

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 78783c5e0cce4551dbd6df267d2c527a > files > 8


-*- text -*-
                             ASSA library

Copyright (C) 1997-2007 Vladislav Grinchenko

ASSA is a general-purpose object-oriented collection of wrappers around
various UNIX C library functions and data structures designed to help with
the development of network-based client- and server-side applications.

The library consists of a simplistic implementation of the set of 
communication patterns such as Service Configurator, Reactor, Acceptor, 
Connector, and others described in various papers published by 
Dr. D. C. Schmidt. 

The full description can be found in "Patter Languages of Program Design", 
Vol. 2 and 3 (Software Patterns Series), Addison Wesley, or on-line at 

Official Home Page:
	* <>

	* no multithreading support.
	* small footprint.
	* LGPL license.

Platforms supported:
	* Linux/i386 (i32, i64, PPC)
	* Solaris2.x/CC 5.0
	* FreeBSD 5.2 and higher
	* cygwin32
	* mingw32
	* Nokia 770/800 Maemo


	% tar cvfz libassa-VERSION.tar.gz
	% cd libassa-VERSION

	% configure

or if you have doxygen/dot utilities missing

    % configure --enable-doxygen=no --enable-dot=no

of if you want tests/examples

    % configure --enable-selftests --enable-examples

	% make
	% make check          (if you enabled selftests)
	% sudo make install
    % sudo /sbin/ldconfig


	* Read Programmer's Manual for libassa first (main web site)

	* 'assa-genesis' creates sceleton file(s); useful to start writing new code.
	  See 'assa-genesis --help' for details.

	* 'pkg-config assa-3.4 --cflags --libs' returns compiler options necessary 
	  to compile the code. See 'assa-config --help' for details.

Related software:

	* For a full-blown implementation of communication patters, check out a
	  wonderful ACE library <> 
	  by Dr. D.C.Schmidt. 

	* Berlin (former Fresco) can be found <>.
	  It has an implemention of a very nice OO network communication layer.

	* libsocket++ is very light C++ streams facility extension of TCP/IP
	  socket communications.

	* Book "Advanced Network Programming" by Richard Stevens.


$Id: README,v 1.6 2007/05/14 19:19:50 vlg Exp $