

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 8c121e65e51403830ea892a6b80aa23d > files > 77


FreeIPMI Testing


Albert Chu

Updated: 12/08/09 for FreeIPMI 0.8.1

The following is a list of tests I've (semi) regularly done to measure
the compliance of a motherboard to IPMI as well as FreeIPMI's
compliance to the motherboard's implementation.  It is not 100%
thorough and will not guaranteee full compliance with the IPMI
specification, but it covers a fair amount of the IPMI specification
and tests a significant number of important cases.  It should help
uncover many of the most common IPMI compliance issues I've found.

All users/vendors/manufacturers/etc. are welcome to debate me on the
below as mandatory vs. optional requirements.  While some of the below
may technically be optional for IPMI compliance, I consider them to be
practically mandatory for a functioning IPMI system supporting IPMI
1.5, IPMI 2.0, Serial-over-LAN, etc.  A few tests may have "**Nice to
have**" listed next to it, which indicate something that would be nice
to have, but ultimately is not an IPMI compliance issue.

The error messages listed in tests below highlight what I believe to
be the "best" or "most likely" error messages that should be returned
by the tools.  It is possible that different IPMI completion codes
returned by commands are acceptable, leading to different error
message output in the tools.  If you believe an alternate completion
code (leading to an alternate error message) is acceptable, please let
me know about them.

Everything below assumes reasonable knowledge of IPMI and knowledge of
FreeIPMI tools.  Please see FreeIPMI documentation/manpages for
additional information.

All tool testing listed below is generally agnostic to execution
in-band vs. out-of-band with obvious exceptions (e.g. testing
ipmipower in-band, configuring the MAC address out-of-band, etc).
Naturally, the testing below assumes the tester is not
configuring/using FreeIPMI workarounds.  That defeats the point of
testing for IPMI compliance :-)

Out of Band Configuration Definitions

A number of test situations below require a particular out-of-band
configuration on the remote machine.  The following define a set of
usernames/password combinations that will be referenced in the tests

USERANONYMOUS - User #1 (i.e. NULL) username *without* a password.

USERNULL - User #1 (i.e. NULL) username *with* a password.

USER1 - A non-null username, with a password, and the highest
privilege this user can authenticate at is the "user" privilege.

OPERATOR1 - A non-null username, with a password, and the highest
privilege this user can authenticate at is the "operator" privilege.

ADMIN1 - A non-null username, with a password, and the highest
privilege this user can authenticate at is the "admin" privilege.

SOL1 - A non-null username, with a password, the highest privilege
this user can authenticate with is identical to the SOL privilege
level, and SOL payload access is enabled.

Bmc-config Testing

Goal: The goal of the bmc-config testing is to ensure that all IPMI
configuration values can be read, written, and "stick" after being


Execute bmc-config with --checkout on a default/unmodified
manufacturered system.

Using the --commit and --filename options, commit the checked out
configuration file back to the BMC.

Ensure that the default checked out configuration can be written back.
If it cannot, is there a "default" configuration that is "invalid"?


Execute bmc-config with --checkout, verify checked out configuration
contains all appropriate configurable fields.  At minimum, the fields
listed below should be output:
- For each "User" section:
  * Username
  * Enable_User
  * Password
  * Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs
  * Lan_Privilege_Limit
  * SOL_Payload_Access (if IPMI 2.0 is supported)
- For the Lan_Channel section:
  * Volatile_Access_Mode
  * Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth
  * Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit
  * Non_Volatile_Access_Mode
  * Non_Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth
  * Non_Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit
- For the Lan_Conf section:
  * IP_Address_Source
  * IP_Address
  * MAC_Address
  * Subnet_Mask
  * Default_Gateway_IP_Address
  * Default_Gateway_MAC_Address
  * Backup_Gateway_IP_Address
  * Backup_Gateway_MAC_Address
- For the Lan_Conf_Auth section:
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_None
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_None
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_None
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_None
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
    o If some of these fields are not output, are the appropriate
    system "authentication type support" flags set properly?
- For the Lan_Conf_Security_Keys section (if IPMI 2.0 is supported):
  * K_G
- For the Lan_Conf_Misc:
  * Enable_Gratuitous_ARPs (if gratuitous ARPs supported)
  * Enable_ARP_Response (if BMC generated ARPs supported)
  * Gratuitous_ARP_Interval (if gratuitous ARPs supported)
- For Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege section:
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_0
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_1
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_2
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_3
- For SOL_Conf section (if IPMI 2.0 is supported):
  * Enable_SOL 
  * SOL_Privilege_Level
  * Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication
  * Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption
  * Character_Accumulate_Interval
  * Character_Send_Threshold
  * SOL_Retry_Count
  * SOL_Retry_Interval
  * Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate
  * Volatile_Bit_Rate


