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          <h3 class="title"><a id="smapusingfolders" shape="rect" name="smapusingfolders"> </a>Using Folders</h3>

    <p>A folder must be opened before accessing its messages. Only
    one folder can be opened at a time. Opening a second folder
    automatically closes the first folder. When opening a folder,
    the SMAP server's response indicates how many messages there
    are in the folder. The messages are numbered consecutively,
    from 1 to the message count returned by the <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command.</p>

    <p>New messages can be added to the folder while it is open.
    Other application can also remove or modify existing messages,
    while the folder is opened. There are two mechanisms by which
    the SMAP client is notified about these changes.</p>

    <p>The SMAP client explicitly requests to be notified about any
    other changes by issuing either the <code class="literal">NOOP</code> or the <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> command. The server's response to the
    client includes notification of any messages that were added,
    modified, or removed from the server.</p>

    <p>The <code class="literal">NOOP</code> and <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> commands work like all other commands:
    the server does the requested action, and replies accordingly.
    The second mechanism uses the <code class="literal">IDLE</code>
    command, which works a little differently. The server's initial
    reply includes any changes to the folder's contents, as with
    <code class="literal">NOOP</code> and <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code>, but the story doesn't end there. The
    client's next command, after <code class="literal">IDLE</code>,
    must be the <code class="literal">RESUME</code> command. Until
    the server receives the <code class="literal">RESUME</code>,
    the server may immediately notify the client any time the
    folder's contents change. SMAP servers that are not capable of
    immediate notification of this type should periodically poll
    the folder for changes, until they get a <code class="literal">RESUME</code>.</p>

    <p>When the client is waiting for user input it should issue
    the <code class="literal">IDLE</code> command, so that it knows
    about any changes to the folder made by other applications, and
    react immediately. The client issues a <code class="literal">RESUME</code> when it finally has something to do.
    This can be a result of user input, or caused by a change to
    the folder's contents (when new mail arrives, for example, the
    client may want to automatically download its headers).</p>

    <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
      <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

      <p>Messages in the folder are always consecutively numbered,
      starting with message #1. The messages are renumbered after
      removing a message; and new messages are added at the end.
      For example: a folder has five messages, numbered 1 through
      5. The third message is removed, and messages #4 and #5
      become messages #3 and #4, respectively. When two more
      messages are added to the folder, they become messages #5 and
      message #6.</p>

    <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
      <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

      <p>The client may send the &#8220;<span class="quote">RESUME</span>&#8221; command at the same time the
      server is sending a message to the client concerning some
      changes to the folder that just occured. The SMAP client
      should always wait and process any remaining folder content
      notification changes, until it receives that status reply for
      &#8220;<span class="quote">RESUME</span>&#8221;.</p>

    <div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h4 class="title"><a id="id692820" shape="rect" name="id692820"> </a>Opening a folder</h4>

      <div class="literallayout">
        <p><br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;OPEN&#160;"Saved&#160;Mail"&#160;2002<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;EXISTS&#160;17<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Folder&#160;opened<br clear="none"/></p>

      <p>The <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command opens a
      folder. If another folder is already opened, the other folder
      is closed. The other folder is closed automatically, whether
      or not the <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command
      ultimately succeeds.</p>

      <p>The whitespace-delimited words after &#8220;<span class="quote"><code class="literal">OPEN</code></span>&#8221;
      specify the folder to open. If it's a valid folder, the
      server response includes a "* EXISTS" <a class="link" href="smapsyntax.html#singleline" title="Single line replies" shape="rect">single line reply</a>.</p>

      <p>SMAP servers are encouraged to offer concurrent access to
      the same folder to multiple application. SMAP servers that
      are unable to do so should reject the <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command if the folder is already opened
      by someone else.</p>

      <div class="literallayout">
        <p><br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;SOPEN&#160;"28378jhaskdjk9@localhost"&#160;"Saved&#160;Mail"&#160;2002<br clear="none"/>

        S:&#160;*&#160;SNAPSHOTEXISTS&#160;"28378jhaskdjk9@localhost"<br clear="none"/>

        S:&#160;*&#160;EXPUNGE&#160;10-13<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;EXISTS&#160;25<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Folder&#160;opened<br clear="none"/></p>

      <p>The <code class="literal">SOPEN</code> command enables
      folder snapshots, and opens a previously folder snapshot. A
      folder snapshot is a saved, or cached, copy of the folder's
      contents. Both the SMAP client and the SMAP server maintain
      synchronizes cached copies, or snapshots, of the folder's
      contents. This includes the list of messages in the folder,
      and the message state flags. Normally, after opening a folder
      the SMAP client needs to download the entire list of
      messages, and their states, from the server. Restoring a
      previously snapshot eliminates that step.</p>

      <p>The first whitespace-delimited word after <code class="literal">SOPEN</code> is a snapshot identifier, as returned
      by a &#8220;<span class="quote">* SNAPSHOT</span>&#8221;
      message (see <a class="link" href="smapusingfolders.html#noop" title="The NOOP command" shape="rect"><code class="literal">NOOP</code></a>). The remaining
      words specify the name of the folder, as in <code class="literal">OPEN</code>.</p>

