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<title>Windows Interface Reference: Message structure</title>


<h1>Message </h1>

<p>The Message structure contains the definition of the message datatype and functions to
send and receive messages.</p>

<pre>structure Message :
    datatype ControlType =
        | ODT_COMBOBOX
        | ODT_LISTBOX
        | ODT_MENU
        | ODT_STATIC
    datatype ImageType =
        | IMAGE_CURSOR
        | IMAGE_ICON

    type HGDIOBJ and HWND and HMENU and HICON and HINSTANCE and HDC
    and HFONT and HRGN and HDROP
    type RECT =  { left: int, top: int, right: int, bottom: int }
    type POINT = { x: int, y: int }

    datatype <a
    type KeyData
    type windowFlags and findReplaceFlags
    datatype ScrollDirection =
        | SB_ENDSCROLL
        | SB_LEFT
        | SB_LINEDOWN
        | SB_LINELEFT
        | SB_LINERIGHT
        | SB_LINEUP
        | SB_PAGEDOWN
        | SB_PAGELEFT
        | SB_PAGERIGHT
        | SB_PAGEUP
        | SB_RIGHT
        | SB_TOP
    type WindowPositionStyle
    type ClipboardFormat and ClassType 

    datatype MarginSettings = 
        UseFontInfo | Margins of {left: int option, right: int option }
      SystemCommand =
        | SC_CLOSE
        | SC_DEFAULT
        | SC_HOTKEY
        | SC_HSCROLL
        | SC_KEYMENU
        | SC_MAXIMIZE
        | SC_MINIMIZE
        | SC_MOUSEMENU
        | SC_MOVE
        | SC_RESTORE
        | SC_SEPARATOR
        | SC_SIZE
        | SC_TASKLIST
        | SC_VSCROLL
    datatype WMActivateOptions = WA_ACTIVE | WA_CLICKACTIVE | WA_INACTIVE

      WMPrintOption =
        | PRF_CHILDREN
        | PRF_CLIENT
        | PRF_OWNED

    datatype WMSizeOptions =
    datatype HelpHandle = MenuHandle of HMENU | WindowHandle of HWND

    datatype Message     =
                    WM_ACTIVATE of {active : WMActivateOptions, minimize : bool }
                      (* Indicates a change in activation state *)

                    | WM_ACTIVATEAPP of {active  : bool, threadid: int  } 
                      (* Notifies applications when a new task activates *)

                    | WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME of { length: int, formatName : string ref}    
                      (* Retrieves the name of the clipboard format *)

                    | WM_CANCELJOURNAL    
                      (* Notifies application when user cancels journaling *)

                    | WM_CANCELMODE    
                      (* Notifies a Window to cancel internal modes *)

                    | WM_CHANGECBCHAIN of { removed : HWND, next : HWND  }    
                      (* Notifies clipboard viewer of removal from chain *)

                    | WM_CHAR of {charCode : char, data : KeyData }                       
                      (* Indicates the user pressed a character key *)

                    | WM_CHARTOITEM of {key : int, caretpos : int, listbox  : HWND  }
                      (* Provides list-box keystrokes to owner Window *)

                    | WM_CHILDACTIVATE    
                      (* Notifies a child Window of activation *)

                    | WM_CHOOSEFONT_GETLOGFONT of LOGFONT ref *)
                      (* Retrieves LOGFONT structure for Font dialog box *)

                    | WM_CLEAR
                      (* Clears an edit control *)

name="WM_CLOSE"></a>                   | WM_CLOSE       
                      (* System Close menu command was chosen *)

                    | <a
name="WM_COMMAND">WM_COMMAND</a> of {notifyCode : int,
                                  wId        : int,
                                  control    : HWND  }
                      (* Specifies a command message *)
                    | WM_COMPACTING    of { compactratio : int }
                      (* Indicates a low memory condition *)

                    | WM_COMPAREITEM of {controlid : int,
                                           ctlType : ControlType,
                                           ctlID : int,
                                           hItem : HWND,
                                           itemID1 : int,
                                           itemData1 : int,
                                           itemID2 : int,
                                           itemData2 : int                                           
                      (* Determines position of combo- or list-box item *)

                    | WM_COPY
                      (* Copies a selection to the clipboard *)

                    | WM_COPYDATA of { sender : HWND, data : int, pdata: Word8Vector.vector }
                      (* Passes data to another application  *)

