

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 7fc9888841469498b1cb51895f685a2f > files > 25


   Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

   The MySQL Connector/C++ is licensed under the terms of the GPL
   <>, like most
   MySQL Connectors. There are special exceptions to the terms and
   conditions of the GPL as it is applied to this software, see the
   FLOSS License Exception

* Script to filter Connector/C++ (and Connector/ debug traces
* MySQL Connector/C++ offers several debug traces, The internal debug trace is
* a call trace. It shows each and every function call and sometimes
* the function arguments and other related information.
* Example:
* |  INF: Tracing enabled
* <MySQL_Connection::setClientOption
* >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
* |  INF: this=0x69a2e0
* |  >MySQL_Prepared_Statement::checkClosed
* |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::checkClosed
* |  <MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
* Obviously this trace  can easily get very, very long. It can show significantly
* more detail than you might want to find in the trace. Therefore you will find
* yourself often "grep'ing" through the trace to identify relevant information.
* This script aims to help you with the grep. I'm not a Unix-Shell expert,
* I've grown up with PHP - so its in PHP.
* Syntax:
*   php script.php
*     [-l trace_nesting_level]
*     [-s show_function]
*     [-r remove_function]
*     [-b read_file_backwards]
*     [-m max_number_of_lines_to_display]
*     [-stats]
*      trace_input_file
* The script shows three numbers at the beginning of each line of its output:
*  <input_lineno>/<nesting_level>/<output_lineno>
* <input_lineno>  - number of the line in the input file which causes the output
* <nesting_level> - see -t trace_nesting_level
* <output_lineno> - line number the line in the the generated output
* -t trace_nesting_level
* Show only information up to a function call depth of -t <n>.
* Nesting starts at level 1. If you apply -t 1 to the above example trace,
* the calls to MySQL_Prepared_Statement::checkClosed and
* MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt should not be shown, because they are
* on nesting level 2.
* -s show_function
* Show only classes and methods that apply to the pattern -s <pattern>.
* To show only method calls from the class X use -s X:: . To show
* only calls to method Y from class X, use -s X::Y. To show only
* all methods with the name Y from any class, use -s Y.
* Example based on the above trace:
* -s MySQL_Connection::
*    show only calls from the MySQL Connection class
* -s execute
*    show only calls of the method "execute" from any class
* -s MySQL_Prepared_Statement::setInt
*    show calls of method setInt from class MySQL_Prepared_statement
* -r remove_function
* Hide classes and methods that apply to pattern -r <pattern>.
* See -s show_function for a description of <pattern>.
* -b read_file_backwards
* Not functional.
* - m max_number_of_lines_to_display
* Limit output to <n> lines.
* -c
* Compress opening and closing function name into one line. Normally the trace
* will show two lines for every function call. The first line gets printed when
* entering a function. The second line gets printed when exiting. -c does
* "collapse" or "compress" to subsequent lines that show entering and leaving
* a function into one line. For example:
* > class::func()
* < class::func()
* Would be compressed into one line:
* = class::func()
* Compression happens only if no further lines are between entering and leaving
* a function.
* -v
* Print debug output.
* - stats
* Print call statistics. This can be useful to decide which
* classes and/or methods to exclude from the output using -r or -s. Statistics
* cover all calls - regardless if hidden from the output or not!
* @see

$analyzer = new cpp_trace_analyzer();
if (!$analyzer->checkArgs($argc, $argv) ||
		!$analyzer->parseOptions($argc, $argv))
	die("Syntax error\n\n");


class cpp_trace_analyzer {

	protected $tracefile = null;
	protected $level = 0;
	protected $show_functions = array();
	protected $exclude_functions = array();
	protected $verbose = false;
	protected $max_lines = 0;
	protected $read_from_tail = false;
	protected $collapse = false;

	protected $stats = array();
	protected $collect_stats = false;

	protected $fetch_buffer = array();
	protected $fetch_unfetched = 0;

	public function __construct() {

	public function checkArgs($argc, $argv) {
		if ($argc < 2) {
			return false;

		return true;

	public function parseOptions($argc, $argv) {

		$this->tracefile = $argv[$argc - 1];
		if (!file_exists($this->tracefile) || !is_readable($this->tracefile)) {
			$this->printUsage("Trace file missing");
			return false;
		unset($argv[$argc - 1]);
		// skip file name
		while ($token = array_shift($argv)) {

