

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 71713fb54c27356045ad6b562368ff4c > files > 6


2003-04-24  rprix  <>

	* src/init.c:
	FindAllThemes() used a non-POSIX compliant GNU extension of readdir(), which
	only exists for libc6 >= 2.1, but strangely also failed on my other Debian3
	machine with libc6 2.2.5...
	For better portability this now uses POSIX-compliant stat() and S_ISDIR()
	to find all subdirs in ./graphics/.

	* official classic-version set to 1.0.1

	* map/freedroid.ruleset: adjusted alert-settings a bit

2003-04-17  rprix  <>

	added the whole of Jason's Mac OSX ProjectBuilder subdirectory structure.

	* src/defs.h: adjusted DATADIR fallback for MacOSX ProjectBuilder

	* AUTHORS: added Jason's contribution to MacOSX port

2003-04-17  rprix  <>

	* src/system.h, src/ship.c, src/menu.c, src/map.c, src/main.c, src/defs.h:
	* applied Jason's MacOS X patch. Worked fine and still runs perfectly
	  under Linux. Of course I have no clue yet if it will work under Mac OSX
	  but I'll try that on SF's compile-farm, as soon as I've got access...

	* src/view.c, src/ship.c, src/menu.c, src/misc.c, src/defs.h, src/init.c:
	* new (mini-)feature added: partial map visibility
	* restructured menus a bit: all "classic" legacy options are now in one
	  submenu, and there is a switch to set all otpions to "strictly classic" ;)
2003-03-27  rprix  <>

	fixed bugs introduced by new TERMINATED-status for droids:
	doors, LevelEmpty() and MoveEnemy() now know about it...
	(hope I didn't forget anytying...)

2003-03-25  rprix  <>

	* TODO: updated... not so much left now ;)

	* game-config now uses human-readable variable = value format (using read_variable())
	* added switchable "decal" feature, i.e. droid-ashes after explosions
	* moved "blast duration" variable from config.theme into freedroid.config
	* fixed bug in Area-name reading
	* fixed bug of exploding enemys at game-restart

2003-03-24  rprix  <>

	* src/init.c:
	- removed the brain-dead freeing() of Me.TextToBeDisplayed, which
	   obviously leads to SegFaults...
	- clean the enemy-array at new game-start, to avoid "dying droids" when
2003-03-17  rprix  <>

	* TODO: updated TODO... seems to get longer the more I do... mhh

	restored to its former glory... (had only used a cut-down version for developing)

	* map/freedroid.ruleset, map/Paradroid.maps:
	* updated map with new ALERT_GREEN code
	* added Alert-related params in freedroid.ruleset
	  -> current values are for debugging purposes, not really tuned yet!

	* added Alert-tiles for 4 different Alert states (replacing Teleporter-tiles ;)
	* tried to improve '=' character in parafont... well

	* sound/Alert.wav: New file.

	* sound/Alert.wav, sound/ThouArtDefeated_Sound_0.wav:
	added Alert siren, shortened game-over sound somewhat

	summary checkin of the weekend:
	*) themes are now looked for as "graphics/*_theme/" and have to contain a
	   valid 'config.theme'.
	*) Alert feature fully implemented, adjustable by the following parameters
	   in 'freedroid.ruleset':
		Deathcount drain speed = 10.0
		First alert threshold = 300
		Alert bonus per second = 5
	   Deathcount is increased in a droid-kill by droidtype^2
	*) fixed about a billion memory-leaks (and gaping holes...), mainly in
	   InitPictures() and game+mission parameter-reading...
	*) lots of minor code-fiddling and cleanup
2003-03-13  rprix  <>

	* LevelEditor can now correctly insert/remove waypoints+connections again,
	    using the slightly simplified waypoint/connection format
	+ minor improvement to inserting connections: line between "point" and "mark"
	(emacs slang...) is now drawn as well, which makes connection-building more

2003-03-12  rprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.mission:
	updated version of intro + key-descriptions. Forgot to check this in earlier,
	this is still far from perfect but it's a bit more up-to-date.

	* map/Paradroid.maps:
	(slightly) modified map-file using new format. This has actually been
	saved with level-editor and seems to work ok and is "stable", i.e. load and
	save produce an identical map-file again.

	* use the 999.png for the end-of-game display which needs transparency
	* slight improvements of map+waypoints file-format + reading/writing
	--> level-editor now (again) correctly reads/writes map+waypoints+connections,
	    no more "-1" markers are used in waypoints/connections

2003-03-05  rprix  <>

	* src/takeover.c, src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/ship.c:
	activated new takeover background. Takeover game is now made _transparent_
	(using alpha, don't worry Bastian ;) on this great background setting...
	--> looks terrific!!
2003-03-04  rprix  <>

	* src/ship.c, src/graphics.c, src/defs.h:
	fiddled a bit with the droid-animations, no real changes...
	Commented out the colorkey-use for .jpg animations, as it's rather useless now.

	all current droid-rotations in .jpg strips (will be loaded with priority to .pngs)

	* src/ship.c, src/graphics.c, src/global.h:
	jpg droid-portraits are now rendered using colorkey-transparency.
	This is experimental and doesn't actually work too well, so it might
	be dropped again.... (is just one line to comment so...)

	new show_droid_portrait() function that does dynamic unpacking of droid-portraits
	an displays them animated (if available) or not. jpeg-transparency not yet implemented.

2003-03-03  rprix  <>

	* graphics/,
	put a into mouse_buttons + re-inserted it into

	*, graphics/
	quick-fix for non-existent mouse_buttons directory contents: removed from
	autoconf/automake structure: seems to work now.

2003-02-28  rprix  <>

	ok, here my first go at the droid-rotations. Currently all droid-pics are
	still loaded at startup, which will be changed soon...

	* graphics/classic_theme/bullet.png, graphics/571_rot.jpg:
	two 24-frame droid rotations for testing purposes, both are actually 571 ;)

2003-02-27  rprix  <>

	* secured all file-reading by implementing a 'critical' parameter in find_file():
	    if critical=CRITICAL then find_file will give an ERROR and Terminate() if file not found,
	    if critical=WARNONLY it will do just that and return NULL,
	    if critical=IGNORE, NULL is returned and that's it

	* added a new Influ-Status: "Activate" wich is used for Konsoles and Lifts,
	    to activate, press 'e', 'RightShift', Middle-mouse button or joy-button 3

	* removed the redundant "armament" category, which is taken care of by "gun"

	* consistently switch off sound and continue game if any sound-files are not found
2003-02-24  rprix  <>

	* map/freedroid.ruleset:
	changed blast-radius to make blast-damage more effective (as is in Paradroid...)

	* yep, lots of sox'ed or even new sounds! Hope you like them!

	* src/view.c:  improved "flash" effect.

	* src/menu.c:
	slightly cleared up LevelEditor menu-code, and made LevelEditor use the full
	screen, as the Freedroid banner is really not needed here...

	* src/init.c, src/influ.c, src/graphics.c:
	added new InfluExplosion sound and white-noise sound.

	* src/defs.h, src/sound.c:
	* added new sounds for Influ-explosion, and white-noise.

	* src/bullet.c: slightly improved blast-damage handling to droids

	* src/input.c:
	* extended joystick-code to allow joystick directions to be
	  soft-released as well
	* fixed the funny bug in ModIsPressed() that would not show if Alt was

2003-02-21  rprix  <>

	* map/freedroid.ruleset, map/Paradroid.mission:
	adapted some parameters to move the game closer to Paradroid.

	* Here's some work from yesterday's nightshift (-2am!), namely a new keyboard-code: ;)
	I've taken the much more convenient and elegant DroidWorld keyboard function
	KeyIsPressed(key) to replace the old One-function-per-key() handling.
	This also has the practical advantage that it's now more easily possible to
	'release' a key via ReleaseKey(key). Moreover, new functions KeyIsPressedR()
	check a key _and_ release it!
	Bottom-line of all this is: there is no more while(SomeKeyPressed()); loops in
	the code to wait for a key-release, which had the annoying side-effect that
	the game stopped while you've not released a key!

2003-02-18  rprix  <>

	* src/misc.c, src/bullet.c:
	fixed SegFault bug cause by non-initialisation of memory by malloc:

2003-02-14  rprix  <>

	* src/graphics.c, src/influ.c, src/init.c, src/main.c, src/sound.c, src/takeover.c
	some minor stuff:
	- set sound-channels a bit lower (only 20 should be enough), +
	   print warning (level=0) when all channels used
	- Assemble_Combat_Picture() now SDL_updates User_Rect and TxtRect separately, which
	  increases FPS when using the ClassicUserRect.
	- add some blast sounds when influ finally explodes

2003-02-12  rprix  <>

	* src/defs.h, src/influ.c, src/init.c, src/map.c, src/menu.c, src/misc.c:
	* Improved GameOver behaviour + 'slow motion' explosion of the influ.
	* LevelEditor: background pic is now updated for level- and color-changes.
	The SaveShip() function is now _partially_ adapted to the modified
	waypoint/connection handling, i.e. at least it doesn't mess up the waypoints
	any more when saving. Still, adding removing waypoints needs to be adapted,
	as this will currently not work properly.
2003-02-06  rprix  <>

	* src/ship.c, src/menu.c, src/init.c, src/graphics.c:
	console & level-editor are now "cpu-cycle friendly" as well.

	* map/Paradroid.maps:
	removed unneeded waypoint/connection entries, which are no longer required
	in the new improved waypoint/connection handling.
	Also removed "gaps" in the waypoint-list, which are no longer allowed!
	-> LevelEditor still needs to be adapted to write in the same new format as well...

	* src/struct.h, src/map.c, src/menu.c, src/enemy.c:
	new ShuffleEnemys() function has uncovered some shortcomings of the
	current waypoint/connection handling, so I've improved that a little bit.
	Please test, hope everythings works fine again.

	* src/highscore.c, src/menu.c, src/view.c:
	"slowed down" the game menus to reduce unneccessary CPU use.

2003-02-05  rprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.maps:
	- corrected a bug in waypoints of level 8: wp 11 and 12 were unconnected.
	   (this only showed up now that ShuffleEnemys() uses all waypoints!)

	*) made ShuffleEnemys() produce really random droid distributions (on waypoints)
	   as the previous function tended to fill the waypoints sequentially
	*) added an acoustic countdown sound to the takeover game, which should make
	   it easier to know how much time is left
	*) hard-linked 'a,d,s,w' onto Left,Right,Up,Down, to allow Quake/HL like steering.
	*) some cleanup.

	* graphics/711.png: incorporated new 711 into classic branch.

2003-02-04  rprix  <>

	* src/graphics.c, src/text.c:
	some improvements to printf_SDL() and InitPictures(), which speeds up the
	Picture-loading and theme-switching process.
	(--> I noticed that 0.8.4 used to be much faster with these, dunno why,
	  but now we're  approximately just as fast, I think)

	  - improved mouse-handling and mouse-cursor display throughout the game.
	(hope I didnt forget anything)
	Most important change: MouseLeftPressed is no longer mapped to SpacePressed,
	to allow to distinguish between these two. That means, however, that we need
	to test for both of these in most places...

2003-02-03  rprix  <>

	* src/vars.h, src/main.c, src/ship.c, src/init.c:
	removed remaining references to "ship.h"

	* src/ship.h: no longer used. Goodbye.

	* src/ship.c, src/proto.h:
	used some more mouse-tricks in the console menu. is quite cool now, I think.
	Maybe we should also have a similar mouse-interface for the Game menus?...

2003-02-02  rprix  <>

	* graphics/arrow_right.png, graphics/arrow_up.png, graphics/arrow_down.png
	crop'ed arrows down to minimal size, in order to allow more precise
	mouse-click use.

	* generalized jp's recent mouse-click-code in the Console-menu, in order to allow
	for even more mouse-click support in the console menu.
	Seems to work ok so far, but some minor inconsistencies in the 'user interface'
	still have to be fixed.
	+ some general code-cleanup here and there...

2003-01-30  rprix  <>

	* src/main.c:
	removed some of the debug-clutter I put in for chasing the "droid pile bug"

	* src/ship.c, src/main.c, src/map.c, src/init.c, src/enemy.c:
	YIPPIEE!! Seems I found the "enemy pile bug", which appeared only after
	having been killed: Reason: ThouArtDefeated() didnt call
	ActivateConservativeFrameComputation() ==> First step in new game had a
	_huge_ Frame_Time(), which would just set droids to their next waypoints
	resulting in piles....
	:| this took me about 2 hours to figure out !! arghahhahhhaaaa
	Good night ;)

	* TODO: updated BUG list with recently fixed "hanging flash" bug.

	fixed nasty bug: Flash would hurt droids on all levels!! Only IsVisible(pos) check
	was done, which does not take levelnum into account... well, one bug fixed! ;)
	+ some minor polishings

2003-01-24  rprix  <>

	* TODO:
	the mouse-glitch bug only seems to occur in my ATI 3D driver, not with
	the standard one... so I think it's maybe ATI's fault, not ours...Strange

2003-01-21  rprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.mission: removed some unused option lines.

	* graphics/banner.png, graphics/console_fg.png:
	better cutting of picture borders.

	In an effort to make the code more stable:
	* rewritten the whole InitPicture() function based on the more modern and
	  unified DroidWorld code: All blocks are loaded via LoadBlock()
	* general code cleanup: cut out so much dead code that I got rid of 3 files!!

2003-01-20  rprix  <>

	* src/input.c:
	made mouse-wheel to work also for SDL-versions prior to 1.2.5

	* src/graphics.c, src/influ.c, src/init.c, src/input.c, src/ship.c, src/struct.h:
	* removed possiblity to shortcut the EndTitle & white_noise sequence
	* joy-button 1= fire, joy-button > 1 = takeover (mapped onto right mouse button)
	* minor cleanup and improvements in console.

2003-01-19  rprix  <>

	* improved line-break handling in DisplayText()
	* added "navigation arrows" to DroidShow(), to make it more intuitive..

2003-01-15  rprix  <>

	* src/sound.c:
	More flexible error-treatment in sound: in case of any error, we just print
	a warning and deactivate sound instead of Terminating...

	* src/misc.c:
	fixed bug in Terminate(): only save config and highscores if ExitCode==OK!
	to avoid messing up these files when things went wrong...

	* More continuous music-playing (i.e. don't start again each time you step into a lift):
	  SwitchBackgroundMusic (NULL) now _pauses_ music, and resumes it the next time if
	   you switch to the same one.
	   So: if stepping into a lift and stepping back out again, music is _resumed_
	   or: if going from one gray level to another one, music plays on where it stopped.

	* fixed bug: command-line options have the highest priority, overriding defaults and config-file

2003-01-13  rprix  <>

	* fullscreen now in GameConfig.UseFullscreen (gets saved). Default=off.
	* when Mission accomplished, Game starts again, but Score is not reset to 0!
	   (allows you to continue with score until killed)
	* some improvements in menu-display

2003-01-01  rprix  <>

	*) 'd'-key deactivated, QuitGame now asks for confirmation
	*) Removed experimental mission from Menu
	*) When mission accomplished, game should start again with score not reset

2002-12-30  rprix  <>

	fixed some finer points found in jp's test-playing:
	*) higher scroll-speed and MouseWheel in ScrollText()
	*) energy-increase in collisions now impossible
	*) Frame-rate was not respected in Pause-mode
	*) 'reject' explosion now does not harm the 001, to avoid destroying it

	* sound/Fire_Bullet_Laser_Rifle_Sound_0.wav, sound/phaser.wav:
	replaced the ridiculous Laser_Rifle sound of the 614 with sth better...

2002-12-28  rprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.mission:
	EndTitle music now android-commando. Re-written 'debriefing' text: no further
	mission is announced, but our further games: RPG + DroidWorld.
	Game restarts when mission is completed.

	* src/init.c, src/menu.c:
	EndTitle() scrolling corrected. Added Credits for android-commando mod used in EndTitle.

	* sound/android-commando_hiscore.mod:
	added Commando-highscore mod as "victory music".

	mass commit: main changes are: new function ApplyFilter() allows coloring
	influence-device for takeover-mode and low-energy fading.
	Started cleanup of unused "extensions" to freedroid, which are no longer
	supported and/or live on in RPGFreedroid.
2002-12-25  rprix  <>

	level background music now consists of 'C64 legacy mods'.
	(still have to credit the authors...)

2002-12-22  rprix  <>

	adapted message when failing SDL_Mixer check correspondingly.

	now we check for Mix_ChannelFinished, which exists only since SDL_Mixer 1.2.1

2002-12-19  rprix  <>

	* changed droid inertia and friction to more resemble paradroid

2002-12-15  rprix  <>

	* sound/Paradroid.ogg:
	here is the paradroid.ogg sound-file I've mentioned earlier.
	changed title-music entry to use the .ogg paradroid 'FeepBeep' sounds.
	removed that low-quality wav, which is now provided as a high-quality .ogg!

	* src/sound.c, src/graphics.c, src/defs.h:
	fixed bug in white_noise() that would screw up User_Rect when using
	'Classic' (i.e. small) Combat window. (dunno why that hasn't shown up before)

2002-12-02  rprix  <>

	* improved info-line display when Classic_User_Rect is used
	* default User_Rect is now Classic_ ... hehe, this is the classic version

	* title-music is original "Feep-Beep" now ;)
	* level background-music is "color coded": i.e. one background-song/color
	(see beginning of color.c)

	* graphics/571.png, graphics/614.png, graphics/742.png, graphics/751.png, graphics/834.png:
	backported Bastian's latests creatures ;)

2002-11-21  rprix  <>

	* graphics/classic_theme/digits.png, src/graphics.c:
	ok, forgot about the digits in lanzz's theme for a moment, now both work ok.

