

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 7681f578d000b947308b9bc9f3fa6ad8 > files > 12


# EXAMPLE configuration file for Fetch-crl3
# @(#)$Id$
# configuration file fetch-crl3
# use SEMICOLON (;) or \001 (^A) as list separators in values
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cfgdir sets the directory where subordinate configuration files are
# found. These files are read in addition to the main config file.
# The default directory is /etc/fetch-crl.d/ and is used by default, so
# to suppress this behaviour set this to the empty value ""
# cfgdir = /etc/fetch-crl.d
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# infoset set the location where the meta-data files (.info or .crl_url)
# are help by default. All trust anchors listed there are processes, so
# to suppress this behaviour set this to the empty value ""
# infodir = /etc/grid-security/certificates
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# cadir sets the location where the trust anchors themselves are found, as
# PEM files, to be used in the CRL verification by openssl. They are usually
# names after the trust anchor proper name ("alias.0"), or after the filename
# of the trust anchor, the basename of the meta-data file name ("hash.0").
# It defaults to infodir
# cadir = /etc/grid-security/certificates
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# output sets the location where the retrieved CRLs are written by default.
# It can be overridden on a per-output-format basis by setting the
# "output_<fmt>" options. It should point to a directory (even for the
# NSS output format. It defaults to infodir
# output = /etc/grid-security/certificates
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# statedir points to the directory where per-CRL state files are kept. These
# state files record the retrieval time, last-retrieved (modification) time, 
# best-before date and the (cached) content of the CRL. For the purposes of 
# the CRL state, all CRL URLs for a particular trust anchor index are 
# considered equal.
# If it is unset, no state is preserved, but the last-retrieved time is 
# guessed from the modification time. If statedir does not exist, or is
# not writable, it is not used but silently ignored. Writeability is 
# determined by perl's "-w" test.
# It defaults to /var/cache/fetch-crl
# statedir = /var/cache/fetch-crl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# formats lists one or more ways to write out the CRL to the output 
# directories. It can be one or more of "openssl", "der", "pem", or "nss"
# in a comma-separated list. 
# * the "openssl" format writes out "hash.rX" files, with <hash> being the
#   first 4 bytes of the digest of the subject DN, and "X" a sequence number 
#   of the CRL starting at 0 (".r0"). When used with OpenSSL version 1.0.0 
#   or above, it can write out the CRL with two possible hash algorithms at
#   the same time: the 'old' MD5 of the binary subject DN representation, or
#   the 'new' SHA1 based digest of the canonical representation. Whether
#   one or two hashes are written is determined by the "opensslmode" option.
# * "pem" writes out the CRL in PEM (RFC1421) format, to the file named
#   after the "nametemplate_pem" setting (default: @ANCHORNAME@.@R@.crl.pem)
#   in the output or output_pem directory
# * "der" does the same in DER binary format, to a file names 
#   after the "nametemplate_der" setting (default: @ANCHORNAME@.@R@.crl)
#   in the output or output_der directory
# * "nss" adds (or replaces) the named CRL in the NSS database in
#   <output>/<nssdbprefix>cert8.db, using the Mozilla crlutil tool
# formats = openssl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# specialised output directories
# output_pem = /etc/pki/tls/certs
# output_der = /var/tmp
# output_nss = /etc/pki/nssdb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# name templates are used to construct the file name of a CRL for installation
# based on the meta-data of the CA. It uses token replacement to construct
# a specific and unique filename. The tokens recognised are the same as those
# of the pre- and postpend URLs:
#   @ANCHORNAME@  base name of the trust anchor meta-data file name
#   @ALIAS@       alias name of the trust anchor from the info file (defaults
#                 to the @ANCHORNAME@)
#   @R@           the sequence number of the CRL for this trust anchor
# nametemplate_der = @ANCHORNAME@.@R@.crl
# nametemplate_pem = @ANCHORNAME@.@R@.crl.pem
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# catemplate has a (list of) potential names of the certificate of the
# trust anchor -- it is used to find the CA data for verifying the 
# retrieved CRLs. Even if you only use NSS databases, you need a directory
# with PEM formatted certificates of the issuing CAs. 
# catemplate  = @ALIAS@.pem; @ALIAS@.@R@; @ANCHORNAME@.@R@
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# opensslmode is used if the openssl format for output is specified and also
# OpenSSL version 1.0.0 or higher are used. If so, you can have the CRL data
# be written out twice, once with the 'old' and once with the 'new' hash style
# Default is dual mode, so if OpenSSL 1.x is present, by default TWO files
# are written
# opensslmode = dual
# opensslmode = single
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nonssverify disables the checking of imported CRLs into an NSS database. 
# so that you can create a database withonly CRLs, and no CAs. It passes the
# "-B" option to the crlutil tool
# nonssverify
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# wait up to <randomwait> seconds before doing anything at all 
# useful for randoming the start time and download from cron across the world
# randomwait = 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# logmode defined how the log and error messages are written out:
#  direct    - print them immediately, only the message
#  qualified - print immediately, but prexif it with the message type
#              "WARN", "ERROR", "VERBOSE(x)", or "DEBUG(x)"
#  cache     - save messages and dump them all at once at the end
#  syslog    - write the message to system with a decent severity level
#              using facility <syslogfacility> (default: daemon)
# logmode = qualified
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# wait at most <httptimeout> seconds for the retrieval of a data blob
# from a remote URL (http, https, or ftp). The timeout covers the whole
# retrieval process, incliding DNS resolution. Default is 120 seconds.
# httptimeout = 30
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# httpproxy sets the url for the HTTP proxy to use (in perl LWP style). Or
# use ENV to pick up the settings from the environment
# http_proxy = http://localhost:8001/
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# nowarnings suppresses the pritning and logging or any and all warnings (but
# not errors or verbose messages)
# nowarnings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# noerrors suppresses the pritning and logging or any and all errors (but
# not warnings or verbose messages)
# noerrors
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# agingtolerance sets the time in hours before retrieval warnings become
# errors for a CRL retrieval. If you also suppress warnings, you will 
# prevent any annoying messages for a trust anchor for up to <hrs> hours.
# The IGTF currently recommends an aging tolerance of 24 hours, to allow
# for network disruptions and connectivity problems.
# agingtolerance = 24
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# prepend_url URLs are tried first before using any URLs form the crl_url
# file or the .info crl_url (crl_url.0) fields
# prepend_url = file:///share/grid-security/certificates/@ALIAS@.r@R@
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# postpend_url URLs are tried last, only if all URLs form the crl_url file 
# or the .info crl_url (crl_url.0) fields have already failed or timed out
# postpend_url =
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# path to openssl version to use
# openssl = /usr/bin/openssl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# path to use to find utilities like OpenSSL or crlutil. Default leaves it 
# unmodified
# path = /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# settings "backups" will trigger the generation of backup files (~ files) 
# when writing CRLs to an output destination. 
# backups
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# stateless supresses any use of the state directory, even if it exists and
# is writable
# stateless
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# override version or packager to influence the User-Agent header in http 
# requests. But please leave them alone
# version = 3.0
# packager = EUGridPMA

