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<h2 class="chapter">1 Installation and files</h2>

<h3 class="section">1.1 Installation</h3>

<p>Some UNIX variants allready have Open Cubic Player in their packaging systems. 
If not, you are going to need to download the source and extract it.

tar xfz ocp-0.1.20.tar.bz2

   <p>Please make sure that you have development-packages of the following libraries

libsidplay 1.x
libvorbis / libogg

   <p>To compile and install do the following

cd ocp-0.1.20
./configure &amp;&amp; make install

   <p>If configure complains about any-missing headers/libraries, please consule the
list above needed libraries.

<h3 class="section">1.2 Files</h3>

<p>When OCP loads a module the information stored inside the file is read and
stored in a special file( the <em>module information cache</em>.) Actually the
cache splits up into three files:
<li>CPARCHS.DAT   Information about archives and files stored inside
<li>CONDZTAG.DAT  Paths to <samp><span class="file">.MDZ</span></samp> files (see appendix See <a href="mdz.html#mdz">mdz</a>.) 
<li>CPMODNFO.DAT  Informations about various modules
   If you delete these files all file information gathered is permanently lost.

   <p>The <samp><span class="file">doc</span></samp> directory contains documentation files in various formats
and release notes etc. You can safely delete this directory if you are running
out of disk space.

<h3 class="section">1.3 OCP and ALSA (linux)</h3>

<p>OCP doesn't support ALSA directly, since OCP is written for OSS which is
cross-platform. Please load <samp><span class="file">snd-pcm-oss</span></samp> and <samp><span class="file">snd-mixer-oss</span></samp>, to
provide a legacy OSS interface from ALSA.