2002-11-20  rprix  <>

	* src/init.c, src/graphics.c, graphics/classic_theme/digits.png:
	changed classic digits back to non anti-aliased, looks better on the droids.

	Ok, couple of (minor) changes and things to make the "Classic" branch
	more (or fully) compatible with RPGFreeDroid and DroidWorld:
	*) all colors of map-blocks are now in map_blocks.png
	*) removed "ne_" prefixes in graphics-filenames
	*) moved "default_theme" to "classic_theme"
	*) made colors in 'classic theme' less bright and over-saturated
	     (looks better, I hope)
	*) adapted automake/autoconf structure correspondingly.

2002-11-13  rprix  <>

	* src/main.c, src/bullet.c:
	"back to the roots": bullets no longer 'explode' on droids, only on walls.
	The logic being that the energy gets absorbed by droids.. of course there
	should be a nice "absorb" sound accomanying this, but I still don't have
	any sound... :(

	* src/bullet.c:
	fixed small bug in DeleteBullet() that would cause a blast in (0,0)
	when changing levels.

2002-11-10  rprix  <>

	* src/bullet.c, src/init.c, src/misc.c:
	improved bullet collision now also for influ, enemys and bullet-bullet.
	Collision is checked forwards in steps of 0.1*blocksize, this way
	even with 10 FPS its awsomely precise and well playable!!

	* improved Bullet-Wall collision check: no more shooting through walls
	   on my 15FPS machine!!
	* fixed bug that EndTitle was not properly displayed when fire was pressed
	* added MISSION_COMPLETE_BONUS of 1000, + highscore entry when finished

2002-11-09  rprix  <>

	* src/graphics.c, src/init.c, src/main.c, src/ship.c, src/takeover.c, src/view.c:
	improvements to takeover and lift plus other minor stuff

	various optimizations to make the Menu and Console-menu more responsive
	on my antique 120MHz 32MB at home.
	(... not even thinking of trying to start RPGFreedroid here.. ;-)

2002-11-08  rprix  <>

	* src/ship.c, src/menu.c, src/defs.h:
	mouse wheel support now also in lifts and console.
	Some small inconsistencies remain.

	* src/input.c:
	middle mouse-button mapped to Escape ... hardcoded, but kinda usefull

	Mouse button+wheel support in menus now... + cycling in menu.
	(arghhh... this menu code should really not exist, but I don't care now,
	Classic Freedroid just has to work, so I close my eyes...;)

	* src/input.c, src/proto.h, src/takeover.c:
	added Mouse Wheel support. Only used in takeover so far.

2002-11-07  rprix  <>

	* src/init.c, src/menu.c, src/view.c, src/graphics.c:
	FPS/Energy/GPS display always on bottom of Window now, not of User_Rect.

	* src/vars.h, src/menu.c, src/ship.c, src/struct.h, src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/init.c:
	More transparent User_Rect handling: switching between "classic" and "full"
	User_Rect now better. ShowDeckMap() always uses "Full" User_Rect to avoid
	clipping of deck-view.

	* src/ship.c, src/global.h, src/graphics.c:
	fixed SetCombatScale() function such that no reloading of map-blocks
	from disk is needed (which is very slow).
	This is done by always keeping a copy of the unzoomed map-blocks in mem.

	* src/takeover.c, src/view.c, src/init.c:
	deactivated "Resistance factor" extension.
	Will not be part of "Classic release".

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/asteroid_off.png, graphics/lanzz_theme/asteroid_on.png:
	adapted "asteroid" lift-pics to standard size, such that they would be
	correctly displayed also in "classic" User_Rect.

	* src/graphics.c:
	fixed bug in MakeGridOnScreen(): would not fill whole of given Rect.

	* src/ship.c, src/init.c, src/highscore.c, src/defs.h:
	fixed bugs in ShowLift() such that lift-display works correctly
	also when User_Rect is rescaled, eg. for the "classic" small Rect.

	several hacks (some a bit quick-and-dirty, but robust I think)
	to make the whole thing look&behave more like the original.
	This is aimed towards a final "Classic" release of Freedroid,
	which is not too far away I think.

2002-11-06  rprix  <>

	* incorporated the new "GreatDruidShow()" from the main CVS tree
	* slightly improved + speed up Title scrolling

2002-11-05  rprix  <>

	* src/graphics.c:
	fixed bug in noise-function. Now it really looks random.
2002-11-01  rprix  <>

	adapted configure system to new subdirectory structure.
	Tested 'make dist', which produced an ok dist (couldnt check sound though).

2002-10-30  rprix  <>

	* src/graphics.c, src/proto.h:
	got a nice white-noise "static" effect now, basically ripped off the idea
	from Greg Knauss's "xteevee" hack in xscreensavers.
	Only problem now is the time it needs to prepare the noise-tiles.
	Maybe one could do that in InitFreedroid() or so, than the user doesnt
	have when we want to put the noise-effect.

2002-10-28  rprix  <>

	* graphics/516.png, graphics/598.png, graphics/821.png, graphics/999.png
	updated Droid-pics with Bastian's great Creatures

2002-10-27  rprix  <>

	* added some loading-progess display in picture loading
	* first try on "white noise" effect. Too slow for my 120MHz machine..
	* changed defaults: Menu-font = Parafont, Robot-speed = off.
2002-10-25  rprix  <>

	* NEWS: first checking on new branch: rel-0-8-4-patches

2002-10-24  rprix  <>

	* src/takeover.c, src/takeover.h:
	Fixed broken Takeover-counter. Not very stylish, but works/looks ok I think.
	Yeah, my first FD contribution for months!! :)

2002-07-29  rprix  <>

	* src/blocks.c: new map-block reading from map_blocks.png.

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/map_blocks.png:
	proposed new map-block file: contains all colors, one per line.

2002-07-17  rprix  <>

	* src/ship.c:
	fixed bug in GreatDroidShow() that would make it crash when droid had
	weapon_item.type = -1.

2002-07-13  rprix  <>

	* src/proto.h, src/ship.c, src/takeover.c, src/main.c:
	rudimentary "takeover announcement" implemented.

	* src/proto.h, src/ship.c: Rewritten GreatDroidShow().

2002-07-12  rprix  <>

	* src/ship.c, src/vars.h, graphics/console_fg.png, src/defs.h, src/global.h
	console is beginning to take shape again... but not finished yet.

	* src/view.c:
	haha, ShowRobotPicture() didn't give a damn about its coordinate argument !!
	(changed that ;)

	* src/text.c:
	improved the ImprovedCheckUmbruch() function: takes into account \n as
	word-ending now.

2002-07-11  rprix  <>

	completely removed all USERFENSTER** defines.. ouff, that was tough...
	Now the console is messed up a bit, sorry, I'll fix that later... ;)

	* src/view.c, src/init.c, src/menu.c, src/ship.c:
	replaced some USERFENSTERPOSX/Y by User_Rect.x/y

2002-07-11  rprix  <>

	renamed/removed all old "ne_*" variables.
	(new engine isn't that new any more ;)

2002-07-11  rprix  <>

	* src/blocks.c, src/graphics.c, src/proto.h:
	* removed obsolete ne_get_*_block() functions,
	* moved new Load_*_Surfaces() into blocks.c

	* src/view.c, src/colodefs.h, src/proto.h, src/ship.c, src/takeover.c:
	* FlashWindow() now uses Fill_Rect() instead of obsolete SetUserfenster()
	* SetUserfenster() dumped from code.

	* src/takeover.c:
	if Takeover background pic is not found, only a level0 warning is printed
	to stdout and a default background color is used instead.

	Themes can now contain a background image "to_background.jpg" for the
	Takeover game.

	renamed the whole "default-theme" into "classic_theme", which makes more
	sense I think. (sorry to the modem users ;)

2002-07-11  rprix  <>

	*) changed theme-independent filenames "ne_*" into more canonical ones
	*) started coding of more flexible takeover background 'picture'

2002-07-02  rprix  <>

	* INSTALL: updated installation instructions.

	* src/ship.c:
	improved display of lifts with flexible User-rect. Background now black.

2002-06-27  jprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.mission, map/The_Outbreak.mission, src/init.c
	Debriefing song can now be conveniently specified from each mission file.
	Added song entries for each mission files as well of course.

2002-06-26  rprix  <>

	* GetTakeoverGraphics() is now called from Init_Pictures(), which allows
	  theme-switching to take effect for takeover too

	* Adapted takeover to the now apparently more flexible User_Rect.
	   placement is still rather poor now, but at least it's consistent again.

2002-06-26  jprix  <>

	* sound/ARDA.MOD, sound/Intro-Music.mod, src/defs.h, src/sound.c:
	Paid a bit more attention to the selection of mod files and rearranged
	a better structured reference to the file names, though not yet via
	reading them from external files.  But thats to come, tomorrow.

	* src/defs.h, src/proto.h, src/sound.c, src/takeover.c:
	Preparatory work:  Now the loading is done at request for the background
	music specified only at the time of request.  This will soon enable us
	to specify background music to be played dynamically in the mission and
	map files.  That will be cool.

	* src/global.h, src/sound.c:
	Eliminated some warnings and inconsistencys.

	* src/init.c, src/sound.c:
	Sound and Music volume now configurable via the options menu again.
	Control is now even better than before.

	* src/input.c, src/menu.c, src/text.c:
	Added options to change the width and the height of the combat window in
	the options menu instead of via keys.
	Added some extra speech options for the influencer.

	* src/init.c:
	Full size combat window now enabled by default.  I hope your machine is
	fast or at least of 'normal' speed.

	* src/input.c, src/vars.h:
	Added switch (H-Key and W-Key) to turn on/off full screen for combat window.

	* src/takeover.c,
	Corrected the bug, that health would rise indefinately after rapid succession
	of successful takeover attempts.

	* src/sound.c:
	Background music is now MOD file based, i.e. the code now uses the SDL
	mixers music functions.  This means you can use ogg or mp3 or it or xm
	files as well without changing anything in the code but the music file
	name.  Seems to work quite well, though a little bit more care has to
	be taken in which music file to play when.  I've just filled in the
	music files as I found them.

	Added some mod files, mainly for testing purposes, but they could also be
	used in game as well, if we assume that we have the right to do that.

2002-06-25  rprix  <>

	* graphics/parafont.png: lanzz' new version of parafont.

2002-06-25  jprix  <>

	Removed old gif variants of the tileset images from both themes.

	* src/map.c:
	Included png versions of the old themes block files as well, since the
	block reading function only looks for png now.  Speeded up the
	teleporter animation.  Speed should be placed under control of the themes
	config files.

	Added Lanzz's fantastic new tilesets with the teleporters.
	Changes block-reading function to take pngs instead of gifs.

2002-06-24  rprix  <>

	* src/defs.h, src/ship.c:
	use of two different console backgrounds with/without window ... looks better.

	* graphics/console_bg.jpg, graphics/console_bg1.jpg, graphics/console_bg2.jpg:
	added console backgrounds with and without the "window"

	* graphics/parafont.png: lanzz' "outline" parafont, better readable.

2002-06-24  jprix  <>

	* map/freedroid.ruleset, src/menu.c:
	Door opening/closing speed now 0.05 (half of value before).
	Removed the blank line in the options menu.
	Ok, I'll make an archive and sent it to the university from where
	I can conveniently do the final upload.

2002-06-23  rprix  <>

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/ship_off.png:
	stretched background further down, in order to fill User-Rect in ShowLift()

	* src/menu.c, src/ship.c, src/ship.h:
	- improved placement of console-menu bar
	- moved theme-switch to main-menu

	* src/view.c:
	fixed bug: droids would still try to babble in takeover game..

	* TODO, src/global.h, src/influ.c, src/input.c:
	improved mouse-control: allow continuous shooting to follow mouse-point.

2002-06-23  jprix  <>

	* src/ship.c, src/text.c:
	Fixed that the black border is restored after the console menu.
	Fixed the Briefing and Debriefing texts not displaying anything.

	* Releasetext, TODO:
	Updated the releasetext and the TODO files to reflect current status.

	* src/ship.c:
	Fixed the bug, that the map would still be shrunk after having visited the
	map of the current deck at the console.

	* graphics/console_bg.jpg, src/defs.h, src/init.c, src/ship.c:
	Added structures for the new background for the console picture.
	Used file console_bg_2.jpg supplied by Bastian for the first console_bg.jpg.
	That's quite a difference to before, especially with the droids without
	their white ugly boxes surrounding them.  Thanks a lot!!!

	More modifications and updates to the levels and the elevators connecting
	them all in the new maps.
	Enlarged a few constants in the code to allow for the new levels needs.

2002-06-23  basse  <>

	transparent versions of droid png's

2002-06-23  jprix  <>

	* map/Asteroid.maps, map/The_Outbreak.elevators, map/The_Outbreak.mission
	Elevator connections, rectangles and maps further refined for new missions.

	Removed the old jpg variants of the droid portraits.  Changed code to
	reflect the new file format and that seems to work as well as before.

	Added png variants of the former jpg droid portraits.

	* map/Asteroid.maps, map/Invading_Asteroid_Command_Central.elevators
	Added a new level to the new maps and corrected part of the elevator
	connections and rectangle specifications.

	Replaced the old bmp asteroid picture files with png files, that are only
	as big as 1% of the size of the Windows bmp formated images of the same
	content.  Added new decks to these maps as well, though they cannot be
	reached via elevators yet...

	* map/Asteroid.maps, map/Invading_Asteroid_Command_Central.mission:
	Starting point for the second new mission fixed.  Map changes.

	* map/Asteroid.maps, map/The_Outbreak.droids, src/defs.h:
	More changes to the new missions map files (though only in the part that is
	not accessible to the player yet):  added Main Reactor Deck, added Scientists
	quarters deck.

	* Releasetext:
	Added a file that contains the text specified in the summary of changes
	and announcements of new releases on public news pages on the web, i.e.
	containing the 'new features' not as detailes as in the Changelog of
	course but as we paste it to the release news.

	* map/freedroid.ruleset, src/influ.c:
	Added even more security against jumps through walls after collisions with
	Adapted some small constants in the ruleset file.

2002-06-23  basse  <>

	* graphics/ne_credits.jpg:

	well I saw you guys used this picture as credit background..
	so here's a new version for you, without stupid (C) text in the bottom,
	and rendered to correct size..

2002-06-22  basse  <>

	* graphics/476.jpg:

	portrait of 476

	* graphics/420.jpg:

	portrait of 420

	* graphics/329.jpg:

	portrait of droid 329

2002-06-22  jprix  <>

	* TODO, graphics/lanzz_theme/config.theme, map/freedroid.ruleset, src/influ.c
	Made acceleration now (almost) framerate independent.  Adapted acceleration
	calibration values accordingly.  Removed extra behaviour of 302 type.
	Set phases of standard influ shot back to 1 in lanzz_theme.
	Removed the bug, that Freedroid would segfault when changing lever while
	some bullets were still flying around.

	* TODO, graphics/001.jpg, src/view.c:
	Corrected the bug, that the droid image loading in the console menu would
	cause a crash:  reason:  local string constant was used uninitialized.

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/ne_bullet.png: Cut out a few black pixels.

	* src/menu.c:
	Fixed the bug that the game would segfault when changing theme while a
	bullet is still flying around, which has different number of phases in
	one theme than in the other.

	* graphics/parafont.png: Added the new parafont.png.  Thanks Lanzz!

	* graphics/ne_cons.gif, graphics/ne_cons.png, src/defs.h, src/init.c, src/misc.c:
	Replaced the old ne_cons.gif with lanzzs fantastic ne_cons.png and adaped
	the code accordingly too of course.  Wow! That's quite a difference!!!

	* TASK_CHART, TODO, src/graphics.c, src/input.c:
	Added crosshair mouse cursor to the game.  Looks better than expected.
	Adapted input function to reflect the new changed location of the actual
	spot the mouse cursor is pointing to.

	* src/input.c: getchar_raw is now case sensitive.

	* map/freedroid.ruleset, src/influ.c, src/proto.h:
	Added an extra sanitiy check, that really should prevent the influencer
	from ever stepping through walls and even outside the ship (without the
	help of the level editor ;), but that will alter game behaviour on machines
	with framerates of less than 20 fps.

2002-06-21  jprix  <>

	* src/influ.c, src/init.c, src/main.c, src/misc.c, src/proto.h, src/view.c:
	Removed lots of obsolete function prototypes and some obsolete functions too.
	There are surely still a lot of them in the code!

	* TODO, src/view.c:
	Fixed the bug that the bullets would not appear where they really are, but
	with a slight shift.  Taking a look at the rotozoom code revealed the reason
	and it's not a bug in the rotozoom but their justified refusal to crop the image.

	* src/bullet.c, src/influ.c, src/view.c:
	Removed warnings and debug messages.

	* src/bullet.c:
	Fixed the bug, that wrong bullet types occured after bullet-bullet or
	bullet-blast collisions.

	* src/view.c, src/enemy.c, src/global.h, src/map.c:
	Reactivated the fading effect for low energy.  Activated the same effect
	for friendly droids too, which came along easily.

