust and not have to change in the future. The 
        implementation optionally includes code to load <code style="white-space: normal">shared_ptr&lt;T&gt;</code>
        stored in archives created with boost 1.32. This code is stored in 'he header: <code style="white-space: normal">
            boost/serialization/shared_ptr_132.hpp</code>. If your application needs to 
        load archives created with boost 1.32 libraries, include the above header 
        before each inclusion of <code style="white-space: normal">boost/serialization/shared_ptr.hpp</code>.
    More compilers tested and supported.
    Miscellaneous bug fixes.
<h2><a name="todo"></a>Pending issues</h2>
    Rvalues cannot be serialized. It would be possible to implement this for 
    untracked types, but this has not been done.
    Pointers to pointers cannot currently be serialized
        It's possible that <code style="white-space: normal">std::string</code> and <code style="white-space: normal">
    contain characters such as '\0' and -1 (EOF) which cannot be rendered in text 
    and XML archives without an escape mechanism. Currently there is no such escape 
    mechanism implemented.
        A subtle error in the implementation of serializaton of <code style="white-space: normal">
            std::map</code> is fixed in this version. Unfortunately, the fix breaks 
        serialization of <code style="white-space: normal">std::map</code>
    for those compilers which do not support partial template specialization. Also, 
    types which contain pointers or tracked types might not work correctly.
        Serialization of virtual base classes relies upon RTTI.  It will fail when used on
        systems which don't have RTTI enabled.
    Aside from the above, there are a number of issues related to specific 
    platforms. These are listed in <a href="implementation.html#othercompilerissues">Specific 
        Compiler/Library Issues</a>.
    <i>&copy; Copyright <a href="">Robert Ramey</a> 2002-2009. 
        Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying 
        file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at </i>