

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > b4985dba8fe772852eb4a03f472fb707 > files > 4


What's new

1) ADFH/HDF5 option to configure
2) shared libraries
3) debugging option
4) large file support
5) Added LOWERCASE__ (g77) and UPPERCASE__ to the Fortran
   to C interface and control of this with configure
6) configure options for Windows
7) bug fixes
8) The library is now created as SYSTEM/libcgns.a (same place
   as the object files) instead of lib/libcgns.SYSTEM.a
9) The distribution and use of the CGNS software is now
   covered by the the zlib/libpng License

see below for configuring the options

There is also a new subdirectory, f2c, which contains some simple
code to help with setting up the Fortran to C interface. See the
README in that directory.

To compile the CGNS library under Unix, Linux, Cygwin, Mac, .etc:

  chmod +x configure
  ./configure [options]
  make [SYSTEM=XXX] [target]

The arguments in [] are optional, and if given should be specified
without the [].

The recognized options to configure are:

  Normally, the configure script will search for the native C compiler (cc)
  before trying to find gcc. This option reverses this order.

  This enables a debug version of the library. Normally, this just sets the
  -g option for compiling, and prevents stripping the library and
  executables. If 'OPTS' is given, this is taken as the compile options
  to be used instead. i.e. --enable-debug=-g gives the default.

  overrides the default system type (see below) and sets the system type
  to 'XXX'. If not given, the system type will be determined from the
  'cgsystem' script.

  This option turns on 64-bit compilation, where applicable.

  This enables large file support (files larger than 2 Gb), where
  applicable. Your kernel must also be capable of LFS for this to
  make a difference.

  By default the Fortran interface is enabled, and the configure script
  trys to determine the proper Fortran to C interface. If you specify
  --without-fortran or --with-fortran=no, the Fortran interface will
  not be built. To change the Fortran to C interface, specify 'F2C' as
*** NOTE ***
  If you are using g77, and want to use the compiler without the
  -fno-second-underscore flag, then use --with-fortran=LOWERCASE__.
  This should work fine with the MLL routines, but you will NOT
  be able to use the ADF routines, since you will get unresolved
  external references when you try to link. The reason is that g77
  appends 2 underscores to names which have an underscore in them
  (the cg_* routines), but only 1 underscore to names that don't
  (the adf* routines). I don't know why - but that what's
  happening (at least with my version of g77). You may play
  around with the test case in the f2c subdirectory and see if
  you can come up with a solution - if so, let me know.

  This enables the building of a shared library. Currently, only Linux,
  HP, SGI and SUN OS's are supported. If you specify --enable-shared=all,
  then the script will also attempt to use shared libraries for HDF5,
  zlib, and sziplib if HDF5 support is being built.

  This enables the ADFH interface to HDF5, instead of the ADF default.
  If 'DIR' is specified, then it should be the top-level directory of
  the HDF5 distribution. If not given, the script will check if HDF5
  is installed and use that. If not installed, then the script will
  search for a local distribution.

  This specifies that zlib is to be used with HDF5. This is only needed
  if HDF5 was built with zlib support. If 'LIB' is given,it should be the
  pathname to the zlib library. If not given, the script will check for
  first an installed version, and then a local distribution.

  This specifies that szip is to be used with HDF5. This is only needed
  if HDF5 was built with szip support. If 'LIB' is given,it should be the
  pathname to the szip library. If not given, the script will check for
  first an installed version, and then a local distribution.

  These set the installation directories for the CGNS library and headers.
  By default, the library will be installed as:
  and the headers as:
  See the autoconf documentation for a description of these options, or
  run './configure --help' for a brief overview. Use absolute paths or
  shell environment variables when specifying a directory, since the
  'configure' is interpreted by 'sh' not 'csh'. i.e: use --prefix=$HOME
  instead of --prefix=~ .

The configure script creates 2 files which get included by Makefile.
The first is 'make.system', which consists of the single line


and defines the default system type. This file is overwritten any
time the 'configure' script is run. The second file contains the
system specific settings, 'make.defs'. This is renamed to 'make.XXX'
where XXX is the system type, if the file does not already exist.
If you need to change any of the makefile settings, the 'make.XXX'
file is the one to do it in.

The 'SYSTEM=XXX' argument to make overrides the default SYSTEM setting
defined in the 'make.system' file. The 'XXX' here is the desired system
type. In order to build the library the file 'make.XXX' must exist.

Make will put all the object modules in a subdirectory with the
same name as the system type, and the library will be named
lib/libcgns.XXX.a where XXX is the system type.

The available make targets are:

  This is the default target (if target is not given). This builds
  the CGNS library 'lib/libcgns.XXX.a'

  This removes all the object files. The library is not affected.

  Removes the object files, library and files generated by 'configure'

  Installs the library and headers. Builds the library if needed.
  You will need write permission to the installation directories.

  Uninstalls the library and headers. You will need write permission
  to the installation directories.


For compiling on multiple platforms, run 'configure' on each platform
to create the make.XXX files, edit them if needed, then use:


This will override the SYSTEM setting in 'make.system', which will be
set to that for the system on which 'configure' was last run.

You may also use the 'build' script, which uses 'cgsystem' to get the
system type, then runs "make SYSTEM=XXX'. This script will also create
the 'make.XXX' file if it does not already exist.

  ./build [[-][enable-]64[bit]]

The only argument to 'build' is the 64-bit flag.


