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<h2 class="chapter">6 Support</h2>

<p>The official internet homepage of OCP can be found under:
<a href=""></a>

   <p>Please send any suggestions and bug reports via electronic mail to Tammo
Hinrichs <a href=""></a> and comments about this documentation to Dirk Jagdmann
<a href=""></a>.

   <p>If you encountered a bug in OCP please send
a detailed bug report to Tammo Hinrichs. Many people complain about music
files not being played properly (especially with module formats). Please keep
in mind that the original tracking/sequencing program is <em>always</em> the
reference for correct playback. If a music file sound different compared to
another player, please keep in mind that perhaps the other program does not
play it correct. This is especially true for Amiga 4channel modules. As those
files can be produced using various trackers (Noise-, Sound-, Protracker and
many, many more) and sadly all of those trackers play slightly different, a
general player like OCP can not play <em>all</em> modules correctly. We try to
emulate the behaviour of ProTracker 1.1b, so that most modules are
played correctly. However certain features of one tracker permit another
feature of a different player.

<h3 class="section">6.1 The Team</h3>

<p>Currently the core team of OCP devolopers consists of 5 people:

   <p>Tammo Hinrichs - main coder &amp; ruler
Felix Domke - coder
Fabian Giesen - coder
Dirk Jagdmann - generic support, this and that
Stian Skjelstad - unix port