                    | <a
name="WM_CREATE">WM_CREATE</a>    of { instance: HINSTANCE,
                                     creation: int,
                                     menu : HMENU,
                                     parent : HWND,
                                     cy : int,
                                     cx : int,
                                     y : int,
                                     x : int,
                                     style : windowFlags,
                                     name : string,
                                     (* The class may be a string or an atom. *)
                                     class : ClassType,
                                     extendedstyle : int                                                                          
                      (* Indicates a Window is being created *)

                    | WM_CTLCOLORBTN of { displaycontext : HDC, button : HWND  }
                      (* Button is about to be drawn *)

                    | WM_CTLCOLORDLG of { displaycontext : HDC,
                                       dialogbox      : HWND  }
                      (* Dialog box is about to be drawn *)
                    | WM_CTLCOLOREDIT of {  displaycontext : HDC, editcontrol : HWND  }
                      (* Control is about to be drawn *)

                    | WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX of { displaycontext : HDC, listbox : HWND   }
                      (* List box is about to be drawn *)

                    | WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX    of { displaycontext : HDC,
                                             messagebox     : HWND  }
                      (* Message box is about to be drawn *)

                    | WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR of { displaycontext : HDC,
                                             scrollbar      : HWND  }
                      (* Indicates scroll bar is about to be drawn *)

                    | WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC    of { displaycontext : HDC,
                                             staticcontrol  : HWND  }
                      (* Control is about to be drawn *)
                      (* Note the return value is an HBRUSH *)

                    | WM_CUT
                      (* Deletes a selection and copies it to the clipboard *)

                    | WM_DEADCHAR of { charCode : char, data  : KeyData   }
                      (* Indicates the user pressed a dead key *)

                    | WM_DELETEITEM    of { controlid : int,
                                             ctlType : ControlType,
                                             ctlID : int,
                                             itemID : int,
                                             item : HWND,
                                             itemData : int                                         
                      (* Indicates owner-draw item or control was altered *)

                    | <a
                      (* Indicates Window is about to be destroyed *)

