

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a83692832ec7640cc787becafdb3d5ca > files > 3


SMS Module

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

Edited by

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

   Copyright © 2003 FhG FOKUS
   Revision History
   Revision $Revision: 8037 $ $Date: 2009-07-21 10:45:05 +0300
                              (Tue, 21 Jul 2009) $

   Table of Contents

   1. Admin Guide

        1.1. Overview

              1.1.1. Hardware Requirements
              1.1.2. Numbering Plan
              1.1.3. Address Mapping

        1.2. Dependencies

              1.2.1. OpenSIPS Modules
              1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications

        1.3. Exported Parameters

              1.3.1. modems (string)
              1.3.2. networks (string)
              1.3.3. links (string)
              1.3.4. default_net (string)
              1.3.5. max_sms_parts (integer)
              1.3.6. domain (string)
              1.3.7. use_contact (integer)
              1.3.8. sms_report_type (integer)

        1.4. Exported Functions

              1.4.1. sms_send_msg_to_net(network_name)
              1.4.2. sms_send_msg()

   2. Developer Guide

   List of Examples

   1.1. Set modems parameter
   1.2. Set networks parameter
   1.3. Set links parameter
   1.4. Set default_net parameter
   1.5. Set max_sms_parts parameter
   1.6. Set domain_str parameter
   1.7. Set use_contact parameter
   1.8. Set sms_report_type parameter
   1.9. sms_send_msg_to_net usage
   1.10. sms_send_msg usage

Chapter 1. Admin Guide

1.1. Overview

   This module provides a way of communication between SIP network
   (via SIP MESSAGE) and GSM networks (via ShortMessageService).
   Communication is possible from SIP to SMS and vice versa. The
   module provides facilities like SMS confirmation--the gateway
   can confirm to the SIP user if his message really reached its
   destination as a SMS--or multi-part messages--if a SIP messages
   is too long it will be split and sent as multiple SMS.

   Errors occurred because of an invalid number or a too long
   message or because of an internal modem malfunction are
   reported back to the SIP user via a SIP message containing
   explanations regarding the error.

1.1.1. Hardware Requirements

   The SMS module needs a GSM modem to be able to send/receive the
   SMS messages. Usually, this kind of modems are externals,
   linked to the machine via serial cable. The modem can be a
   dedicated one (as the ones provided by FALCOM) or can be a GSM
   telephone that has an internal modem (as the latest mobile
   phones from NOKIA and ERICSSON).

1.1.2. Numbering Plan

   The gateway accepts and advertises phone numbers in
   international format, more specific like: +(international
   code)(area code)(number). Ex: Germany, D1 = +49 170 5678181
   Romania, Connex = +40 722 123456. A number in this format is
   expected to be placed as username into RURI or in the To
   header. If RURI misses the username, the To header will be
   consider. Also, the gateway will advertise in this format the
   username in Contact headers (in SIP replies and requests) and
   in From headers (in SIP requests).

1.1.3. Address Mapping

   To identify the destination number of the SMS, the gateway
   expects to have a mobile number in username of the SIP
   destination address (for example For the reverse direction,
   because the gateway has only one GSM number, the destination
   SIP address has to be encapsulated into the SMS body. The
   gateway expects to find a SIP address at the beginning of the
   SMS body in “” format. Everything before the SIP
   address will be discarded, the useful text begins exactly after
   the address (for example SMS=“For sip:user@host hello world!!”
   -> SIP= “hello world”) In order to facilitate replying, the
   gateway sends all the SMS messages with a header containing the
   source SIP address in the following format: “From sip:user@host
   (if you reply DONOT remove it)<new_line>”. When an SMS-reply is
   received having this header (all of it or truncated at the
   end), the header will be left out (it will not be in the SIP

1.2. Dependencies

1.2.1. OpenSIPS Modules

   The following modules must be loaded before this module:
     * tm - Transaction Manager.

1.2.2. External Libraries or Applications

   The following libraries or applications must be installed
   before running OpenSIPS with this module loaded:
     * None.

1.3. Exported Parameters

1.3.1. modems (string)

   Define and configure one or more GSM modems.
modems_value     = modem_definition *( ";" modem_definition )
modem_definition = modem_name "[" list_of_params "]"
list_of_params   = modem_param *( ";" modem_param )
modem_param       = name "=" value

   The following parameters can be used:
     * d=device (mandatory) - Device associated with modem
       (/dev/ttyS0, /dev/modem, etc.).
     * p=pin (optional) - SIM PIN - default is NULL.
     * m=mode (optional) - Modem working mode
       (“ASCII”,“OLD”,“DIGICOM”, “NEW”). Default value is “NEW”.
     * c=SMS_Center (optional) - SMS center number for that modem.
       Default is the SMS center set on the SIM card.
     * b=baudrate (optional) - Default is 19600.
     * r=retry (optional) - How many times to try to re-send a SMS
       that reported error. Default is twice.
     * l=looping (optional) - Time for modem to wait before
       performing a new check for incomimg/outgoing SMS/SIP_MSG.
       Default is 20.