	* src/graphics.c, src/init.c, src/main.c, src/text.c:
	Changed the defaults to full-screen mode and lanzz-theme.

	Corrected second new mission files, so that the mission would at least load
	successfully, though the maps and action are only drafted.

	* src/graphics.c:
	SetCombatScale is now working again and apart of that much faster than it
	was before.  Also swtiching tilesets hardly takes any time any more, since
	it only means taking a different pointer for blitting map tiles.

	* src/bullet.c, src/view.c:
	Removed the stupid bug, that occured with the computation saving bullet
	rotation method yesterday.  Now it works ok and stays enabled.

2002-06-20  jprix  <>

	* src/influ.c, src/struct.h, src/view.c:
	Deactivated one-rotation-routine due to bugs I don't completely understand.

	* src/blocks.c, src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/init.c, src/misc.c, src/ship.c
	ne_blocks now completely thrown out as well as 'SetLevelColor', 'UnfadeLevel'
	and ne_droids, ne_influ and some others.

	* src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/view.c:
	Reorganized the map_blocks:  All tilesets are now kept in memory at the
	same time:  No need to load tilesets again when changing to a different
	level or turning off the light.
	Also different organisation of the map tiles in many small surfaces.
	So, we are a bit faster again now.
	Rescaling must be completely rewritten I fear, but 'SetLevelColor(..)'
	will drop out completely.

	* src/graphics.c: Deactivated rescaling for now to avoid SegFault.

	* src/graphics.c:
	The robot digits are now without background again.  Much more work is still

	* src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/view.c:
	More work on the reshaping of the InitPictures and its consequences.
	Currently the numbers have a red background.  Please ignore.

	* src/bullet.c, src/graphics.c:
	Halfway through with restructuring InitPictures.  All still running.

	* src/bullet.c, src/init.c, src/struct.h, src/view.c:
	Added extra security against segfaults with the new bullet routine, though
	that has never happend on my machine.  Game instructions now also speak of the
	mouse control.

	* src/bullet.c, src/main.c, src/struct.h, src/view.c:
	Changed the code, so that the bullet rotation is now done only once for
	every bullet (and every phases then of course).  I think this saves a
	lot of redundant computation if not time.

	* src/influ.c, src/text.c:
	Fixed the bug, that the influencer would not respond to switches in GameConfig
	concerning 'speech' text messages.

	* src/menu.c, src/view.c:
	Droid talk of the influencer is now correctly arranged to always fit into
	the combat window.

	The speed with which bullet phases are rotated can now be conveniently
	specified in each themes configuration file.
	Set the animation of classic standardbullet to 100 phases per second.

	* map/The_Outbreak.elevators, src/map.c:
	More code cleanup in the droid crew specification reading function.
	Corrected the rectangle specification for the asteroid areas lift.

2002-06-20  rprix  <>


	* src/menu.c:
	* fixed bug in MissionSelectMenu(): Esc would try to return to nowhere
	     (+ uses getchar_raw() now, which is simpler)
	* slightly polished Credits-display

	* src/struct.h:
	changed highscore-list from a "list" to an array (easier, more stable..)

	* src/takeover.c:
	increased wait-before-keyboard-repeat, and accelerated end of
	takeover-game (after timeout), but seems a bit too fast now...

	* src/input.c: tried to make getchar_raw() more responsive

	* src/text.c:
	revised and improved the GetString() function (used for highscore entries)

	* src/, src/highscore.c:
	new file for highscore management (didn't fit anywhere else...)

2002-06-19  jprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.elevators, map/The_Outbreak.elevators, src/map.c:
	More code cleanup and security in the elevator reading function.

	Moved rectangle specification for highlighting decks and elevators into
	the existing elevators file and this file is now properly read in.
	Added missing asteroid research facility pictures to both themes.

	* IDEAS: Added some ideas for possible extensions to the IDEAS file.

	* map/freedroid.ruleset, src/init.c:
	Put the flag, that you cannot fire until your previous shot has expired under
	control of the freedroid.ruleset and set it to 0 there for all bullet types.

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/config.theme, src/graphics.c:
	More code cleanup and security for the theme files.

	Continued code cleanup.
	Corrected digit position in classic theme.
	Number of each bullets phases now specified in config.theme instead of freedroid.ruleset.

	* map/game.dat:
	Forgot to remove game.dat yesterday.  The name is now freedroid.ruleset.

2002-06-18  rprix  <>

	* TODO:
	added bug: diagonal up/right and down/left bullets are badly positioned

	* map/game.dat:
	changed all bullet phases to 4 ... doesn't seem to be taken into account
	by the game though... :(

	removed theme-independent ship/lift pics, there is now a ship/lift
	pic per theme. (+removed some more old pics...)

	* src/ship.c: ship/lift picture is now theme-dependent.

2002-06-18  basse  <>

	* graphics/transfer.jpg:

	first version (not ready yet don't worry) of entity-transfering picture..
	to be used.. hmm.. after successful match?

	what do you think?


2002-06-18  jprix  <>

	* map/The_Outbreak.mission: And another thing I had forgotten.  Sorry.

	* map/Paradroid.mission, src/init.c, src/misc.c:
	More code cleanup with the file reading.

	* map/, map/Paradroid.mission, map/The_Outbreak.mission, src/init.c:
	renamed game.dat to freedroid.ruleset.

	* map/game.dat, src/init.c: More code cleanup.
	Added flag for going to request reinforcements for all droids in game.dat
	and the nescessary reading in the code.  Currently, only 302 units will go
	to request reinforcments (thereby possibly passing THROUGH walls).

	* map/game.dat, src/init.c:
	Move code cleanup and game.dat file augmented for additional security.

	* src/map.c, map/Asteroid.maps:
	Corrected the bug in SaveLevel routine, that teleports were not properly stored.
	Corrected the way the one teleporter in the new map is stored.  Animation therefore
	now is well working again, though not very beautiful.

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/ne_bullet.png:
	Checked in Lanzz's latest graphics with the alpha-channeled bullets.

	* graphics/parafont.png, graphics/ship_off.png, graphics/ship_on.png:
	Added Lanzz's latest graphics, the ship pictures and the parafont.

2002-06-18  rprix  <>

	* TODO: *** empty log message ***

	* TODO: some updates.

2002-06-18  jprix  <>

	* src/proto.h, map/The_Outbreak.mission, src/init.c, src/misc.c:
	Almost halfway through with the code cleanup.  There is still *a lot* to
	be done though.  New functions look cool nevertheless.

2002-06-17  rprix  <>

	* map/Paradroid.mission: changed name of ship-on/off pics to .png

	* graphics/para_font_for_BFont_01.png, graphics/ship_off.png, graphics/ship_on.png:
	lift-pics now png + alpha channel.

	* ChangeLog: log-mailing is now directed to sourceforge mailing list!!

	* ChangeLog:
	finally found a way of adding user-info to cvs-log mailing. yippih!!
	This is just a test!

2002-06-17  jprix  <>

	First part of code cleanup done:  File reading, memory allocation, finding
	the end, putting a termination 0 character and closing again now in one line.

	* src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/view.c:
	Influencer and friendly enemys are now also properly displayed with the alpha channel.
	Hat and shoes of the influencer are not touched by the 'blinking' effect any more, but
	the number in the middle is, and that is also a quite acceptable solution I think.

	* src/enemy.c, src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/view.c:
	Enemys are now displayed properly again with the alpha channel.

	* src/struct.h, src/view.c, src/graphics.c:
	The blast png alpha channel is now properly handled!  Looks real cool this way!

	Added Lanzz's latest blast and droids png files.
	Removed the old gifs accordingly.
	Acicated the new file names in defs.h.
	The code does not properly react to this yet.

2002-06-16  jprix  <>

	* src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/init.c:
	Corrected the bug with the too short constant.  Now there is no more
	constant ALLBULLETTYPES at all in the code.  All dynamically.  Thats fine,
	cause the number of bullettypes is unpredictably set in game.dat.

	* src/defs.h, src/enemy.c, src/struct.h:
	Added new robot behaviour, that they go and report at a console after they
	have been shot for the first time.

2002-06-16  rprix  <>

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/ne_to_elem.bmp, graphics/lanzz_theme/ne_to_elem.png:
	changed takover block-file to .png, and added (alpha) transparency.

	* summary checkin: ALL FILE-READING now uses find_file () !!!!!
	Note its usage when adding new file-reading!!
	# ... this was _a lot_ of modifications, please test!

	* New feature: find_file() will first look in "../" before "DATADIR",
	making it playable without always needing "make install" when
	pics are modfied. Finally! ;)

	Theme fallback is not yet implemented.

	* rudimentary Highscore list. Carful, this is still buggy and might
	  probably cause SegFaults at the moment. Sorry for that, will be
	  fixed hopefully soon.

2002-06-16  jprix  <>

	* src/struct.h, TASK_CHART, src/bullet.c, src/enemy.c, src/init.c, src/proto.h:
	Improved the robot behaviour, especially 302 report behaviour (halfway).
	Added our mailing list address to the homepage source.
	Added more flags and state-switches to the droid-structures.

	Added new weapon type 'laser rifle' that is also nominally present in the
	original game.  New bullet image copied from some screenshot of some other game.

	Added new and deadly weapon exterminator.
	Added 'graphics' tiles for the Teleporter in one tileset in lanzz_theme
	Added animation and structures for teleporters.  Works well.

	* map/Asteroid.maps, map/Invading_Asteroid_Command_Central.elevators
	Improved the elevators and new map file a bit.

	I've completely reworked the elevators file.
	Now it's better readable, has a preamble and documentation and works again.
	Added a few test-images to one of the tilesets in lanzz_theme.
	No real use yet.

	* src/bullet.c:
	Corrected the stupid mistake, that distance to blast center was rounded to
	whole ints before comparison, doing blast damage far to often and in a
	crude 0.5 radius.

	* src/graphics.c, src/influ.c, src/init.c, src/menu.c, src/ship.c:
	Corrected the clipped mission selection menus to non-clipped.
	Changed the default values for which texts are enabled from the beginning.

	* map/The_Outbreak.droids:
	Improved the difficulty of 'The Outbreak' mission.

	* map/Paradroid.mission:
	Corrected the wrong pointer in Paradroid.mission.

	Restructured and renamed our mission/maps/droids/elevators files.

	Made ne_bullet into an element of Bulletspec.
	Reactivated the concept of bullet phases, but not in the old sense of
	giving the raw direction of the shot but in an alteration of pictures
	to be used.  Fully functional, but nothing much in the png yet.

2002-06-15  rprix  <>

	* src/blocks.c: removed obsolete function IsolateBlock()

	* src/takeover.c: use find_file() now for reading takeover-blocks.

	* src/graphics.c:
	replaced 'by hand' construction of filename by calls to find_file()

	* src/misc.c, src/proto.h: new function:
	char * find_file (char *fname, char *datadir, int use_theme)
	you give the filename, the data-directory and a switch if the current
	theme should be used. Returns pointer to (global) string array
	containing the full path-name of the file. (Dont' ever free this!!)
	In the future, this function could incorporate the "theme fallback"
	behaviour, if we want to.

	*, graphics/, graphics/lanzz_theme/
	adapted build structure to incorporate new theme subdirs.
	#make install, make dist seem to work ok, please test!
	#! remember to re-run automake,autoconf and configure !

2002-06-15  jprix  <>

	* map/new_ship_1.maps, map/ship_1.maps, src/global.h, src/map.c, src/menu.c:
	Added display and changing option for the deck names to the level editor.
	Improved the readability of the maps files a bit.

	* map/new_ship_1.maps, map/ship_1.maps, src/map.c, src/ship.c, src/vars.h:
	Level names are now integrated into the maps files.
	The decknames definition in vars.h was removed.

	* map/new_ship_1.maps, map/ship_1.maps, src/defs.h, src/map.c, src/struct.h:
	Modified the level editor to put the standard GNU GPL preambe in front of
	every saved level.  This doesn't hurt or modify the loading process in any

	* TASK_CHART, src/defs.h, src/map.c, src/menu.c:
	Added a feature to enter new map tiles into the level editor via just their
	numbers, so we can enter map tiles, that don't have a key assigned yet.

	* map/game.dat, src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/init.c, src/map.c, src/vars.h:
	Movement speed for the doors now under control of the game.dat file.

	* TASK_CHART, map/game.dat, src/bullet.c, src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/init.c:
	Blast damage is now under control of the game.dat file.

	Put droidradius and blast radius under control of game.dat.
	Old constants were removed accordingly.

	Bullet specifications now completely under the control of the game.dat file.
	Removed some old structure elements.

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/config.theme, src/blocks.c, src/global.h, src/graphics.c
	The position of digits is now put under the control of the theme config
	files as well.  Pleae substitute something more apropriate for the values
	I filled in (rather mindlessly) as you feel apropriate.

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/config.theme:
	Added the theme files as well.  Currently animation times are all set to
	one second.  Thats a bit slow, but good for testing purposes.

	* graphics/, src/bullet.c, src/graphics.c, src/init.c, src/struct.h
	Added a config.theme file for every theme.
	In there the number of pictures for each blast and also the total amount
	of time intended for the animation are specified.

	* src/bullet.c, src/enemy.c:
	Small explosions after bullet-enemy collisions now enabled.

	* src/enemy.c:
	Corrected the direction angle the enemy bullets are heading.
	The code for determining the "phase" is now obsolete and can be removed.

2002-06-15  basse  <>

	* graphics/scientist.jpg:

	new version of scientist.jpg
	no more copyright messages
	correct(?) size 640x480
	droid also has now number, and some texture

2002-06-14  jprix  <>

	* src/graphics.c, src/influ.c, src/struct.h, src/view.c, src/global.h:
	Added rotation of bullets by arbitrary angles.  Bullet structures were equipped
	with an 'angle' entry for this purpose.  Seems to work quite well.
	The ne_blocks surface is restored to alpha-channel-less mode after the reading
	is done, which restored the framerate as well.  See ya, jp.

	* graphics/, graphics/lanzz_theme/ne_bullet.png, src/blocks.c,
	Activated alpha channel for the bullets.  Transparency is working well.
	The rest of the transparency currently is not working due to the changes.
	Added the new bullet pictures that feature an alpha channel to both themes.

	* TASK_CHART, src/global.h, src/init.c, src/main.c, src/map.c:
	Animation of doors now respects the framerate:  Currently, the doors move
	one picture every 0.15 seconds.  This constant will be replaced when we
	give more power to each theme's configuration file, that must be created
	from scratch still...

	* graphics/lanzz_theme/ne_bullet.gif, src/graphics.c:
	Added missing bullet directions that are currently still required by the
	graphics engine.  Experimented a bit with the rotozoom possibilietes, but
	it's not yet convincing and for how the code remains commented out.  This
	has to be done a bit more thorough.

	Adapted the structures, so that the current theme as specied in GameConfig.Theme_SubPath
	is used to read in all graphics blocks.
	Added an option to switch between themes in the Graphics/Sound submenu of the options menu.
	Added of course two pathes for the themes and the files under these pathes.
	A fallback routine in case of a missing file in non-default theme does NOT EXIST currently.

2002-06-13  jprix  <>

	* TODO: Added the "cut droid image in takeover" bug to the TODO list.

2002-06-13  rprix  <>

	* graphics/001.jpg:
	Bastian's 001 - droid pic, scaled to proper dimensions.

	this is intended to be a more exhaustive 'credits' sections, as
	we cannot list everyone in the in-game credits.

2002-06-13  jprix  <>

	Added ideas file for open discussion of freedroid topics and future development.
	Bastian really should be given cvs write access to participate better in this discussion.

	* src/map.c, map/new_ship_1.maps, map/ship_1.maps:
	Added a correction function, that checks the integrity of waypoint connection
	entries and eliminates leading -1 entries.  Such leading -1 entries could prevent
	droids from using connections that were otherwise completely ok.
	That corrects a really very minor problem.  Six or so incidents, where this little
	bug actually was in the maps files, were corrected.

2002-06-12  jprix  <>

	* src/init.c, src/menu.c, src/struct.h, src/text.c, src/view.c:
	Restructured the options menu and submenus.
	Text can now be turned on off as a whole and with individual switches
	for the different text types.

	* TASK_CHART, graphics/ne_bullet2.gif, graphics/ne_droids_2.png, src/defs.h:
	Added new droid image as an experiment.  Wow, it looks terriffic! And
	especially so on darker backgrounds like the blue tileset!  That does
	make quite a difference!  Perhaps we do not need to go as far as to use
	individual renderings for the in-game-droid representaions so soon...

	* graphics/scientist.jpg:
	Added Bastians latest update with the fleeing scientist.  Thanks
	for the great work, Bastian. Absolutely cool. 

	* TASK_CHART: Added my newest tasks. jp.

	* graphics/ne_block_blue.gif, graphics/ne_block_green.gif, graphics/ne_block_red.gif:
	Added rotation for the inside of the refresh fields for some tilesets.

	Background for the mission briefing can now be conveniently selected from the
	mission file.  Added specifications to the mission files accordingly.

2002-06-11  jprix  <>

	Added the bastians latest preview of his newest work.
	Corrected the bug in the new "bullet phase" determination.
	Added nonsymmetrical bullet images in "ne_bullet2.gif" for testing purposes.
	Seems to work now, finally.  I'm off for some sleep now.  Have fun.

