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<title>scs2double.c Source File</title>
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<hr><h1>scs2double.c</h1><a href="scs2double_8c.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre>00001 <font class="comment">/** Conversion of SCS to floating-point double </font>
00002 <font class="comment">@file scs2double.c</font>
00003 <font class="comment"></font>
00004 <font class="comment">@author Defour David</font>
00005 <font class="comment">@author Florent de Dinechin </font>
00006 <font class="comment"></font>
00007 <font class="comment">This file is part of the SCS library.</font>
00008 <font class="comment">*/</font>
00010 <font class="comment">/*</font>
00011 <font class="comment">Copyright (C) 2002  David Defour and Florent de Dinechin</font>
00012 <font class="comment"></font>
00013 <font class="comment">    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or</font>
00014 <font class="comment">    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public</font>
00015 <font class="comment">    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either</font>
00016 <font class="comment">    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.</font>
00017 <font class="comment"></font>
00018 <font class="comment">    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,</font>
00019 <font class="comment">    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of</font>
00020 <font class="comment">    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU</font>
00021 <font class="comment">    Lesser General Public License for more details.</font>
00022 <font class="comment"></font>
00023 <font class="comment">    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public</font>
00024 <font class="comment">    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software</font>
00025 <font class="comment">    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA</font>
00026 <font class="comment"></font>
00027 <font class="comment"> */</font>
00028 <font class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="scs_8h.html">scs.h</a>"</font>
00029 <font class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="scs__private_8h.html">scs_private.h</a>"</font>
00031 <font class="comment"></font>
00032 <font class="comment">/** Convert a multiple precision number in scs format into a double</font>
00033 <font class="comment"> precision number.</font>
00034 <font class="comment"></font>
00035 <font class="comment">@warning  "x" need to be normalized</font>
00036 <font class="comment">  */</font> 
00041 <font class="comment">/*  computes the exponent from the index */</font>
00042 <font class="comment">/* in principle an inline function would be cleaner, but </font>
00043 <font class="comment"> this leads to faster and smaller code </font>
00044 <font class="comment">*/</font>
<a name="l00050"></a><a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a0">00050</a> <font class="keywordtype">void</font> <a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a0">scs_get_d</a>(<font class="keywordtype">double</font> *result, <a class="code" href="structscs.html">scs_ptr</a> x){ 
00051   scs_db_number nb, rndcorr;
00052   <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> <font class="keywordtype">int</font> lowpart, t1;
00053   <font class="keywordtype">int</font> exp,expfinal;
00054   <font class="keywordtype">double</font> res;
00056   <font class="comment">/* convert the MSB digit into a double, and store it in nb.d */</font>
00057   nb.d = (double)X_HW[0]; 
00059   <font class="comment">/* place the two next digits in lowpart */</font>
00060   t1   = X_HW[1];
00061   lowpart  = (t1 &lt;&lt; SCS_NB_BITS) + X_HW[2];
00062     <font class="comment">/* there is at least one significant bit in nb, </font>
00063 <font class="comment">       and at least 2*SCS_NB_BITS in lowpart, </font>
00064 <font class="comment">       so provided SCS_NB_BITS &gt;= 27</font>
00065 <font class="comment">       together they include the 53+ guard bits to decide rounding </font>
00066 <font class="comment">    */</font>
00068   <font class="comment">/* test for  s/qNan, +/- Inf, +/- 0, placed here for obscure performance reasons */</font>
00069   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_EXP != 1){
00070     *result = X_EXP; 
00071     <font class="keywordflow">return</font>;
00072   }
00074   <font class="comment">/* take the exponent of nb.d (will be in [0:SCS_NB_BITS])*/</font>
00075   exp = ((nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] &amp; 0x7ff00000)&gt;&gt;20) - 1023; 
00077   <font class="comment">/* compute the exponent of the result */</font>
00078   expfinal = exp + SCS_NB_BITS*X_IND;
00080   <font class="comment">/* Is the SCS number not too large for the IEEE exponent range ? */</font>
00081   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (expfinal &gt;  1023) {
00082     <font class="comment">/* return an infinity */</font>
00084   }
00086   <font class="comment">/* Is our SCS number a denormal  ? */</font>
00087   <font class="keywordflow">else</font> <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (expfinal &gt;= -1022){          
00088     <font class="comment">/* x is in the normal range */</font>   
00090     <font class="comment">/* align the rest of the mantissa to nb : shift by (2*SCS_NB_BITS)-53-exp */</font>