Using a previously checked out configuration file, modify the
configuration file as follows below to try many configuration
possibilities.  Then for each configuration change:

- Using the --diff and --filename options, verify that each field
  modified in the configuration file is indeed different than what is
  currently stored on the BMC.  Bmc-config should output each
  difference to stdout.

- Using the --commit and --filename options, commit the configuration
  file to the BMC.

- Using the --diff and --filename options, verify that each field has
  been written to the BMC and there are no longer any differences
  Bmc-config should not output anything to stdout.

- Ensure that fields can be changed once and then changed back.  For
  example for Yes/No fields, configure a "Yes" to a "No", then back
  to a "Yes".

Configuration changes to try:
- For each "User" section:
  * Username
    o Change username to something different.
    o Ensure username of length 16 can be configured.
  * Enable_User
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Password
    o Can change username to something different.
    o Ensure empty password (no input) can be configured.
    o Ensure password of length 16 (20 if IPMI 2.0 supported) can be
  * Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Lan_Privilege_Limit
    o Can change privilege level to User, Operator, and Administrator
  * SOL_Payload_Access
    o Can configure both Yes and No
- For the Lan_Channel section:
  * Volatile_Access_Mode
    o Can configure Disabled and Always_Available
  * Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit
    o Can configure User, Operator, and Administrator
  * Non_Volatile_Access_Mode
    o Can configure Disabled and Always_Available
  * Non_Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Non_Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit
    o Can configure User, Operator, and Administrator
- For the Lan_Conf section:
  * IP_Address_Source
    o Can configure Static and Use_DHCP
  * IP_Address
    o Can configure a different IP address
  * MAC_Address
    o Can configure a different MAC address
  * Subnet_Mask
    o Can configure a different Subnet address
  * Default_Gateway_IP_Address
    o Can configure a different IP address
  * Default_Gateway_MAC_Address
    o Can configure a different MAC address
  * Backup_Gateway_IP_Address
    o Can configure a different IP address
  * Backup_Gateway_MAC_Address
    o Can configure a different MAC address
- For the Lan_Conf_Auth section:
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_None
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_None
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * User_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_None
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_None
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password
    o Can configure both Yes and No
- For the Lan_Conf_Security_Keys section (if IPMI 2.0 is supported):
  * K_G
    o Can configure a different key
    o Ensure empty key (no input) can be configured.
- For the Lan_Conf_Misc:
  * Enable_Gratuitous_ARPs
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Enable_ARP_Response
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Gratuitous_ARP_Interval
    o Can configure a different value (e.g. 5 to 6)
- For Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege section:
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_0
    o Can configure Unused, User, Operator, and Administrator.
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_1
    o Can configure Unused, User, Operator, and Administrator.
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_2
    o Can configure Unused, User, Operator, and Administrator.
  * Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_3
    o Can configure Unused, User, Operator, and Administrator.
- For SOL_Conf section (if IPMI 2.0 is supported):
  * Enable_SOL 
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * SOL_Privilege_Level
    o Can configure User, Operator, and Administrator.
  * Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption
    o Can configure both Yes and No
  * Character_Accumulate_Interval
    o Can configure a different value (e.g. 5 to 6)
  * Character_Send_Threshold
    o Can configure a different value (e.g. 5 to 6)
  * SOL_Retry_Count
    o Can configure a different value (e.g. 5 to 6)
  * SOL_Retry_Interval
    o Can configure a different value (e.g. 5 to 6)
  * Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate
    o Can configure a different bit rate (e.g. 57600 to 115200)
  * Volatile_Bit_Rate
    o Can configure a different bit rate (e.g. 57600 to 115200)


Start from machine where all "Non_Volatile" fields are identical to
the "Volatile" fields.

Checkout, modify, then commit all "Non_Volatile" fields to something
different but not the "Volatile" fields.