                    | WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD    
                      (* Notifies owner that the clipboard was emptied *)
                    | WM_DEVMODECHANGE of { devicename : string }    
                      (* Indicates the device-mode settings have changed *)
                    | WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD    
                      (* Indicates the clipboard's contents have changed *) 
                    | WM_DRAWITEM of { controlid : int,
                                       ctlType : ControlType,
                                       ctlID : int,
                                       itemID : int,
                                       itemAction : int,
                                       itemState : int,
                                       hItem : HWND ,
                                       hDC : HDC,
                                       rcItem : RECT,
                                       itemData : int
                      (* Indicates owner-draw control/menu needs redrawing *) 
                    | WM_DROPFILES of { hDrop : HDROP }    
                      (* Indicates that a file has been dropped *)
                    | WM_ENABLE    of { enabled : bool }
                      (* Indicates a Window's enable state is changing *)
                    | WM_ENDSESSION    of { endsession : bool }
                      (* Indicates whether the Windows session is ending *)
                    | WM_ENTERIDLE of { flag : int, window : HWND }
                      (* Indicates a modal dialog box or menu is idle *)
                    | WM_ENTERMENULOOP of { istrack: bool }
                      (* Indicates entry into menu modal loop *)
                    | WM_EXITMENULOOP of { istrack: bool }
                      (* Indicates exit from menu modal loop *)
                    | WM_ERASEBKGND    of { devicecontext : HDC }
                      (* Indicates a Window's background need erasing *)
                    | WM_FONTCHANGE
                      (* Indicates a change in the font-resource pool *)
                    | WM_GETDLGCODE
                      (* Allows dialog procedure to process control input *)
                    | WM_GETFONT    
                      (* Retrieves the font that a control is using *)
                    | WM_GETHOTKEY
                      (* Gets the virtual-key code of a Window's hot key *) 
                    | WM_GETMINMAXINFO of { MaxSizex      : int,
                                            MaxSizey      : int,
                                            MaxPositionx  : int,
                                            MaxPositiony  : int,
                                            MinTrackSizex : int,
                                            MinTrackSizey : int,
                                            MaxTrackSizex : int,
                                            MaxTrackSizey : int                                            
                      (* Gets minimum and maximum sizing information *)
                    | WM_GETTEXT of { length: int, text : string ref  }    
                      (* Gets the text that corresponds to a Window *)
                    | WM_GETTEXTLENGTH    
                      (* Gets length of text associated with a Window *)
                    | WM_HOTKEY    of { id : int }
                      (* Hot key has been detected *)
                    | WM_HSCROLL of { value    : ScrollDirection,
                                       position : int,
                                       scrollbar   : HWND  }    
                      (* Indicates a click in a horizontal scroll bar *)
                    | WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD of { viewer   : HWND,
                                               code     : int,
                                               position : int  }    
                      (* Prompts owner to scroll clipboard contents *)
                    | WM_ICONERASEBKGND    of { devicecontext : HDC }
                      (* Notifies minimized Window to fill icon background *)
                    | WM_INITDIALOG    of { dialog   : HWND, initdata : int  }
                      (* Initializes a dialog box *)
                    | WM_INITMENU of { menu : HMENU }    
                      (* Indicates a menu is about to become active *)
                    | WM_INITMENUPOPUP of { menupopup  : HMENU,
                                            itemposition : int,
                                            isSystemMenu : bool  }
                      (* Indicates a pop-up menu is being created *)
                    | WM_KEYDOWN of { virtualKey : int, data : KeyData  }    
                      (* Indicates a nonsystem key was pressed *)
                    | WM_KEYUP of { virtualKey : int, data : KeyData  }    
                      (* Indicates a nonsystem key was released *)
                    | WM_KILLFOCUS of { receivefocus : HWND }
                      (* Indicates the Window is losing keyboard focus *)
                    | WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }
                      (* Indicates double-click of left button *) 
                    | WM_LBUTTONDOWN of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }
                      (* Indicates when left mouse button is pressed *)
                    | WM_LBUTTONUP of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }
                      (* Indicates when left mouse button is released *)
                    | WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }
                      (* Indicates double-click of middle mouse button *)
                    | WM_MBUTTONDOWN of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }
                      (* Indicates when middle mouse button is pressed *)
                    | WM_MBUTTONUP of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }
                      (* Indicates when middle mouse button is released *)
                    | WM_MDICASCADE of { skipDisabled : bool  }    
                      (* Arranges MDI child Windows in cascade format *)
                    | WM_MDICREATE of { class : ClassType,
                                         title : string,
                                         instance: HINSTANCE,
                                         x : int,
                                         y : int,
                                         cx : int,
                                         cy : int,
                                         style : int,
                                         cdata : int }    
                      (* Prompts MDI client to create a child Window *) 
                    | WM_MDIDESTROY of { child : HWND  }    
                      (* Closes an MDI child Window *) 
                    | WM_MDIGETACTIVE
                      (* Retrieves data about the active MDI child Window *) 
                    | WM_MDIICONARRANGE    
                      (* Arranges minimized MDI child Windows *) 
                    | WM_MDIMAXIMIZE of {  child: HWND  }    
                      (* Maximizes an MDI child Window *) 
                    | WM_MDINEXT of { child    : HWND, flagnext : bool  }
                      (* Activates the next MDI child Window *) 
                    | WM_MDIREFRESHMENU
                      (* Refreshes an MDI frame Window's menu *) 
                    | WM_MDIRESTORE    of {  child : HWND  }
                      (* Prompts MDI client to restore a child Window *) 
                    | WM_MDISETMENU  of { frameMenu  : HMENU, windowMenu : HMENU  } 
                      (* Replaces an MDI frame Window's menu *) 
                    | WM_MDITILE of { tilingflag : MDITileFlags list }
                      (* Arranges MDI child Windows in tiled format *) 
                    | WM_MEASUREITEM of { controlid  : int,
                                          ctlType    : ControlType,
                                          ctlID      : int,
                                          itemID     : int,
                                          itemWidth  : int,
                                          itemHeight : int,
                                          itemData   : int
                      (* Requests dimensions of owner-draw control or item *)