			switch ($token) {
				case '-l':
					$level = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($level)) {
						$this->printUsage("-l passed without level");
						return false;
					if ($level < 0) {
						$this->printUsage("-l passed with nevative level");
						return false;
					$this->level = (int)$level;

				case '-s':
					$function = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($function)) {
						$this->printUsage("-s used without function name");
						return false;
					$this->show_functions[$function] = $function;

				case '-r':
					$function = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($function)) {
						$this->printUsage("-r used without function name");
						return false;
					$this->exclude_functions[$function] = $function;

				case '-m':
					$max = array_shift($argv);
					if (is_null($max)) {
						$this->printUsage("-m max lines to display used without limit");
						return false;
					if ($max < 0) {
						$this->printUsage("-m passed with negative limit");
						return false;
					$this->max_lines = $max;

				case '-c':
					$this->collapse = true;

				case '-b':
					$this->printUsage("-b is not supported yet");
					return false;
					$this->read_from_tail = true;

				case '-stats':
					$this->collect_stats = true;

				case '-v';
					$this->verbose = true;

		return true;

	public function printLog() {

			$fp = fopen($this->tracefile, 'r');
			if (!$fp) {
				$this->printUsage("Cannot open tracefile for reading");
				return false;

			$lineno = 0;
			$displayed = 0;
			$show_level = null;

			while ($line = $this->fetchLine($fp)) {
				$function = trim($line);
				$level = 1;
				$exit = false;
				do {
					$left = substr(trim($function), 0, 1);
					switch ($left) {
						case '|':
							// indentation
						case '<':
							// function exit
							$function = substr(trim($function), 1);
							$exit = true;
							break 2;

						case '>':
							// function enter
							$function = substr(trim($function), 1);
							if ($this->collapse) {
								// look ahead: is the next line the closing function call?
								$next = $this->fetchLine($fp);
								if (strstr($next, '<' . $function)) {
										// Yes, it is..- lets collapse into one line
										if ($this->verbose)
											printf("%07d - Collapsing\n%s/%s", $lineno, $line, $next);
										$line = str_replace('>' . $function, '=' . $function, $line);
								} else {
									if ($this->verbose)
											printf("%07d - No collapse\n%s/%s\n", $lineno, $line, $next);
							break 2;

							// function name or similar
							break 2;
					$function = substr($function, 1);
				} while ($function != '');

				if ('' == $function) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip unknown '%s'\n", $lineno, $line);

				if (strstr($function, '::')) {
					$pclass = '';
					$pmethod = $function;
					$len = strlen($function);
					for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
						$char = $function{$i};

						if (':' == $char && ($i < $len -1) && ':' == $function{$i + 1}) {
						$pclass .= $char;
					if ($pclass != '')
						$pmethod = substr($function, $i + 2);

				if ($this->collect_stats && !$exit && $pmethod != '') {
					if (!isset($this->stats[$pclass][$pmethod]))
						$this->stats[$pclass][$pmethod] = 1;
				if ($this->level > 0 && ($level > $this->level)) {
					if ($this->verbose)
							printf("%07d - Skip - level %d > %d\n", $lineno, $level, $this->level);

				if ($pclass != '' && $pclass != $class)
					$class = $pclass;

				if ($pmethod != '' && $pmethod != $method)
					$method = $pmethod;

				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::'])) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip - class %s because of -r %s::\n", $lineno, $class, $class);

				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$method])) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip - method %s because of -r %s\n", $lineno, $method, $method);

				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::' . $method])) {
					if ($this->verbose)
						printf("%07d - Skip - method %s::%s because of -r %s::%s\n", $lineno, $class, $method, $class, $method);