      <p>The server responds with a &#8220;<span class="quote">*
      SNAPSHOTEXISTS</span>&#8221; message, with a copy of the
      snapshot identifier, followed by zero or more
      &#8220;<span class="quote">* EXPUNGE</span>&#8221;,
      &#8220;<span class="quote">* FETCH <em class="replaceable"><code>msgnum</code></em> FLAGS</span>&#8221;,
      and &#8220;<span class="quote">* EXISTS</span>&#8221; message
      that reflect any changes to the folder's contents that
      occured since the snapshot was made. When the final
      <code class="literal">+OK</code> is received, the folder's
      contents are brough up to date, and the SMAP client should
      issue a <code class="literal">NOOP</code> command to make an
      updated snapshot.</p>

      <p>If the server is unable to find the requested snapshot, it
      should respond just like to the <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command, with a single
      &#8220;<span class="quote">* EXISTS</span>&#8221; message. If
      the client does not receive a &#8220;<span class="quote">*
      SNAPSHOTEXISTS</span>&#8221; message, the client will
      conclude that the requested snapshot is not available. This
      is not an error condition. The requested snapshot might be
      too old, and the server decided that it should be removed by

      <p>A client that wants to use snapshots, but does not have a
      saved snapshot, should use the <code class="literal">SOPEN</code> command with an empty string for a
      snapshot identifier. This is because the server would not
      normally make snapshots if the client used the <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command to open a folder. The server
      responds to an <code class="literal">SOPEN</code> with an
      empty identifier in the same way as to an <code class="literal">OPEN</code> command, but enable and make

    <div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h4 class="title"><a id="id693027" shape="rect" name="id693027"> </a>Closing a folder</h4>

      <div class="literallayout">
        <p><br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;CLOSE<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Folder&#160;closed<br clear="none"/></p>

      <p>The <code class="literal">CLOSE</code> command closes the
      currently-opened folder. This command should always succeed,
      and should ideally do nothing if no folder is currently

      <p>SMAP servers that do not support concurrent access to the
      same folder, by multiple applications, should release the
      folder so that other applications can open it.</p>

    <div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h4 class="title"><a id="noop" shape="rect" name="noop"> </a>The <code class="literal">NOOP</code>

      <div class="literallayout">
        <p><br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;NOOP<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;EXPUNGE&#160;10-13&#160;17<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;FETCH&#160;12&#160;FLAGS=SEEN<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;EXISTS&#160;32<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Ok.<br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;NOOP<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;SNAPSHOT&#160;"89238yu90doi923@localhost"<br clear="none"/>

        C:&#160;+OK&#160;Ok.<br clear="none"/></p>

      <p><code class="literal">NOOP</code> polls the server for any
      changes made to the folder's contents by other applications.
      The server's response includes 0 or more <a class="link" href="smapsyntax.html#singleline" title="Single line replies" shape="rect">single line replies</a> before <code class="literal">NOOP</code>'s <a class="link" href="smapsyntax.html#statusreply" title="Status replies" shape="rect">status reply</a>.</p>

      <p>The single line replies may be sent in any order, and the
      SMAP client should process each single line reply
      individually, based on its current understanding of the
      folder's contents, which is taken into account when
      processing the next single line reply.</p>

      <p>The &#8220;<span class="quote"><code class="literal">*
      EXPUNGE</code></span>&#8221; single line reply lists messages
      that have been removed from the folder. The remaining words
      enumerate the removed message numbers. &#8220;<span class="quote"><em class="replaceable"><code>a</code></em>-<em class="replaceable"><code>b</code></em></span>&#8221;
      indicates messages #a through #b, inclusive, and the entire
      list must be sorted in strict numerically increasing order,
      with no overlaps. This message indicates that the specified
      messages have been removed, and the remaining messages were
      renumbered by shifting over to fill in the gaps.</p>

      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

        <p>Some time may elapse before a server receives a
        <code class="literal">NOOP</code>, after a message is
        removed by some other application. Since the client will
        not be aware of the removed message, the server must handle
        client commands as if the message was not yet removed. For
        example, after message #13 is removed, message #14 now
        becomes message #13. Until the server receives a
        <code class="literal">NOOP</code>, it should be aware that
        client's <code class="literal">FETCH</code> and
        <code class="literal">STORE</code> commands that reference
        message #14 really reference message #13. The server must
        process these commands accordingly, until the server
        receives a <code class="literal">NOOP</code>, and notifies
        the client.</p>

      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

        <p>Excessively long lists of expunged messages may result
        in multiple <code class="literal">* EXPUNGE</code>
        messages, instead of a single, huge <code class="literal">*

      <p>The <code class="literal">* EXISTS</code> message
      indicates that new messages were added to the folder, and
      specifies the new number of messages now in the folder.</p>