2002-06-09  rprix  <>

	* src/influ.c:
	fixed bug in keyboard firing in FireBullet(). Sorry I had tested
	mostly joystick+mouse and overlooked this one ;)

2002-06-09  jprix  <>

	Completely reworked the map format: No longer some strange nonportable ascii
	chars but now only the numbers in clear text for the map tiles.  That will
	also allow for easier extension than having to find a new char for every
	newly introduced map tile.  Loading and saving works.  Replaced all map files
	Added bastians latest creations in the format matching the needs of the
	console droid show as it is now.  We should arrange for a bigger console
	style though.
	All in all, what a day for the freedroid project! Have fun, Johannes.

2002-06-09  rprix  <>

	* src/defs.h, src/graphics.c, src/init.c, src/menu.c, src/ship.c, src/takeover.c
	cleanup: Removed PrepareScaledSurface(), replaced calls by SDL_Flip(ne_screen)
	#removed obsolete + empty Update_SDL_Screen().
	#removed last remaining references to NEW_ENGINE.

	* src/, src/global.h, src/proto.h, src/svgaemu.c:
	cleanup: removed svgaemu.c (nothing left to 'emulate').
	# ! NOTE: you have to automake+configure before make'ing!

2002-06-09  jprix  <>

	* TASK_CHART, map/new_mission_1.mission, map/new_mission_2.mission, src/menu.c
	Added feature to enlarge any level in x or y direction from the level editor.
	Added another new trigger and action to the first two new mission files.

2002-06-09  rprix  <>

	* ChangeLog: updated + some cleanup.

	!! Please use lines starting with '#' for log-messages that are too
	minor/unimportant to appear in the ChangeLog !!

	* src/menu.c, src/view.c, TODO, src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/influ.c
	o) further improvements of the joystick fireing
	o) incorporated "Nighthawk"-type mouse control
	   based on a patch sent in by Tanel Kylaots <>

2002-06-09  jprix  <>

	*, map/game.dat, src/global.h, src/influ.c, src/init.c:
	Improved (I hope) the collision-damage handling:  Now not the difference in
	class of droid but in weight of droid is taken as the basis of the calculation.
	Further a constants section in game.dat has been added, where the player can
	also calibrate the collision damage via a constant for his own mod.
	The "sucking in" problem has also been addressed:  Getting sucked into another
	robot should now occur less likely (i.e. not on my machine, as usual). jp.

	* map/new_mission_2.mission, src/text.c:
	Added missing events section to the second new mission too.
	Game looks pretty cool to me right now.  We should release 0.8.2 I think.

	* map/classical_paradroid_mission.mission, src/bullet.c, src/proto.h, src/text.c:
	Added more text for hit droids.
	Added the missing event section to the classical mission.

	Events fully functional implemented and read from the mission file.
	There are event triggers and event actions.
	Of course more than one trigger can be used to trigger one action.
	Put the triggers to good use on the first new mission.
	Also adapted the map file a little bit more so that it is not so empty.
	Clasical mission currently not functional due to missing event section.

2002-06-09  rprix  <>

	* Patches/mouse-patch.1:
	patch submitted by Tanel Kylaots <> to add mouse
	functionality similar to Nighthawk.

2002-06-09  jprix  <>

	* src/init.c, src/misc.c, src/view.c:
	TestEvent: Mapchange on Level 4 at (6,2): Seems to work!! cool!

	* src/init.c, src/misc.c, src/view.c:
	Added a test event.  Trigger seems to work so far. Good.

	* src/defs.h, src/global.h, src/init.c, src/main.c, src/misc.c, src/proto.h
	Added more structures for events.
	Added more structures for event triggers.

	* map/new_ship_1.maps, map/new_ship_2.maps, src/struct.h:
	Corrected some bugs in the new maps.
	Added some additional structure elements to the new rather empty maps.
	Added structures for special periodic statements of some special droids.

	* src/bullet.c, src/enemy.c, src/influ.c, src/init.c, src/proto.h, src/struct.h
	Added text for influs blast damage and also more flexibility:  When influ
	received damage from a blast he says one of three possible messages.
	That seems quite fine.

	* src/enemy.c, src/influ.c, src/main.c, src/view.c:
	Added text for the refreshes, haha.
	Added text for collisions, haha.

	* src/global.h, src/graphics.c, src/menu.c, src/sound.c, src/struct.h:
	Integrated music/sound volume and gamma correction into the new GameConfig.
	Added structures for other droids texts as well.

	* src/menu.c, src/struct.h, src/view.c, TODO, src/defs.h, src/enemy.c
	Added Draw_Position and drawing of current position similar to drawing FPS.
	Added structure "configuration_for_freedroid" and a variable "GameConfig", that
	now collects together the desired Draw_Framerate, Draw_Energy and Draw_Position.

	* src/global.h, src/init.c, src/input.c, src/main.c, src/struct.h, src/view.c:
	Added text for the 001 to say.  Very useful!

	* src/map.c, src/misc.c, src/rahmen.c:
	Removed obsolete functions itoa and ltoa.
	(sprintf is a much more powerful tool!)

2002-06-09  rprix  <>

	* menu.c, view.c, global.h, graphics.c, influ.c, input.c, main.c:
	o) further improvements of the joystick fireing
	o) incorporated "Nighthawk"-type mouse control
	   based on a patch sent in by Tanel Kylaots <>

2002-06-09  jprix  <>

	*, game.dat, global.h, influ.c, init.c:
	Improved (I hope) the collision-damage handling:  Now not the difference in
	class of droid but in weight of droid is taken as the basis of the calculation.
	Further a constants section in game.dat has been added, where the player can
	also calibrate the collision damage via a constant for his own mod.
	The "sucking in" problem has also been addressed:  Getting sucked into another
	robot should now occur less likely (i.e. not on my machine, as usual). jp.

	* new_mission_2.mission, text.c:
	Added missing events section to the second new mission too.
	Game looks pretty cool to me right now.  We should release 0.8.2 I think.

	* classical_paradroid_mission.mission, bullet.c, proto.h, text.c:
	Added more text for hit droids.
	Added the missing event section to the classical mission.

	* new_mission_1.mission, new_ship_1.maps, defs.h, influ.c, init.c,
	misc.c, proto.h, struct.h, text.c: 
	Events fully functional implemented and read from the mission file.
	There are event triggers and event actions.
	Of course more than one trigger can be used to trigger one action.
	Put the triggers to good use on the first new mission.
	Also adapted the map file a little bit more so that it is not so empty.
	Clasical mission currently not functional due to missing event section.

2002-06-09  rprix  <>

	* Patches/mouse-patch.1:
	patch submitted by Tanel Kylaots <> to add mouse
	functionality similar to Nighthawk.

2002-06-09  jprix  <>

	* init.c, misc.c, view.c:
	TestEvent: Mapchange on Level 4 at (6,2): Seems to work!! cool!

	* init.c, misc.c, view.c:
	Added a test event.  Trigger seems to work so far. Good.

	* defs.h, global.h, init.c, main.c, misc.c, proto.h, struct.h:
	Added more structures for events.
	Added more structures for event triggers.

	* new_ship_1.maps, new_ship_2.maps, struct.h:
	Corrected some bugs in the new maps.
	Added some additional structure elements to the new rather empty maps.
	Added structures for special periodic statements of some special droids.

	* bullet.c, enemy.c, influ.c, init.c, proto.h, struct.h, text.c:
	Added text for influs blast damage and also more flexibility:  When influ
	received damage from a blast he says one of three possible messages.
	That seems quite fine.

	* enemy.c, influ.c, main.c, view.c:
	Added text for the refreshes, haha.
	Added text for collisions, haha.

	* global.h, graphics.c, menu.c, sound.c, struct.h:
	Integrated music/sound volume and gamma correction into the new GameConfig.
	Added structures for other droids texts as well.

	* menu.c, struct.h, view.c, TODO, defs.h, enemy.c, global.h, init.c:
	Added Draw_Position and drawing of current position similar to drawing FPS.
	Added structure "configuration_for_freedroid" and a variable "GameConfig", that
	now collects together the desired Draw_Framerate, Draw_Energy and Draw_Position.

	* global.h, init.c, input.c, main.c, struct.h, view.c:
	Added text for the 001 to say.  Very useful!

	* map.c, misc.c, rahmen.c:
	Removed obsolete functions itoa and ltoa.
	(sprintf is a much more powerful tool!)

2002-06-08  rprix  <>

	* defs.h, influ.c, struct.h, svgaemu.c, view.c:
	rewritten FireBullet(): simpler structure now, and allows continuous
	shot-directions when using analog joystick. Not quite C64 original,
	but quite cool! ;)

	*, global.h, input.c, joy.c, keyboard.c, proto.h:
	merged joy.c and keyboard.c into new file input.c.
	adapted (don't forget to automake+configure ;)

2002-06-08  jprix  <>

	* TODO, graphics.c, menu.c:
	Removed the "bug" that game remained rescaled after being rescaled in the
	level editor and returning back to the actual game.
	Updated TODO accordingly.

2002-06-08  rprix  <>

	added some more references to our sourceforge website.

	* init.c:
	added reference to our sourceforge project page for Bug-reporting in

	* ChangeLog:
	auto-produced updated for ChangeLog from cvs-entries.
	Needs cleanup again.

	* TODO:
	further small updates/cleanup in TODO.

2002-06-08  jprix  <>

	* graphics.c:
	Arggh, corrected that spelling mistake... sorry.

	* TODO, graphics.c:
	Removed some of the bugs mentionen in TODO and gave some comments.

	* new_ship_2.maps, enemy.c:
	Removed some bugs from the second ships maps file.
	Improved enemy behaviour: Once they see the influencer, have a weapong and
	are not friendly, they will not move away but stand and fire at the influ.

2002-06-08  rprix  <>

	* TODO, global.h, menu.c, struct.h, takeover.c, view.c:
	*) entered "fresh" bugs into TODO
	*) extended cheat-menu: make all droids visible, allow zooming

2002-06-08  jprix  <>

	* new_ship_1.maps:
	Corrected some bugs in the second map.
	I hope they are historical and not caused by a bug in the Level editor.

	* enemy.c, init.c, map.c, struct.h, game.dat, ship_1.maps:
	Taught the droids some behaviour:  Before moving on to the next waypoint, they
	first look if the way is really free of other droids.  (Currently, that includes
	even the influencer!  Real polite.)
	Corrected some minor bugs in the first map.

	* enemy.c:
	Reworking enemy movement.  Starting to add new behaviour.

	* TASK_CHART, enemy.c, map.c, proto.h:
	Removed some obsolete code.
	Corrected the bug, that enemys were always moving the speed the
	influencer could go.  Looks much better now. 

	* influ.c, new_ship_1.maps, new_ship_2.maps:
	Corrected some minor bugs in the new maps.
	Removed some warnings.

	Updated my TASK_CHART.
	Implemented the takeover sound.
	Added documentation about the new keys in the Level Editor to the manual.

2002-06-08  rprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	replaced some forgotten printf's to DebugPrintfs in sound.c

2002-06-08  jprix  <>

	* new_ship_1.droids, new_ship_1.maps, new_ship_2.maps, enemy.c, menu.c:
	Added friendly droids.
	Improved mission instructions dispaly.
	Improved the handling of nonfixed special forces.

	* enemy.c, map.c, struct.h, view.c, TASK_CHART,, new_ship_1.droids
	Added friendly droids.  Modified maps and drois file of the first new mission
	to contain one, but contact is not possible.

	* TASK_CHART, game.dat, vars.h:
	Added a few new tasks.

	* sound/Cry_Sound_0.wav, sound/Takeover_Sound_0.wav, defs.h, main.c, sound.c
	Implemented the "cry sound", when influs energy is low.
	Added sounds for the cry sound and the transfer mode sound.

	* new_ship_1.maps:
	Reshaped the new maps a little bit more for the new mission.

	* keyboard.c, menu.c, proto.h:
	Extended the level editor to allow for different boxes and pillars the be planted.
	Extended the keyboard module to recognize keys 0-9.

	* enemy.c, influ.c, init.c, view.c, new_mission_2.mission, new_mission_1.mission:
	Added fading effect when influencer energy is low, using alpha technique.

2002-06-08  jprix  <>
	* TODO, graphics.c:
	Removed some of the bugs mentionen in TODO and gave some comments.

	* new_ship_2.maps, enemy.c:
	Removed some bugs from the second ships maps file.
	Improved enemy behaviour: Once they see the influencer, have a weapong and
	are not friendly, they will not move away but stand and fire at the influ.

2002-06-08  rprix  <>

	* TODO, global.h, menu.c, struct.h, takeover.c, view.c:
	*) entered "fresh" bugs into TODO
	*) extended cheat-menu: make all droids visible, allow zooming

2002-06-08  jprix  <>

	* new_ship_1.maps:
	Corrected some bugs in the second map.
	I hope they are historical and not caused by a bug in the Level editor.

	* enemy.c, init.c, map.c, struct.h, game.dat, ship_1.maps:
	Taught the droids some behaviour:  Before moving on to the next waypoint, they
	first look if the way is really free of other droids.  (Currently, that includes
	even the influencer!  Real polite.)
	Corrected some minor bugs in the first map.

	* enemy.c:
	Reworking enemy movement.  Starting to add new behaviour.

	* TASK_CHART, enemy.c, map.c, proto.h:
	Removed some obsolete code.
	Corrected the bug, that enemys were always moving the speed the
	influencer could go.  Looks much better now. 

	* influ.c, new_ship_1.maps, new_ship_2.maps:
	Corrected some minor bugs in the new maps.
	Removed some warnings.

	Updated my TASK_CHART.
	Implemented the takeover sound.
	Added documentation about the new keys in the Level Editor to the manual.

2002-06-08  rprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	replaced some forgotten printf's to DebugPrintfs in sound.c

2002-06-08  jprix  <>

	* new_ship_1.droids, new_ship_1.maps, new_ship_2.maps, enemy.c, menu.c:
	Added friendly droids.
	Improved mission instructions dispaly.
	Improved the handling of nonfixed special forces.

	* enemy.c, map.c, struct.h, view.c, TASK_CHART,,
	Added friendly droids.  Modified maps and drois file of the first new mission
	to contain one, but contact is not possible.

	* TASK_CHART, game.dat, vars.h:
	Added a few new tasks.

	* sound/Cry_Sound_0.wav, sound/Takeover_Sound_0.wav, defs.h,
	Implemented the "cry sound", when influs energy is low.
	Added sounds for the cry sound and the transfer mode sound.

	* new_ship_1.maps:
	Reshaped the new maps a little bit more for the new mission.

	* keyboard.c, menu.c, proto.h:
	Extended the level editor to allow for different boxes and pillars the be planted.
	Extended the keyboard module to recognize keys 0-9.

	* enemy.c, influ.c, init.c, view.c, new_mission_2.mission, new_mission_1.mission:
	Added fading effect when influencer energy is low, using alpha technique.

2002-06-07  rprix  <>

	DebugPrintf () now takes a debug-level and standard printf()-arguments.
	Put all existing DebugPrintf() to debug-level2, and all current
	printf() statements are now DebugPrintf (1, ..).
	To activate these debug-statements, run freedroid with the command-line
	argument -d<level>, which prints all statements <= level.

2002-06-07  jprix  <>

	* new_mission_2.mission, new_ship_2.droids:
	Improved the second mission a bit.  This should do for now.

	*, new_ship_2.droids, new_ship_2.elevators, new_ship_2.maps:
	Added files for second new mission.  Are the same as for first new misson.

	Removed most of the obsolete messages flushing the text screen.
	Worked a bit to improve the mission files.

	* new_mission_1.mission, new_ship_1.droids, new_ship_1.maps, defs.h, enemy.c
	Improved the alternative mission, maps and droids files.

	* graphics/990.jpg:
	Arg, that one I forgot...

	Added pictures for new droids.
	Corrected bug in waypoint count in GetLiftConnections.
	Reshaped another level of the new ship.

	* init.c, classical_paradroid_mission.mission, game.dat, ship_1.droids
	Implemented calibrating constants withing game dat for bullet speed and damage.
	Used these constants to get bullet speed back to paradroid normal.
	Corrected the minor mistakes that were introduced into the paradroid map in the
	mapfile format conversion process.  Also corrected some mistakes that existed due
	to the old format not being able to store apropriate information.
	Restored the classical paradroid mission back to original mission goal.

	* ship_1.droids, enemy.c, graphics.c, map.c, menu.c, struct.h:
	Corrected the bug, that junked the screen when changing tileset in the
	Level Editor while combat windows is rescaled to something != 1.

	Implemented markers for special forces in the droids file.
	Implemented mission target kill all marked droids.
	Implemented mission target become one of the marked droids.
	Added mission target strings in first 2 mission files accordingly.

2002-06-06  jprix  <>

	* map.c:
	Made some improvements to Special forces read-in procedure.

	* ship_1.droids, enemy.c, map.c, menu.c, struct.h:
	Implemented Special Force droids file entrys.  Needs some extensions though.
	Implemented CompletelyFixed flag (especially for special forces.)

	* new_ship_1.maps:
	Worked a bit to improve the new map.

	* influ.c, init.c, struct.h, takeover.c:
	Modified energy handling so that after takeover, the influe has old energy
	PLUS the hosts energy.  Otherwise the influ can be shot down with one shot
	if he controls a 249 or below robot, which wasn't the case in the C64 version
	and which makes the game MUCH more playable and also more fun I think. jp.