   No default value, the parameter is mandatory.

   Example 1.1. Set modems parameter
modparam("sms", "modems", "Nokia [d=/dev/ttyS1;b=9600;m=new;l=30] ")
modparam("sms", "modems", "Nokia[d=/dev/ttyS1];Siemens[d=/dev/ttyS2]")

1.3.2. networks (string)

   Define and configure used GSM networks.
networks_value = net_definition *( ";" net_definition )
net_definition = net_name "[" list_of_params "]"
list_of_params = set_param *( ";" set_param )
set_param         = name "=" value

   The following parameters can be used:
     * m=msx_sms_per_call (optional) - Maximum number of SMS send
       / received from that net in one modem loop. Default is 10.
       This parameter was introduced to avoid starvation.
       Example of the starvation--a modem can send SMS for more
       than 1 networks. If you have a huge number of SMS for the
       first network and the number of incoming SIP messages is
       equal to the sent SMS per same unit of time, the modem will
       never get to send SMS for the next networks.

   No default value, the parameter is mandatory.

   Example 1.2. Set networks parameter
modparam("sms", "networks", "D1 [m=10] ;d2[ m=20]")

1.3.3. links (string)

   Define from which network each modem should send SMS.
links_value = modem_assoc *( ";" modem_assoc )
modem_assoc = modem_name "[" list_of_networks "]"
list_of_networks = network *( ";" network )

   No default value, the parameter is mandatory.

   Example 1.3. Set links parameter
modparam("sms", "links", "NOKIA[D1;d2]")

   The modem NOKIA will send SMS from D1 and D2 net (in this order
   !). if in a net queue are more then max_sms_per_call SMS the
   modem will not sleep before starting the next loop ! Shortly,
   if messages are waiting to be sent, the modem will not go in

1.3.4. default_net (string)

   The default network to use. If no one specified, the first
   defined network is used. This parameter is useful only if the
   “sms_send_msg” exported function is used (see Section 1.4,
   “Exported Functions”).

   Example 1.4. Set default_net parameter
modparam("sms", "default_net", "D1")

1.3.5. max_sms_parts (integer)

   Shows in how many parts (SMS messages) a SIP message can be
   split. If exceeded, the SIP message will be sent truncated and
   the SIP user will get back another message containing the
   unsent part.

   Default value is 4.

   Example 1.5. Set max_sms_parts parameter
modparam("sms", "max_sms_parts", 10)

1.3.6. domain (string)

   Specify a fake domain name to be used by the gateway. The
   Contact headers and the From header from request will be
   construct based on this fake domain name. It's useful when the
   gateway is transparently hidden behind a proxy/register
   (located on different machines).

   Default is the name of the machine the gateway is running on.

   Example 1.6. Set domain_str parameter
modparam("sms", "domain_str", "")

1.3.7. use_contact (integer)

   If a contact header should be added to the outgoing SIP
   messages. Even if the SIP draft forbids this, some UAS require

   Default is 0 (no).

   Example 1.7. Set use_contact parameter
modparam("sms", "use_contact", 1)

1.3.8. sms_report_type (integer)

   If the modem should ask for SMS confirmation from the SMS
   Center. If the SMSC reply with an error code, the gateway will
   send back to SIP user a SIP message containing the text (or
   part of it) that couldn't be send. Two report mechanisms are
     * 1 - the reports are delivered by the GSM device as SMS
       reports (so far supported only by Nokia modems);
     * 2 - the reports are delivered as async. CDS responses
       (supported by almost all modems, except Ericsson).

   Default is 0 (no report).

   Example 1.8. Set sms_report_type parameter
modparam("sms", "sms_report_type", 1)

1.4. Exported Functions

1.4.1.  sms_send_msg_to_net(network_name)

   Put the SIP msg in the specified network queue. The function
   return error if the number encapsulated into SIP message is
   malformed, if the content_type is incorrect or because of some
   internal failures.

   Meaning of the parameters is as follows:
     * network_name - Name of network.

   This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.

   Example 1.9. sms_send_msg_to_net usage
if (sms_send_msg_to_net("D1"))
        if (!t_reply("202", "yes sir, SMS sent over"))
                # if replying failed, retry statelessly
} else {
        if (!t_reply("502", "Bad gateway - SMS error"))
                # if replying failed, retry statelessly

1.4.2.  sms_send_msg()

   The same as the previous one, but use the default network

   This function can be used from REQUEST_ROUTE.

   Example 1.10. sms_send_msg usage
if (sms_send_msg_to_net())
        if (!t_reply("202", "yes sir, SMS sent over"))
                # if replying failed, retry statelessly
} else {
        if (!t_reply("502", "Bad gateway - SMS error"))
                # if replying failed, retry statelessly

Chapter 2. Developer Guide

   Each modem forks its own process for sending /fetching SMS.
   Communication and queuing between OpenSIPS working processes
   and modem processes is done with pipes.