# ===========================================================================
# ===========================================================================
# many settings can be overrules in a per-trust anchor section of the
# configuration file. For each trust anchor, only a SINGLE override
# section will be used. If a section names after the @ALIAS@ exists, 
# it will take precedence over any section named after @ANCHORNAME@.
# To have a section work with either ".info" or ".crl_url" files, name it
# after the @ANCHORNAME@, since that one will be the same for both.
# Example: the DutchGrid CA "NIKHEF" can be either [NIKHEF] or [16da7552]
# (the latter is the commonly used file name), but using [16da7552] will
# result in the section being recognised in both cases

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# agingtolerance for this trust anchor specifically. Use it if the retrieval
# for this CA is unreliable.
# agingtolerance = 12
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# replace the list of CRL URLs for this CA and this CRL sequence number
# by a completely new set.  E.g. from a different place, or a local
# cache, or ...
# crl_url.0 =; file:///etc/grid-security/certificates/16da7552.r0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# To never hear of this CA again, suppress both errors and warnings:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not process symlinked meta-data, preventing triple downloads with
# the new-format IGTF distribution before release 1.37 (1.33 up to and
# including 1.36 also symlinked the .info file to the hash names)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can also (un) set the following on a per-trust anchor basis:
# (no)prepend_url (no)postpend_url (no)http_proxy (no)statedir  -- 
#         either remove a global setting, or put in a new setting with value
# (no)warnings (no)noerrors (no)nocache  --
#         override a global setting (no value possible)
# agingtolerance httptimeout nametemplate_der nametemplate_pem
# cadir catemplate 
#         set these to a local value (but they cannot be unset)
# Share and enjoy -- and remember that up to 7 verbosity levels are
# significant :-) "-vvvvvvvv" is a useful option ...