	Implemented mission target MustReachLevel.
	Implemented mission target MustReachPoint.x/y.
	Implemented mission target MustLiveTime.
	In the latter case, remaining time to hold out will be printed to the combat window.
	Added mission target strings to the mission files as required.

	* Homepage/Freedroid_Manual.tex, TASK_CHART, menu.c:
	Allowed for finer steps when rescaling tiles in Level Editor.

	Added new mission new_mission_2.mission, though its identical to mission 1 still.
	Added copyright/licence remark in mission files and droid file.
	Added a section concerning the Freedroid game rules in the manual.  Needs more though.

	Completely reworked the shape of crew files.
	They are now well readable.
	Droid types can be entered by typing their name instead of their number.

	* classical_paradroid_mission.mission, new_mission_1.mission, init.c:
	Added next mission pointer:  After completition of one mission, the mission
	indicated by the next mission pointer in the mission file will be loaded and
	started.  Classical Paradroid now points to the new mission 1.  The new mission
	one points to the new mission 2, which does not yet exist.  Otherwise it
	seems to work quite well.

2002-06-05  jprix  <>

	* classical_paradroid_mission.mission, new_mission_1.mission, init.c, struct.h:
	Added mission target MustBeClass, fully functional.
	Added mission target MustBeType, fully functional.
	All mission targets are always AND connceted to see if mission is complete.

	End Title text is now specified in the mission file.
	Mission target is now specified in the mission file and checked in a separate function.
	Added simple mission targets for Classical Paradroid and New Mission.
	Added a structure for mission targets (to be understood as AND connected subtargets).

2002-06-05  rprix  <>

	* menu.c:
	Changed Cheat-menu font to FPS-font... much better now! ;)

2002-06-05  jprix  <>

	* TASK_CHART, defs.h, init.c, main.c, proto.h:
	Reactivated "font05" for the FPS_Display, i.e. FPS_Display_BFont, might
	be good for Cheatmenu too?

2002-06-05  rprix  <>

	* ChangeLog:
	updated with latest changes, some cleanup, put our sourceforge mail addresses.

	* menu.c:
	started porting Cheatmenu to use SDL-screen (more convenient), using
	printf_SDL() and GetString(). Should be working 90% ok now.

	* proto.h:
	new functions: printf_SDL() and putchar_SDL().

	* text.c: added 2 new text-functions:
	int putchar_SDL (SDL_Surface *Surface, int x, int y, int c)
	void printf_SDL (SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, char *fmt, ...)
	which extend the BFont-functions PrintString() and PutChar() by using
	the global cursor position MyCursorX/Y.
	Passing -1 as coordinate will use the current cursor-position to
	write. Cursor position is updated.
	The screen is updated after writing.

	Ported GetString() to SDL using the above text-functions.
	echo=1 (stdout) is currently not working, only echo=2 (SDL-echo).
	Backspace should be treated correctly now, but this function still
	needs some testing.

2002-06-05  jprix  <>

	* menu.c, TASK_CHART, new_ship_1.maps:
	Added "color change" (="change tileset") option for the level editor.
	Gave the first new level in the new map a new color.

	* Homepage/Freedroid_Manual.tex, new_mission_1.mission, new_ship_1.maps, enemy.c,
	Added more doku on the level editor for the manual.
	Added protection against moving out of the map in the level editor.
	Added level changing option for the level editor.
	Modified the maps for the alternate story line.
	Modified starting points for the alternate story line.

2002-06-05  rprix  <>

	* menu.c:
	started porting Cheatmenu to use SDL-screen (more convenient), using
	printf_SDL() and GetString(). Should be working 90% ok now.

	* text.c: added 2 new text-functions:
	int putchar_SDL (SDL_Surface *Surface, int x, int y, int c)
	void printf_SDL (SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, char *fmt, ...)
	which extend the BFont-functions PrintString() and PutChar() by using
	the global cursor position MyCursorX/Y.
	Passing -1 as coordinate will use the current cursor-position to
	write. Cursor position is updated.
	The screen is updated after writing.

	Ported GetString() to SDL using the above text-functions.
	echo=1 (stdout) is currently not working, only echo=2 (SDL-echo).
	Backspace should be treated correctly now, but this function still
	needs some testing.

2002-06-05  jprix  <>

	* menu.c, TASK_CHART, new_ship_1.maps:
	Added "color change" (="change tileset") option for the level editor.
	Gave the first new level in the new map a new color.

	* Homepage/Freedroid_Manual.tex, new_mission_1.mission,
	new_ship_1.maps, enemy.c, menu.c, TASK_CHART: 
	Added more doku on the level editor for the manual.
	Added protection against moving out of the map in the level editor.
	Added level changing option for the level editor.
	Modified the maps for the alternate story line.
	Modified starting points for the alternate story line.

2002-06-04  jprix  <>

	* Homepage/Freedroid_Manual.tex, TASK_CHART,
	classical_paradroid_mission.mission, game.dat,
	new_mission_1.mission, new_ship_1.crew, init.c: 
	Now the flag "AdvancedFighting" is read in for every droid, though it doesn't
	have an effect in the program jet.
	Now the mission files can contain an arbitrary number of starting points for
	the mission, specified by the obvious string.  Seems to work well.
	Added appropriate defintions in the mission files of course.

	* Homepage/Freedroid_Home_Page.tex, Homepage/Freedroid_Manual.tex,
	TASK_CHART, keyboard.c, menu.c: 
	Disabled zoom in/out for game but enabled it for level editor.
	Added and extended notes in Manual page not only concerning this.

	* Homepage/Freedroid_Home_Page.tex, Homepage/Freedroid_Manual.tex,
	Homepage/Makefile, Homepage/Test_Upload, TASK_CHART: 
	Added a Freedroid Manual page to the Freedroid home page.
	The Freedroid Manual also contains an unfinished description of the level editor.

2002-06-04  rprix  <>

	* BFont.c, BFont.h, defs.h, menu.c, rahmen.c:
	run indent on BFont.[ch] to correct indentation.
	Changed font to Para_BFont in DisplayBanner().

	* ChangeLog:
	used Emacs for automatic CVS-log -> Changelog creation.
	Now there's a lot of junk to clean up, but that has time...
	Please use "C-x v a" from time to time to add Changelog entries
	from your cvs log, and edit them correspondingly to keep only
	'relevant' changes.

	* map.c, ship.c:
	Improved lift algorithm: first blit ship "lights off", then
	blit active level and lift-row rectangles from "lights on" ship-picture,
	then update screen. --> Results look&feel much more "stable".

	* blocks.c, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, map.c, misc.c, proto.h:
	some code cleanup: *completely* removed obsolete variables
	RealScreen, InternalScreen, Outline320x200 , together with
	old block display functions Display*Block().

	* ship.c, TODO, graphics/ship_off.bmp, graphics/ship_on.bmp, graphics.c:
	some cleanup in the lift code and picture.
	(don't forget to "install" new pics)

2002-06-04  jprix  <>

	Resized Bastians droids to fit into the console.  For now, thats the
	easiest way to get the console working again.
	Repaired the console text format to fit into the window.  Good. jp.

	* TODO, graphics/parafont.png, new_mission_1.mission, init.c, text.c:
	Worked a bit on the briefing text of the new mission.
	Corrected some smaller mistakes in the paradroid font.
	Added missing feature to TODO list.

2002-06-04  rprix  <>

	* map.c, ship.c:
	Improved lift algorithm: first blit ship "lights off", then
	blit active level and lift-row rectangles from "lights on" ship-picture,
	then update screen. --> Results look&feel much more "stable".

	* blocks.c, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, map.c, misc.c, proto.h:
	some code cleanup: *completely* removed obsolete variables
	RealScreen, InternalScreen, Outline320x200 , together with
	old block display functions Display*Block().

	* ship.c, graphics.c:
	some cleanup in the lift code and picture.
	(don't forget to "install" new pics)

2002-06-04  jprix  <>

	* ship.c, vars.h:
	Resized Bastians droids to fit into the console.  For now, thats the
	easiest way to get the console working again.
	Repaired the console text format to fit into the window.  Good. jp.

	* init.c, text.c:
	Worked a bit on the briefing text of the new mission.
	Corrected some smaller mistakes in the paradroid font.
	Added missing feature to TODO list.

2002-06-03  jprix  <>

	* init.c, main.c, menu.c, misc.c:
	Added a mission selection menu.

	* defs.h, menu.c:
	Added bastians "free droid" as the background for the credits menu subsection.

	* main.c, map.c:
	Corrected the too slow map-read-routines.  Now its FAST!!!!
	Corrected smaller bugs in classic paradroid map.
	Saved all maps in new map file format.

2002-06-03  rprix  <>

	* main.c, map.c, misc.c, proto.h, ship.c, sound.c, struct.h, global.h, init.c:
	Useless detail: Global name change "elevator" -> "lift"

2002-06-03  jprix  <>

	* keyboard.c, main.c, menu.c, proto.h, struct.h:
	Worked a bit on the new area.
	Introduced new robot types 998, 997, ... , 991 , 990.
	Introduced flag for new fighting behaviour, but its not yet read in.
	New mission is the default for now.

	* enemy.c, init.c:
	Corrected the aggression of droids being too high.
	Elevators are currently broken:  I see only blue screen while in enevator!
	Why is this?

2002-06-03  rprix  <>

	* blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, map.c, proto.h,
	new method for ShowElevators():
	show ship-picture "lights off" first, update screen, then Blit in the
	ship picture "lights on", but update only the rectangles for the current
	lift and level. Seems to work ok now.

	This method has the advantage of requiring only two ship-pictures instead
	of one per level and lift, but has the disadvantage of requiring the
	lift and level rectangles to be provided. I still think this is an
	improvement, as these rectangle-info could be entered in a "Ship-Editor",
	say, if extensive "ship-editing" should ever become fashionable...

2002-06-03  jprix  <>

	* map.c, menu.c, proto.h:
	Removed the obsolete "x"-encoding of waypoints within maps.
	So we can now plant waypoints anywhere, on refreshed, lifts and all that too.
	And I added the missing refresh under the waypoint on the yellow level.
	Loading takes a bit long... I might remove the forced writing again in
	favour of arbitrary dynamic waypoint structures.

	* map.c, vars.h, defs.h, enemy.c, init.c, main.c:
	Fixed some bugs in the level loading function.
	Set MAX_WP_CONNECTIONS from 4 to 12
	Set MAPWAYPOINTS from 30 to 100
	Changed the format of ships on disk into something better human-readable.

2002-06-02  jprix  <>

	* defs.h, enemy.c, init.c, map.c, vars.h:
	Briefing texts are now taken from the mission file and therefore the long static
	strings removed from the code.
	Which ship file, elevator file and crew file to use is also deducted from the
	mission file now. jp.

	* defs.h, init.c, keyboard.c, main.c, menu.c, proto.h:
	Mission briefing text is now successfully read and used from the mission file.

	* global.h, init.c, menu.c, vars.h, view.c, defs.h:
	Removed the limitation to ALLDRUIDTYPES different druid types maximal to
	arbitrary number of droid types all specified in game.dat.
	Started to set up a format and example of a mission file.

	* menu.c:
	Connections between waypoints can now conveniently be established via the
	C key.  You should try it;) jp.

	* map.c, menu.c:
	Waypoints can now also be toggled via the Level Editor.

	* graphics.c, menu.c, proto.h:
	Level editor now also shows the waypoint connections.  Most convenient. jp.

	* init.c, proto.h:
	Integrated the notes concerning the droids into game.dat.  Removed the static
	Droid initialisation function from the code.

	* init.c, ship.c, struct.h, vars.h:
	Added separate Height, Weight, Drive, Brain, Sensor 1, Sensor 2, Sensor 3,
	and Armament variables into the Druidmap structure and under the control
	of game.dat.

	* init.c, vars.h:
	Added calibration entries to modify all droid simulaneously in game.dat.

	* enemy.c, struct.h, vars.h:
	Eliminated the Druidmap initialization from vars.h.  All info for the
	Druidmap is now read from the external game.dat file, haha.

2002-06-01  rprix  <>

	* init.c, main.c, menu.c, misc.c, proto.h, ship.c, struct.h, view.c:
	Adapted calls to DisplayBanner() to new Parameters "left" and "right",
	removed calls to old SetInfoline().

	* takeover.c:
	Takeover-game pretty much complete now: Added display of player-droids
	and proper Infoline-display via DisplayBanner().

	* rahmen.c:
	jp's new DisplayBanner() seems to have overtaken SetInfoline(), which I
	have now removed.
	Adapted DisplayBanner() to allow passing of non-standard left and
	right entries, which is needed in Takeover-game.

	* takeover.c, takeover.h, graphics.c:
	Takeover game: "current" animation now complete.

2002-06-01  jprix  <>

	* defs.h, influ.c, init.c, struct.h, vars.h:
	Almost all Druidmap variables now under control of game.dat.

	* init.c, struct.h, vars.h:
	More variables put under control of the game.dat file.

2002-06-01  rprix  <>

	* proto.h, takeover.c, takeover.h:
	Further polishing of Takeover-game: "current" animation now works
	"in principle", but is not finished yet in the details.

	* graphics.c:
	set our window-dimensions to the more standard format (640x480,
	ie. 320x240 * 2). Looks a bit "strange" in the beginning when you're
	used to our "cut-off" window, but I think this is much more reasonable...

	* view.c:
	added new function Fill_Rect (SDL_Rect rect, SDL_Color color), which
	fills the given rectangle with the RGB-color. This is now used in
	Takeover to color the User_Rect.
	SetUserfenster() is too specific to 8bpp and the UserFenster, and
	should be dumped in favor of Fill_Rect() !!

2002-06-01  jprix  <>

	* proto.h, view.c:
	Adapted PutEnemy to better fit the needs of the takeover game.

2002-05-31  jprix  <>

	* menu.c, init.c, main.c:
	Started to implement reading of droid data from outside file "game.dat".
	Robot names are already read successfully from there.
	The file is ascii-readable and well documented and flexible.

2002-05-31  rprix  <>

	* defs.h, graphics.c, takeover.c, takeover.h, view.c:
	Takeover game now at least "playable" again in new engine, but still quite
	some polishing necessary...

2002-05-31  jprix  <>

	*, menu.c, misc.c, proto.h, ship.c:
	Split the (too big) misc.c up into misc.c and menu.c.
	Menu should now contain all menu functions and their helper functions.
	This includes the level editor, which is not too big.  Edited

2002-05-30  jprix  <>

	* misc.c:
	Level editor now shows also the waypoints, but not yet the connections.
	I'm sort of tired and think I'll close for today.  Have fun, jp.

	* map.c:
	Hurray!  The SaveShip function now reproduces exactly the loaded Level.
	That means we have a functioning Level editor again, allthough convenient
	waypoint editing must still be incorporated into it.  But maps basically
	can be edited.  I might do that later. jp.

	* defs.h, map.c:
	Save level procedure now seems to work almost:  wp are still missing.

	* map.c, map.h:
	Added a bit more documentation to the ship-loading functions and also improved
	the ship file format to be a bit better human-readable in my opinion. jp.

	* ship.c:
	Improved the way the map is shown at the console:  Center of map now in center
	of the combat window.  Still room for further improvement.

	* ship.c:
	Elevators are now correctly highlighted too.

	* ship.c, view.c:
	Elevator is now working (well) again.  New pictures needed and added.

	* defs.h:
	Replaced more bmps by gifs. That saves up to 30 times the space on disk.

	* graphics.c, init.c, misc.c, rahmen.c, ship.c, takeover.c,
	view.c, blocks.c, colodefs.h, defs.h, global.h: 
	Removed too small images from 0.7.4.
	Removed more german.  Added some doku.

	* blocks.c, defs.h, graphics.c, ship.c:
	Replaced all SDL_LoadBMP commands with IMG_Load. --> complete file
	format independence. 
	Removed obsolete and redundant graphic files.

	* blocks.c, defs.h, graphics.c:
	Reduced redundant pixmaps and converted some to gif with costs 80% less. jp.

	* map.c, vars.h, view.c, enemy.c, init.c:
	The "jittering" bug has been resolved. At least on my old and new machine, jp.

	* misc.c, proto.h:
	Removed all german from misc.c.
	Added and updated docu in the process.
	Removed obsolete functions my_abs and my_sqrt.

	* map.c, misc.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, ship.c, takeover.c, view.c,
	ReplaceIt.awk, bullet.c, defs.h, enemy.c, global.h, graphics.c,
	influ.c, init.c, main.c: 
	Renamed "Feindesliste" to "AllEnemys" like in "AllBullets" and "AllBlasts".
	Renamed "Rahmen" to "Banner" since thats english and describes it well.
	Removed all german from main.c.
	Removed all german from view.c.
	We ARE and international project after all.  Have fun, jp.

2002-05-29  jprix  <>

	* init.c:
	Corrected the "title screen coped and bannerd when vied the second time" bug

	* view.c:
	Corrected the "framerate not well readable" bug.

	* map.c, struct.h, view.c:
	Corrected the "garbage on screen outside ship" bug.

	* enemy.c, graphics.c, influ.c, init.c, main.c, proto.h, text.c, vars.h:
	more colde cleanup: obsolete prototypes, german dokus, messed main strucute,
	senseless&obsolete german definitions.