                    | WM_MENUCHAR of { ch : char, menuflag : MenuBase.MenuFlag, menu : HMENU }    
                      (* Indicates an unknown menu mnemonic was pressed *)
                    | WM_MENUSELECT    of { menuitem  : int,
                                         menuflags : MenuBase.MenuFlag list,
                                         menu      : HMENU  }
                      (* Indicates that the user selected a menu item *)
                    | WM_MOUSEACTIVATE of { parent   : HWND,
                                            hitTest : int,
                                            message  : int  }    
                      (* Indicates a mouse click in an inactive Window *) 
                    | WM_MOUSEMOVE of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates mouse-cursor movement *)
                    | WM_MOVE of { x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates a Window's position has changed *)
                    | WM_NCACTIVATE of { active : bool }
                      (* Changes the active state of nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCCALCSIZE    of { validarea     : bool,
                                             newrect       : RECT,
                                             oldrect       : RECT,
                                             oldclientarea : RECT,
                                             hwnd           : HWND,
                                             insertAfter   : HWND,
                                             x     : int,
                                             y     : int,
                                             cx    : int,
                                             cy    : int,
                                             style : WindowPositionStyle list
                      (* Calculates the size of a Window's client area *)
                    | WM_NCCREATE of { instance: HINSTANCE,
                                    creation: int,
                                       menu : HMENU,
                                       parent : HWND,
                                       cy : int,
                                       cx : int,
                                       y : int,
                                       x : int,
                                       style : windowFlags,
                                       name : string,
                                       class : ClassType,
                                       extendedstyle : int                      
                      (* Indicates a Window's nonclient area being created *)

                    | <a
                      (* Indicates Window's nonclient area being destroyed *)

                    | WM_NCHITTEST of { x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates mouse-cursor movement *)
                    | WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK of { hitTest : int,
                                              x     : int,
                                              y     : int  }    
                      (* Indicates nonclient left button double-click *)
                    | WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN    of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates left button pressed in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCLBUTTONUP of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates left button released in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates nonclient middle button double-click *)
                    | WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates middle button pressed in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCMBUTTONUP of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates middle button released in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCMOUSEMOVE of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates mouse-cursor movement in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCPAINT of { region : HRGN  }    
                      (* Indicates a Window's frame needs painting *)
                    | WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates nonclient right button double-click *)
                    | WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates right button pressed in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NCRBUTTONUP of { hitTest : int, x : int, y : int  }    
                      (* Indicates right button released in nonclient area *)
                    | WM_NEXTDLGCTL    of { control    : int, handleflag : bool  } 
                      (* Sets focus to different dialog box control *) 
                    | WM_PAINT    
                      (* Indicates a Window's client area need painting *)
                    | WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD of { clipboard : HWND }
                      (* Prompts owner to display clipboard contents *)
                    | WM_PAINTICON
                      (* Icon is about to be painted *) 

                    | WM_PALETTECHANGED of { palChg : HWND  }    
                      (* Indicates the focus-Window realized its palette *)
                    | WM_PALETTEISCHANGING of { realize : HWND  }    
                      (* Informs Windows that palette is changing *) 
                    | WM_PARENTNOTIFY of { eventflag : int, idchild   : int, value : int }    
                      (* Notifies parent of child-Window activity *) 
                    | WM_PASTE    
                      (* Inserts clipboard data into an edit control *)
                    | WM_POWER of { powerevent : int  }    
                      (* Indicates the system is entering suspended mode *)
                    | WM_QUERYDRAGICON    
                      (* Requests a cursor handle for a minimized Window *)
                    | WM_QUERYENDSESSION of { source : int  }
                      (* Requests that the Windows session be ended *) 
                    | WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE
                      (* Allows a Window to realize its logical palette *) 
                    | WM_QUERYOPEN
                      (* Requests that a minimized Window be restored *) 
                    | WM_QUEUESYNC
                      (* Delimits CBT messages *) 
                    | <a
name="WM_QUIT">WM_QUIT</a> of { exitcode : int  }    
                      (* Requests that an application be terminated *)
                    | WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int  }    
                      (* Indicates double-click of right mouse button *)
                    | WM_RBUTTONDOWN of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int  }    
                      (* Indicates when right mouse button is pressed *)

