

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 81ba4bf343258487e94981efc55c34a7 > files > 106


\usepackage{fullpage}% +- ok for paper 'A4' as well
\usepackage{svn}% and {fullpage} are both in debian/ubuntu pkg 'texlive-latex-extra'


\newenvironment{tabTit}[1]{\underline{\textbf{#1}}\\ \begin{tabI}}{\end{tabI}}
  \vskip -.2ex plus 1ex minus 1ex}
\newcommand*{\Ecmd}[1]{$\left\langle \textrm{#1} \right\rangle$}

\setlength{\columnseprule}{.4pt}% default 0
\setlength{\columnsep}{22pt}% default is less (18 pt?)

\SVN $Date: 2008-07-23 10:14:14 +0200 (Wed, 23. Jul 2008) $
  {\LARGE ESS \ \ \ \ {\large
      [\textbf{E}macs \textbf{S}peaks \textbf{Statistics}]}
      \\[.5ex] Reference Card for S and R}


  {\small updated for ESS 5.3.x}% {\footnotesize --- needs \em{more} updating!}}
  \\[1ex] {\tiny \SVNDate}
           \footnotesize --- as of \today
\item  \textsc{Nota Bene:} S is the \emph{language},
  R is one \emph{dialect}!
\item This is a list of the more widely used \textbf{key - shortcuts}.
  Many more are available, and most are accessible from the Emacs
  \textbf{Menus} such as \texttt{iESS}, \texttt{ESS}, etc.
%NN  \vspace*{-3ex}
%NN \rule{\textwidth}{.2pt}%----------------------------------------------------


\Sect{Interacting with the S process}
%%    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For use in a process buffer `\texttt{*R*}' ({\tiny inferior-ess-mode}):

  \texttt{\RET   }& Send a command \\
  \texttt{\TAB   }& Complete S object name \\
  \texttt{C-c C-c }& Break \\
  \texttt{C-g}     & interrupt Emacs' waiting for S\\
  %% SfS-only (others need C-u C-a for comint-bol !
  \texttt{C-a} / \texttt{C-e} & Beginning / End of command \\
  \texttt{C-c C-u }& Delete this command \\
  \texttt{C-c C-w }& Delete last word

\begin{tabTit}{Command history (part of Menu `\texttt{In/Out}')}
  \texttt{M-p   }& Previous            command \\
  \texttt{M-n   }& Next \hspace{1.4em} command \\
  \texttt{C-c C-l}& List command history (\& choose!)\\
%% MM has these on the arrow keys:
  \texttt{C-c M-r}& Previous            similar command \\
  \texttt{C-c M-s}& Next \hspace{1.4em} similar command \\
%% MM-only:
%%-   \texttt{$\uparrow$ / \Ecmd{up}}
%%-               & Previous            similar command \\
%%-   \texttt{\hbox{$\downarrow$ / \sEcmd{down}}}
%%-               & Next \hspace{1.4em} similar command \\
  \texttt{C-c\RET}& Copy current input \\
%  \texttt{M-C-r }& String search
  \texttt{C-c C-r }& Top of last output \\
  \texttt{C-c C-o }& Delete last output

%% == ESS-transcript mode ?? ---
%\begin{tabTit}{Viewing the transcript}
%  \texttt{M-P   }& Move to last command \\
%  \texttt{M-N   }& Move to next command \\
%  \texttt{C-c C-b }& String search and move \\
%  \texttt{C-c C-v }& Prompt at bottom of screen \\

\begin{tabTit}{Hot keys}
  \texttt{C-c C-v }& Help for S object \\
  \texttt{C-c C-l }& \textbf{L}oad source file {\small ($+$ error check!)}\\
  \texttt{C-c C-x }& List objects \\
  \texttt{C-c C-s }& Display \texttt{\textbf{s}earch} list \\
  \texttt{C-c C-a }& \textbf{A}ttach a directory \\
  \texttt{C-c C-d }& Edit an object {\small (\textbf{d}ump to file)}