	* init.c, keyboard.c, main.c, proto.h:
	More code cleanup:  Moved special key reactions into a separate
	function in keyboard.c. 

	* main.c, misc.c, proto.h, global.h, init.c:
	Moved the framerate computation into separate functions outside of
	main() and main.c. 
	The guy who called the code a mess is still right though ;)

	* misc.c:
	Corrected the stupid typo in the Credits section.  Also added
	background image to it. 

	* misc.c, view.c:
	Reactivated "Flashes" when fireing disruptor shots.
	Credits section added to the big Escape Menu.

	* misc.c, view.c:
	Modified Homepage to display sourceforge logo as required by the sourseforge.
	Added background image for the homepage.  Tell me if you now find it hard to read.
	Level editor is working all again, except for the saving menu option still.
	Added Bastians latest graphics and made console react to larger image sizes.

2002-05-28  jprix  <>

	* misc.c:
	Reactivated most of the menus and also most of the level editor.

	* defs.h, misc.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, takeover.c, view.c:
	Reactivated and cleaned up single player menu.

2002-05-28  rprix  <>

	* sound.c, system.h:
	stupid script that executes aclocal, autoheader, automake & autoconf
	to save typing. In addation automake is called with --add-missing,
	so you don't have to worry about missing scripts.

2002-05-27  jprix  <>

	* bullet.c, defs.h, graphics.c, influ.c, init.c, misc.c, proto.h,
	rahmen.c, ship.c, text.c, view.c: 
	Finally reactivated the original Paradroid font, which is now available
	via BFont/DisplayText etc.

	* bullet.c, defs.h, graphics.c, influ.c, init.c, main.c, misc.c, view.c:
	Added a new and smaller font, that might be good for the scrolling text.

	* init.c:
	Added a new Font, that might come in handy for some things.
	Its not the original Paradroid font, which might come later, sorry.

	* defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, influ.c, init.c, map.c, misc.c, sound.c, text.c:
	Activated new title, also for the background of the scrolling font.
	Had some sound problems:  The very first sound call of freedroid seems
	to be always completely ignored??? THIS REMAINS UNEXPLAINED.

	* bullet.c, defs.h, influ.c, init.c, misc.c, rahmen.c, sound.c, text.c:
	Improved sliding through H_GANZTUERE horizontal doors.  Now it seems smooth.

	* defs.h, main.c, misc.c:
	Finally removed the real "GetChar" bug by setting the ALLBLAST constant from
	5 to 100.  Did the same for the ALLBULLETS.  Happy hacking,jp.   :-)

2002-05-27  rprix  <>

	* defs.h, global.h, init.c, struct.h, takeover.c, text.c, view.c:
	started writing proper Highscore-list handling (in Debriefing() )
	not functional yet, so Debriefing now returns immediately.
	Deactivated Takeover-game() which has to be ported to new engine yet.

2002-05-27  jprix  <>

	* proto.h, graphics.c, init.c, misc.c:
	Deleted old InitPalette crap.

	* init.c, misc.c, influ.c:
	"GetChar" bug removed by undoing free(ScoreText) which was never allocated?

	* view.c, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, keyboard.c, main.c,
	misc.c, proto.h, ship.c: 
	The notion of conceptview has left the game, since resizing is possible anyway.
	TakeScreenshot now has its own function in graphics.
	GetString in Debriebing currently disabled:  See if "GetChar" bug vanishes?

2002-05-26  rprix  <>

	* global.h, init.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, ship.c, ship.h, text.c, vars.h, view.c:
	rp went Berserk on Text-handling machinery ;)

	*) removed lots of old brain-damaged functions

	*) Main player is now: DisplayText(), which now takes an
	  SDL_Rect argument with the Text-window to write in. This takes care
	  of clipping and line-breaks! The prev clip-rect is restored after this.
	  if NULL is passed, no clipping/line-breaking is done.

	  The line-breaks are handled by ImprovedCheckUmbruch() which has been
	  adapted appropriately.

	*) DisplayText now returns TRUE if text was written _inside_ the
	   clip-rectangle, FALSE otherwise.
	  This info is used by ScrollText to know when text has been scrolled out.

	*) Therefore: SetTextBorder & Co useless and have been dumped.

	*)  There are two global Rectangles: (def'd in vars.h)
		User_Rect:  which is our Userfenster
	        Menu_Rect:  used in Menu-writing
	  please add further rectangles as you need them.

	*) The CombatRectangle in Assemble_Combat_Picture() has been replaced
	   by User_Rect, in an effort to minimise names for the same thing.

	Ok, everythings seems to works ok so far, but please keep me updated
	if problems appear of if you have questions concerning Text-writing.

2002-05-26  jprix  <>

	* graphics.c, init.c:
	Little color bug removed.

	* graphics.c, misc.c:
	Level colors should be restored now.
	Pictures are also of a form that should well work with the new gamma=1 default.

2002-05-26  rprix  <>

	* init.c:
	erroneous #include of nonexistent "paths.h" removed. (sorry)

2002-05-26  jprix  <>

	* SDL_rotozoom.c, enemy.c, graphics.c, influ.c, main.c, map.c, proto.h, view.c:
	Erradicated some warnings.
	Eliminated some german expressions and function names.

2002-05-26  rprix  <>

	*, defs.h, graphics.c, init.c, sound.c, view.c:
	"make install" ist now functional. (I hope ;)
	freedroid now expects its data (graphics,sound,map) in DATADIR,
	which is defined in Makefile to $(pkgdatadir), which defaults
	to /usr/local/share/freedroid.
	If you want to change this location, you can make with the command:
	make pkgdatadir=<YOUR_DIR>

	Please use GRAPHICS_DIR, SOUND_DIR, MAP_DIR  for loading data-files!
	These are defined in defs.h

2002-05-26  jprix  <>

	* blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, main.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, ship.c:
	Combat screen can be rescaled using the "O" and "I" keys.

	* blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, init.c, ship.c, view.c:
	Resizing of screen works!  You can try it at the console.

	* enemy.c:
	Robots fire now correctly at the influencer again.
	Hey, the game seems pretty much playable again, except for the
	takeover game perhaps....

	* enemy.c, influ.c, main.c, proto.h:
	Refreshes are now finally animated again, although not completely.
	Influence-Enemy collisions have been repaired to work with the new coordinates.

	* enemy.c:
	Reactivated and repaired EnemyEnemyCollisions.

	* influ.c, map.c, ship.c:
	Visibility is now handled correctly and secure with the new coordinates.

	* bullet.c, defs.h, influ.c, map.c:
	Bullet-Robot collisions reactivated.
	Influence-Wall collision handling improved.

	* bullet.c, influ.c, proto.h, view.c:
	Bullets and Blasts now use the new coordinates too, at least on the screen.

	* defs.h, influ.c, main.c, map.c, map.h:
	Improved Influence-Wall-Collision-Handling.  Still not perfect, but growing.
	I think the whole function might be completely rewritten in the process...

	* init.c, map.c, map.h:
	Doors open and close again, but especially there the weaknesses of the
	influence-wall-collision handling become apparent.  Something has to be done.

	* defs.h, influ.c, map.c, misc.c, proto.h:
	Influence-Wall collisions are working again, although some fine-tuning should
	occur at some point to ensure smooth gameplay.

	* ship.c, struct.h, vars.h, view.c, enemy.c, influ.c, init.c,
	main.c, map.c, misc.c: 
	Influ and Enemys now use the new coordinates.
	Koodinates (1,1) mean that the influ is in the CENTER!!! of the square (1,1).
	EnemyEnemyCollisions currently disabled.

2002-05-25  jprix  <>

	* blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, main.c, ship.c, vars.h, view.c:
	Activated scaling of blocksize.  Its a draft and I cant continue now because
	of Ms. Schnedl.  To deactivate it, please comment out the last line in
	InitNewGame, looking somewhat like "ShowDeckMap()". thanks, jp.

2002-05-25  rprix  <>

	*, proto.h:
	added SDL_rotozoom.[ch] to,
	removed #include "SDL" in proto.h, as it's included in "system.h"

2002-05-25  jprix  <>

	* map.c, map.h, misc.c, ship.c, takeover.c, vars.h, view.c,
	ReplaceIt, ReplaceIt.awk, blocks.c, defs.h, enemy.c, influ.c,
	Replaced ALL occurenced of BLOCKBREITE with Block_Width and ALL occurenced
	of BLOCKHOEHE with Block_Height, using the new ReplaceIt script.
	That was smooth!

	* SDL_rotozoom.c, SDL_rotozoom.h, ship.c, vars.h:
	ShowDeckMap ceased to crash now, but still does not work correctly.
	Therefore I added the zoom tools to prepare the function.

	* defs.h, proto.h, ship.c, ship.h, text.c, view.c:
	GreatDruidShow is working acceptably well again.

	* init.c, ship.c, struct.h, text.c, view.c:
	Console droid images are displayed correctly again.
	The console now uses the jpg images found on a paradroid homepage directly.
	Old small bmp images have been replaced accordingly.

	* defs.h, ship.c:
	Dropped the palette rotation in console.
	Different images are used instead.

	* ship.c, takeover.c, vars.h, bullet.c, defs.h, init.c, main.c,
	misc.c, proto.h, rahmen.c: 
	Reactivated bullet-bullet collisions, now distance-based instead of pixel-based
	as with old grafix engine.

	* defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, keyboard.c, main.c,
	misc.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, ship.c, takeover.c, vars.h, view.c: 
	Improved the rahmen handling:  Updated are only done if needed, which is
	determined internally.
	NEW: DisplayRahmen now also does the text in the 'rahmen'.  It should
	     no longer be needed to call SetInfoline directly.  That should be
	     incorporated into the DisplayRahmen function.

	* text.c, vars.h, view.c, defs.h, graphics.c, init.c, main.c,
	misc.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, ship.c, takeover.c: 
	updated the ship graphics to new size.
	Made the scrolltext function finally work well.
	Removed some old engine code from here and there.
	Startet to modify the structure of DisplayRahmen.

2002-05-24  jprix  <>

	* blocks.c, defs.h, graphics.c, init.c, misc.c, proto.h, ship.c,
	takeover.c, text.c: 
	Restored ScrollText to former glory.
	Activated DisplayImage(char * filename).
	Reactivated Title image.

	* defs.h, init.c, main.c, misc.c, ship.c, text.c:
	Reactivated the title signation and ClearUserFenster.

	* defs.h:
	Acivated "NEW_ENGINE" definition by default in defs.h.

	* defs.h, main.c:
	Updated my task chart.

	* defs.h, graphics.c, main.c, misc.c, proto.h, view.c:
	AssembleCombatWindow now accepts some FLAGS which are very convenient,
	especially inside Menu functions and all that.
	Take a look to inspect them.
	The main loop and other loops have been shortend accordingly.

	* misc.c, proto.h, view.c:
	Restored the escape menu.  Needs still some work.

2002-05-23  rprix  <>

	o) first step towards proper "install" target: automake-structure is
	now better and will install map/ sound/ and graphics/ subdirs under
	$(pkgdatadir)/freedroid/  , where the default for $pkgdatadir=/usr/local.
	Remains to take account of that in the paths in the code...

	o) added check for libpthread _before_ libSDL, as some installations
	of SDL seem to depend on the posix-thread library!

2002-05-23  jprix  <>

	* defs.h, graphics.c, misc.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, view.c:
	Reactivated the Escape Menu.  Submenus still need work.  Rahmen font fine now.

	* text.c, defs.h, graphics.c, rahmen.c, blocks.c:
	Set the rahmen to the new size.
	Now we let X resp. SDL decide about the best video mode:  works well!
	Adapted the size of digits inside droids.
	Added some files that are also used in the homepage.

	* blocks.c, init.c:
	Addepted software-sided to the new 2 pixel inter-block-distance.
	Wow, that was easy! 

	* defs.h, init.c, svgaemu.c, view.c:
	Upgraded code to use 64x64 pixel pixmaps.

	* blocks.c, global.h, graphics.c, influ.c, init.c, main.c, misc.c,
	takeover.c, view.c: 
	Started deletion of old engine from the code.
	Set default window size to 640x480.
	Activated time-wasting scaling EVERY frame, which is bad, but
	shows some interesting alpha effect. 

2002-05-22  rprix  <>

	* play_then_kill_yiff:
	not used any more since yiff has been kicked out!

2002-05-22  jprix  <>

	* init.c:
	Updated my TASK_CHART section and resolved conflicts.

2002-05-22  rprix  <>

	* takeover.c:
	better user-input handling in takeover game allows higher precision
	in setting capsules.
	-> Pseudo "Key-repeat" sets in after some wait-cycles only, allows better

2002-05-21  rprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	corrected bug with SDL_mixer checking: I had put tests before
	inclusion of <config.h>, which doesn't make much sense...

	* system.h:
	conditional inclusion of <SDL/SDL_mixer.h> only when found by configure!

	* sound.c:
	conditional compilation now takes accound of configure-defines:
	HAVE_LIBSDL_MIXER and HAVE_SDL_SDL_H. If either is missing, sound
	is "dummy-compiled", everything should work ok!.

	* init.c:
	reactivated loading of Title-picture in Old engine

	* text.c:
	fixed bug in Initial Scroll-text: Text-screen is cleared before
	scrolling to avoid "smearing"

	* main.c:
	default value for global joy_sensitivity = 1.

	* keyboard.c:
	added Joystick-event reading in keyboard_update(): joystick motion is
	simply mapped to Motion-keys and Space.

	* joy.c:
	complete Joystick initialisation in Init_Joy().

	* init.c:
	added new switch [-j|--sensitivity=<n>] that changes analog-joystick
	sensitivity in the range [0,32].

	* global.h:
	added global joystick variables relating to joy.c

	* enemy.c:
	fixed (release-critical) bug in MoveEnemys() that produced
	endless-loop if enemy was put on a waypoint with _zero_ connections.

2002-05-21  jprix  <>

	* sound.c, text.c, graphics.c, main.c, misc.c:
	Sound can now really be completely turned of via command line,
	which was incomplete. 
	Corrected the bug in the scrolling text at the beginning.  Seems releasable.

	* defs.h, graphics.c, influ.c, misc.c, svgaemu.c:
	Corrected out some damage done to the old engine while introducing new fonts.
	Reactivated palette color operations, which cuts down FPS to about 65 but
	Influs color is now always correct.

	* init.c, main.c, rahmen.c, text.c, global.h, graphics.c:
	Paradroid font funktioniert wieder, wenn auch noch nicht besonders schoen.

2002-05-20  jprix  <>

	* blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, view.c:
	Rahmen is displayed again, although without font.

	* blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, proto.h, ship.c,
	text.c, view.c: 
	the numbers in influ and enemy droid are now visible again.

	* defs.h, ship.c, svgaemu.c:
	Elevator picture now visible again.

	* view.c:
	Blasts are visible again.  dirty Blast-Bullet collision check disabled.

	* view.c:
	Bullets are visible again, but bullet-bullet-collision checking remains disabled.

	* view.c:
	Influencer is now visible again with the ne, but numbers are still omittet for now.

	* defs.h, view.c:
	Enemys are visible again, although the numbers are omittet for now.

	* view.c:
	Background scrolling works fully now!
	The procedure is very abstract and very powerful in my opinion!
	All of the clipping is done via SDL and its clipping capabilities.
	I hope the SDL knows what to do and their code is really bugfree!!!
	But it seems so.

	* misc.c, view.c:
	Map now visible again with the new engine.  Movement and enemys and that
	also runs well since there were no changes to this part.

	* graphics.c, main.c, map.c, proto.h, view.c:
	Renamed GetInternFenster into Assemble_Combat_Picture, which will do the
	assembling of the screen, but not into some internal window but rather into
	the ne_screen.  PutInternFenster will be a dumb return and updating of the
	screen can be done via SDL_Flip later.

	* graphics.c, init.c, rahmen.c:
	Added some more conditional compilations for the new engine.
	Deactivated the termination after InitPicutres.

2002-05-20  rprix  <>

	* init.c, struct.h, takeover.c, vars.h, blocks.c, defs.h, global.h, graphics.c:
	continued work on NEW_ENGINE: InitPictures now loads in some blocks
	into SDL_Surface ne_blocks, using ne_get_blocks() that returns a
	SDL_Rect array with the block-positions.
	Old and new engine still compile and run ok.. well the new one doesnt
	actually do much though.. ;)

	included joy.c in files to compile

	* joy.c, proto.h:
	added for Joystic/Gamepad code, has only Init_Joy() at the moment
	(and doesnt detect my USB Logitech Gamepad yet! ;)

2002-05-20  jprix  <>

	* bullet.c, init.c, main.c, misc.c, proto.h, sound.c, struct.h, view.c:
	Removed more bugs from the TODO buglist.

	* defs.h, enemy.c, global.h, influ.c, init.c, misc.c, struct.h,
	svgaemu.c, vars.h: 
	Corrected the way PermanentHealRobots treats droid:  Now the framerate is
	taken into account.  Also adapted some associated constants.

	* misc.c, proto.h, sound.c, system.h, defs.h, main.c:
	I have thrown out all yiff code.  rp now can also remove the checks for
	yiffs libraries and the linking of yiffs libraries, hoho.

