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<title>Windows Interface Reference: Painting structure</title>


<h1>Painting and Drawing</h1>

<p>The Painting structure contains functions to control painting and drawing to a window
or device context.</p>

<pre>structure Painting :
  	type HWND and HDC and COLORREF and HRGN

    type RECT = { top: int, left: int, bottom: int, right: int }

    type BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_BLACK : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_COPYPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_MASKNOTPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_MASKPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_MASKPENNOT : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_MERGENOTPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_MERGEPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_MERGEPENNOT : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_NOP : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_NOT : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_NOTCOPYPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_NOTMASKPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_NOTMERGEPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_NOTXORPEN : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_WHITE : BinaryRasterOperation
    val R2_XORPEN : BinaryRasterOperation

		{ hdc: HDC, erase: bool, paint: RECT, private: Word8Vector.vector }

    val <a
name="BeginPaint">BeginPaint</a> : HWND -&gt; HDC * PAINTSTRUCT
    val <a name="EndPaint">EndPaint</a> : HWND * PAINTSTRUCT -&gt; unit
    val GdiFlush : unit -&gt; unit
    val GdiGetBatchLimit : unit -&gt; int
    val GdiSetBatchLimit : int -&gt; int
    val GetBkColor : HDC -&gt; COLORREF
    val GetROP2 : HDC -&gt; BinaryRasterOperation
    val GetUpdateRect : HWND * bool -&gt; RECT option
    val GetUpdateRgn : HWND * HRGN * bool -&gt; Region.ResultRegion
    val GetWindowDC : HWND -&gt; HDC
    val InvalidateRgn : HWND * HRGN * bool -&gt; unit
    val SetBkColor : HDC * COLORREF -&gt; COLORREF
    val SetROP2 : HDC * BinaryRasterOperation -&gt; BinaryRasterOperation
    val WindowFromDC : HDC -&gt; HWND