  \texttt{C-c `   }& Jump to error after \texttt{C-c C-l}\\
%  \texttt{C-c C-t }& Toggle Tek mode \\
  \texttt{C-c C-q }& Quit from S \\
  \texttt{C-c C-z }& Kill the S process

\Sect{Inside S Transcripts (I + O)}
%%    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Inside \texttt{ESS transcript} buffers, (\texttt{*.Rout} files):

  \texttt{\RET} & Send and Move \\
  \texttt{C-c C-n}& Next \hspace{1.4em} prompt \\
  \texttt{C-c C-p}& Previous            prompt \\
  \texttt{C-c C-w}& Clean Region ($\mapsto$ input only)


\Sect{Editing S source}
%%    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
For use in \texttt{ess-mode} edit buffers, (\texttt{*.R} files):

  \texttt{\TAB} & Indent this line \\
  \texttt{C-c\TAB}& Complete S object name \\
  \texttt{M-\TAB} & Complete file- / path- name \\
  \texttt{M-C-a} & Beginning of function \\
  \texttt{M-C-e} & End of function \\
  \texttt{M-C-q} & Indent this expression (use at `\texttt{\{}')\\
  \texttt{M-C-h} & Mark this function

\begin{tabTit}{Evaluation commands (Prefix \texttt{C-u}: \emph{in/visibly})}
  \texttt{C-c C-l} & Load this buffer -- detect errors !\\
  \texttt{C-c C-n} & \underline{Step through code -- line by line} \\
  \texttt{C-c C-e} & Evaluate an expression \\
  \texttt{C-c C-j} & Evaluate this line \\
  \texttt{C-c M-j} & Evaluate this line and go \\
  \texttt{M-C-x}   & Evaluate this function \\
  \texttt{C-c C-f} & \underline{Evaluate this function} \\
  \texttt{C-c M-f} & Evaluate this function and go \\
  \texttt{C-c C-p} & Evaluate this paragraph and step \\
  \texttt{C-c C-c} & \underline{Evaluate this para.\ or function \emph{\& step}}\\
  \texttt{C-c C-r} & \underline{Evaluate this region} \\
  \texttt{C-c M-r} & Evaluate this region and go \\
  \texttt{C-c C-b} & Evaluate this buffer \\
  \texttt{C-c M-b} & Evaluate this buffer and go \\

  %%-SfS-deleted:  \texttt{M-\TAB} & Complete S object name \\
  \texttt{C-c C-v }& Help for S object \\
  \texttt{C-c C-d }& ``\texttt{dump}'' -- Edit another object \\
  %%\texttt{C-c C-y} & Return to S process \\
  \texttt{C-c C-z} & Return to S process (at prompt)

\begin{tabTit}{At SfS, or activated by \texttt{M-x ess-add-MM-keys}}%-SfS-added
  \texttt{C-c f}   & insert function() definition outline%-SfS-added
\end{tabTit}\\[-1mm]%\\[0.5cm]                           %-SfS-added

\Sect{Reading help files}
%%    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

For use in `\texttt{*help[R]($\ldots$)*}' help buffers:

  \texttt{SPC} & Next page \\
  \texttt{DEL} & Previous page \\
  \texttt{b}   & Previous page (`\textbf{b}ack')\\
  \texttt{/}   & Search forwards \\
  \texttt{n}   & \textbf{N}ext section \\
  \texttt{p}   & \textbf{P}revious section \\
  \texttt{s}   & \textbf{S}kip (`jump') to a named section \\
  \texttt{s e} & e.g., \textbf{s}kip to ``\texttt{\textbf{E}xamples:}'' \\
  \texttt{l}   & \underline{Evaluate one `Example' \textbf{l}ine} \\
  \texttt{r}   & Evaluate current \textbf{r}egion \\
  \texttt{h}   &\textbf{H}elp on another object \\
  \texttt{?}   & Help for this mode \\
  \texttt{q}   & Return to S process (`\textbf{q}uit) \\
  \texttt{x}   & Kill this buffer and return (`e\textbf{x}it) \\