      <p>The <code class="literal">* FETCH</code> message indicates
      that an existing message attribute was changed. The next word
      specifies the number of the changed message, and the
      remaining word provide the new message attributes. See the
      <a class="link" href="attributes.html" title="Reading message attributes" shape="rect">description of the
      <code class="literal">FETCH</code> command</a> for more

      <p>The server creates snapshots of the folder's index when
      the folder was opened with the <code class="literal">SOPEN</code> command. If the <code class="literal">NOOP</code> command did not report any changes to
      the folder's contents, the server sends a &#8220;<span class="quote">* SNAPSHOT</span>&#8221;, followed by a single word
      that specifies the saved snapshot's identifier. The format of
      the snapshot's identifier is defined by the server, and the
      client should treat it as an opaque text string.</p>

      <p>A client issues the <code class="literal">NOOP</code>
      command when it wants the server to save the folder's
      snapshot. If the server comes back with other messages that
      report changes to the folder, the client should issue another
      <code class="literal">NOOP</code>, and try again.</p>

      <p>When the server finds no changes to the folder, and no
      changes at all since the previous <code class="literal">NOOP</code> that returned a snapshot, the server
      does not need to make a second, identical snapshot. A client
      may not receive any response to a <code class="literal">NOOP</code>; neither a list of folder's changes,
      nor a &#8220;<span class="quote">* SNAPSHOT</span>&#8221;
      message. This indicates that the folder's contents have not
      changed since the last snapshot. The client should already
      know this; but if not, that's how the server will remind

      <div class="note" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;">
        <h3 class="title">Note</h3>

        <p>The server is not required to keep saved snapshots
        indefinitely. A server does not need to save more than two
        snapshots per session. After making snapshots A and B,
        after processing a request to make a third snapshot, C, the
        server may delete snapshot A.</p>

        <p>The server cannot delete snapshot B, because the client
        may crash or be disconnected before it receives the
        server's acknowledgement of creating snapshot C, and the
        next time the client reopens the same folder it will
        specify snapshot B to the <code class="literal">SOPEN</code> command. If a client opens a folder
        using <code class="literal">SOPEN</code>, but does not name
        either A or B, (or C), the server may conclude that another
        client is opening the same folder, and should not remove
        any of the saved snapshots, unless they are very old.</p>

    <div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h4 class="title"><a id="id693328" shape="rect" name="id693328"> </a>The <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code>

      <div class="literallayout">
        <p><br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;EXPUNGE&#160;7<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;EXPUNGE&#160;7&#160;9&#160;11<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Ok.<br clear="none"/></p>

      <p>The <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> command is
      similar <code class="literal">NOOP</code>, except that
      <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> also removes messages
      from the folder, and the server's response to <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> includes the removed messages. The
      response also includes any additional messages removed by
      other applications, and any other changes to the folder's

      <p>Message numbers to remove should follow the <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> command, as whitespace-delimited
      words. An <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> without an
      explicit message list is the same as an <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code> that lists all messages that have
      the <code class="literal">DELETED</code> flag set.</p>

    <div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
      <div class="titlepage">
            <h4 class="title"><a id="id693410" shape="rect" name="id693410"> </a>The <code class="literal">IDLE</code>/<code class="literal">RESUME</code> command</h4>

      <div class="literallayout">
        <p><br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;IDLE<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Idling...<br clear="none"/>
        <br clear="none"/>
        <span class="emphasis"><em>[&#160;...&#160;some&#160;time&#160;passes&#160;...&#160;]</em></span><br clear="none"/>

        <br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;*&#160;FETCH&#160;15&#160;FLAGS=SEEN,DELETED<br clear="none"/>

        S:&#160;*&#160;EXPUNGE&#160;4<br clear="none"/>
        C:&#160;RESUME<br clear="none"/>
        S:&#160;+OK&#160;Resumed...<br clear="none"/></p>

      <p>The SMAP client sends the <code class="literal">IDLE</code> command to inform the server that
      client wants to know about any changes to the folder's
      contents immediately, without waiting for a <code class="literal">NOOP</code> or <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code>. If the folder already had some
      changed made by another process, the server will notify the
      client immediately after the status reply.</p>

      <p>The next command sent by the client (at some later time)
      must be the <code class="literal">RESUME</code> command.
      <code class="literal">RESUME</code> indicates that the client
      is no longer interested in receiving folder updates, and the
      server should wait until another <code class="literal">NOOP</code>, <code class="literal">EXPUNGE</code>,
      or <code class="literal">IDLE</code> before notifying the
      client about any changes to the folder's contents.</p>

      <p>The client must be aware that the folder's contents might
      be changed after it sends a <code class="literal">RESUME</code> and before the server receives it. In
      this case the client might receive additional single line
      replies before the server responds to the <code class="literal">RESUME</code>. The client must still properly
      process single line replies, until it receives the server's
      status reply to the <code class="literal">RESUME</code>.</p>

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