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      <p>mailtool &#8212; Process mailboxes</p>

    <div class="refsynopsisdiv">

      <div class="cmdsynopsis">
        <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> [options...]</p>

    <div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <a id="id535212" shape="rect" name="id535212"> </a>


      <p><span class="command"><strong>mailtool</strong></span> is
      a diagnostic utility for handling various operations on
      mailboxes. <span class="command"><strong>mailtool</strong></span>'s main uses
      include: display the list of folders in a mailbox; displaying
      list of messages in a mailbox; and copying mailboxes.</p>

      <p>The following mailboxes can be accessed by <span class="command"><strong>mailtool</strong></span>:</p>

      <div class="variablelist">
          <dt><span class="term">imap://<em class="replaceable"><code>userid</code></em>@<em class="replaceable"><code>server</code></em>[/options]</span></dt>

            <p>An IMAP account. <span class="command"><strong>mailtool</strong></span> will prompt
            for the login password.</p>

          <dt><span class="term">imaps://<em class="replaceable"><code>userid</code></em>@<em class="replaceable"><code>server</code></em>[/options]</span></dt>

            <p>An IMAP account accessed via an encrypted SSL

          <dt><span class="term">pop3://<em class="replaceable"><code>userid</code></em>@<em class="replaceable"><code>server</code></em>[/options]</span></dt>

            <p>A POP3 account. <span class="command"><strong>mailtool</strong></span> will prompt
            for the login password.</p>

          <dt><span class="term">pop3s://<em class="replaceable"><code>userid</code></em>@<em class="replaceable"><code>server</code></em>[/options]</span></dt>

            <p>A POP3 account accessed via an encrypted SSL

          <dt><span class="term">maildir:<em class="replaceable"><code>path</code></em></span></dt>

            <p>A local maildir mailbox. <code class="filename">path</code> specifies the maildir's location
            relative to the home directory (NOT the current

          <dt><span class="term">mbox:<em class="replaceable"><code>path</code></em></span></dt>

            <p>Local mbox mail folders. <code class="filename">path</code> specifies the path to an mbox
            folder file, or a directory containing mbox folders,
            relative to the home directory (NOT the current

          <dt><span class="term">inbox:<em class="replaceable"><code>path</code></em></span></dt>

            <p>Local mbox mail folders, like &#8220;<span class="quote">mbox:<em class="replaceable"><code>path</code></em></span>&#8221;;
            additionally, the system spool mailbox is automatically
            copied to <code class="filename">$HOME/Inbox</code>,
            which is accessible as folder <code class="literal">INBOX</code>.</p>

      <p>The name of a remote IMAP or POP3 server may be followed
      by one or more options that control various settings of the
      IMAP or POP3 connection:</p>

      <div class="variablelist">
          <dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">/cram</code></span></dt>

            <p>Do not open the account unless the server supports
            secure password authentication. Secure password
            authentication verifies the account's password using a
            challenge/response authentication mechanism (where the
            label "<code class="literal">cram</code>" comes from).
            The actual password is never actually transmitted to
            the server, and therefore cannot be intercepted while
            in transit over an untrusted network.</p>

            <p>Secure password authentication is not supported by
            all servers. This option may not work with some
            servers. This option does not enable secure password
            authentication, it only mandates its use. If the server
            supports secure password authentication, it will be
            used even without the <code class="literal">/cram</code> option. Traditional
            userid/password authentication will be used only if the
            server does not implement secure password
            authentication. The <code class="literal">/cram</code>
            option makes secure password authentication

            <p>The <code class="literal">/cram</code> option is
            marginally useful even with encrypted server
            connections. The secure password authentication never
            sends the explicit password to the server. Encryption
            makes it theoretically impossible to recover the
            password from an encrypted data connection; but with
            secure authentication the password is never sent over
            the connection in the first place (the password's
            validity is certified by exchanging certain
            mathematical calculations between the server and the
            client). If the server is compromised, the compromised
            server will not receive the account password (unless
            the password is recovered from the server in other

          <dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">/imap</code></span></dt>

            <p>Do not use the <a class="link" href="smap1.html" title="Appendix&#160;A.&#160;Simple Mail Access Protocol, Version 1" shape="rect">SMAP</a> if the server claims the
            availability of this experimental mail access protocol,
            and fall back to IMAP compatibility mode (this option
            is meaningful only with &#8220;<span class="quote"><code class="literal">imap://</code></span>&#8221; and
            &#8220;<span class="quote"><code class="literal">imaps://</code></span>&#8221; URLs).</p>

