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<p class='vspace'></p><p><a class='wikilink' href='LiquidCrystal.html'>LiquidCrystal</a>
<p class='vspace'></p><h2>createChar()</h2>
<p>Create a custom character (gylph) for use on the LCD.  Up to eight characters of 5x8 pixels are supported (numbered 0 to 7).  The appearance of each custom character is specified by an array of eight bytes, one for each row.  The five least significant bits of each byte determine the pixels in that row.  To display a custom character on the screen, <a class='wikilink' href='LiquidCrystalWrite.html'>write</a>() its number.
<p class='vspace'></p><h4>Syntax</h4>
<p><em>lcd</em>.createChar(num, data)
<p class='vspace'></p><h4>Parameters</h4>
<p>lcd: a variable of type <span class='wikiword'>LiquidCrystal</span>
<p class='vspace'></p><p>num: which character to create (0 to 7)
<p class='vspace'></p><p>data: the character's pixel data
<p class='vspace'></p><h4>Example</h4>

#include &lt;LiquidCrystal.h&gt;

LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

byte smiley[8] = {

void setup() {
  lcd.createChar(0, smiley);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);  

void loop() {}

<p class='vspace'></p><p><a class='wikilink' href='index.html'>Reference Home</a>
<p class='vspace'></p><p><em>Corrections, suggestions, and new documentation should be posted to the <a class='urllink' href='' rel='nofollow'>Forum</a>.</em>
<p class='vspace'></p><p>The text of the Arduino reference is licensed under a
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