

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > b5fdf68d1ef6711be4a04d1550358feb > files > 94


$Id: dkim_sig_getkeysize.html,v 1.2 2010/07/24 04:52:15 cm-msk Exp $
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<table border="0" cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4>
<!---------- Synopsis ----------->
<tr><th valign="top" align=left width=150>SYNOPSIS</th><td>
#include &lt;dkim.h&gt;
<a href="dkim_stat.html"><tt>DKIM_STAT</tt></a> dkim_sig_getkeysize(
	<a href="dkim_siginfo.html"><tt>DKIM_SIGINFO</tt></a> *sig,
        unsigned int *bits
Retrieve the number of bits in the key used to verify a message.

<!----------- Description ---------->
<tr><th valign="top" align=left>DESCRIPTION</th><td>
<table border="1" cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4>
<tr align="left" valign=top>
<th width="80">Called When</th>
<td><tt>dkim_sig_getkeysize()</tt> is called after the signature handle
    has been processed by either an explicit call to
    <a href="dkim_sig_process.html"><tt>dkim_sig_process()</tt></a>
    or the completion of <a href="dkim_eom.html"><tt>dkim_eom()</tt></a>
    to get the number of bits in the key used to validate a message.  </td>

<!----------- Arguments ---------->
<tr><th valign="top" align=left>ARGUMENTS</th><td>
    <table border="1" cellspacing=0>
    <tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><th>Argument</th><th>Description</th></tr>
    <tr valign="top"><td>sig</td>
	<td>Signature-specific handle.
    <tr valign="top"><td>bits</td>
	<td>A pointer to an <tt>unsigned int</tt> which will receive the number
        of bits in the key used to verify the message.

<!----------- Return Values ---------->
<tr><th valign="top" align=left>RETURN VALUES</th><td>
    <table border="1" cellspacing=0>
    <tr bgcolor="#dddddd"><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr>
    <tr valign="top"><td><tt>DKIM_STAT_INVALID</tt></td>
	<td>The function was called before the signature was processed
        either explicitly by <tt>dkim_sig_process()</tt>, or implicitly
        by <tt>dkim_eom()</tt>.
    <tr valign="top"><td><tt>DKIM_STAT_OK</tt></td>
	<td>Successful completion.

<!----------- Notes ---------->
<th valign="top" align=left>NOTES</th> 

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