00091     lowpart = lowpart &gt;&gt; (exp+(2*SCS_NB_BITS)-53);     
00092     <font class="comment">/* Look at the last bit to decide rounding */</font>
00093     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (lowpart &amp; 0x0000000000000001){
00094       <font class="comment">/* need to add an half-ulp */</font>
00095       rndcorr.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0; 
00096       rndcorr.i[HI_ENDIAN] = (exp-52+1023)&lt;&lt;20;    <font class="comment">/* 2^(exp-52) */</font> 
00097     }<font class="keywordflow">else</font>{
00098       <font class="comment">/* need to add nothing*/</font>
00099       rndcorr.d = 0.0;
00100     }
00102     lowpart = lowpart &gt;&gt; 1;
00103     nb.l = nb.l | lowpart;    <font class="comment">/* Finish to fill the mantissa */</font>
00104     res  = nb.d + rndcorr.d;  <font class="comment">/* rounded to nearest   */</font>
00106     <font class="comment">/* now compute the exponent from the index :</font>
00107 <font class="comment">       we need to multiply res by 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)</font>
00108 <font class="comment">       First check this number won't be a denormal itself */</font>
00109     <font class="keywordflow">if</font>((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023 &gt; 0) {
00110       <font class="comment">/* build the double 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)   */</font>                    
00111       nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] = ((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023)  &lt;&lt; 20;             
00112       nb.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;
00113       res *= nb.d;     <font class="comment">/* exact multiplication */</font>
00114     }
00115     <font class="keywordflow">else</font> { <font class="comment">/*offset the previous computation by 2^(2*SCS_NB_BITS) */</font>
00116       <font class="comment">/* build the double 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)   */</font>                    
00117       nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] = ((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023 + 2*SCS_NB_BITS)  &lt;&lt; 20;             
00118       nb.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;                                 
00119       res *= SCS_RADIX_MTWO_DOUBLE;  <font class="comment">/* exact multiplication */</font>
00120       res *= nb.d;                  <font class="comment">/* exact multiplication */</font>
00121     }
00122   } 
00125   <font class="keywordflow">else</font> { 
00126     <font class="comment">/* the final number is a denormal with 52-(expfinal+1022)</font>
00127 <font class="comment">     significant bits. */</font>
00129     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (expfinal &lt; -1022 - 53 ) {
00130       res = 0.0;
00131     }
00132     <font class="keywordflow">else</font> {
00134       <font class="comment">/* align the rest of the mantissa to nb */</font>
00135       lowpart = lowpart &gt;&gt; (exp+(2*SCS_NB_BITS)-52);     
00136       <font class="comment">/* Finish to fill the mantissa */</font>
00137       nb.l = nb.l | lowpart; 
00139       <font class="comment">/* this is still a normal number. </font>
00140 <font class="comment">         Now remove its exponent and add back the implicit one */</font>
00141       nb.l = (nb.l &amp; 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | 0x0010000000000000;
00143       <font class="comment">/* keep only the significant bits */</font>
00144       nb.l = nb.l &gt;&gt; (-1023 - expfinal);
00145       <font class="comment">/* Look at the last bit to decide rounding */</font>
00146       <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (nb.i[LO_ENDIAN] &amp; 0x00000001){
00147         <font class="comment">/* need to add an half-ulp */</font>
00148         rndcorr.l = 1;    <font class="comment">/* this is a full ulp but we multiply by 0.5 in the end */</font> 
00149       }<font class="keywordflow">else</font>{
00150         <font class="comment">/* need to add nothing*/</font>
00151         rndcorr.d = 0.0;
00153       }
00154       res  = 0.5*(nb.d + rndcorr.d);  <font class="comment">/* rounded to nearest   */</font>
00156       <font class="comment">/* the exponent field is already set to zero so that's all */</font>
00157     }          
00158   } 
00160   <font class="comment">/* sign management */</font>                                                 
00161   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_SGN &lt; 0)                                                        
00162     *result = - res;                                                    
00163   <font class="keywordflow">else</font>                                                                  
00164     *result = res;
00165 }
00171 <font class="comment">/* All the directed roundings boil down to the same computation, which</font>
00172 <font class="comment">is: first build the truncated mantissa.  if the SCS number is exactly</font>
00173 <font class="comment">a double precision number, return that. Otherwise, either return the</font>
00174 <font class="comment">truncated mantissa, or return this mantissa plus an ulp, rounded to</font>
00175 <font class="comment">the nearest. Plus handle the infinities and denormals.</font>
00176 <font class="comment">*/</font>