Using --diff, verify that only the "Non_Volatile" fields have changed
and the "Volatile" fields have not changed.  The field pairs should be
different from each other.

Power off the IPMI machine and power it back on.

Verify that all "Volatile" fields now hold the new values stored in
the "Non_Volatile" fields.  The field pairs should be the same as each


Reboot the machine.  Using --checkout, checkout the current
configuration.  Configure all fields to be the "opposite" or
"different" of what they currently are (e.g. No to Yes, User to
Administrator, etc.).

Power off the machine and power it back on.

Using the --diff option, verify that newly configured fields have been
saved across a reboot.

Again, configure all fields "opposite" again.

Power off the machine and power it back on.

Using the --diff option, verify that newly configured fields have been
saved across a reboot.


If any parameters on the system are read only, does bmc-config output
"Read Only Field" appropriately?

If not, is the field returning the proper completion code (typically

Bmc-info Testing

Goal: Ensure all important values are output and are correct.


Execute bmc-info with no bmc-info specific options, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All fields output are correct.  Key fields to verify:
  * Firmware Revision
  * IPMI Version
  * Manufacturer ID
    o The name of the manufacter outputs
      e.g. "Manufacturer ID       : SOME-COMPANY (1234)"
           "Manufacturer ID       : 1234"
      If the above is not the case, and the vendor is registered with
      IANA, is there a firmware bug?
  * Product ID
  * GUID
  * Channel Information - Medium Type
    o If IPMI over LAN is supported, atleast one should be == "802.3 LAN"
  * Channel Information - Vendor ID
    o Most if not all should be == "Intelligent Platform Management Interface forum (7154)"

Ipmi-chassis Testing

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.


If the remote system supports an IPMI controllable LED:

Execute ipmi-chassis with --chassis-identify=force, verify remote
- Has LED turned on indefinitely.

Execute ipmi-chassis with --chassis-identify=turn-off, verify remote
- Has LED turned off.

Execute ipmi-chassis with --chassis-identify=30, verify remote system:
- Has LED turned on for approximately 30 seconds, then turns itself

Ipmi-sensors Testing

Goal: Ensure all important values are output and are correct.


Execute ipmi-sensors with no ipmi-sensors specific options, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All threshold and discrete sensor readings that should be output are
  output with a reading and/or event.
  * If N/A is output instead, is the sensor improperly listed a
    software sensor?  Is the sensor disabled?  Is sensor scanning
    disabled?  Is the event-reading-type-code of the sensor correct?
- All threshold values (temperature, rpm, voltage, etc.) are
  valid/correct values (no invalid numbers, no negative temperatures,
  * If not, are stored SDR values for this sensor correct?
- All units are valid/correct.
  * If not, are stored SDR values for this sensor correct?
- All groups are valid/correct.
  * If not, are stored SDR values for this sensor correct?


Execute ipmi-sensors with very verbose output (-vv), verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All fields output are correct.  Key fields to verify:
  * Sensor Number
  * Sensor Owner ID
    o BMC owned sensors should be 0x20.
    o The combination of Sensor Owner ID and Sensor Number should
      point to a unique sensor.
  * Entity ID
    o The name of the Entity ID outputs 
      e.g. "Entity ID: system board (7)"
           "Entity ID: 7"
      If the above is not the case, are all the Entity IDs valid?  Do they
      belong in the proper ranges defined by the IPMI specification?
  * Lower Critical Threshold
  * Upper Critical Threshold
  * Lower Non-Critical Threshold
  * Upper Non-Critical Threshold
  * Lower Non-Recoverable Threshold
  * Upper Non-Recoverable Threshold
    o All thresholds listed are correct.  Those that are not
      readable/relevant are output w/ "N/A".  If not output with
      "N/A", does the BMC properly label them as readable
      vs. unreadable?
  * Assertion Event Enabled
  * Deassertion Event Enabled
    o All supported assertion and deassertion events are listed.  If
      they are not listed, are they properly labeled as enabled/disabled
      in the SDR?


Execute ipmi-sensors in-band with the --bridge-sensors option to
verify that sensors not owned by the BMC are output correctly, verify
- Executes without errors
- All bridged sensors are output correctly.