				if (!empty($this->show_functions)) {
					if (!isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::']) &&
							!isset($this->show_functions[$method]) &&
							!isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::' . $method]))
						if ((!is_null($show_level) && $level < $show_level) || is_null($show_level)) {
							if ($this->verbose)
								printf("%07d/%03d - Skip - class %s or method %s not in positive show list, no -s %s:: and no -s %s\n", $lineno, $level, $class, $method, $class, $method);
							$show_level = null;
						} else if ($show_level === $level) {
							// last one on the initial opening level?
							if (!$exit) {
								// something else, could be a new function, eat up - KLUDGE no proper way to detect if it should be skipped
								if ($this->verbose)
									printf("%07d/%03d - Skip - class %s or method %s not in positive show list, no -s %s:: and no -s %s\n", $lineno, $level, $class, $method, $class, $method);
								$show_level = null;
							} else {
								// <function - exiting function
								$show_level = null;
					} else {
						if (is_null($show_level)) {
							$show_level = $level;
							if ($this->verbose)
								printf("%07d - Info - accepting level > %d\n", $lineno, $level);

				printf("%07d/%02d/%07d\t%s", $lineno, $level, $displayed, $line);
				if (($this->max_lines > 0) && ($displayed == $this->max_lines)) {
					if ($this->verbose)
							printf("%07d - Skip - showed %d lines, limit of -m %d reached\n", $lineno, $displayed, $this->max_lines);


			if ($this->collect_stats)

			return true;

	public function printStats() {

		$total_calls = $fac = 0;
		foreach ($this->stats as $class => $methods) {
			foreach ($methods as $method => $calls)
				$total_calls += $calls;
		$fac = 100 / $total_calls;

		$total_hidden = 0;
		$auto_hide = '';

		foreach ($this->stats as $class => $methods) {

			if (!empty($this->show_functions)) {
				if (isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::']))
					$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s::)", $class);
					$comment = "(hidden)";
			} else if (!empty($this->exclude_functions)) {
				if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::']))
					$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s::)", $class);
					$comment = '(shown)';

			if ($class)
				printf("Class: %s %s\n\n", $class, $comment);
				printf("No class\n\n");

			arsort($methods, SORT_NUMERIC);

			foreach ($methods as $method => $calls) {
				$hidden = false;
				$comment = '';
				if (!empty($this->show_functions)) {
					if (isset($this->show_functions[$method])) {
						$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s)", $method);
					} else if (isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::' . $method])) {
						$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s::%s)", $class, $method);
					} else if (isset($this->show_functions[$class . '::'])) {
						$comment = sprintf("(shown because of -s %s::)", $class);
					} else {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$hidden = true;
						$comment = "(hidden)";
				} else if (!empty($this->exclude_functions)) {
					if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$method])) {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s)", $method);
					} else if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::' . $method])) {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$hidden = true;
						$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s::%s)", $class, $method);
					} else if (isset($this->exclude_functions[$class . '::'])) {
						$total_hidden += $calls;
						$hidden = true;
						$comment = sprintf("(hidden because of -r %s::)", $class);

				if ($comment == '') {
					if ($hidden) {
						$comment = '(hidden)';
					} else if ($calls * $fac >= 2) {
						$comment = sprintf('(shown, use "-r %s::%s" to hide)', $class, $method);
						$auto_hide .= sprintf("-r %s::%s ", $class, $method);
					} else {
						$comment = "(shown)";

				printf("  %-40s %-7d (= %5s%%) - %s\n", $method, $calls,
					sprintf("%2.2f", $calls * $fac), $comment);


		printf("NOTE: %2.2f%% of all calls hidden.\n", $total_hidden * $fac);
		printf("If you want to hide all functions which are invoked in more than 2%% of all cases, use:\n");
		printf("%s\n", $auto_hide);

	protected function fetchLine($fp, $bytes = 16384) {
		if ($this->unfetched > 0) {
			$line = $this->fetch_buffer[count($this->fetch_buffer) - $this->unfetched];
			return $line;

		if (!$this->read_from_tail)
			$line =  fgets($fp, $bytes);

		$this->fetch_buffer[] = $line;
		if (count($this->fetch_buffer) > 10) {
			// remove oldest

		return $line;

	protected function unfetchLine() {
		if ($this->unfetched == count($this->fetch_buffer))
			return false;

		return $this->fetch_buffer[count($this->fetch_buffer) - $this->unfetched - 1];

	protected function printUsage($msg = NULL) {
		print "\n";
		print "Usage:\n";
		print " script.php [-l trace_nesting_level] [-s show_function] [-r remove_function] [-b read_file_backwards] [-m max_number_of_lines_to_display] [-stats] trace\n";
		print "\n";
		if (!is_null($msg))
			printf(" %s\n\n", $msg);