00178 <font class="keywordtype">void</font> get_d_directed(<font class="keywordtype">double</font> *result, <a class="code" href="structscs.html">scs_ptr</a> x, <font class="keywordtype">int</font> rndMantissaUp){ 
00179   scs_db_number nb, rndcorr;
00180   <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> <font class="keywordtype">int</font> lowpart, t1;
00181   <font class="keywordtype">int</font> exp,expfinal,i, not_null;
00182   <font class="keywordtype">double</font> res;
00184   <font class="comment">/* convert the MSB digit into a double, and store it in nb.d */</font>
00185   nb.d = (double)X_HW[0]; 
00187   <font class="comment">/* place the two next digits in lowpart */</font>
00188   t1   = X_HW[1];
00189   lowpart  = (t1 &lt;&lt; SCS_NB_BITS) + X_HW[2];
00191   <font class="comment">/* test for  s/qNan, +/- Inf, +/- 0, placed here for obscure performance reasons */</font>
00192   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_EXP != 1){
00193     *result = X_EXP; 
00194     <font class="keywordflow">return</font>;
00195   }
00197   <font class="comment">/* take the exponent of nb.d (will be in [0:SCS_NB_BITS])*/</font>
00198   exp = ((nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] &amp; 0x7ff00000)&gt;&gt;20) - 1023; 
00199   not_null = ((lowpart &lt;&lt; (64+52 - 2*SCS_NB_BITS - exp)) != 0 );      
00200   <font class="comment">/* Test if we are not on an exact double precision number */</font>        
00201   <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (i=3; i&lt;SCS_NB_WORDS; i++)                                      
00202     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_HW[i]!=0)  not_null = 1;                                  
00204   <font class="comment">/* compute the exponent of the result */</font>
00205   expfinal = exp + SCS_NB_BITS*X_IND;
00207   <font class="comment">/* Is the SCS number not too large for the IEEE exponent range ? */</font>
00208   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (expfinal &gt;  1023) {
00209     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (rndMantissaUp) 
00210       <font class="comment">/* return an infinity */</font>
00212     <font class="keywordflow">else</font>
00213       <font class="comment">/* infinity, rounded down, is SCS_MAX_DOUBLE */</font>
00214       res = SCS_MAX_DOUBLE;
00215   }
00217   <font class="comment">/* Is our SCS number a denormal  ? */</font>
00218   <font class="keywordflow">else</font> <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (expfinal &gt;= -1022){          
00219     <font class="comment">/* x is in the normal range */</font>   
00221     <font class="comment">/* align the rest of the mantissa to nb : shift by (2*SCS_NB_BITS)-53-exp */</font>
00222     lowpart = lowpart &gt;&gt; (exp+(2*SCS_NB_BITS)-52);     
00223     <font class="comment">/* Finish to fill the mantissa */</font>                                   
00224     nb.l = nb.l | lowpart;                                              
00225     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (rndMantissaUp &amp;&amp; (not_null)){                                   
00226       rndcorr.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;                                         
00227       rndcorr.i[HI_ENDIAN] = (exp-52+1023)&lt;&lt;20;    <font class="comment">/* 2^(exp-52) */</font>     
00228     } <font class="keywordflow">else</font> {                                                            
00229       rndcorr.d = 0.0;                                                
00230     }                                                                   
00231     res  = nb.d + rndcorr.d;  <font class="comment">/*  rounded to nearest   */</font>         
00233     <font class="comment">/* now compute the exponent from the index :</font>
00234 <font class="comment">       we need to multiply res by 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)</font>
00235 <font class="comment">       First check this number won't be a denormal itself */</font>
00236     <font class="keywordflow">if</font>((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023 &gt; 0) {
00237       <font class="comment">/* build the double 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)   */</font>                    
00238       nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] = ((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023)  &lt;&lt; 20;             
00239       nb.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;
00240       res *= nb.d;     <font class="comment">/* exact multiplication */</font>
00241     }
00242     <font class="keywordflow">else</font> { <font class="comment">/*offset the previous computation by 2^(2*SCS_NB_BITS) */</font>
00243       <font class="comment">/* build the double 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)   */</font>                    
00244       nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] = ((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023 + 2*SCS_NB_BITS)  &lt;&lt; 20;             
00245       nb.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;                                 
00246       res *= SCS_RADIX_MTWO_DOUBLE;  <font class="comment">/* exact multiplication */</font>
00247       res *= nb.d;                  <font class="comment">/* exact multiplication */</font>
00248     }
00249   } 