Execute ipmi-sensors out-of-band with the --bridge-sensors option to
verify that sensors not owned by the BMC are output correctly, verify
- Executes without errors
- All bridged sensors are output correctly.


Testing Power Supply Sensors:

- Use a dual power supply motherboard.
- Verify ipmi-sensors lists the power supply sensors as having an
  event of "Presence Detected".
- Unplug one of the power supplies.
- Verify ipmi-sensors now lists the power supply sensor with an
  appropriate event message, such as "Power Supply Failure detected"
  or "Power Supply input lost (AC/DC)".
- Plug the power supply back in.
- Verify ipmi-sensors not lists the power supply sensors as having an
  event of "Presence Detected".


Testing Intrusion Sensors:

- Verify ipmi-sensors lists the intrusion sensor as "OK".
- Open the case/chassis/motherboard/etc.
- Verify ipmi-sensors now lists the intrusion sensor with an
  appropriate event message, such as "General Chassis Intrusion".

Ipmi-sel Testing

Goal: Ensure all important values are output and are correct.


Execute ipmi-sel with no ipmi-sel specific options, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All dates on SEL records are correct
  * If not, Is the BMC time set correctly?
  * If not, is OS time/timezone set correctly?
- Sensor names are output correctly.
  * If not, are the SEL records reporting the correct sensor number
    and/or sensor owner id?


Execute ipmi-sel with --display and --display-range, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- Exact record ids listed in options are output.
- Exact record ids output match record ids listed with default
  (i.e. list all records) output.
  * If not, are record ids stored incorrectly?


Execute ipmi-sel with --clear, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- SEL is completely cleared.  Subsequent calls to ipmi-sel result in
  no output and no errors.

Test) **Nice to have**

Execute ipmi-sel with no ipmi-sel specific options, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All columns headers and fields align properly
  * If not, are there SEL records that indicate events that were not
    listed as possible in the SDR?  If so, perhaps some entries in the
    SDR to indicate those events are possible could be added, thus
    allowing the tools to output a cleaner, nicer output for the

Test) **Nice to have**
Execute ipmi-sel with no ipmi-sel specific options, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All events have an identified name in the "Name" column.  In other
  words, there is no output like "Sensor #1".
  * If not, are there SDR records that identify every potential event
    that can occur on the motherboard.  If not, perhaps some entries
    (most likely event-only records) in the SDR could help make the
    output of ipmi-sel cleaner, nicer, and better for the end user.

Ipmi-fru Testing

Goal: Ensure all important values are output and are correct.


Execute ipmi-fru with no ipmi-fru specific options, verify tool:
- Executes without errors
- All FRU entries are output fully
- No outputs of checksum errors
  * If checksum errors are output, are checksums valid?
- No error message outputs (keyword "Error" is output).

Ipmiconsole Testing

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.

Configure all BIOS settings and SOL settings to enable SOL.  Enable
the remote machine to accept sysrqs (in Linux, this requires
configuration of console=ttySX on the kernel boot line).

For purpose of this set of tests, consider this set of configuration
options from bmc-config the "pristine" SOL configuration and the SOL1
user configuration.

Section UserX
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     SOL1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          Administrator
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        SOL_Payload_Access                           Yes

Section Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_0           Administrator
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_1           Administrator
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_2           Administrator
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_3           Administrator

Section SOL_Conf
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Enable_SOL                                   Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        SOL_Privilege_Level                          Administrator
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Force_SOL_Payload_Authentication             Yes
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Force_SOL_Payload_Encryption                 Yes
        ## Give a valid integer. Each unit is 5ms
        Character_Accumulate_Interval                5
        ## Give a valid number
        Character_Send_Threshold                     50
        ## Give a valid integer
        SOL_Retry_Count                              5
        ## Give a valid integer. Interval unit is 10ms
        SOL_Retry_Interval                           10
        ## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
        Non_Volatile_Bit_Rate                        115200
        ## Possible values: Serial/9600/19200/38400/57600/115200
        Volatile_Bit_Rate                            115200
        ## Give a valid port number
        ## SOL_Payload_Port_Number                   623


Configure "pristine" configuration.

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, verify tool:
- Establishes a SOL session by outputting "[SOL established]"
- Verify session can be exitted cleanly (by default type &.).


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Disable SOL Payload access for user sol1.

