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<!-- $Id: Umask.html,v 1.4 2009/07/16 20:47:31 castaglia Exp $ -->
<!-- $Source: /cvsroot/proftp/proftpd/doc/howto/Umask.html,v $ -->

<title>ProFTPD mini-HOWTO - Umask</title>

<body bgcolor=white>


ProFTPD's <a href=""><code>Umask</code></a> configuration directive is used to set the
file permission bits on newly created files and directories.  However, the way
in which <code>Umask</code> is to be used is not entirely straightforward.

<code>Umask</code> is used to set the value that <code>proftpd</code> will
use when calling <code>umask(2)</code>.  The <code>umask(2)</code> function
works something like this: <code><i>mode - umask</i></code>.
(Technically, the operation is <code><i>mode & ~umask</i></code>). Thus, with
a <i>mode</i> of <code>0666</code>, and a <i>umask</i> of <code>0022</code>,
the permissions on the newly created file will be <code>0644</code>
(<i>e.g.</i> <code>rw-r--r--</code>).

A quick review of permission bits:
  4 <i>is</i> read permission (<i>r</i>)
  2 <i>is</i> write permission (<i>w</i>)
  1 <i>is</i> execute permission (<i>x</i>)
The first digit of a <i>mode</i> (<code>0750</code>, for example) is used to
specify some special bits (<i>e.g.</i> set-user-ID, set-group-ID, and the
&quot;sticky bit&quot;).  The second digit, the <code>7</code> in this
example, specifies the user owner permissions, and is a sum of the above
permission bits: <code>7 = 4 + 2 + 1</code> (<i>e.g.</i> <code>rwx</code>).
Group owner permissions are specified by the third bit, <code>5</code>:
<code>5 = 4 + 1</code> (<i>e.g.</i> <code>r-x</code>).  And finally, other
or world permissions are specified using the last bit, which in the
example is <code>0</code> (no permissions, <i>e.g.</i> <code>---</code>).
The full represenation of a <i>mode</i> of <code>0750</code>, as one would
see it in a directory listing, would thus be: <code>rwxr-x---</code>.

The <code>proftpd</code> daemon always starts with a base <i>mode</i> of
<code>0666</code> when creating files.  Note that <code>Umask</code> can only
be used to &quot;take away&quot; permissions granted by the base
<i>mode</i>; it cannot be used to add permissions that are not there. This
means that files uploaded to a <code>proftpd</code> server will never have the
execute permission enabled by default (the base <i>mode</i> is does not have
any execute bits enabled).  This is a conscious security design decision.  For
directories, the base <i>mode</i> is <code>0777</code>.  The <i>umask</i> used
for directories can be configured using the optional second parameter to the
<code>Umask</code> directive; if this second parameter is not used, the
<i>umask</i> used for created directories will default to the same
<i>umask</i> as used for files.

If it is necessary to make uploaded files executable, the
<code>SITE CHMOD</code> FTP command can be used:
  SITE CHMOD <i>mode</i> <i>file</i>
Use of this command can be restricted using a &quot;command&quot; of
<code>SITE_CHMOD</code> in a <code>&lt;Limit&gt;</code> section.  For
example, this section of a <code>proftpd.conf</code> file:
  &lt;Limit SITE_CHMOD&gt;
    AllowUser ftpadmin
will deny everyone except user <code>ftpadmin</code> from being able to
use the <code>SITE CHMOD</code> command to change the permissions on files
via FTP.  Note that this construction is recommended instead of using the
deprecated (as of <code>proftpd-1.2.2rc2</code>) <code>AllowChmod</code>
configuration directive.

<p><a name="FAQ"></a>
<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b><br>

<p><a name="UmaskExecutePermission">
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I configure <code>proftpd</code> so
that I can upload a file with <code>770</code> permissions?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: Short answer: you can't.  Too many FTP servers,
in the past, would allow users to upload executable files.  Hackers would
use this capability, and then exploit a flaw in one of the servers on that
machine to execute the crafted file they just uploaded.  Thus ProFTPD does
not allow uploading of files with execute permissions.

The workaround, as mentioned above, is to allow the client to use the
<code>SITE CHMOD</code> command to change the permissions on the file to
have the execute permissions.

Last Updated: <i>$Date: 2009/07/16 20:47:31 $</i><br>