00252   <font class="keywordflow">else</font> { 
00253     <font class="comment">/* the final number is a denormal with 52-(expfinal+1022)</font>
00254 <font class="comment">       significant bits. */</font>
00256     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (expfinal &lt; -1022 - 53 ) {
00257       <font class="keywordflow">if</font>(rndMantissaUp)
00258         res = SCS_MIN_DOUBLE;
00259       <font class="keywordflow">else</font>
00260         res = 0.0;
00261     }
00262     <font class="keywordflow">else</font> {
00264       <font class="comment">/* align the rest of the mantissa to nb */</font>
00265       lowpart = lowpart &gt;&gt; (exp+(2*SCS_NB_BITS)-52);     
00266       <font class="comment">/* Finish to fill the mantissa */</font>
00267       nb.l = nb.l | lowpart; 
00269       <font class="comment">/* this is still a normal number. </font>
00270 <font class="comment">         Now remove its exponent and add back the implicit one */</font>
00271       nb.l = (nb.l &amp; 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF) | 0x0010000000000000;
00273       <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (rndMantissaUp &amp;&amp; (not_null)){
00274         nb.l = nb.l &gt;&gt; (-1022 - expfinal);
00275         nb.l = nb.l +1; <font class="comment">/* works even if we move back into the normals*/</font>
00276       }
00277       <font class="keywordflow">else</font>
00278         <font class="comment">/* keep only the significant bits */</font>
00279         nb.l = nb.l &gt;&gt; (-1022 - expfinal);
00281       res  = nb.d;
00283       <font class="comment">/* the exponent field is already set to zero so that's all */</font>
00284     }          
00285   } 
00287   <font class="comment">/* sign management */</font>                                                 
00288   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_SGN &lt; 0)                                                        
00289     *result = - res;                                                    
00290   <font class="keywordflow">else</font>                                                                  
00291     *result = res;
00292 }
00294 <font class="preprocessor">#if 0</font>
00295 <font class="preprocessor"></font><font class="keywordtype">void</font> get_d_directed0(<font class="keywordtype">double</font> *result, <a class="code" href="structscs.html">scs_ptr</a> x,<font class="keywordtype">int</font> rndMantissaUp)                                 
00296 {                                                                     
00297   <font class="keywordtype">unsigned</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> <font class="keywordtype">long</font> <font class="keywordtype">int</font> lowpart, t1;                                 
00298   scs_db_number nb, rndcorr;                                          
00299   <font class="keywordtype">int</font> i, exp, not_null;                                               
00300   <font class="keywordtype">double</font> res;                                                         
00301   <font class="comment">/* convert the MSB digit into a double, and store it in nb.d */</font>     
00302   nb.d = (double)X_HW[0];                                             
00303   <font class="comment">/* place the two next digits in lowpart */</font>                          
00304   t1   = X_HW[1];                                                     
00305   lowpart  = (t1 &lt;&lt; SCS_NB_BITS) + X_HW[2];                           
00306   <font class="comment">/* s/qNan, +/- Inf, +/- 0 */</font>                                        
00307   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_EXP != 1){                                                    
00308     *result = X_EXP;                                                  
00309     <font class="keywordflow">return</font>;                                                           
00310   }                                                                   
00311   <font class="comment">/* take the exponent */</font>                                             
00312   exp = ((nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] &amp; 0x7ff00000)&gt;&gt;20) - 1023;                  
00313   not_null = ((lowpart &lt;&lt; (64+52 - 2*SCS_NB_BITS - exp)) != 0 );      
00314   <font class="comment">/* align the rest of the mantissa  */</font>                               
00315   lowpart = lowpart &gt;&gt; (exp + 2*SCS_NB_BITS - 52);                    
00316   <font class="comment">/* Finish to fill the mantissa */</font>                                   
00317   nb.l = nb.l | lowpart;                                              
00318   <font class="comment">/* Test if we are not on an exact double precision number */</font>        
00319   <font class="keywordflow">for</font> (i=3; i&lt;SCS_NB_WORDS; i++)                                      
00320       <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_HW[i]!=0)  not_null = 1;                                  
00321   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (rndMantissaUp &amp;&amp; (not_null)){                                   
00322     rndcorr.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;                                         
00323     rndcorr.i[HI_ENDIAN] = (exp-52+1023)&lt;&lt;20;    <font class="comment">/* 2^(exp-52) */</font>     
