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<h2 class="chapter">7 Freqently Asked Questions</h2>

<p>This chapter was initially written by Mom/Cubic.
     <ol type=1 start=1>

     <li>What is OCP?

     <p>OCP is a music player which plays a variety of sound formats on several sound cards.

     <li>What sound cards are supported?

     <p>OSS, Open Sound System

     <p>ALSA, via OSS legacy interface

     <p>Disk Writer, writes .WAV output on disk.

     <p>Quiet Player

     <li>What music formats are supported?

     <p>MOD/NST/WOW, XM, S3M, DMF, MTM, ULT, 669, OKT, PTM, AMS, MDL, IT, MIDI, SID, OGG and MPEG 1 audio layer 1/2/3

     <li>Which is the last version of OCP for Unix?

     <p>The last OCP version is the 0.1.20 Version.

     <li>Are you going to release new versions?

     <p>Windows/DOS: Perhaps not. We are all busy doing other things.

     <p>UNIX: Yes

     <li>Now, how does that MIDI player thing work?

     <p>OCP's MIDI player does not, like other programs, use the MIDI capabilities of your
sound card / Korg Trinity or whatever, but uses the patch files of
the famous Gravis Ultrasound to synthesize the MIDI output itself
(just like Timidity or kmidi under KDE) via it&rdquo;s normal wavetable
system. So the only thing you need are the GUS patch files which
are available at our site. Simply open a new subdir called "MIDI"
in OCP's directory, copy all patch files &ldquo;.PAT&rdquo; into it and there
you go.

     <p>Users of a Gravis Ultrasound only have to make sure their
ULTRADIR environment variable is set correctly or state the
patch file and &ldquo;ULTRASND.INI&rdquo; location in &ldquo;ocp.ini&rdquo;.

     <li>Does that mean I can listen to MIDI files even with my old SBPro?

     <p>Of course - if your soundcard works with the rest of OCP, you will
be able to play MIDI files, too - as long you as got the GUS Patch
files as written above.

     <li>Hey, I have a module which OCP plays wrong! You SUCK!

     <p>Well, it's in fact YOU who sucks, as you didn't send that module together
with a bug report to <a href=""></a>. How the hell can we
fix bugs if we don't know them?

     <li>OCP plays my &ldquo;.it&rdquo; files much too soft, IT's internal mixer
sounds a lot better, why don't you just fix it?

     <p>Because this is a
religious question. OCP's mixing routines are designed for maximum
sound quality which also includes things like declicking and
quadratic interpolation, IT's mixing routines are just optimized
for speed without really caring about sound quality (speaking of
the non-MMX routines). So OCP's sound differs a bit, if you are
not pleased with it, feel free to use IT again ;)

     <li>Can you give me the source or a part of the source from OCP?

     <p>The complete source code can be found on the official OCP sites,
covered under the GNU GPL.

     <li>I have a problem finding a small routine that will play mod files. 
I wanted to know if you can help finding a routine, lib or
something like this.

     <p>Try our Tiny XM Player, a free XM Player inc. source.

     <li>Why don't you implement Nibbles, or similar game, in Cubic? Like
FT2-nibbles? Or just plain Snake...

     <p>Get ahold of a coder, give
him the source and force him to implement it, if it's a GOOD
nibbles version, we might include it into the "official" release ;)

     <li>What does "Wurfel Mode" actually do?

     <p>"Wurfel" is german word for cube/dice. The mode plays an animation.

     <li>Can I make my own "Wurfel Mode" animation?

     <p>Of course you can. On our site you'll find the program WAP (WurfelAnimator
Professional) which can convert &ldquo;.pcx&rdquo; frames to a Wurfel Mode animation.

     <li>How can I put a picture to the background on OCP?

     <p>Convert your Picture to a TGA-file, these pics have to be 640x384x208 TGAs,
the first or the last 48 colors must not be used.  You can also save
your image as a 640x384x208 gif87 picture. Either the first or the
last 48 colors of the palette have to be black.