2002-05-19  jprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	The sound FX and BG music volume can now be conveniently set via the escape menu.
	The game also does not terminate any more even when there is real
	shortage of free channels. 
	Is it time to dump the yiff?  It seems so.

	* bullet.c, view.c:
	Moved stupid flash-damage-handling from PutBullet to CheckBulletCollision,
	where the rest of the bullet-collisions and bullet-damage is handled.
	Corrected the way full sound buffers are treated by Freedroid:  Full buffers
	will now not lead to termination of the program although warning messages
	are generated.

	* blocks.c, sound.c, view.c:
	Reactivated ConceptView.  Very handy for overview about level and RecFlashFill!

	* sound.c:
	Sound effects are now also played successfully by the SDL MIXER library.
	Error checking, handling and prevention could still need improvement however.

	* sound.c:
	All background music files are now loaded and played successfully via
	the SDL_MIXER sound library.  Cool!

	* sound.c:
	SDL_Mixer is now successfully playing the background music!  Hurray!!
	At least on my system.  (rp must add -lSDL_mixer as linker option in general.)

	* graphics.c, init.c, proto.h, sound.c, system.h:
	In addition to new? video initialisation via Init_Video() now audio
	initialisation is done via Init_Audio() in a similar fashion, nice and
	clean for the caller in init.c.  All conditionals are handled inside.

	* defs.h, graphics.c, init.c, misc.c, proto.h, sound.c:
	Started transfer to SDL_AUDIO instead of the YIFF.
	Variable USE_SDL_AUDIO controls the use of YIFF or NON-YIFF.

	* influ.c:
	Influcolor palette manupilations every frame turned off now by default.

	* graphics.c, keyboard.c, misc.c, sound.c:
	Removed the initialisation of SDL_TIMER, so that yiff can be started again.

	* graphics.c, influ.c, misc.c:
	Removed calls to svgalib dummy functions removed by rp before.

2002-05-19  rprix  <>

	* misc.c, proto.h, ship.c, svgaemu.c, text.c, vars.h, view.c,
	map.c, keyboard.c, main.c, blocks.c, bullet.c, colodefs.h, defs.h,
	global.h, graphics.c, init.c: 
	mainly started writing new engine, aktivated by #define NEW_ENGINE.
	Old Code runs ok, new code compiles but doesnt work yet...

2002-05-19  jprix  <>

	* influ.c, keyboard.c:
	Resolved the strange WEAPON-mode--framerate-bug:  Influ color is now not
	set every frame which gives us DOUBLE FRAMERATE!! cool, isn't it?

	* influ.c, sound.c:
	Added extensive error docu and error explanation if there ever should be
	a problem with the yiff and how to resolve it.  This was a "release-critical"
	bug, that I consider now fixed.  Tell me if you are of different oppinion...

	* defs.h, influ.c, main.c, ship.c:
	Added framerate computation via SDL.  Gives very much the same results as
	the old code using gettimeofday.  A switch USE_SDL_FRAMERATE has been added
	in defs.h to allow for convenient switching between the two methods.

	* defs.h, global.h, graphics.c, keyboard.c:
	Removed a nonexisting picture from the code.

2002-05-18  jprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	More updates to the sound files.

	* sound.c: Cleaned up sound files...

	* sound.c: Deleted unused sound files.

	* sound.c:
	cleaned up more sound files...

	* sound.c:
	further restructurated sound files...

	* sound.c: Cleaned up sounds some more.

	* sound.c:
	Changed some sound files and removed obsolete sounds.

	* defs.h:
	Removed another obsolete graphic.

	* misc.c, text.c, main.c:
	Removed?? the "GetChar" bug?  Remove an obsolete graphic.

	* ship.c:
	removed some obsolete graphics.  Console looks now quite clean to me.

	* ship.c:
	Removed some obsolte graphics.  Modified console a little.

	* keyboard.c:
	Mainly updated the Homepage and added cleaned-up screenshots. (one less ;-) )

2002-05-17  rprix  <>

	included maped.h, for distribution and dependencies

	* oldcode.c: shouldn't really be in CVS.
	!! * If you want it, please keep a local copy * !!
	i.e. rename it _before_ you do cvs update !!
	(otherwise check out the previous revision with cvs update -r<rev>

	* text.c, view.c:
	mainly cleanup and reduced used of Real/Internal Screen.

	* takeover.c:
	- new Infoline-treatment (SetInfoline(r,l))
	- greatly reduced use of obsolete Real/InternalScreen variables
	  instead of Outline320x200. (Only remains are in GetTakeoverGraphics())

	* svgaemu.c:
	- some "clean-up" (removed some DebugPrintf's)
	- some formatting to make it more readable

	* ship.c:
	- New Info-line handling (SetInfoline(l,r))
	- reduced use of Real/InternalScreen in favor of Outline320x200.
	- some clean-up

	* proto.h:
	Infoline-handling now down solely by SetInfoline(left,right)

	* map.c:
	uncommented un-defined use of EditTextInfo which only worked in -O2

	* main.c:
	mainly cleanup, plus take account of new Infoline-handling via SetInfoline(l,r).

	* keyboard.c:
	made deprecated KillTastaturPuffer() complain about being obsolete when called.

	* init.c:
	Re-activated printing of PACKAGE and VERSION when command-line option
	[-v|--version] is given. This should now even work on obsolete
	build-environements  (-> jp ;)

	* graphics.c:
	some cleanup, and SwapScreen() and WaitVRetrace() are deprecated and
	will complain about being obsolete when called ;)

	* global.h:
	some cleanup, and junked now obsolete LeftInfo[50], and RightInfo[]

	* defs.h:
	added Infoline-defines from rahmen.h into here, because some are
	needed in global.h.

	* rahmen.c:
	All infoline-functions have now been reduced to only one:
	(replacing SayLeftInfo(), SayRightInfo() and UpdateInfoline())
	SetInfoline (char *left, char *right), which is given the
	strings  left,right to be displayed in the Infoline.
	When NULL is passed, this displays the defaults i.e. Me.status left
	and Score right.
	NOTE1: this function only acts on Outline320x200 and does not update
	the actual screen, so you have to call PrepareScaledSurface(TRUE) later.
	NOTE2: DisplayRahmen() now just does that, no Infoline is added and
	      the actualy screen is not updated either.

	* maped.h: added Copyleft to maped.h

	* maped.h:
	removed all the nasty ^M 's at the line-endings...

2002-05-17  jprix  <>

	* influ.c, init.c, takeover.c:
	Cleaned the Rahmen during the Takeover game (that was easy, haha)

	* global.h:
	Changed Highes/Lowest/Greatscore data type to float, like RealScore is.
	This seems to have removed the "GetChar"-bug in Debriefing!

	* main.c, proto.h, ship.c, text.c:
	Cleaned up Console:  Its now really working well.
	Cleaned up the font colors in Debriefing.  Seems a little bit better this way.

	* maped.h:
	Forgot to add the (slighly modified, but otherwise old) maped.h too :-)

	* map.c, misc.c, proto.h:
	Added Save function to the level editor (now working completly correct,
	but also not crashing).

2002-05-16  jprix  <>

	* colodefs.h, init.c, main.c, oldcode.c, proto.h, rahmen.c,
	ship.c, ship.h, text.c: 
	Cleaned up the Rahmen and the console.  Not flawless, but rather clean now.

	* keyboard.c, main.c, proto.h:
	The cheat menu is now hid a little bit better:  The new key to enter is
	SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-C.  I hope thats enough.  We could also demand left AND right
	shift and control and alt keys to be pressed, but for now I think its ok.

	* influ.c, oldcode.c, struct.h:
	Ahhhh, I finally managed to cleanly correct the bug that sometime
	boxed you around, sometimes even threw you out of the ship.  At
	least on my machine is works fine now. 

	* keyboard.c, misc.c, proto.h:
	Added better keyboard handling and even more level editor functionality.

	* defs.h, keyboard.c, map.h, misc.c, proto.h:
	Added more level editor functionality.

2002-05-16  rprix  <>

	*, graphics.c, init.c, main.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, ship.c, text.c:
	changed #includes and Makefile acccording to renaming:
	para.c        -> main.c
	paratext.[ch] -> text.[ch]
	paravars.h    -> vars.h
	parainit.c    -> init.c

	* text.h:
	renamed "text.h" from "paratext.h"

	* global.h:
	taken account of new _file_ext  #defines due to renaming of para.c,
	paratext.c, paravars.h, parainit.c

	* text.c:
	renamed "text.c" from "paratext.c"

	* init.c:
	renamed to "init.c" from "parainit.c"

	* main.c: renamed "main.c" from "para.c"

	* paravars.h: * Renamed to "vars.h" !!

	* paratext.h, text.h:
	* Renamed to "text.h" !!

	* paratext.c: * Renamed to "text.c" !!

	* parainit.c: * Renamed to "init.c" !!

	* para.c: * Renamed to "main.c" !!

2002-05-16  jprix  <>

	* misc.c:
	Started Level editor, invokable via Options/Escape Menu.

	* svgaemu.c, global.h, init.c, main.c, misc.c, oldcode.c, para.c,
	parainit.c, paratext.c, proto.h, sound.c, text.c: 
	Further completed the options menu.
	Cleaned up some sound code.

2002-05-15  rprix  <>

	* main.c, misc.c, para.c, paratext.c, system.h, takeover.c, text.c:
	improved GetString() somewhat.

2002-05-15  jprix  <>

	* init.c, main.c, para.c, parainit.c, sound.c:
	Added TODO stuff.
	Sound effect volume adjustment now completely operational.

2002-05-15  rprix  <>

	* init.c, parainit.c, takeover.c:
	takeover game now runs at constant timing-speed... ouff

2002-05-15  jprix  <>

	* global.h, init.c, misc.c, parainit.c, proto.h, sound.c, svgaemu.c:
	Added gamma corrections for to options menu.
	Added background volume adjustment to the options menu.
	Added full screen toggle to the options menu.
	Added Mission instructions to the single player menu.
	Added Framerate display option to the options menu.

	* proto.h, main.c, misc.c, para.c:
	Enlarged the options menu.

2002-05-15  rprix  <>

	* misc.c:
	fixed jp's bug in "stuck" options menu: Have to set Weiter=TRUE to get
	out of it!! ;-)

	* global.h, graphics.c, init.c, main.c, misc.c, para.c,
	parainit.c, proto.h, ship.c, takeover.c, takeover.h: 
	-minor cleanup: remove obsolete InterruptInfolineUpdate,
		Monitorsignalunterbrechung(), NOJUNKWHILEINIT, MODSCHASEIN,
		+ several useless DebugPrintfs()

	- started proper timing control in Takeover game, only implemented
		yet for Color-choosing sequence.

	* system.h:
	*@argh!! forgot to bloody check the bloody file in, dammit!

2002-05-15  jprix  <>

	* BFont.c, BFont.h, graphics.c, main.c, misc.c, para.c, proto.h, view.c:
	Extendes the options menu.  The problem of "stuck" escape key persists and
	remains not understood by me.

2002-05-14  rprix  <>

	* keyboard.c, main.c, para.c:
	fixed bug in getchar_raw () that could cause "stuck keys"
	slightly modified Pause-function, leaving now always via "Space"

	* added BFont.c and BFont.h to
	system-wide includes are now all in "system.h"
	SDL-headers now included as <SDL/SDL.h>, to allow installation-path indep.
	Project name now more consistently "Freedroid" rather than "FreeDroid".

2002-05-14  jprix  <>

	* BFont.c, BFont.h, global.h, graphics.c, init.c, main.c, misc.c,
	para.c, parainit.c, paratext.c, proto.h, ship.c, svgaemu.c,
	takeover.c, text.c, view.c: 
	Options menu is now based on great new fonts and therefore MUCH more flexible
	than the old structure that used one fixed image for the menu.

2002-05-14  rprix  <>

	* ship.c:
	properly wait for Space Press/Release at Deck-view in Console.

	* bullet.c:
	included <stdlib.h> for abs()

	* blocks.c, enemy.c, ship.c, svgaemu.c, takeover.c:
	minor modifs: - some cleanup, e.g. line-breaks in comment-blocks
		      - removed some (now) useless DebugPrintf()'s, now
			deprecated  as we can properly debug with gdb.

	* view.c:
	include <string.h> for memset() and memcopy() functions

	* proto.h:
	Flimmern() now takes an argument, GetString() now has 2. Added getchar_raw().

	* paratext.c, text.c:
	_completely_ rewritten GetString() (and hope nobody has seen the
	old code... lol ;).
	GetString now has _2_ arguments: MaxLen, and echo. The new argument
	"echo" switches between no echo (echo=0), printf-echo (echo=1) and
	SDL DisplayText (echo=2).
	I'm afraid there might be a bug somewhere in there, as Debriefing()
	now sometimes SegFaults, using this new functions. I'm working on it!

	* init.c, parainit.c:
	escaped multi-line string constants, as gcc-3.0 doesn't like them
	unescaped any more.

	* main.c, para.c:
	- adapted Pause() and ShowHighscoreList() to use the new
	getchar_raw() and generally SDL.
	- minor modifs mainly for consistency with my other global modifs, i.e.
	 use_fullscreen -> fullscreen_on, second argument to GetSting() in
	 Debriefing, ...

	* misc.c:
	adapted Cheatmenu() to SDL_ libs: output is now done simply via
	printf(), which shows the Cheat-menu in the text-window, while
	keyboard input is done vie getchar_raw() using SDL. This should be
	quite ok for a cheat-menu, which is intended for developers, not for
	users anyway... ;)

	This should now be 99% functional, please add/remove functionalities
	as needed.

	* map.c:
	- fixed bug in GetCrew() that lead to "strange" 001 enemys and 5xx
	numbers on yellow deck etc.
	- Remove some (now) useless DebugPrintf's. Since SDL, we can actually
	use a proper debugger and should reduce the use of DebugPrintf to an
	absolute useful minimum.

	* graphics.c:
	choice of Flimmer-type is now passed as an argument to Flimmern(),
	which might be useless but at least gets rid of the #ifdef conditional
	compilation, and allows to try different ones before maybe chosing just one.

	* keyboard.c:
	added a new function, getchar_raw(), which allows to get the character
	of the _next_ key pressed in a similar way getchar() does, but working
	under the raw SDL keyboard mode. This is used in the new GetString()
	function, and should generally come quite handy, I hope.

	* global.h:
	changed global toggle "use_fullscreen" to canonical name "fullscreen_on".
	I recommand using this canonical form for future global toggles.!

	* TAGS:
	TAGS file should be produced locally, and by using the command
	make tags

2002-05-14  jprix  <>

	* paratext.c, ship.c, svgaemu.c, takeover.c, text.c, view.c,
	blocks.c, graphics.c, keyboard.c, map.c, misc.c: 
	Erradicated the last real SVGALIB dependencies and includes.
	Added the link to SDL_Paradroid to the homepage.

2002-05-12  jprix  <>

	* keyboard.c:
	Added a screenshoot function, that is accessible via the p key.
	I hope I didn't mess anything up, because the server says I modified
	EVERYTHING.  Lets see...

2002-05-11  jprix  <>

	* init.c, main.c, para.c, parainit.c, ship.c:
	resolved some warnings about gettimeofday.

	* graphics.c, misc.c, oldcode.c, proto.h, rahmen.c, view.c:
	Removed all remaining putpixel calls from FreeDroid.

	* blocks.c, oldcode.c:
	putpixel(...)-calls entirely deleted from module blocks.c.

	* blocks.c, graphics.c, oldcode.c:
	Removed a bug in the new DisplayBlock routine that didn't display
	the elevtor picture. 

	* graphics.c, oldcode.c, svgaemu.c:
	Added an icon and a window title for FreeDroid.
	Also moved some unused but perhaps not yet useless code to the new module

	* blocks.c, init.c, parainit.c, rahmen.c, svgaemu.c, view.c:
	Started a new way to assemble the internal picture before it is drawn to
	the screen:  Now picture assembling is done in program memory, not in an
	SDL screen called "screen".  The new working field is names
	"Outline320x200" cause its the outline of what we later want to bring to
	the screen and cause its size is 320x200.  putpixels should NEVER again
	occur this way, not even in svgaemu.c, where PrepareScaledWindow has been
	patched allready.

	* blocks.c, global.h, paratext.c, rahmen.c, text.c, view.c:
	Resolved some conflicts, where there were local variables "screen"
	logically conflicting with global variable "screen".
	Turned off RotateBulletColor() and voila, 30 FPS at least again.

2002-05-10  jprix  <>

	* svgaemu.c:
	Improved the technical details of PrepareScaledSurface:  This saves about
	15% time for improved framerate.

2002-05-10  rprix  <>

	* TAGS: minor modifs

	* svgaemu.c:
	slightly changed the handling of the use_fullscreen toggle.

	* struct.h:
	extended struct ship with num_levels, num_lifts, num_lift_rows
	members, which replace the now obsolete LevelsOnShip

	* ship.h:
	we now reserve the following Palette ranges:
	190 (EL_BG_COLOR),
		MAX_LEVELS level-colors


	This corresponds to the MAX_LEVELS=29 and MAX_LIFTROWS=15 settings in
	defs.h and we hope this will be sufficient for future ships...?!

	* ship.c:
	removed the "ship-puzzle", where we composed the ship-view by small
	blocks, which now greatly simplifies this piece of code.
	Activated correct coloring of lift-rows and levels, using the _new_
	Palette range reserved for this (see ship.h).