00324   } <font class="keywordflow">else</font> {                                                            
00325       rndcorr.d = 0.0;                                                
00326   }                                                                   
00327   res  = nb.d + rndcorr.d;  <font class="comment">/* make a rounded to nearest   */</font>         
00328   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> ((X_IND &lt; SCS_MAX_RANGE) &amp;&amp; (X_IND &gt; -SCS_MAX_RANGE)){           
00329     <font class="comment">/* x is comfortably in the double-precision range */</font>              
00330     <font class="comment">/* build the double 2^(X_IND*SCS_NB_BITS)   */</font>                    
00331     nb.i[HI_ENDIAN] = ((X_IND)*SCS_NB_BITS +1023)  &lt;&lt; 20;             
00332     nb.i[LO_ENDIAN] = 0;                                              
00333     res *= nb.d;                                                      
00334   }<font class="keywordflow">else</font> {                                                             
00335     <font class="comment">/* x may end up being a denormal or overflow */</font>                   
00336     i    = X_IND;                                                     
00337     nb.d = 0;                                                         
00338     <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_IND &gt; 0){                                                   
00339       <font class="comment">/* one of the following computations may lead to an overflow */</font> 
00340       res *=SCS_RADIX_RNG_DOUBLE; <font class="comment">/* 2^(SCS_NB_BITS.SCS_MAX_RANGE) */</font> 
00341       i   -= SCS_MAX_RANGE;                                           
00342       <font class="keywordflow">while</font>((i--&gt;0)&amp;&amp;(res &lt;= SCS_MAX_DOUBLE)) {                           
00343         <font class="comment">/* second test means: This loop stops on overflow */</font>          
00344         res *= SCS_RADIX_ONE_DOUBLE;                                  
00345       }                                                               
00346     }<font class="keywordflow">else</font> {                                                           
00347       <font class="comment">/* One of the computations may lead to denormal/underflow */</font>    
00348       res *=SCS_RADIX_MRNG_DOUBLE; <font class="comment">/* 2^-(SCS_NB_BITS.SCS_MAX_RANGE)*/</font>
00349       i   += SCS_MAX_RANGE;                                           
00350       <font class="keywordflow">while</font>((i++&lt;0)&amp;&amp;(res != 0)) {                                    
00351         res *=SCS_RADIX_MONE_DOUBLE;                                  
00352       }                                                               
00353     }                                                                 
00354   }                                                                   
00355   <font class="comment">/* sign management */</font>                                               
00356   <font class="keywordflow">if</font> (X_SGN &lt; 0)                                                      
00357     *result = - res;                                                  
00358   <font class="keywordflow">else</font>                                                                
00359     *result = res;                                                    
00360 }
00362 <font class="preprocessor">#endif</font>
00363 <font class="preprocessor"></font><font class="comment">/*</font>
00364 <font class="comment"> * Rounded toward -Inf</font>
00365 <font class="comment"> */</font>
<a name="l00366"></a><a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a5">00366</a> <font class="keywordtype">void</font> <a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a5">scs_get_d_minf</a>(<font class="keywordtype">double</font> *result, <a class="code" href="structscs.html">scs_ptr</a> x){ 
00368   <font class="comment">/* round up the mantissa if negative  */</font>
00369   get_d_directed(result, x, (X_SGN&lt;0));
00370 }
00374 <font class="comment">/*</font>
00375 <font class="comment"> * Rounded toward +Inf</font>
00376 <font class="comment"> */</font>
<a name="l00377"></a><a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a6">00377</a> <font class="keywordtype">void</font> <a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a6">scs_get_d_pinf</a>(<font class="keywordtype">double</font> *result, <a class="code" href="structscs.html">scs_ptr</a> x){ 
00379   <font class="comment">/* round up the mantissa if positive  */</font>
00380   get_d_directed(result, x, (X_SGN&gt;=0));
00381 }
00385 <font class="comment">/*</font>
00386 <font class="comment"> * Rounded toward zero</font>
00387 <font class="comment"> */</font>
<a name="l00388"></a><a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a7">00388</a> <font class="keywordtype">void</font> <a class="code" href="scs2double_8c.html#a7">scs_get_d_zero</a>(<font class="keywordtype">double</font> *result, <a class="code" href="structscs.html">scs_ptr</a> x){ 
00389   <font class="comment">/* never round up the mantissa  */</font>
00390   get_d_directed(result, x, 0);
00391 }
</pre></div><hr><address align="right"><small>Generated on Tue Jun 17 10:15:51 2003 for SCSLib by
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