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, verify tool:
- Does not establish an SOL session.  Most likely/best error message
  "SOL unavailable".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure lan_privilege_limit "user" for sol1.

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1 and privilege level user
(-l user), verify tool:
- Does not establish an SOL session.  Most likely/best error message
  "privilege level insufficient".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure lan_privilege_limit "user" for sol1.

Configure sol_privilege_level to "user".

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1 and privilege level user
(-l user), verify tool:
- Establishes a SOL session by outputting "[SOL established]"
- Verify session can be exitted cleanly (by default type '&.').


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Disable SOL (Enable_SOL field).

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, verify tool:
- Does not establish an SOL session.  Most likely/best error message
  "SOL unavailable"
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Establish a SOL session.

While in a session, generate a break (by default generated via '&B')
and ensure the remote console has received it.  In Linux, if sysrqs
are enabled properly, a '&B?' should output the linux sysrq menu.


Establish a SOL session.

While in a session, reboot the remote machine, and ensure the BIOS
(or EFI, etc.) can be entered and BIOS settings can be


Establish a SOL session.

While a session is currently active, in a different window, execute
ipmiconsole w/ the --dont-steal option, authenticating with SOL1,
verify tool:
- Does not establish an SOL session.  Most likely/best error message
  "SOL in use".  The original SOL session has stayed alive.
* If this does not work, does proper SOL payload activation status


Establish a SOL session.

While a session is currently active, in a different window, execute
ipmiconsole w/ the --deactivate option, authenticating with SOL1, verify tool:
- Does not establish an SOL session.
- The original SOL session has been terminated.  Most likely/best
  error message "SOL session stolen".
* If this does not work, does proper SOL payload deactivation work?


Establish a SOL session.

While a session is currently active, in a different window, execute
ipmiconsole, authenticating with SOL1, verify tool:
- Establishes a SOL session by outputting "[SOL established]"
- The original SOL session has been terminated, and "[SOL session
  stolen]" is reported.
* If this does not work, does SOL properly inform "old" sessions that
  it is being terminated?  does proper SOL payload deactivation work?


Configure "pristine" configuration.

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 0
Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 1
Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 2
verify tool:
- Does not establish an SOL session under each test, outputting "SOL
  requires encryption".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute ipmiconsole w/ -I 3, authentication with SOL1, verify tool:
- Establishes a SOL session by outputting "[SOL established]"


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure remote system to *not* require SOL Payload Authentication
and *not* require SOL Payload Encryption.

Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 0
Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 1
Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 2
Execute ipmiconsole, authentication with SOL1, with option -I 3
verify tool:
- Establishes a SOL session by outputting "[SOL established]" under
  each test.

Ipmipower Testing

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.


Begin with the remote machine currently powered off.

Execute ipmipower w/ -l user and --stat, authenticating with USER1,
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- Properly reports the state of the machine as "off".

Execute ipmipower w/ --on, authenticating with USER1, verify tool:
- Returns an error of "privilege level cannot be obtained for this user"

Execute ipmipower w/ --on, authenticating with OPERATOR1, verify tool:
- Returns "ok" and turns on the node.

Execute ipmipower w/ -l user and --stat, authenticating with USER1,
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- Properly reports the state of the machine as "on".

Execute ipmipower w/ --off, authenticating with USER1, verify tool:
- Returns an error of "privilege level cannot be obtained for this user"

Execute ipmipower w/ --off, authenticating with OPERATOR1, verify tool:
- Returns "ok" and turns off the node.

Execute ipmipower w/ -l user and --stat, authenticating with USER1,
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- Properly reports the state of the machine as "off".


Begin with the remote machine currently powered off.

Execute ipmipower w/ -l user and --stat, authenticating with USER1,
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- Properly reports the state of the machine as "off".

Execute ipmipower w/ --on, authenticating with USER1, verify tool:
- Returns an error of "privilege level cannot be obtained for this user"

Execute ipmipower w/ --on, authenticating with ADMIN1, verify tool:
- Returns "ok" and turns on the node.

Execute ipmipower w/ -l user and --stat, authenticating with USER1,
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- Properly reports the state of the machine as "on".

Execute ipmipower w/ --off, authenticating with USER1, verify tool:
- Returns an error of "privilege level cannot be obtained for this user"

Execute ipmipower w/ --off, authenticating with ADMIN1, verify tool:
- Returns "ok" and turns off the node.

