

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 73031122b00d05655cd6a7ba1f6e92ae > files > 7


Version 0.4.3 :
* Fixed issue: Fail to add a new schedule, due to an "invalid profile" message.
* Fixed annoying gui freeze while calculating differences between a snapshot & the source. Also added a "STOP caclulations" button.
* Fixed issue: Seg fault occurs when a system tray notification area is not available and LB is minimized to tray (eg scheduled jobs).
* Minor gui improvements.

Version 0.4.2 :
* Added extra description field for profiles and individual tasks.
* Change .profile files to simple text so that they can be edited directly (original profiles are backed-up to ~/.luckyBackup/profiles/backups/ just in case).
* Improved logviewer to handle huge files much faster.
* Fixed issue: Normal user menu entry title is "luckybackup (super user)".
* Fixed issue: When using remote destination, a directory named exactly as the destination, will be created localy.
* Fixed issue: Non-workings links inside manual, when application is run from command-line
* Fixed issue: The gui freezes when huge amount of information is desplayed in the "commands output" window
* Update manual

Version 0.4.1 :
* Added feature to restore a snapshot to any local directory
* Updated manual
* Improved the cron logfile: Different logfiles for each profile, listing results from only the last cronjob.
* Fixed issue: Command-line mode fails to execute some tasks within a profile
* Fixed issue: Various snapshots issues when task type is "Backup the entire source directory (by name)".
* Fixed issue: Command-line mode fails to delete older snapshots
* Fixed issue: Specific snapshots can now be deleted if more than one exist.
* Fixed issue: Restoring from any snapshot, but the last one, will cause an error to be displayed if the directory .luckybackup-snaphots/XXXXXX has not been created.
* Fixed issue: Creation of full path of destination directory if it does not exist.
* Fixed issue: Translation of standard yes/no - ok/cancel Qt dialogs. 
* Fixed issue: Logfiles manipulation when invalid characters are used within the task name.
* Fixed issue: Some character encoding issues at command-line mode.

Version 0.4.0 :
* Added support for snapshots
* Officialy added feature to manage created backups:
	-> Restore
	-> Delete
	-> View log
	-> View source & destination
	-> Calculate differences between source & destination
* Updated manual
* Added option to copy the actual command to be executed, to clipboard, at "validate" dialog, for direct use at a terminal (...or anywhere).
* Added option to duplicate a profile.
* Added option to duplicate a task.
* Added option to use exclude/include patterns from a file.
* Added "command option" template to support destination FAT/ntfs partitions.
* Added @reboot option at schedule dialog.
* Added "view current crontab" option at schedule dialog
* Added 2 modes for include patterns: "Only Include" and "Normal Include".
* Changed behaviour of pre-task commands to prevent task execution if there is an error.
* Improved pattern editor.
* Updated manpage.
* Improved main gui.
* Improved help dialog (manual) so that it is visible while the user can interact with the main window.
* Changed the way of creating RESTORE tasks from within the task properties to a menu entry.
* Added option to minimize the main window to tray by using the close button when a profile execution is in progress.
* Improved profiles to implement backward compatibility (older versions of application can load newer version profiles).
* Fixed check of 2 tasks within the same profile, using identical destination directories and "backup dir contents" as task type.
* Fixed (hopefully) lots of problems caused by non-standard characters (eg Cyrillic, Greek) especially at schedules and console-mode.
* Fixed lots of problems when a profile execution was ABORTED by the user
* Improved propject file for ubuntu, fedora & openSuse compatibility

Version 0.3.5 :
* BUG fix: Segmentation fault (window vanishes) produced when adding a new task

Version 0.3.4 :
* Improved logfiles to a much more useable format
* Added cool "pattern editor"
* Added tray notification support
* Changed "delete files on the destination" as a default option again, together with a WARNING message
* Added "by-pass WARNING" option as a task property, so that the user has the ability to execute tasks with a WARNING message
* Added more command line arguments so that that the gui executes the profile given as argument in normal, dry-run or silent mode
* Improved (simplified) input of a valid profile at command-line mode
* Introduced error codes at console mode
* Improved schedule settings file (please excuse me for no compatibility with older versions)
* Minor "task properties" dialog improvements
* Introduced information messages regarding schedules
* Introduced information messages regarding the current user running LB
* Fixed schedule dialog bug. When one schedule existed the modify option did not work correctly
* Added refresh list function, after a profile execution to update the gui
* Updated manpage
* Minor gui improvements

Version 0.3.3 :
* Changed "Delete files on the Destination" as a not-default option
* Fixed display of license at about dialog
* Bug fix: Checking of same source and destination directories when using remote

Version 0.3.2 :
* More fixes to comply with various package standards

Version 0.3.1 :
* Bug fix: fixed rsync progress window that displayed wrong information about source & destination directories
* Added backup time-stamps to know when tasks were last executed
* Updated manpage
* Minor fixes to comply with various package standards

Version 0.3 :

* Completely re-designed gui
* Added option to execute commands before or after a specific task
* Bug fix: Build errors at some systems (including ubuntu 8.04) that refer to wrong use of the 'count' variable
* Bug fix: Window no more disappears when the user has no write permissions at the destination folder
* Bug fix: Window no more disappears when the user clicks the close button at the task properties dialog
* Bug fix: Same destination of 2 included tasks check fixed

Version 0.2.1-2 :

* Fixed display of characters other than English at rsync progress window.
* Added "make install" option.
* Improved deb & rpm packages to meet standards.

Version 0.2.1 :

* Bug fix: Command-line mode no more asks for an X-Server to execute
* Bug fix: Scheduling is now supported for all users including the super-user
* Bug fix: Remote connections actually work now :-)
* Added v0.2 manual
* Added ssh specific port support
* Added translation to other languages support using .ts files 
* Added Greek & Czech language support (gui only)
* Improved checks for safer backups and data protection
* Added the “validate” option to the operation properties window
* Improved “save/load profile” code. After this version don't worry if your saved profile will work at the next release.

Version 0.2 :

* Completely changed gui
* Added support for infinite number of operations for each profile
* Added command line support
* Added support for scheduling of certain profiles execution via cron
* Added support for remote connections
* Added manual
* Added SSH support for remote connections
* Added option to restore an operation
* Added option to remove/add any rsync option
* Added support for certain files, folders or patterns tranfer only (Only Include) & not whole directory
* Added support to exclude the tranfer of certain files, folders or patterns from an operation
* Added option to actually see the rsync command to be executed
* Improved checks to protect user from doing stuff that he/she shoudn't
* Added simple/advanced mode for every type of user ;-)
Version 0.1.2 :

* Help dialog fix
* Added man page
* Fixed menu links
Version 0.1.1 :

* Fixed bug when user declares 2 or more identical destination directories (or uses the master backup directory for 2 or more tasks) and only the last task would be performed
* Added manual in html format
* Added licence files
* Added readme files
* Added new logo :-)
* Minor gui improvements
Version 0.1 :

* Initial release