                    | WM_RBUTTONUP of { keyflags : MouseKeyFlags list, x: int, y: int  }
                      (* Indicates when right mouse button is released *) 
                    | WM_RENDERALLFORMATS    
                      (* Notifies owner to render all clipboard formats *) 
                    | WM_RENDERFORMAT of { format : ClipboardFormat  }    
                      (* Notifies owner to render clipboard data *) 
                    | WM_SETCURSOR of { cursorwindow : HWND, hitTest : int, mousemessage : int  }    
                      (* Prompts a Window to set the cursor shape *) 
name="WM_SETFOCUS"></a>                    | WM_SETFOCUS of { losing : HWND  }
                    | WM_SETFONT of {font : HFONT, redrawflag : bool  }    
                    | WM_SETHOTKEY of { virtualKey : int  }    
                    | WM_SETREDRAW of { redrawflag : int  }
                    | WM_SETTEXT of { text : string  }    
                    | WM_SHOWWINDOW    of { showflag   : bool, statusflag : int  } 
name="WM_SIZE"></a>                    | WM_SIZE of { flag : WMSizeOptions, width : int, height : int  }    
                    | WM_SIZECLIPBOARD of { viewer : HWND}
                    | WM_SPOOLERSTATUS of { jobstatus : int, jobsleft  : int  }    
                    | WM_SYSCHAR of { charCode : char, data : KeyData  }
                    | WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE
                    | WM_SYSCOMMAND of { commandvalue : SystemCommand, p: POINT }
                    | WM_SYSDEADCHAR of { charCode : char, data : KeyData  }
                    | WM_SYSKEYDOWN of { virtualKey : int, data : KeyData  }

                    | WM_SYSKEYUP of { virtualKey : int, data : KeyData  }
                    | WM_TIMECHANGE    
                      (* Indicates the system time has been set *)
                    | WM_TIMER of { timerid : int  }
                    | WM_UNDO    
                    | WM_USER of { uMsg: int, wParam: int, lParam: int }
                    | WM_APP of { uMsg: int, wParam: int, lParam: int }
                    | WM_REGISTERED of { uMsg: int, wParam: int, lParam: int }
                    | WM_VKEYTOITEM    of { virtualKey : int,
                                         caretpos   : int,
                                         listbox    : HWND  }
                    | WM_VSCROLL of { value     : ScrollDirection,
                                      position  : int,
                                      scrollbar : HWND  }

                    | WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD of { viewer   : HWND,
                                               code     : int,
                                               position : int  }
                    | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED of { hwnd: HWND, front  : HWND,
                                               x   : int,
                                               y   : int,
                                               width  : int,
                                               height : int,
                                               flags  : WindowPositionStyle list }
                    | WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING of { hwnd: HWND, front  : HWND,
                                                x   : int,
                                                y   : int,
                                                width  : int,
                                                height : int,
                                                flags  : WindowPositionStyle list }    
                    | WM_SETTINGCHANGE of { section_name : string  }    

                    | <a
name="WM_NOTIFY">WM_NOTIFY</a> of {from: HWND, idCtrl: int, idFrom : int, code: int }

                    | WM_CAPTURECHANGED of { newCapture: HWND }

                    | WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE

                    | WM_EXITSIZEMOVE

                    | WM_PRINT of {hdc: HDC, flags: WMPrintOption list }

                    | WM_PRINTCLIENT of {hdc: HDC, flags: WMPrintOption list }

                    | WM_HELP of { ctrlId: int, itemHandle: HelpHandle, contextId: int,
                                   mousePos: POINT }