Execute ipmipower w/ -l user and --stat, authenticating with USER1,
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- Properly reports the state of the machine as "off".

In-Band KCS Testing

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.


Execute bmc-info in-band, verify tool:
- Executes without errors.
- If tool fails to execute, determine:
  * A) Are memory-mapped address properly stored in the SMBIOS or
    other locations?
  * B) Is KCS accessed through the default memory-mapped addresses?

Out-of-Band IPMI 1.5 Testing

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.

For purpose of this set of tests, consider this set of configuration
options from bmc-config the "pristine" BMC configuration and user

Section User1
        ## Give Username
        ## Username                                   NULL
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                   No
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                          Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                           No_Access

Section UserA
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     USER1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          User

Section UserB
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     OPERATOR1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          Operator

Section UserC
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     ADMIN1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          Administrator

Section Lan_Channel
        ## Possible values: Disabled/Pre_Boot_Only/Always_Available/Shared
        Volatile_Access_Mode                         Always_Available
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth             Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit             Administrator
        ## Possible values: Disabled/Pre_Boot_Only/Always_Available/Shared
        Non_Volatile_Access_Mode                     Always_Available
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Non_Volatile_Enable_Per_Message_Auth         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Non_Volatile_Channel_Privilege_Limit         Administrator

Section Lan_Conf_Auth
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_None               No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2                No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5                No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Callback_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password  No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        User_Enable_Auth_Type_None                   No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2                    No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        User_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5                    Yes
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        User_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password      No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_None               No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2                No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5                Yes
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Operator_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password  No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_None                  No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD2                   No
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_MD5                   Yes
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Admin_Enable_Auth_Type_Straight_Password     No


Configure "pristine" configuration.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user)
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator)
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin)
verify tool:
- Executes without errors for each test.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level operator (-l operator).
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level admin (-l admin).
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level admin (-l admin).
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "privilege level
  cannot be obtained for this user".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USERANONYMOUS (i.e. no username
and no password input), verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "username invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with a bogus username (e.g. FOO)
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "username invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with a bad password
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "password
  verification timeout".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a md2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a straight_password_key
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a none
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "authentication
  type unavailable for attempted privilege level" for each test.
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure User1 to be enabled and have a privilege_limit of "user".

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USERANONYMOUS (i.e. no username
and no password input), verify tool:
- Executes without errors.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure User1 to be enabled, with a password, and have a
privilege_limit of "user".

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USERNULL (i.e. no username
and w/ the proper password input), verify tool:
- Executes without errors.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure USER1, OPERATOR1, and ADMIN1 users to be off
(i.e. Enable_User = No).

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "username invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure USER1, OPERATOR1, and ADMIN1 users IPMI messaging to be off
(i.e. Lan_Enable_Ipmi_Msgs = No).

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "password
  verification timeout", "session timeout", or "privilege level
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure all "Lan_Conf_Auth" fields to "Yes".

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a md5
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a md2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a straight_password_key
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with option -a none
verify tool:
- Executes without errors for each test.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Disable the LAN Channel (Volatile_Access_Mode = Disabled)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "connection
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure LAN Channel Privilege Limit to User.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, verify tool:
- Executes without errors.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator)
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin)
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "privilege level
  cannot be obtained for this user".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute ipmipower, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with --on
Execute ipmipower, authenticating with ADMIN1, with --on
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "privilege level
  cannot be obtained for this user".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

(achu note: I do not currently possess a motherboard that passes this
last test, however, I am 99% sure I've had atleast one motherboard in
the past that did indeed pass this test.)

Out-of-Band IPMI 2.0 Testing

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.