The system type is determined by executing the 'cgsystem' script.

  ./cgsystem [[-][enable-]64[bit]] [[-]cur[rent]] [[-]conf[igure]]

Again, everything in [] are optional, and the [] are not included.
If no arguments are given, then 'cgsystem' returns the default
system type. The '[-][enable-]64[bit]' option enables 64-bit as for
the 'configure' script. The '[-]cur[rent]' option returns the
current system type, which is that defined in 'make.system', and
the '[-]conf[igure]' option will update the 'make.system' file.

Currently defined system types are:

  APOLLO	HP 300 running Domain/OS
  BSD386	80[345]86 running BSD
  BSDM68K	Motorola 68K running NetBSD
  BSDMIPS	Mips running NetBSD
  CONVEX	Convex
  CRAY		Cray, Cray-2, Cray XMP
  CYGWIN	POSIX emulation on top of Windows
  DARWIN	Macintosh running Darwin
  HPPA		HP 9000 PA-Risc
  HPPA10	HP 9000 PA-Risc running OS 10.x
  HPPA11	HP 9000 PA-Risc running OS 11.x (32-bit)
  HPPA64	HP 9000 PA-Risc running OS 11.x (64-bit)
  HPIT		HP with 64-bit Intel processor (32-bit)
  HPIT64	HP with 64-bit Intel processor (64-bit)
  HP		HP
  I860		Intel Hypercube
  IBM		IBM running AIX
  IBM64		IBM with AIX 4.3 or above (64-bit)
  LINUX		Linux
  LINUX64	64-bit Linux
  M88K		Motorola M88100 running Real/IX
  MACOSX	Power Macintosh runing OSx
  NETBSD	NetBSD not defined elseware
  OS2		OS/2
  PGON		Intel Paragon
  SGI5		Silicon Graphics running OS 5.x
  SGI6		Silicon Graphics running OS 6.x
  SGI64		Silicon Graphics (64-bit)
  SGI		Silicon Graphics
  SUN3		Sun 3
  SUN4		Sun 4, 4c, sparc, .etc
  SUN64		Sun 4 (64-bit)
  SUN		Sun
  VAX		DEC/Microvax
  UNKNOWN	couldn't determine system type

Executing './cgsystem [-]help', will display the above information.

To compile under MS Windows:

  configure.bat [options]



if using GNU make, or


if using nmake.

NOTE: This assumes that the cl compiler is in your path, and that the
      INCLUDE and LIB environment variables are set to include the
      directories containing the MSC include files and libraries.
      If not, you will need to use full path names to cl and link,
      and define INCLUDE and LIB in make.win32. You may also execute
      VCVARS32.BAT in the BIN directory of your VC installation to
      set these up prior to running nmake.

VC7 USERS: I have added code to cgnslib.c to handle the unresolved
      reference to __ftol2. You will need to add -DNEED_FTOL2 to
      your compile options for cgnslib.c to enable this, or add
      ftol2.obj to your link line.

The options to configure are:

  Build library as single-threaded using libc.lib (this is the default)

  Build library as multi-threaded using libcmt.lib

  Build library as multi-threaded using run-time library mscvrt.lib

  Enable debug (-Zi) option for compiler and (/debug) for linker

  Enable large file support (files larger then 2 Gb)

  Create a gmake compatible makefile, instead of nmake

-f2c [type]
  Allows you to override the default Fortran to C interface, which
  is compatible with Visual Fortran. I you are using a Fortran
  compiler which uses Unix-type interfaces (i.e. Absoft Fortran),
  then specify the Fortran to C interface with 'type' as one of
  UPPERCASE__. If 'type' is not given, it defaults to LOWERCASE_,
  which is the most common. You may also disable the Fortran to C
  interface completely by setting 'type' to none.

  Configure to use the Intel Fortran compiler, ifort. This option
  will set the UPPERCASE Fortran to C interface option, and replace
  the F77=f77 with F77=ifort in the make.WIN32 file.

  Configure to use the absoft Fortran compiler. This option will
  set the LOWERCASE Fortran to C interface option. Since the absoft
  compiler is case-sensitive, you should use lowercase to call
  the CGNS routines from your Fortran code. If you want to use
  uppercase calls, then use the -f2c UPPERCASE option.

-install instdir
  Sets the installation directory to 'instdir'. The directory should
  be specified without spaces, i.e. use c:\Progra~1\CGNS instead
  of c:\Program Files\CGNS. The default is the root directory of the
  current drive. The library will be installed as:
  and the headers

-hdf5 [hdf5dir]
  This enables the ADFH interface to HDF5, instead of the ADF default.
  If 'hdf5dir' is specified, then it should be the top-level directory of
  the HDF5 distribution. If not given, the script will search the current
  drive for a local distribution.

-zlib [zliblib]
  This specifies that zlib is to be used with HDF5. This is only needed
  if HDF5 was built with zlib support. If 'zliblib' is given,it should be
  the pathname to the zlib library. If not given, the script will search
  the current drive for the library.

-szip [sziplib]
  This specifies that szip is to be used with HDF5. This is only needed
  if HDF5 was built with szip support. If 'sziplib' is given,it should be
  the pathname to the szip library. If not given, the script will search
  the current drive for the library.

The 'cgsystem.bat' supports only the [-]conf[igure] option
and returns 'WIN32'


If you have any additions or corrections to make, please send them to:

Bruce Wedan