                    | WM_GETICON of { big: bool }

                    | WM_SETICON of { big: bool, icon: HICON }

                    | WM_CONTEXTMENU of { hwnd: HWND, xPos: int, yPos: int }

                    | WM_DISPLAYCHANGE of { bitsPerPixel: int, xScreen: int, yScreen: int }

name="Edit"></a>                   | EM_CANUNDO

                    | EM_CHARFROMPOS of { point: POINT }

                    | EM_EMPTYUNDOBUFFER

                    | EM_FMTLINES of {addEOL: bool}

                    | EM_GETFIRSTVISIBLELINE

                    | EM_GETLIMITTEXT

                    | EM_GETLINE of { lineNo: int, size: int, result: string ref }

                    | EM_GETLINECOUNT

                    | EM_GETMARGINS

                    | EM_GETMODIFY

                    | EM_GETPASSWORDCHAR

                    | EM_GETRECT of {rect: RECT ref}

                    | EM_GETSEL of {startPos: int ref, endPos: int ref}

                    | EM_GETTHUMB

                    | EM_LIMITTEXT of {limit: int}

                    | EM_LINEFROMCHAR of {index: int}

                    | EM_LINEINDEX of {line: int}

                    | EM_LINELENGTH of {index: int}

                    | EM_LINESCROLL of {xScroll: int, yScroll: int}

                    | EM_POSFROMCHAR of {index: int}

                    | EM_REPLACESEL of {canUndo: bool, text: string}

                    | EM_SCROLL of {action: ScrollDirection}

                    | EM_SCROLLCARET

                    | EM_SETMARGINS of {margins: MarginSettings}

                    | EM_SETMODIFY of { modified: bool }

                    | EM_SETPASSWORDCHAR of { ch: char }

                    | EM_SETREADONLY of { readOnly: bool }

                    | EM_SETRECT of {rect: RECT}

                    | EM_SETRECTNP of {rect: RECT}

                    | EM_SETSEL of {startPos: int, endPos: int}

                    | EM_SETTABSTOPS of {tabs: int list}

                    | EM_UNDO

name="Button"></a>                  | BM_CLICK

                    | BM_GETCHECK

                    | BM_GETIMAGE of {imageType: ImageType}

                    | BM_GETSTATE

                    | BM_SETCHECK of {state: int}

                    | BM_SETIMAGE of {image: HGDIOBJ, imageType: ImageType}

                    | BM_SETSTATE of {highlight: bool }

                    | BM_SETSTYLE of {redraw: bool, style: windowFlags}

name="Combobox"></a>                   | CB_GETEDITSEL of {startPos: int ref, endPos: int ref}

                    | CB_LIMITTEXT of {limit: int}

                    | CB_SETEDITSEL of {startPos: int, endPos: int}

                    | CB_ADDSTRING of { text: string }

                    | CB_DELETESTRING of { index: int }

                    | CB_GETCOUNT

                    | CB_GETCURSEL

                    | CB_DIR of { attrs: ComboBase.CBDirAttr list, fileSpec: string }

                    | CB_GETLBTEXT of { index: int, length: int, text: string ref }

                    | CB_GETLBTEXTLEN of { index: int }

                    | CB_INSERTSTRING of { index: int, text: string }

                    | CB_RESETCONTENT

                    | CB_FINDSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string }

                    | CB_SELECTSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string }

                    | CB_SETCURSEL of { index: int }

                    | CB_SHOWDROPDOWN of { show: bool }

                    | CB_GETITEMDATA of { index: int }

                    | CB_SETITEMDATA of { index: int, data: int }

                    | CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT of { rect: RECT ref }

                    | CB_SETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int, height: int }

                    | CB_GETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int }

                    | CB_SETEXTENDEDUI of { extended: bool }

                    | CB_GETEXTENDEDUI

                    | CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE

                    | CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT of { indexStart: int, text: string }

                    | CB_SETLOCALE of { locale: int }

                    | CB_GETLOCALE

                    | CB_GETTOPINDEX

                    | CB_SETTOPINDEX of { index: int }

                    | CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT

                    | CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT of { extent: int }

                    | CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH

                    | CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH of { width: int }

                    | CB_INITSTORAGE of { items: int, bytes: int }

name="Listbox"></a>                   | LB_ADDSTRING of { text: string }

                    | LB_INSERTSTRING of { index: int, text: string }

                    | LB_DELETESTRING of { index: int }

                    | LB_SELITEMRANGEEX of { first: int, last: int }

                    | LB_RESETCONTENT

                    | LB_SETSEL of { select: bool, index: int }

                    | LB_SETCURSEL of { index: int }

                    | LB_GETSEL of { index: int }

                    | LB_GETCURSEL

                    | LB_GETTEXT of { index: int, length: int, text: string ref }

                    | LB_GETTEXTLEN of { index: int }

                    | LB_GETCOUNT

                    | LB_SELECTSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string }

                    | LB_DIR of { attrs: ComboBase.CBDirAttr list, fileSpec: string }

                    | LB_GETTOPINDEX

                    | LB_FINDSTRING of { indexStart: int, text: string }

                    | LB_GETSELCOUNT

                    | LB_GETSELITEMS of { itemCount: int, items: int list ref }

                    | LB_SETTABSTOPS of { tabs: int list }

                    | LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT

                    | LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT of { extent: int }

                    | LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH of { column: int }

                    | LB_ADDFILE of { fileName: string }

                    | LB_SETTOPINDEX of { index: int }

                    | LB_GETITEMRECT of { rect: RECT ref, index: int }

                    | LB_GETITEMDATA of { index: int }

                    | LB_SETITEMDATA of { index: int, data: int }

                    | LB_SELITEMRANGE of { select: bool, first: int, last: int }

                    | LB_SETANCHORINDEX of { index: int }

                    | LB_GETANCHORINDEX

                    | LB_SETCARETINDEX of { index: int, scroll: bool }

                    | LB_GETCARETINDEX

                    | LB_SETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int, height: int }

                    | LB_GETITEMHEIGHT of { index: int }

                    | LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT of { indexStart: int, text: string }