          <dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">/notls</code></span></dt>

            <p>Do not upgrade a plain connection to an encrypted
            one. This option is primarily used for testing and
            debugging purposes. Sometimes this option might be
            useful with servers that claim to offer encryption, but
            are unable to do so when taken up on their offer.</p>

          <dt><span class="term"><code class="literal">/novalidate-cert</code></span></dt>

            <p>Do not validate the server's SSL certificate when
            using an encrypted connection. Normally the mail
            server's SSL certificate must be validate when using an
            encrypted connection. The certificate's name must match
            the server's name, and the certificate must be signed
            by a trusted certificate authority.</p>

            <p>The encrypted connection normally fails if the
            certificate cannot be validate. Validation requires
            that a list of trusted certificate authorities must be
            known and configured. It's simply impossible to know
            which certificate authorities are valid without an
            explicit list of valid, known, trusted, certificate
            authorities. If a trusted authority list is not
            configured, no certificate can be validated. If the
            server's certificate is a self-signed certificate (this
            is often used for testing purposes), or if it's not
            signed by a known authority, the encrypted connection

            <p>This <code class="literal">/novalidate-cert</code>
            option disables certificate validation. The encrypted
            connection will be established even if the server's
            certificate would otherwise be rejected.</p>

            <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
              <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

              <p>This option is applicable even when an encrypted
              IMAP or POP3 connection is not explicitly requested.
              Many mail servers are capable of automatically
              upgrading unencrypted connections to a
              fully-encrypted connection. If a mail server claims
              to be able to use encryption, then there's no reason
              not to use it. The result is that all encryption
              certification requirements still apply even when
              encryption is not explicitly requested.</p>

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536087" shape="rect" name="id536087"> </a>

        <h3>Displaying mailbox contents</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -tree | -list
          <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-tree</code> shows a hierarchical
        representation of mail folders in <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>. <code class="literal">-list</code> generates a simple folder listing,
        one folder name per line. <code class="literal">-tree</code> shows folder names, while
        <code class="literal">-list</code> shows the actual mail
        folder path in <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>.</p>

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -tree imap://

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536359" shape="rect" name="id536359"> </a>

        <h3>Creating folders</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -create |
          -createdir <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em> <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em> <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-create</code> creates a new
        subfolder of <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em> in <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>. The new
        subfolder's name is <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>. <code class="literal">-createdir</code> creates a new folder directory
        (a folder that contains other folders).</p>

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -create INBOX.lists announcements maildir:Maildir

        <p>This command creates a new folder &#8220;<span class="quote">announcements</span>&#8221; as a subfolders of
        &#8220;<span class="quote">INBOX.lists</span>&#8221; in the
        local maildir.</p>

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536475" shape="rect" name="id536475"> </a>

        <h3>Deleting folders</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -delete |
          -deletedir <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em> <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-delete</code> deletes an existing
        <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em> in
        <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>.</p>

        <p><code class="literal">-deletedir</code> deletes a folder

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -delete INBOX.lists.announcements maildir:Maildir

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536570" shape="rect" name="id536570"> </a>

        <h3>Renaming folders</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -rename
          <em class="replaceable"><code>oldfolder</code></em>
          <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>
          <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em> <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-renames</code> renames an
        existing <em class="replaceable"><code>oldfolder</code></em>. The folder is
        renamed as <em class="replaceable"><code>name</code></em>,
        as a subfolder of <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>. <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em> may be an empty
        string if the folder should be moved to the top level of
        <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>'s folder

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -rename INBOX.lists.announcements INBOX.lists Announcements maildir:Maildir

        <p>The folder &#8220;<span class="quote">INBOX.lists.announcements</span>&#8221; is renamed
        to &#8220;<span class="quote">INBOX.lists.Announcements</span>&#8221;. This
        slightly unusual way to rename folder allows folders to be
        relocated in the mail <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>'s folder

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536686" shape="rect" name="id536686"> </a>

        <h3>Reading folder's index</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -index
          <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>
          <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-index</code> downloads and prints
        a summary of all messages in <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>, in <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>. The summary shows
        the sender's and recipients' address, the message's
        subject, and size.</p>

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -index INBOX imap://

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536756" shape="rect" name="id536756"> </a>