	* init.c, parainit.c:
	extended/replaced Johannes' command-line code (sorry ;), and added the
	new options [-f|--fullscreen] and [-w|--window], with corresponding
	help-message. We use the toggle "use_fullscreen" rather than
	"FullScreen_Requested_By_Player_Tired_of_Playing_in_Window"... (lol ;)

	+ Use of new ship-struct members.

	* main.c, para.c:
	set default value for use_fullscreen to FALSE (for easier debugging)

	* map.c:
	use now ship-defines MAX_LEVELS, MAX_LIFTS and MAX_LIFTROWS.

	* graphics.c:
	we now longer read the (now) obsolete ELevator-blocks, which were used
	to "puzzle" together the ship-view. Instead, the complete ship-picture
	is loaded. Coloring of levels and lift-rows is done via color-palette.

	* global.h: added use_fullscreen toggle.

	* defs.h:
	- new #defines MAX_LIFTS, MAX_LEVELS and MAX_LIFTROWS for upper
	limits of lifts (formerly known as 'elevators'), levels and lift-rows
	on any ship.

	The new defines are now used consistenly everywhere.

	* colodefs.h:
	removed EL_* (elevator) color-definitions, they now stand all in

	* blocks.c:
	corrected bug in DisplayBlock(): source++ was _before_ putpixel
		(should came after it)

	new Makefile which includes svgaemu.c in order to allow

2002-05-09  jprix  <>

	* graphics.c, init.c, main.c, para.c, parainit.c, takeover.c:
	Removed the delay command from Takeover function.  Still it is incredibpy slow!
	Removed the bug, that the -f command line option didn't work.

	* defs.h, graphics.c, init.c, keyboard.c, main.c, misc.c, para.c,
	parainit.c, svgaemu.c: 
	Added command line switch for fullscreen mode. (strange: only work
	in long form?) 	Removed the lag at the beginning of the game
	menioned by Reinhard. Added the new constand SCALE-FACTOR, that
	lets you decide between x2 and x3 magnification. 

	* graphics.c, ship.c:
	Deactivated the too slow unfading of levels after leaving the elevator.
	This will be good to avail annoyed players for the new X11 release
	to be coming soon. 

	* graphics.c, paratext.c, ship.c, text.c:
	Ported Konsole to new Scale-Structured X11.

	* graphics.c, keyboard.c, main.c, para.c, paratext.c, proto.h,
	svgaemu.c, text.c, view.c: 
	Portet SetUserfenster, GetString and the Debriefing and the
	Flimmern function to X11. 
	A lot of new keys are now accessible via the usual ?Pressed() functions.

	* graphics.c, init.c, parainit.c, paratext.c, svgaemu.c, text.c:
	Added comments about BULLETCOLOR rotation to be removed sooner or later.

	* graphics.c, init.c, parainit.c, paratext.c, ship.c, svgaemu.c,
	takeover.c, text.c: 
	Takeover and Title screen are now visible again, hey that rhymes.

	* graphics.c, main.c, para.c, view.c:
	Corrected the color handling.  Patched the too low framerate-constant at the
	beginning.  Incorporated PrepareScaledSurface into PutInterFenster.

	* svgaemu.c:
	Forgot to add this last file for the transfer to X11.  Hope all is well...

	* paratext.c, proto.h, ship.c, text.c, view.c, blocks.c, defs.h,
	global.h, graphics.c, init.c, keyboard.c, main.c, map.c, misc.c,
	para.c, parainit.c: 
	The game now runs under X11 using the SDL. (Thats why the many changes.)

2002-05-09  rprix  <>

	* view.c:
	mainly eliminated use of BeamLine in PutOject().
	introduced use of some new gl_  svgalib functions, although Johannes
	will throught them out immediately again... hope this will not cause
	too many conflicts...

	* takeover.c:
	ShowPlayground(): takeover game now uses "frame-buffering"
	(via InternalScreen) as well, for a smooth display.

	* init.c, parainit.c:
	-removed BeamLine, and added initialisation of Random-number generator
	  to make sure the game-beginning is really random too

	* misc.c:
	mainly re-written MyRandom(). This function is now tested to give equally
	probable integer numbers in the range [0, Obergrenze].

	* influ.c:
	removed use of global variable BeamLine

	* graphics.c: changed some comments.

	* global.h:
	removed useless (I hope ;) global variable BeamLine

	* enemy.c:
	- better waypoint-treatment should get rid of "ghost"-enemys going
	through walls to (0,0).

	- removed all reference and use of the global variable BeamLine, which
	  seemed rather useless... (I hope)

	* defs.h:
	added macros Grob2Fein(x) and Fein2Grob(x) for easier conversion between
	Fein<-->Grob coordinates.
	Note: for simplicity these macros can be used for x and y coords,
	as long as BLOCKHOEHE=BLOCKBREITE, which is ok for the moment, but might
	change in the future

	However, a new concept for these grob/fein coordinates might be necessary
	anyway, as it seems currently too specific to 320x200 resolution...

2002-05-08  jprix  <>

	* influ.c, ship.c:
	Calibrated the effect of the refresh field:  more refreshment, same price.
	Cleared out the bug, that the status line remained dead after visition Consoles.

	* init.c, parainit.c:
	Filled the AUTHORS file with something sensible (like others did)
	Commented out the PACKAGE_STRING again.

2002-05-07  rprix  <>

	* init.c, parainit.c:
	re-activated output of Version information with --version.
	Note: PACKAGE_STRING must be #defined in your config.h file. Make
	sure you re-run aclocal, autoheader, autoconf, automake if not. If
	this #define is still missing in your config.h, your gnu-build
	environement might be broken, or you have to update it... 

2002-05-07  jprix  <>

	* init.c, main.c, para.c, parainit.c, rahmen.c, sound.c, view.c:
	Added more TitleText information, also about the controls of the game.
	There might, no there will, be people, who NEVER heard of paradroid.
	Removed the frame-rate-debug information that made the screen ugly.
	Remove a SegFault cause:  High-Score name freed after it is displayed!

2002-05-07  rprix  <>

	* enemy.c, global.h, init.c, main.c, map.c, misc.c, para.c,
	parainit.c, takeover.c: 
	- some additions to Cheatmenu, in order to help track problems
	with map & "ghost robots".. 
	- added command-line option [--debug|-d[=LEVEL]] to switch on
	output of debug-messages (files currently gets *HUGE* very fast,
	so this should only be used when needed!)  debug-levels supported
	_in principle_, but only ON/OFF (i.e. 0, >0) implemented 
	- Takeover game now non-transparent by default (looks much better ;)

2002-05-06  jprix  <>

	* init.c, main.c, misc.c, para.c, parainit.c, paratext.c, proto.h, text.c:
	Added improved check for nescessary line-feeds.  Now it is no longer nescessary
	to add a \n in any text to be displayed by DispalyText or
	ScrollText but the functions will do line breaking themselves.
	Removed all \n from Title Texts and Console Texts. This will be
	much more convenient when changes are made to the text and
	guessing the right time for a line feed can be omitted.  Added a
	missing letter in the fontpicture also. 

2002-05-05  jprix  <>

	* Started an EndTitle function that will be called as soon as all robots aboard
	the ship are dead.  (The armageddon-cheat-option is very convenient to achieve
	this.)  This new function also displays part of the new story line.

	* Corrected the SegFault bug that came from too little accocated memory for the
	text describing druids at the console, that faulted if 999 was displayed.
	Now that Bug should be fixed.

	* view.c:
	I activated a security check:  PutEnemy now sets the type of the druid to 001
	whenever it encouters a druid with illegal type.  Please note,
	that this is only a dirty workaround and not a solution to the
	problem, which in my opinion is due to the DOS-TO-UNIX conversion
	problems of out ship- crew- and map-files, that cause some (the
	last or first most likely) entrys to contain junk.  However the
	SegFault bug for now disappears. 
	* Tracked a Segfault bug:  The cause seems to be a druid of type 33 where we
	know only 24 different druid types.  Asked Reinhard to correct the bug.
	Added a lot of additional debug messages and security checks in the process.

	* Added some new sounds and imroved the sound behaviour in takeover game.
	Also improved the flash behaviour, mainly the too short optical effect.

	* Calibrated one but one very important constant for framerate
	computation, that will staightens out the last time-distorting
	after longer delays.  The only other time-distortion can happen at
	the very first beginning of the game, where no data on the
	framerate to be expected is yet available.  I think that is
	tolerable. jp. 

2002-05-04  jprix  <>

	* Inproved collision behaviour:  multiple collisions (immediately
	destroying influ) should no longer occur.  Improved wait, firewait
	and aggression behaviour of druids. Seems pretty much like the
	original now, although I don't have the original game or even an
	emu installed. 

	* Since there were some unsmoothnesses in the flow of the game,
	that had to do 	with framerates and distorted framerates I
	corrected the flaw.  Apart from that there is now a function
	called Activate_Conservative_Frame_Computation(); that 	should be
	called whenever the game flow is stopped for possibly longer
	periods of time, e.g. in elevators, consoles, takeover, options
	menu, debug menu.  The 	new code seems to work pretty well, at
	least on my machine. 

	* Now different sounds for different bullet types are implemented.

	* Takeover game has now more sounds, although these sounds could
	perhaps use improvement. 

	* Corrected the bug, that the influ is in transfermode by default
	when coming out of the elevator, thereby often initiating
	unintended takeover of inferiour droids. 

	* Redid the TRANSFERCOUNTER code to make it frame_dependent (and useful again).

	* Further improved the official menu, that is accessible via ESCAPE key.

2002-05-03  jprix  <>

	* Added a preliminary options menu, that is of course not fully
	functioning yet. The menu is accessible via the escape key.
	Since this is not some debug window, it is intended to be
	graphically impressive. 

2002-05-02  rprix  <>

	* o) 'GNU-yfied' whole source by indent. Please try to stick to
	   these conventions too  (by imitation, or by using indent). Ok,
	   this is not compulory but it  makes reading the code easier.

	o) sound_on is now checked _by_ the sound-functions, not by the caller!
	   Yiff is unconditionally initialised: this allows switching on/off
	   of sound in real-time. Unfortunately this does not yet work for the
	   background music, maybe Johannes can implement something along these
	o) can't remember what else I did, probably nothing important... ;)

2002-05-02  jprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	deleted more unused sound code.  improved debug logging a little bit more.

	* sound.c:
	added more doku to sound.c and remove some old unused code.

2002-05-01  rprix  <>

	* o) changed all possible printf() statements into DebugPrintf()
	o) Transparent takeover game now works nicely, but is it really useful? :|

2002-05-01  jprix  <>

	* Added more and better debugmessages for better tracking of the
	latest background music problem. However I am not sure I
	understand it yet.  I hope the new debugmessages help a bit. 

2002-05-01  rprix  <>

	* takeover.c:
	fixed Bug in ShowPlayground() that caused a seg-fault when Takeover game
	was finished (sorry ;)

2002-05-01  jprix  <>

	* Set release nr. to 1 in configure.  Still had to comment the
	"PACKAGE_STRING" line out in parainit.c in order to have it
	compile.  Can someone else verify the crash related to sound?  I
	seem to be unable to reproduce the bug. 

2002-05-01  rprix  <>

	* init.c, parainit.c:
	Version and Package name output by --version are now set by configure!
	Ideally the _only_ place to set version+name should be .

	* takeover.c:
	o) added transparancy to takeover game (is not finished yet). I'm not sure
	  if that will be usefull, but one only has to do a SetUserfenster(color)
	  at the beginning to remove transparancy ...
	o) jp has slightly messed up the code when adding his sound-effect
	   this could not possibly have compiled like that??!!

	* map.c:
	fixed mini-bug in TranslateMap()  (NewBlock was not initialised)

	* defs.h:
	why not try the new title-picture? (at least it gives the right _name_!)

2002-05-01  jprix  <>

	* More debug messages added, while trying to track a reproducable
	segfault bug. 

	* ship.c:
	Erredicated the bug in the GreatDruidShow keyboard controls.

	* Takeover game now has more sound.

	* Improved Background sounds:  More sound files + Background music
	can be switched easily. Takeover, Console, Title and Combat each
	have their own background music. 

	* Refreshes now rotate at a adecent speed AND also work at decent speed.
	Score is reduced in a moderate amount.
	Made some corrections to the "Rahmen":  It now is displayed sans
	red box around it. 

2002-04-30  jprix  <>

	* Corrected the bug, that was recently made into SetUserfenster,
	when rp ported the function.  Corrected the bug, that was in
	ClearUserFenster, where the order of parameters was mixed up,
	which made a setmem call useless. 

	* Refresh fields rotate now at the right speed.  (Their effect and
	scoredrain isn't fixed yet.) Corrected the bug of missing robot
	rotation after the influ has been defeated. 
2002-04-30  rprix  <>

	* ported the SetUserfenster() function in view.c to use vgalib.
	Takeover game now finished as far as the original version is concerned.

2002-04-29  jprix  <>

	* bullet.c,
	Robot blast damage now functioning correctly (same as influencer).
	Influencer takes the right amount of damage when hit by bullets.
	Improved Homepage a (little) bit. 

	* Corrected the version number in the title screen.
	Fixed the bug, that influencers damage from bullets was random.

	* Erradicated some (justified) warnings.  Adapted some
	robot-related constants. BTW, the autoconf/automake STILL does not
	produce -Wall switch for the makefile in /src. 

2002-04-28  rprix  <>

	* blocks.c,
	fixed small bug in DisplayMergeBlock(): source++ came _before_
	check on TRANSPARENTCOLOR resulting in display Problems in
	takeover-game. Takeover-game now well adjusted. Still lacking a
	uniform Color background. what function to use? 

2002-04-28  jprix  <>

	* Redid the somewhat flaky mathematics of enemy fire.  Enemy
	robots are now perfect marksmen. They always hit (allthough they
	do not consider current movement of the influencer but rather
	shoot at his current position).  They never hit themselves,
	although it can happen, that two bullets are fired to shortly
	after each other, colliding and creating a blast that can harm the
	enemy.  But that is seldom happening and also happening in the C64
	version, as far as I know.  Game fun is drastically increased with
	such enemys! Hoa! Cool!  See ya, jp. 

	* Cleaned up the console, especially the "GreatDruidShow".
	Allthough some minor flaws still exist, I find that it looks quite
	passable.  Come and see for yourself. 

	* Erased a stupid segfault due to unincluded headers due to
	insufficient compiler warnings! Please someone sooner or later see
	to that the autoconf/automake generated appropriate compiler 
	switches that cause maximal warnings!  Thanks,jp.

	* ship.c, view.c:
	All druidimages should now be displayed at the console.
	However, slight color distortions may still occur in some druidimages.
	They are only minor however and should disappear, when the graphics are
	worked over or if we set the vga palette separately.  Do that if
	you feel like it... 

	* Code added to read in the images of the druids for the console depiction.
	Modifications were made to the image files go get their properties right...
	Work is still left to do there.

	* Since Reinhards new DisplayMergeBlock function tended to segfault because of
	uninitialized pointers, I corrected the little mistake and also added some new
	function "DebugPrintf" that should be used throughout the code for debug-messages,
	CONSISTING ONLY OF ONE STRING, so that we can conveniently turn on and off the
	crowd of debug messages as desired with one little switch in
	misc.c.  Have fun, jp. 

	* sound.c:
	Added and activated GotHitSound produced by incoming bullets.

	* graphics.c:
	Portet the old "Flimmern" function to use svgalib calls instead of
	writing to memory. 

	* Redid some of the old unelegant sound code.  Its now much
	shorter, more elegant and new sounds can be added much easier than
	before.  Some new sounds added as well. 

2002-04-28  rprix  <>

	* Command line parsing now works. Currently implemented [-v | --version]
	[-? | -h | --help], [-q | --nosound ], [-s | --sound] (default),
	[-t | --timeout=SECONDS ] ... sets alarm - timeout for debug purposes.

	See the function parse_command_line() in parainit.c and "man getopt"
	if you want to add further functionality.

	* Takeover game now nearly perfect, uses only *our* graphics of to_elem.pcx
	(-> no copyright problems...). Background still needs to be cleared...

	* blocks.c:
	DisplayMergeBlock() now ported (in analogy to DisplayBlock())

2002-04-28  jprix  <>

	* Improved the sound a bit more....

2002-04-27  jprix  <>

	* Improved the sound a bit:  blasts and refreshes and elevators now
	produce sound! have fun. 

	* Added some new sounds.  Sound active as default.

2002-04-25  jprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	Sound working again!  Jiippiiiee!

2002-04-24  jprix  <>

	* sound.c:
	Tried to correct the sound bug.  Had to do it blindly, for the
	project doesn't compile at my machine at the moment. 
	So, good luck everybody with the changes I made...

2002-04-22  rprix  <>

	* nosound.c:
	nosound.c is redundant now, conditional compilation in sound.c

	* Makefile:
	Makefile is now _built_ by configure, should _not_ be checked in.

	* NEW Project NAME:  FreeDroid (aka freedroid-0.6.0).
	All c-files now include <config.h>, built from configure

	* sound.c:
	uses #if HAVE_LIBY2 from <config.h> to compile conditionally, depending on
	presence of Yiff-library as detected by configure.

	Main source-files of the GNU build environement.
	Run autoconf and automake to obtain the configure-script.