                    | LB_SETLOCALE of { locale: int } (* Should be an abstract type? *)

                    | LB_GETLOCALE (* Result will be the type used above. *)

                    | LB_SETCOUNT of { items: int }

                    | LB_INITSTORAGE of { items: int, bytes: int }

                    | LB_ITEMFROMPOINT of { point: POINT }

name="Static"></a>                   | STM_GETICON

                    | STM_GETIMAGE of {imageType: ImageType}

                    | STM_SETICON of {icon: HICON}

                    | STM_SETIMAGE of {image: HGDIOBJ, imageType: ImageType}

name="Scrollbar"></a>                   | SBM_SETPOS of { pos: int, redraw: bool }

                    | SBM_GETPOS

                    | SBM_SETRANGE of { minPos: int, maxPos: int }

                    | SBM_SETRANGEREDRAW of { minPos: int, maxPos: int }

                    | SBM_GETRANGE of { minPos: int ref, maxPos: int ref }

                    | SBM_ENABLE_ARROWS of ScrollBase.enableArrows

                    | SBM_SETSCROLLINFO of { info: ScrollBase.SCROLLINFO,
                                             options: ScrollBase.ScrollInfoOption list }

                    | SBM_GETSCROLLINFO of { info: ScrollBase.SCROLLINFO ref,
                                             options: ScrollBase.ScrollInfoOption list }

                    | <a
                        { flags: findReplaceFlags, findWhat: string, replaceWith: string }

                    | NULL

    type MSG = {
        msg: Message,
        hwnd: HWND,
        time: Time.time,
        pt: {x: int, y: int}

    val GetInputState : unit -&gt; bool
    val GetMessage : HWND option * int * int -&gt; MSG
    val GetMessagePos : unit -&gt; POINT
    val GetMessageTime : unit -&gt; Time.time

      QueueStatus =
        | QS_HOTKEY
        | QS_KEY
        | QS_MOUSEMOVE
        | QS_PAINT
        | QS_TIMER
    val QS_ALLEVENTS : QueueStatus list
    val QS_ALLINPUT : QueueStatus list
    val QS_INPUT : QueueStatus list
    val QS_MOUSE : QueueStatus list
    val GetQueueStatus : QueueStatus list -&gt; QueueStatus list

    val InSendMessage : unit -&gt; bool

    datatype PeekMessageOptions = PM_NOREMOVE | PM_REMOVE
    val PeekMessage : HWND option * int * int * PeekMessageOptions -&gt; MSG option
    val PostQuitMessage : int -&gt; unit
    val RegisterWindowMessage : string -&gt; int
    val <a
href="#RunApplication">RunApplication</a> : unit -&gt; int
    val <a href="#SendMessage">SendMessage</a> : HWND * Message -&gt; LRESULT
    val <a
href="#PostMessage">PostMessage</a> : HWND * Message -&gt; unit
    val WaitMessage : unit -&gt; bool

<p><tt>datatype <a name="LRESULT">LRESULT</a> = LRESHANDLE of HGDIOBJ | LRESINT of int </tt><br>
This type is used as the result of sending a message.&nbsp; Most messages return integers
but a few messages, such as STM_GETICON, return handles to objects.&nbsp; </p>

<p><a name="RunApplication"></a><tt>RunApplication(): int</tt><br>
<strong>ML-Extension</strong>: Processes and dispatches messages to the appropriate
windows.&nbsp; Returns when a WM_QUIT message is processed with the result passed in this
message.&nbsp; It also ensures that keyboard operations are correctly passed to modeless
dialogues by calling IsDialogMessage automatically.&nbsp; RunApplication should be used in
preference to GetMessage.&nbsp; </p>

<p><a name="SendMessage"></a><tt>SendMessage:(hw, msg): LRESULT</tt><br>
Sends a message to a window and returns the result returned by the window procedure.
&nbsp; If the message contains references which are updated by the window procedure the
updates will be made in the message before the function returns.</p>

<p><a name="PostMessage"></a><tt>PostMessage:(hw, msg)</tt>: unit<br>
Queues a message for a window but does not wait until the window procedure processes the
message before it returns.&nbsp; The message is copied to the queue so any updates made by
the window procedure will not affect references in the message.</p>
