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<title>The PolyML.SaveState structure</title>

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<h2><font face="Arial"><strong>PolyML.SaveState structure</strong></font></h2>

<p>The PolyML.SaveState structure provides a way for a program to save changes 
  without the expense of exporting and building a new executable. Unlike the PolyML.export 
  function which saves the complete state it is possible with the functions in 
  this structure to save just the modifications. In addition it avoids the need 
  for a linker which is needed to turn an exported object file into an executable. 
  Because only the modifications are saved a saved state can only be loaded into 
  the executable that created it.</p>
<PRE><STRONG>structure</STRONG> SaveState:
    <strong>val</strong> saveState : string -&gt; unit
    <strong>val</strong> loadState : string -&gt; unit
    <strong>val</strong> saveChild : string * int -&gt; unit
    <strong>val</strong> renameParent : {child: string, newParent: string} -&gt; unit
    <strong>val</strong> showHierarchy : unit -&gt; string list
    <strong>val</strong> showParent : string -&gt; string option
<h3><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Simple Saved State</font></h3>
<p>For many purposes the simple saved state is sufficient. This is created with 
  saveState and loaded with loadState.</p>
<PRE><STRONG>val</STRONG> saveState : string -&gt; unit</PRE>
<BLOCKQUOTE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"> Saves the current state to a file whose 
  name is given as the argument. It saves the current values of all the mutable 
  data (i.e. refs and arrays) that were present in the executable together with 
  any other data that is now reachable from it</BLOCKQUOTE>
<PRE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.5cm"><STRONG>val</STRONG> loadState : string -&gt; unit</PRE>
<BLOCKQUOTE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"> 
  <p>Loads a saved state file. This overwrites any changes made before the load 
    with the contents of the load file. It does not affect mutables created since 
    the session began nor does it affect function arguments or local variables.</p>
<h3><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Hierarchical Saved States</font></h3>
<p>The single level saved state created by saveState contains all the data that 
  is accessible by the program apart from immutable data present in the executable. 
  Hierarchical saved states extend this idea by allowing a program to save only 
  the data that is not present in a previously loaded state. Saving a state that 
  contains only the new data creates a &quot;<em>child</em>&quot; of the existing 
  saved state which is the &quot;<em>parent</em>&quot;. When the child is loaded 
  in a new session the parent must also be loaded in order to provide the full 
  state. Since the parent may itself be a child of another saved state this forms 
  a chain of related saved states. A particular parent may have several children 
  depending on it. When loadState is called with a file name that refers to a 
  child saved state it automatically loads the parents using information held 
  in each file.</p>
<p>The run-time system retains information about the last file that was loaded 
  or saved and its parents. The information is updated whenever loadState, saveState 
  or saveChild are called.</p>
<PRE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.5cm"><strong>val</strong> showHierarchy : unit -&gt; string list</PRE>
<BLOCKQUOTE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"> 
  <p>Returns a list of the file names in the current hierarchy. The first item 
    in the list is the top-most saved state, the next is the immediate child of 
    that state and so on. The last item will be the file name that was actually 
    given as argument to loadState, saveState or saveChild.</p>

<PRE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.5cm"><STRONG>val</STRONG> saveChild : string * int -&gt; unit</PRE>
<BLOCKQUOTE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"> 
  <p>saveChild (f, n) writes out a saved state to file name f at hierarchy level 
    n. n may be between zero and the current hierarchy level, inclusive. saveState(f) 
    is equivalent to saveChild(f, 0). Typically, saveChild will be called with 
    a new file name and a value for n which is the length of the current hierarchy 
    list. This will make a new child which contains only the information added 
    since the last call to loadState, saveState or saveChild. However, it is possible 
    to use a different value and this will cause the saved state to include data 
    from other saved states of the same or deeper hierarchy.</p>

<PRE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0.5cm"><strong>val</strong> renameParent : {child: string, newParent: string} -&gt; unit
<strong>val</strong> showParent : string -&gt; string option</PRE>
<BLOCKQUOTE STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"> 
  <p>A child saved state contains the file name of its parent so that when the 
    child is loaded the parent can be loaded automatically. If the parent file 
    is moved for any reason renameParent can be used to modify the parent file 
    name held in a child so that it can be loaded from the new location. showParent 
    returns the current value of the parent file name for a child saved state. 
    If the saved state has no parent showParent returns NONE.</p>
<h3><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Comparison with the Persistent Store</font></h3>
<p>The persistent store of earlier versions of Poly/ML was similar to this in 
  that the <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"><strong>commit</strong></font> 
  function saved only the changes back to the database. There was also a <font FACE="Courier" SIZE="3"><b>make_database</b></font> 
  function that created a child database that contained only the changes from 
  the parent. There are a number of differences. A saved state is read and written 
  as a whole and is not locked once it has been read. As a rough equivalent commit 
  and make_database can be written as</p>
<PRE><STRONG>fun</STRONG> commit() =
    <strong>let val</strong> h = PolyML.SaveState.showHierarchy()
    <strong>in</strong> saveChild(List.last h, length h - 1) <strong>end</strong>
<strong>and</strong> make_database f =
    <strong>let val</strong> h = PolyML.SaveState.showHierarchy()
    <strong>in</strong> saveChild(f, length h) <strong>end</strong>
<p>The definition of commit assumes that a saved state has already been loaded 
  and will fail if it has not.</p>