        <h3>Removing a message from a folder</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -remove
          <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>
          <em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em> <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-remove</code> removes message
        #<em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em> (ranging from
        1 to the number of messages in the folder) in <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>, in <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em>. The message
        numbers may be obtained by using <code class="literal">-index</code>.</p>

        <p><em class="replaceable"><code>n</code></em> may be a
        comma-separated list of message numbers, in strictly
        numerically increasing order. <code class="literal">-remove</code> confirms the list of messages to
        remove and issues a &#8220;<span class="quote">Ready:</span>&#8221; prompt. Press <span class="keycap"><strong>ENTER</strong></span> to remove the

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -remove INBOX 28,31 imap://

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536868" shape="rect" name="id536868"> </a>

        <h3>Filtering messages</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> -filter
          <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>
          <em class="replaceable"><code>account</code></em></p>

        <p><code class="literal">-filter</code> is a combination of
        <code class="literal">-index</code> and <code class="literal">-remove</code>. <em class="replaceable"><code>folder</code></em>'s index is
        downloaded, and the summary of each message is shown, one
        message at a time. Each message's summary is followed by a
        prompt: &#8220;<span class="quote">Delete, Skip, or
        Exit</span>&#8221;. Pressing <span class="keycap"><strong>D</strong></span> removes the message,
        <span class="keycap"><strong>S</strong></span> leaves the
        message unchanged, and <span class="keycap"><strong>E</strong></span> leaves the remaining
        messages unchanged.</p>

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -filter INBOX pop3://

        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

          <p><code class="literal">-filter</code> is not meant to
          be used with large folders. Unless messages are removed
          quickly, the connection to the server may be disconnected
          for inactivity.</p>

      <div class="refsect2" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
        <a id="id536982" shape="rect" name="id536982"> </a>

        <h3>Copying folders</h3>

        <div class="cmdsynopsis">
          <p><code class="command">mailtool</code> [-recurse]
          -tofolder <em class="replaceable"><code>tofolder</code></em> -copyto
          <em class="replaceable"><code>toaccount</code></em>
          -fromfolder <em class="replaceable"><code>fromfolder</code></em> <em class="replaceable"><code>fromaccount</code></em></p>

        <p>This command copies an entire folder, <code class="literal">fromfolder</code> in <code class="literal">fromaccount</code> to a new folder, <code class="literal">tofolder</code> (which will be created, if
        necessary) in <code class="literal">toaccount</code>.
        Optionally, <code class="literal">-recurse</code> specifies
        that all subfolders of <code class="literal">fromfolder</code> should also be copied.</p>

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">

mailtool -tofolder INBOX -copyto maildir:Maildir \
    -fromfolder "INBOX" imap://

mailtool -recurse -tofolder INBOX.converted_mail \
    -copyto maildir:Maildir -fromfolder "mail" \

        <p>This example first copies the INBOX on the IMAP server
        to <code class="filename">$HOME/Maildir</code>, then copies
        subfolders of &#8220;<span class="quote">mail</span>&#8221;
        on the IMAP server to the &#8220;<span class="quote">converted_mail</span>&#8221; subfolder in the

        <div class="informalexample">
          <pre class="programlisting" xml:space="preserve">
mailtool -tofolder INBOX -copyto maildir:Maildir \
   -fromfolder "INBOX" inbox:mail

mailtool -recurse -tofolder INBOX.converted_mail \
    -copyto maildir:Maildir -fromfolder "" mbox:mail


        <p>This example first copies <code class="filename">$HOME/Inbox</code> (accessed as the INBOX folder
        in inbox:mail) to <code class="filename">$HOME/Maildir</code>, then copies mbox folders
        from <code class="filename">$HOME/mail</code> to the
        &#8220;<span class="quote">converted_mail</span>&#8221;
        subfolder in the maildir.</p>

        <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
          <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

          <p>Mail accounts that contain hybrid folders (folders
          that contain both messages and subfolders) can only be
          copied to account types that also support hybrid folders:
          either local maildirs, or to remote servers that support
          hybrid folders.</p>

    <div class="refsect1" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <a id="id537183" shape="rect" name="id537183"> </a>

      <h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

      <p><a class="link" href="cone.html" title="cone" shape="rect"><span class="citerefentry"><span class="refentrytitle">cone</span>(1)</span></a>.</p>

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