

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a638e54132a3b03e6803ec3d0f6d13c2 > files > 436


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<releaseinfo>&kde; 4.5</releaseinfo>

<keyword>System Settings</keyword>

<sect1 id="workspace">

<para>This is a module to configure the behavior of the Plasma workspace.

<sect2 id="form-factor">
<title>Form Factor</title>
<para>In the form factor section you can configure the type of workspace you will be 
using. Right now there are two options:</para>

<para>A workspace optimized for traditional desktops and laptop computers.</para>

<para>A workspace optimized for netbooks and in general for devices with 
a smaller screen resolution.</para>


<sect2 id="dashboard">
In the dashboard section you can configure the behavior of the Plasma dashboard. 
Right now there are two options:

<term><guilabel>Show desktop widgets</guilabel></term>
<para>The dashboard will show the same widgets present on the desktop.</para>

<term><guilabel>Show an independent widget set</guilabel></term>
<para>The dashboard will present an independent 
set of widget that is different from the ones in the desktop.</para>


<sect2 id="informational-tips">
<title>Informational Tips</title>
<guilabel>Informational Tips</guilabel> are displayed hovering items in the 
Plasma panel or on the desktop by default after 0.7 seconds.</para>
Clicking the up and down arrows or pressing the up or down cursor keys on the keyboard
increases/decreases the delay before informational tips are shown. The number
can also be entered with the keyboard. The minimum value of -0.1 also means 
<guilabel>Do not show</guilabel>.</para>

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