For purpose of this set of tests, consider this set of configuration
options from bmc-config the "pristine" BMC configuration and user

Section User1
        ## Give Username
        ## Username                                   NULL
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                   No
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                          Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                           No_Access

Section UserA
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     USER1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          User

Section UserB
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     OPERATOR1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          Operator

Section UserC
        ## Give Username
        Username                                     ADMIN1
        ## Possible values: Yes/No or blank to not set
        Enable_User                                  Yes
        ## Give password or blank to clear. MAX 16 chars.
        Password                                     somepassword
        ## Possible values: Yes/No
        Lan_Enable_IPMI_Msgs                         Yes
        ## Possible values: Callback/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary/No_Access
        Lan_Privilege_Limit                          Administrator

Section Lan_Conf_Security_Keys
        ## Give string or blank to clear. Max 20 chars

Section Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_0           Administrator
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_1           Administrator
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_2           Administrator
        ## Possible values: Unused/User/Operator/Administrator/OEM_Proprietary
        Maximum_Privilege_Cipher_Suite_Id_3           Administrator


Configure "pristine" configuration.

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user)
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator)
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin)
verify tool:
- Executes without errors for each test.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with -I 3
verify tool:
- Executes without errors for each test.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level operator (-l operator).
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level admin (-l admin).
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level admin (-l admin).
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error messages are "password invalid"
  or "privilege level cannot be obtained for this user".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USERANONYMOUS (i.e. no username
and no password input), verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "username invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with a bogus username (e.g. FOO)
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "username invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with a bad password
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "password
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure User1 to be enabled and have a privilege_limit of "user".

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USERANONYMOUS (i.e. no username
and no password input), verify tool:
- Executes without errors.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure User1 to be enabled, with a password, and have a
privilege_limit of "user".

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USERNULL (i.e. no username
and w/ the proper password input), verify tool:
- Executes without errors.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure USER1, OPERATOR1, and ADMIN1 users to be off
(i.e. Enable_User = No).

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "username invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure USER1, OPERATOR1, and ADMIN1 users IPMI messaging to be off
(i.e. Lan_Enable_Ipmi_Msgs = No).

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "password
  invalid", "session timeout", or "privilege level insufficient".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure a non-null K_G key.

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, without specify -k
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "k_g invalid".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, specify -k key.
verify tool:
- Executes without errors.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure each field in Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege to "User".

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 3
verify tool:
- Executes without errors for each test.

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 3
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 3
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "privilege level
  cannot be obtained for this user".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.


Begin with "pristine" configuration.

Configure each field in Rmcpplus_Conf_Privilege to "Unused".

Execute all below tests with IPMI 2.0 (-D lan_2_0)

Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with USER1, with privilege level user (-l user), with -I 3
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with OPERATOR1, with privilege level operator (-l operator), with -I 3
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 0
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 1
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 2
Execute bmc-info, authenticating with ADMIN1, with privilege level admin (-l admin), with -I 3
verify tool:
- Exits with error.  Most likely/best error message "cipher suite id unavailable".
* It is most important that the connection not succeed.

Misc: Bad Password Threshold

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.


If Bad Password Thresholds are supported, configure a non-zero Bad
Password Threshold.  Verify that a user is disabled after the number
of bad passwords crosses the threshold.


If Bad Password Thresholds and Attempt Count Reset Interval are
supported, configure a non-zero Bad Password Threshold and non-zero
Attempt Count Reset Interval.  Verify that a user is diabled after the
number of bad passwords crosses the threshold occurs with the Attempt
Count Reset Interval.  Verify that a user is NOT disabled if the
number of bad passwords crosses the threshold outside of the Attempt
Count Reset Interval.


If Bad Password Thresholds and a User Lockout Interval are supported,
configure a non-zero Bad Password Threshold and non-zero User Lockout
Interval.  Verify that a user is diabled after the number of bad
passwords crosses the threshold.  Verify that a user is enabled after
the User Lockout Interval has passed.


If a user has been disabled due to excess Bad Passwords, ensure an
event message has been generated to indicate this.

Misc: ARP

Goal: Ensure all important features function properly.


Configure Gratuitous ARPs On.

Verify (probably with tcpdump or an equivalent network sniffer) that
Gratuitous ARPs are enabled and sending gratuitouts arps on the

Configure Gratuitous ARPs Off.

Verify (probably with tcpdump or an equivalent network sniffer) that
Gratuitous ARPs are no longer being sent on the network.


Configure ARP Responses On.

Verify (probably with tcpdump or an equivalent network sniffer) that
ARP Responses are enabled and sending ARP responses back from requests.

Configure ARP Responses Off.

Verify (probably with tcpdump or an equivalent network sniffer) that
ARP Responses are disabled and not responding to ARP requests.